The Japan Christian year book 1965; A Survey of the Christian movement in Japan During 1964 Editat de Gordon K. Chapman 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 252.54 lei 3-5 săpt.
Laboratory technique in biology and medicine Autor E. V. Cowdry 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 243.51 lei 3-5 săpt.
Life and times of Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) with a new translation of his Apology and an account of his journeys in divers places Autor Ambroise Paré et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 170.97 lei 3-5 săpt.
Manuscripts in public and private collections in the United States Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 144.39 lei 3-5 săpt.
Members of the Beaufort hunt, past & present Autor Haywood Henry 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 106.32 lei 3-5 săpt.
A memorial of the town of Hampstead, New Hampshire Autor Harriette Eliza Noyes 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 258.70 lei 3-5 săpt.
Nomenclator zoologicus. An alphabetical list of all generic names that have been employed by naturalists for recent and fossil animals from the earliest times to the close of the year 1879 Autor Samuel Hubbard Scudder 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 442.19 lei 496.84 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
Pelagius's expositions of thirteen epistles of St. Paul I Autor Alexander Souter 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 176.18 lei 3-5 săpt.
Rolls of the soldiers in the revolutionary war, 1775, to May, 1777 Autor Isaac W. Hammond 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 304.27 lei 3-5 săpt.
Rossa's recollections, 1838 to 1898 Autor O'Donovan Rossa 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 190.79 lei 3-5 săpt.
Somerset, Dighton, Swansea, Seekonk and Rehoboth, Massachusetts Directory 1921 (Volume IX) Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 146.91 lei 3-5 săpt.
A son of the forest. The experience of William Apes, a native of the forest Autor William Apes 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 135.63 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Spanish journal of Elizabeth, lady Holland Autor Edited by The Earl Of Ilchester 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 206.23 lei 3-5 săpt.
Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 (Volume I) Autor James Bruce 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 450.21 lei 3-5 săpt.
Vital records of Marlborough, Massachusetts Autor Marlborough 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 191.29 lei 3-5 săpt.
Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey Autor Emily Bronte et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 206.23 lei 3-5 săpt.
Mirrors, prisms and lenses; a text-book of geometrical optics Autor James P. C. Southall 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 248.10 lei 3-5 săpt.
Mother Mary Veronica, foundress of the Sisterhood of the Divine Compassion Autor Herman J. Heuser 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 126.09 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Official American textile directory; containing reports of all the textile manufacturing establishments in the United States and Canada, together with the yarn trade index 1915 Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 448.91 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Official American textile directory; containing reports of all the textile manufacturing establishments in the United States and Canada, together with the yarn trade index 1917 Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 429.05 lei 482.08 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
Operation Crossroads, the official pictorial record Autor Joint Task Force One 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 214.89 lei 3-5 săpt.
The origin and history of Irish names of places (Volume II) Autor P. W. Joyce 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 225.72 lei 3-5 săpt.
Pattern design; a book for students, treating in a practical way of the anatomy, planning & evolution of repeated ornament Autor Lewis F. Day 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 155.51 lei 3-5 săpt.
Record of mares & sires Autor Hunters' Improvement Society 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 164.83 lei 3-5 săpt.
Records and files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts (Volume II) Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 223.88 lei 3-5 săpt.
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Volumes I to LXXXIII) Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 151.74 lei 3-5 săpt.
1918 Yearbook of American churches Covering The Year 1917 Autor Clyde F. Armitage 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 147.95 lei 3-5 săpt.
Zoological names. A list of phyla, classes, and orders, prepared for section F, American Association for the Advancement of Science Autor A. S. Pearse 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 92.93 lei 3-5 săpt.
History of Lebanon, N.H., 1761-1887 Autor Charles Algernon Downs 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 250.26 lei 3-5 săpt.
History of Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscott, and Nahant (Volume II) Autor James R. Newhall 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 193.50 lei 3-5 săpt.
History of the town of Amherst, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire Autor Daniel F. Secomb 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 354.26 lei 3-5 săpt.
History of the town of Douglas, (Massachusetts) from the earliest period to the close of 1878 Autor William Andres Emerson 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 296.80 lei 3-5 săpt.
A History of the town of Freetown, Massachusetts Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 155.51 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Indian village community Autor B. H. Baden-Powell 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 212.40 lei 3-5 săpt.
Johannes Brahms; the Herzogenberg correspondence Autor Max Kalbeck et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 338.33 lei 3-5 săpt.
Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society Autor A. W. Bennett 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 312.94 lei 3-5 săpt.
Les insectes, morphologie - reproduction - embryogenie Autor L. F. Henneguy 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 483.82 lei 543.62 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
The Massachusetts register 1872, Containing a record of State and County Officers. And a Directory of Merchants, Manufactures, Etc. Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 468.02 lei 525.86 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
The meaning of adult education Autor Eduard C. Lindeman 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 140.41 lei 3-5 săpt.
Middletown Upper Houses; a history of the north society of Middletown, Connecticut, from 1650 to 1800, with genealogical and biographical chapters on early families and a full genealogy of the Ranney family Autor Charles Collard Adams 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 574.14 lei 645.10 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
The history of Fayette County, Iowa, containing a history of the county, its cities, towns, &c., a biographical directory of its citizens, war record of its volunteers in the late rebellion, portraits of early settlers and prominent men, history of the No Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 444.27 lei 499.17 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
A life of John Taylor of Ashburne, Rector of Bosworth, prebendary of Westminster, & friend of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Together with an account of the Taylors & Websters of Ashburne, with pedigrees and copious genealogical notes Autor Thomas Taylor 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 126.78 lei 3-5 săpt.
An essay towards an Indian bibliography Autor Thomas W. Field 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 198.54 lei 3-5 săpt.
The child and childhood in folk-thought (The child in primitive culture) by Alexander Francis Chamberlain Autor Alexander Francis Chamberlain 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 207.43 lei 3-5 săpt.
The international Jewish cook book; a modern "kosher" cook book Autor Greenbaum et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 198.04 lei 3-5 săpt.
Lien Law of the State of New York Autor William L. Snyder 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 303.89 lei 3-5 săpt.
The life and times of Henry Gassaway Davis, 1823-1916 Autor Charles M. Pepper 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 172.44 lei 3-5 săpt.
The old royal palace of Whitehall Autor Edgar Sheppard 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 232.88 lei 3-5 săpt.
The historical Christ, or, An investigation of the views of Mr. J.M. Robertson, Dr. A. Drews, and Prof. W.B. Smith Autor Frederick C. Conybeare 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 143.13 lei 3-5 săpt.
The life of Saint Francis of Assisi, and a sketch of the Franciscan order Autor Pamfilo Da Magliano 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 256.89 lei 3-5 săpt.
A Catalogue of English and foreign theology Autor John Leslie 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 55.04 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
History of secret societies, and of the Republican party of France from 1830 to 1848; containing sketches of Louis-Philippe and the revolution of February; together with portraits, conspiracies, and unpublished facts Autor Lucien De La Hodde 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 208.69 lei 3-5 săpt.
Life and the conditions of survival, the physical basis of ethics, sociology and religion Autor Brooklyn Ethical Association 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 203.96 lei 3-5 săpt.
Dictionary of political economy (Volume III) N-Z Autor R. H. Inglis Palgrave 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 460.65 lei 517.58 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
Seonee; or, Camp life on the Satpura Range; a tale of Indian adventure Autor Robert Armitage Sterndale 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 207.80 lei 3-5 săpt.
Civil war and reconstruction in Alabama Autor Walter L. Fleming 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 317.36 lei 3-5 săpt.
The border papers. Calender of letters and papers relating to the affairs of the borders of England and Scotland, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London (Volume II) A.D. 1595-1603 Editat de Joseph Bain 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 558.89 lei 627.97 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
A text-book of church history (Volume I) A.D. 1-726 Autor Samuel Davidson 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 236.47 lei 3-5 săpt.
Gnomon of the New Testament (Volume V) Autor John Albert Bengel 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 211.59 lei 3-5 săpt.
Prominent families of New York; Being An Account in Biographical form of Individuals and Families Distinguished as Representatives of the Social, Professional and Civil Life of New York City M-DCCC-XC-VII Editat de Lyman Horace Weeks 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 441.66 lei 3-5 săpt.
Tottel's miscellany; Songes and Sonettes Autor Richard Tottel et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 152.83 lei 3-5 săpt.
Guide through Mount Auburn. A hand-book for passengers over the Cambridge Railroad. Illustrated with engravings and a plan of the cemetery Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 236.09 lei 3-5 săpt.
Bibliography of bibliographies on chemistry and chemical technology, 1900-1924 Autor Clarence J. West 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 432.08 lei 3-5 săpt.
The campaigns and history of the Royal Irish regiment from 1684 to 1902 Autor George Le M. Gretton 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 369.23 lei 3-5 săpt.
Centennial of Meriden, June 10-16, 1906; Report of the Proceedings, with full Description of the Many Events of Its Successful Celebration; Old Home Week Autor Meriden et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 314.80 lei 3-5 săpt.
The eighteen nineties; a review of art and ideas at the close of the nineteenth century Autor Holbrook Jackson 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 169.73 lei 3-5 săpt.
Hand book of pharmacy and therapeutics Lilly Autor Unknown 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 277.40 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Hawaiian romance of Laieikawai Autor S. N. Haleole et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 187.88 lei 3-5 săpt.
Historical sketch book and guide to New Orleans and environs, with map. Illustrated with many original engravings; and containing exhaustive accounts of the traditions, historical legends, and remarkable localities of the Creole city Autor William Head Coleman 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 290.42 lei 3-5 săpt.
History of Barnstead from its first settlement in 1727 to 1872 Autor Jeremiah P. Jewett 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 151.87 lei 3-5 săpt.
Catalogue of manuscript music in the British museum (Volume II) Secular Vocal Music Autor Augustus Hughes-Hughes 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 558.89 lei 627.97 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%
Catalogue of manuscript music in the British museum (Volume III) Instrumental Music, Treatises Autor Augustus Hughes-Hughes 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 404.08 lei 3-5 săpt.
De orbe novo, the eight Decades of Peter Martyr d'Anghera (Volume II) Autor Pietro Martire D'Anghiera et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 211.22 lei 3-5 săpt.
A history of the old Berks Hunt from 1760 to 1904 Autor F. C. Loder Symonds et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 218.09 lei 3-5 săpt.
The history of Sutton, New Hampshire Autor Augusta H. Worthen 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 249.07 lei 3-5 săpt.
History of the town of Carver, Massachusetts Autor Henry S. Griffith 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 217.38 lei 3-5 săpt.
The life of Blessed Peter Favre of the Society of Jesus, first companion of St. Ignatius Loyola Autor Giuseppe Boero 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 198.54 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Mythology of all races (Volume I) Greek and Roman Autor Louis H. Gray et al. 7 apr 2020 Paperback Preț: 407.36 lei 457.71 lei 3-5 săpt. -11%