The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades 6-8: What They Say, What They Mean, How to Teach Them Corwin Literacy Autor James R. Burke 30 sep 2013 Spirală Preț: 273.44 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
New West Indian Readers - Infant Book 1 Autor Clive Borely 26 aug 1999 Spirală Preț: 56.60 lei 74.58 lei 10-16 zile -24%
New West Indian Readers - Infant Book 2 Autor Clive Borely 26 aug 1999 Spirală Preț: 54.03 lei 73.21 lei 10-16 zile -26%
Nelson's West Indian Readers Second Primer Autor J O Cutteridge sep 1971 Spirală Preț: 39.19 lei 48.52 lei 10-16 zile | 7-13 zile -19%