Problems and New Solutions in the Boolean Domain
27 apr 2016
Preț: 431.60 lei 532.84 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Restoring the Balance
Autor John Andrew Morrow
27 apr 2016
Preț: 439.29 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Questions of Authority
Autor Nizar Zouidi
17 apr 2016
Preț: 384.69 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Mythmaking across Boundaries
7 apr 2016
Preț: 393.79 lei 486.16 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Religion and Realism
21 apr 2016
Preț: 384.35 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Dan Brown Craze
Autor Aiping Zhang
24 apr 2016
Preț: 394.28 lei 486.76 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Writing New Worlds
18 apr 2016
Preț: 393.28 lei 485.53 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Yea, Alabama! A Peek into the Past of One of the Most Storied Universities in the Nation
Autor David M. Battles
19 apr 2016
Preț: 228.68 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Hebrew Orphan Asylum Band of New York City, 1874-1941
Autor Carol Shansky
17 apr 2016
Preț: 384.94 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Competition Policy and Resource Utilization
Autor David Oluwadare Adetoro
27 apr 2016
Preț: 392.89 lei 485.05 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Whirlwind of Passion
17 apr 2016
Preț: 393.05 lei 485.25 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Representations of Elderly People in the Scenes of Jesus' Childhood in Tuscan Paintings, 14th-16th Centuries
Autor Welleda Muller
27 apr 2016
Preț: 439.29 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Edmund Burke, the Imperatives of Empire and the American Revolution
21 apr 2016
Preț: 393.81 lei 486.19 lei
Indisponibil temporar
This Deep Pierian Spring
Autor S. Sia
23 mar 2016
Preț: 272.17 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Recent Advances in Science and Technology Education, Ranging from Modern Pedagogies to Neuroeducation and Assessment
2 mar 2016
Preț: 402.93 lei 497.44 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Emancipating the Many
Autor Wolfgang Fiel
8 mar 2016
Preț: 438.52 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Proceedings of the Yoga & Psyche Conference (2014)
Editat de Gabriel Axel et al.
29 mar 2016
Preț: 441.30 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Chinese Continuum of Self-Cultivation: A Confucian-Deweyan Learning Model
Autor Christine A. Hale
14 mar 2016
Preț: 384.35 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Jawless Fishes of the World Volume 1
Editat de Richard Beamish et al.
mar 2016
Preț: 546.91 lei 675.20 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Mobility and Family in Transnational Space
Editat de Tatiana Ferreira et al.
mar 2016
Preț: 440.00 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Something Out of the Ordinary? Interpreting Diversity in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik and Beyond
20 mar 2016
Preț: 468.09 lei 577.89 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Jewish Identity in French Cinema (1950-2010)
Autor Serge Bokobza
2 mar 2016
Preț: 441.30 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Emotionally Intelligent College: Transforming Third Level Education to Help Students and Educators Reach Their Maximum Potential
14 mar 2016
Preț: 385.12 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Bible and Art: Exploring the Covenant of God's Love in Word and Image
Autor Robert Ignatius Letellier et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 440.11 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Age of Dystopia: One Genre, Our Fears and Our Future
Editat de Louisa MacKay Demerjian
14 mar 2016
Preț: 384.39 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Diversity and Homogeneity: The Politics of Nation, Ethnicity and Gender
Editat de Joanna Kruczkowska et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 385.50 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Ex-Sistere: Women's Mobility in Contemporary Irish, Welsh and Galician Literatures
Editat de Maria Jesus Lorenzo-Modia et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 442.41 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Non-Representation of the Agricultural Labourers in 18th and 19th Century English Paintings
Autor Penelope McElwee
14 mar 2016
Preț: 438.93 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Karachi in the Twenty-First Century: Political, Social, Economic and Security Dimensions
Autor Mansoor Bin Tahnoon Al Nehayan et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 442.64 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Seeing Whole: Toward an Ethics and Ecology of Sight
Editat de Asbjorn Gronstad et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 392.85 lei 485.00 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Representing and (de)Constructing Borderlands
Editat de Jacek Partyka Grzegorz Moroz et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 438.59 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Language at Work: Analysing Language Use in Work, Education, Medical and Museum Contexts
Editat de Helen De Silva Joyce et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 439.54 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Land of Fertility I: South-East Mediterranean Since the Bronze Age to the Muslim Conquest
Editat de Malgorzata Kajzer et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 384.16 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Scale, Governance and Change in Zambezi Teak Forests: Sustainable Development for Commodity and Community
Autor Michael Musgrave
14 mar 2016
Preț: 393.03 lei 485.22 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Extraction and Analysis of Modal Auxiliaries in Consecutive Clauses from a Corpus
Autor Robert Chartrand
29 feb 2016
Preț: 384.64 lei
Indisponibil temporar
A New Theory of Mind: The Theory of Narrative Thought
Autor Lee Roy Beach with Byron Bissell et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 439.19 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Jawless Fishes of the World
Editat de Richard Beamish et al.
8 mar 2016
Preț: 393.70 lei 486.05 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Global Justice and Consecutive Constructivism: A Political Theory in the Age of Global Environmental Crisis
Autor Joon H. Chung
14 mar 2016
Preț: 384.86 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Theory of Evolution: From a Space Vacuum to Neural Ensembles and Moving Forward
Autor Oleg Bazaluk
14 mar 2016
Preț: 385.12 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Roaming, Wandering, Deviation and Error
Autor Mayra Helena Olalquiaga
2 mar 2016
Preț: 387.61 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Medical Brochure as a Textual Genre
Autor Goretti Faya Ornia
14 mar 2016
Preț: 417.78 lei 439.77 lei
Indisponibil temporar
'Untitled': A Memoir of Ireland's Nascent Years
Autor Tomas Bairaad et al.
14 mar 2016
Preț: 439.77 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Theorizing Images
22 mar 2016
Preț: 439.96 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Relationship Between the Italian Leftist Parties and the Conflict in the Middle East
Autor Nicola Seu
2 mar 2016
Preț: 387.61 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Sustainable Tourism in the Global South
Editat de Mohamed Aslam et al.
29 mar 2016
Preț: 393.70 lei 486.05 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Continental Shifts, Shifts in Perception
Editat de Sharmilla Beezmohun
16 mar 2016
Preț: 387.61 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Social Construction of Reality as Communicative Action
Autor Antonio Sandu
3 mar 2016
Preț: 387.61 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Governing Environment
Autor Sanjay Sharma
20 mar 2016
Preț: 438.90 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Incorporations of Chineseness
Autor Serena Fusco
30 mar 2016
Preț: 440.13 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Achieving Consilience
29 mar 2016
Preț: 439.74 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Toolbox for the Application of the Rules of Targeting
Autor Tetyana (Tanya) Krupiy
17 mar 2016
Preț: 414.11 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Stonemason of Saint-Point by Alphonse de Lamartine
9 feb 2016
Preț: 383.53 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Education and Teacher Education in the Modern World
Editat de P. Calogiannakis et al.
8 feb 2016
Preț: 430.67 lei 531.69 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Ancient Women in Modern Media
Editat de Burns, K. S. et al.
8 feb 2016
Preț: 384.10 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Four Questions on Visual Self-Recognition
Autor David Butler
7 feb 2016
Preț: 440.28 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Divine Rite of Kings
Autor Clyde R. Forsberg
22 feb 2016
Preț: 440.25 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Fundamental Shakespeare: New Perspectives on Gender, Psychology and Politics
Editat de Maryam Beyad et al.
14 feb 2016
Preț: 385.59 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Learning Across Borders: Perspectives on International and Transnational Higher Education
Editat de Amy Hodges et al.
14 feb 2016
Preț: 439.77 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Radiance and Symbolism in Modern Stained Glass
Editat de Liana De Cheney
18 feb 2016
Preț: 430.55 lei 531.55 lei
Indisponibil temporar
12th Conference on British and American Studies: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Construction of Meaning
Editat de Marinela Burada et al.
14 feb 2016
Preț: 440.25 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Power of Culture: Encounters Between China and the United States
Editat de Priscilla Roberts
14 feb 2016
Preț: 468.81 lei 578.78 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Evolution of Regional Uneven Development in Jiangsu Province Under China's Growth-Oriented State Ideology
Autor Shutian Huang
14 feb 2016
Preț: 440.48 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Frontiers in Neuroethics: Conceptual and Empirical Advancements
Editat de Andrea Lavazza
14 feb 2016
Preț: 385.06 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Class and Gender: Social Stratification of Women in Contemporary Urban China
Autor Yao Tang
14 feb 2016
Preț: 439.81 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Writing Strategies and Strategy-Based Instruction in Singapore Primary Schools
Autor Barry Bai
14 feb 2016
Preț: 439.39 lei
Indisponibil temporar
From Damascus to Beirut: Contested Cities in Arab Writing (1969-1989)
Autor Hazem Fadel
14 feb 2016
Preț: 384.89 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Englishness and Post-Imperial Space: The Poetry of Philip Larkin and Ted Hughes
Autor Milton Sarkar
14 feb 2016
Preț: 385.12 lei
Indisponibil temporar
The Fruits of Madness
Editat de John Tracy Greene
23 feb 2016
Preț: 439.77 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Conservation in Earthen Heritage: Assessment and Significance of Failure, Criteria, Conservation Theory, and Strategies
14 feb 2016
Preț: 430.78 lei 531.84 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Empires, Nations and Private Lives: Essays on the Social and Cultural History of the Great War
Editat de Francois-Olivier Dorais et al.
14 feb 2016
Preț: 439.29 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Privileged Mobilities: Tourism as World Ordering
Editat de Katarina Schough et al.
14 feb 2016
Preț: 384.64 lei
Indisponibil temporar
New Insights Into Corpora and Translation
Editat de Daniel Gallego-Hernandez
24 feb 2016
Preț: 387.61 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Highlights in Anglo-American Drama: Viewpoints from Southeast Europe
Editat de Radmila Nastia et al.
14 feb 2016
Preț: 439.29 lei
Indisponibil temporar
(Re)Collecting the Past
Editat de Jacky Collins et al.
17 feb 2016
Preț: 439.08 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Intractable Dilemmas in the Energy-Rich Eastern Mediterranean
Editat de Aris Petasis
14 feb 2016
Preț: 392.46 lei 484.51 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Professional Genres from an Interpersonal Perspective
Editat de Christopher Hopkinson et al.
9 feb 2016
Preț: 440.13 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Meaning in Translation
Editat de Larisa Ilynska et al.
18 feb 2016
Preț: 428.12 lei 528.54 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in Humanities
Editat de Banu Akcesme et al.
24 feb 2016
Preț: 441.30 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Greek Philosophy and Mystery Cults
Editat de Maria Jose Blanco et al.
22 feb 2016
Preț: 439.05 lei
Indisponibil temporar
New Theory of Mind
8 feb 2016
Preț: 226.40 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Fruits of Madness
23 feb 2016
Preț: 321.16 lei
Indisponibil temporar
International Symposium on East Anatolia-South Caucasus Cultures
28 ian 2016
Preț: 592.05 lei 768.89 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Constructing a System of Irregularities: The Poetry of Bei DAO, Yang Lian, and Duoduo
Autor Chee Lay Tan
14 ian 2016
Preț: 440.44 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Wwa Journal Volume 5
Editat de Murari Prasad Regmi et al.
5 ian 2016
Preț: 338.69 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Agency in the British Press: A Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis of the 2011 UK Riots
Autor Maria Cristina Nisco
14 ian 2016
Preț: 385.12 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Current Issues in Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Development
Editat de Thomai Alexiou et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 393.94 lei 486.35 lei
Indisponibil temporar
General Relativity Conflict and Rivalries
Autor Galina Weinstein
21 ian 2016
Preț: 393.70 lei 486.05 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Renewable Energy: Selected Issues Volume I
Editat de Manuel Perez-Donsion et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 468.39 lei 578.27 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy: Agent-Based Modelling Using the Skin Platform
Editat de Petra Ahrweiler et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 430.67 lei 531.69 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Understanding Meaning and Knowledge Representation: From Theoretical and Cognitive Linguistics to Natural Language Processing
Editat de Eva M. Mestre-Mestre et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 394.20 lei 486.66 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Enhancing Customer Experience in the Service Industry: A Global Perspective
Editat de Levent Altinay et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 440.48 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Light and Obscurity in Symbolism
Editat de Deborah Cibelli et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 430.61 lei 531.62 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Input a Word, Analyze the World: Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics
Editat de Francisco Alonso Almeida et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 468.39 lei 578.27 lei
Indisponibil temporar
A Reflexive Inquiry Into Gender Research: Towards a New Paradigm of Knowledge Production & Exploring New Frontiers of Gender Research in Southern Af
Editat de Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 440.00 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Thrice a Stranger: Penelope's Eastern Mediterranean Odyssey
Autor William Mallinson
14 ian 2016
Preț: 384.64 lei
Indisponibil temporar
Yococu 2014: Professionals' Experiences in Cultural Heritage Conservation in America, Europe, and Asia
Editat de Simone Cagno et al.
14 ian 2016
Preț: 431.30 lei 532.47 lei
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