Part One: Adolescence as a Social Transition
1. Preparing for Life: The Critical Transition of AdolescenceDavid A. Hamburg (1986)
2. A Cross-Cultural Approach to AdolescenceAlice Schlegel (1995)3. Developmental Contextualism, and the Further Enhancement of Theory About Puberty and Psychosocial DevelopmentRichard M. Lerner (1992)
Part Two: Adolescence as a Biological Transition
4. Sequence, Tempo, and Individual Variation in Growth and Development of Boys and Girls Aged Twelve to SixteenJ. M. Tanner (1971)
5. Interactive Effects of Menarcheal Status and Dating on Dieting and Disordered EatingElizabeth Cauffman and Laurence Steinberg (1996)6. A Study of White Middle-Class Adolescent Boys' Responses to "Semenarche"James H. Stein and Lynn Whisnant Reiser (1994)
Part Three: Adolescence as a Cognitive Transition
7. Intellectual Evolution from Adolescence to AdulthoodJean Piaget (1972)
8. Inhelder and Piaget on Adolescence and Adulthood: A Postmodern AppraisalDavid Elkind (1996)9. Ethnicity, Class, Cognitive and Motivational StylesJames A. Banks (1988)
10. Egocentrism in AdolescenceDavid Elkind (1967)Part Four: The Family
11. Parents and Adolescents in ConflictRaymond Montemayor (1983)
12. Urban Poverty and the Family Context of Delinquency: A New Look at Structure and Process in a Class StudyRobert J. Sampson and John H. Laub (1994)13. Adolescents' Intimacy with Parents and FriendsTiffany Field, Claudia Lang, Regina Yando, and Debra Bendell (1995)
Part Five: Peers
14. The Company They Keep: Friendships and Their Developmental SignificanceW. Hartup Willard (1996)
15. In the Eye of the Beholder: Adolescents' Perceptions of Peer Crowd StereotypesMargaret R. Stone and B. Bradford Brown (1997)16. Friendship and Friends' Influence in AdolescenceThomas J. Berndt (1992)
Part Six: The School
17. The Adjustment of Early Adolescents to School TransitionsDale A. Blyth, Roberta G. Simmons and Steven Carlton-Ford (1983)
18. Black Students' School Success: Coping with the "Burden of "Acting Whit'"Signithia Fordham and John U. Ogbu (1986)19. Ethnic Differences in Adolescent Achievement: An Ecological PerspectiveLaurence Steinberg, Stanford M. Dornbusch and B. Bradford Brown (1992)
Part Seven: Moral Judgement - Ego Development
20. The Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Moral EducationLawrence Kohlberg (1975)
21. Ego Development in AdolescenceJane Loevinger (1990)22. Two Moral Orientations Carol Gilligan and Jane Attanucci (1988)
Part Eight: Identity Development
23. Youth and The Life CycleErik H. Erikson (1960)
24. Marcia's Expansion of Erikson's Theory of Identity FormationRolf E. Muuss (1996)25. Stages of Ethnic Identity Development in Minority Group AdolescentsJean S. Phinney (1989)
Part Nine: Dating and Sexuality
26. Steady Dating and Self-Esteem in High School StudentsDonna L. McDonald and John Paul McKinney (1994)
27. Unwanted and Illegal Sexual Experiences in Childhood and AdolescenceNancy D. Kellogg and Thomas J. Hoffman (1995)28. Verbal and Physical Abuse and Stressors in the Lives of Lesbian, Gay Male, and Bisexual Youths: Associations with School Problems, Running Away, Substance Abuse, Prostitution and SuicideRitch C. Savin-Williams (1994)
Part Ten: Diversity in Adolescence
29. Challenges in Studying Minority Youth Margaret Beale Spencer and Sanford M. Dornbusch (1990)
30. DiversityRichard M. Lerner (1992)31. At the Interface of Cultures: Mulltiethnic/Multiracial High School and College StudentsJean S. Phinney and Linda L. Alipuria (1996)
Part Eleven: Gender Roles and Gender Differences
32. Exit- Voice Dilemmas in Adolescent DevelopmentCarol Gilligan (1988)
33. Football, Fast Cars, and Cheerleading: Adolescent Gender Norms, 1978-1989J. Jill Sutior and Rebel Reavis (1995)34. Social Cognitive Development and Psychopathology During AdolescenceKimberly A. Schonert-Reichl and Kathleen Beaudoin (1994)
Part Twelve: Health Issues Related to Adolescents
35. Protecting Adolescents from Harm: Findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent HealthMichael D. Resnick, et al. (1997)
36. Eating Disorder: Anorexia Nervosa and BulimiaRolf E. Muuss (1990)37. Street Youth in Los Angeles: Profile of a Group at High Risk for Immunodeficiency Virus InfectionMichele D. Kipke, Susan O'Connor, Ray Palmer, and Richard MacKenzie (1995)
Part Thirteen: Psychosocial Problems and Risk-Taking
38. Increasing Risk Behavior Among AdolescentsRolf E. Muuss and Harriet D. Porton
39. Ethnic and Gender Differences in Risk for Early Adolescent Substance UseDaniel J. Flannery, Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Julia Torquati, and Angela Fridrich (1994)40. Early Risk Factor for Serious Antisocial Behavior at Age 21Bilge Pakiz, Helen Z. Reinherz, and Rose M. Giaconia (1997)
Name Index
Subject Index