Cărți de Baby

An infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning 'unable to speak' or 'speechless') is the more formal or specialised synonym for the common term baby, meaning the very young offspring of human beings. The term may also be used to refer to juveniles of other organisms. A newborn is, in colloquial use, an infant who is only hours, days, or up to one month old. In medical contexts, newborn or neonate (from Latin, neonatus, newborn) refers to an infant in the first 28 days after birth; the term applies to premature, full term, and postmature infants.
Before birth, the term fetus is used. The term infant is typically applied to very young children under one year of age; however, definitions may vary and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, the term toddler may be used instead.

100 First Words - Spanish Edition - Reading 3rd Grade | Children's Reading & Writing Books

Julius Caesar

Wave Hi and Goodbye to Energy! An Introduction to Waves - Physics Lessons for Kids | Children's Physics Books

An Introduction to the Wonderful World of Robotics - Science Book for Kids | Children's Science Education Books

Archimedes and His Numbers - Biography Books for Kids 9-12 Children's Biography Books

What Happens During An Eclipse? Astronomy Book Best Sellers | Children's Astronomy Books

Ares vs. Athena

From Islam to Christian - Religious Festivals from around the World - Religion for Kids Children's Religion Books

Is It This Way or That? Following Directions for Kids | Children's Basic Concepts Books

What is Gene Therapy? Disease Treatments, Cloning, Genetic Engineering and Today's Society Grade 6-8 Life Science

Archimedes and His Numbers - Biography Books for Kids 9-12 | Children's Biography Books

The Reason for Seasons!

A Gnome in the Biome!

An Introduction to Waves | Electromagnetic and Mechanical Waves |.Self Taught Physics | Science Grade 6 | Children's Physics Books

Making Friends and Keeping Them Is Not Easy! | How to Be a Good Friend for Kids Grade 5 | Children's Friendship & Social Skills Books

A Search for a New Home

Everything You Need to Know About Asteroids, Meteors and Comets Guide to Astronomy Grade 3 Children's Astronomy & Space Books

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Inuit Believe in Spirits

Painters of the Caves | Prehistoric Art on Cave and Rock | Fourth Grade Social Studies | Children's Art Books

The Roman Legacy | Lessons from Roman Art to Law | Books about Rome | Social Studies 6th Grade | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

How Are Mountains Made? | Mountains of the World for Kids Grade 5 | Children's Earth Sciences Books

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The Human Body | Organs and Organ Systems Books | Science Kids Grade 7 | Children's Biology Books

Geologic Processes and Events | The Changing Earth | Geology Book | Interactive Science Grade 8 | Children's Earth Sciences Books

The Tang Dynasty

Who Built the The Panama Canal? | The U.S. as a World Power | 6th Grade History | Children's American History

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Everything Earthquakes and Tsunamis | Natural Disaster Books for Kids Grade 5 | Children's Earth Sciences Books

What's Inside a Volcano? Where Is the Ring of Fire? | Children's Science Books Grade 5 | Children's Earth Sciences Books

Can You See Sound? | Characteristics of Sound | ABCs of Physics | General Science 3rd Grade | Children's Physics Books

What's the Matter?| Measuring Heat and Matter | Fourth Grade Nonfiction Books | Science, Nature & How It Works

What Makes Earth Our Home Planet? | Formation and Composition of Rocks and Soil | Geology for Kids | 4th Grade Science | Children's Earth Sciences Books

Earth and Its Natural Resource | Solar System & the Universe | Fourth Grade Non Fiction Books | Children's Astronomy & Space Books


Why Do We Have Night and Day? Effects of Planetary Motions | Teaching Kids Science Grade 3 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

How Satellites Are Used for Remote Sensing | First Space Encyclopedia Grade 4 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

How Can A Child, Like You, Protect the Big Earth? Conservation Biology Grade 4 | Children's Environment Books

What Are Exoplanets? Space Science Books Grade 4 Children's Astronomy & Space Books

Where Are They Now? | Extinct Animals That Once Walked the Earth | Scientific Explorer Third Grade | Children's Zoology Books

Everything You Need to Know about the Mesozoic Eras | Eras on Earth | Science Book for 3rd Grade | Children's Earth Sciences Books

Scientific Investigation | Discussions and Simple Experiments | Science Kids | Science Grade 4 | Science, Nature & How It Works

Layers of the Earth | A Study of Earth's Structure | Introduction to Geology | Interactive Science Grade 8 | Children's Earth Sciences Books

The Earth's Oceans | Composition and Underwater Features | Interactive Science Grade 8 | Children's Oceanography Books

The Origin of the Universe | Understanding the Universe | Astronomy Book | Science Grade 8 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

How to Use Geographic Tools | The World in Spatial Terms | Social Studies Grade 3 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

The World is Bigger Than You Think | Exploration of the Americas | Social Studies Grade 3 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books


Finding Just the Right Place | Reasons for Human Migration | 3rd Grade Social Studies | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Conflicts with the Pueblos | Hopi, Zuni and the Spaniards | Exploration of the Americas | Social Studies 3rd Grade | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Wonders and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt | Ancient Civilization | Egypt for Kids | Fourth Grade Social Studies | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Aztecs, Incas & Mayans Similarities and Differences Ancient Civilization Book Fourth Grade Social Studies Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Out of the Kitchen and Into the Heat | 5 Brave Women of the American Revolutionary War | Social Studies Grade 4 | Children's Government Books

Nubian Kingdom (1000 BC)

Something is Covering the Sun! Solar Eclipse Explained | Solar System Children's Book Grade 3 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

Comets, Meteors and Asteroids | Science Space Books Grade 3 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

Migration and Animal Adaptations Books for Kids Grade 3 | Children's Environment Books

The Earth is a Changing Planet | Earthquakes, Glaciers, Volcanoes and Forces that Affect Surface Changes Grade 3 | Children's Earth Sciences Books

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From the Deepest Trenches to the Highest Mountains

The Stories of Loki and Thor | Nordic Mythology Grade 3 | Children's Folk Tales & Myths

Female Goddesses of Norse Mythology

The Importance of Storytellers in Inuit Society | Inuit Children's Book Grade 3 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

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Life in the Woodlands

The Amazon Rainforest

Saturn and Its Rings | Astronomy for Kids Books Grade 4 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

Can Humans Live in Mars? Astronomy Book for Kids Grade 4 Children's Astronomy & Space Books

See Me in Jupiter | Astronomy Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

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What is an Asteroid Belt? | Universe Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

Who Are the Yakama? | Native American People Grade 4 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books

Does the Yeti Really Live in the Himalayas? | Hiking in Nepal Grade 4 | Children's Geography & Cultures Books


Organism Adaptation and Competition | Life Interactions | Scientific Explorer | Book for Third Graders | Children's Environment Books

Climate and Weather

Puritans vs. Native Americans | King Philip's War | North American Colonization | US History 3rd Grade | Children's American History

Behavior of Sound Waves | Physics Made Easy Grade 3 | Children's Physics Books

Modern Inventions in Energy

Spanish Explorers of Southwest America | Explorers of the Americas Grade 3 | Children's Exploration Books

What Were the Seven Cities of Cibola? | History of America Grade 3 | Children's Exploration Books

How Hot is Mercury? | Space Science Books Grade 4 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites

How are Planets Named? | Planets in the Solar System | Science Grade 4 | Children's Astronomy & Space Books

The Cell Theory | Biology's Core Principle | Biology Book | Science Grade 7 | Children's Biology Books

Traditional vs. Modern | Changes in the Inuit Way of Life | Alaskan Inuits | 3rd Grade Social Studies | Children's Geography & Cultures Books