Augustine and World Religions
30 mai 2008
Preț: 460.94 lei
6-8 săpt.

Ancient Israelite Religion
Editat de Professor Patrick D, Jr. Miller et al.
31 mai 2008
Preț: 284.60 lei
6-8 săpt.

Cardinal Manning: From Anglican Archdeacon to Council Father at Vatican I
Autor James Pereiro
31 mai 2008
Preț: 226.81 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Church and the World
Autor John Haldane
31 mai 2008
Preț: 129.14 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Heritage of American Methodism
Autor Kenneth C. Kinghorn
31 mai 2008
Preț: 296.69 lei
6-8 săpt.

Secrets of the Early Church... What Will It Take to Get Back to the Book of Acts?
Autor Andrew Strom
31 mai 2008
Preț: 97.80 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Out-Of-Church Christians
Autor Andrew Strom
31 mai 2008
Preț: 97.58 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Swastika Against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity
Autor Bruce Walker
29 mai 2008
Preț: 123.74 lei
6-8 săpt.

S. Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan
Autor C. Mitchell
30 apr 2008
Preț: 666.76 lei 865.92 lei
6-8 săpt.

Truth and Love: The United Presbyterian Church of North America - A Fifty Year Retrospective
30 apr 2008
Preț: 190.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

Christian Moral Principles
Autor Charles Gore
Preț: 82.08 lei
6-8 săpt.

Fatima Revisited
12 mai 2008
Preț: 118.64 lei
6-8 săpt.

Rebekah Ann Naylor, M.D.
Autor Camille Lee Hornbeck
30 apr 2008
Preț: 135.29 lei
39-44 zile

Ibas von Edessa: Rekonstruktion einer Biographie und dogmatischen Position zwischen den Fronten
Autor Claudia Rammelt
19 mai 2008
Preț: 1753.20 lei 2276.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

Das Thomasevangelium: Entstehung – Rezeption – Theologie
Editat de Jörg Frey et al.
19 mai 2008
Preț: 1762.24 lei 2288.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

New Testament Theology
Autor Paul Haffner
31 mai 2008
Preț: 132.78 lei
6-8 săpt.

Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa
Editat de Terence O. Ranger
17 apr 2008
Preț: 199.45 lei 230.53 lei
32-37 zile

The Soteriology of Leo the Great
Autor Bernard Green
10 apr 2008
Preț: 860.59 lei 1307.89 lei
32-37 zile

Robert Morrison and the Birth of Chinese Protestantism
19 apr 2008
Preț: 265.76 lei 340.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Brief Memoir of Elizabeth Fry
Editat de David N. Goff
30 apr 2008
Preț: 94.52 lei
6-8 săpt.

Lost at Sea, Found in Heaven
Autor Bob Cretney
30 apr 2008
Preț: 65.40 lei
6-8 săpt.
![Why I Left the Prophetic Movement.. [New 2012 Edition]](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9780979907302/why-i-left-the-prophetic-movement-new-2012-edition.jpg)
Why I Left the Prophetic Movement.. [New 2012 Edition]
Autor Andrew Strom
31 mar 2008
Preț: 97.42 lei
6-8 săpt.

Augustine's Early Theology of the Church
Autor David C. Alexander
11 apr 2008
Preț: 704.46 lei 774.12 lei
39-44 zile

Memory and Identity
Autor Bertrand Van Ruymbeke et al.
30 apr 2008
Preț: 253.20 lei
6-8 săpt.

When the Vision Is Bigger Than the Budget
Autor Jim Holley
30 apr 2008
Preț: 137.08 lei
6-8 săpt.

Spirits and Letters: Reading, Writing and Charisma in African Christianity
Autor Thomas G. Dr Kirsch
30 apr 2008
Preț: 750.79 lei 975.05 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Church in the Nineteenth Century: The I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church
Autor Frances Knight
6 apr 2008
Preț: 356.77 lei 411.50 lei
6-8 săpt.

Eusebius von Cäsarea als Häreseograph
Autor Meike Willing
14 apr 2008
Preț: 2086.86 lei 2710.21 lei
6-8 săpt.

Erinnerte Reformation: Studien zur Luther-Rezeption von der Aufklärung bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
Editat de Christian Danz et al.
14 apr 2008
Preț: 1428.33 lei 1854.97 lei
6-8 săpt.

Possidius of Calama: A Study of the North African Episcopate in the Age of Augustine
Autor Erika Hermanowicz
6 mar 2008
Preț: 774.63 lei 1174.66 lei
32-37 zile

Sweet and Blessed Country: The Christian Hope for Heaven
27 mar 2008
Preț: 151.31 lei 175.85 lei
32-37 zile

American Catholic History: A Documentary Reader
Editat de Mark Massa et al.
31 mar 2008
Preț: 213.59 lei
6-8 săpt.

Transforming Congregations
Editat de James Lemler
31 mar 2008
Preț: 174.30 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Apostle John: A Blessed Life
Autor James Byers
31 mar 2008
Preț: 67.52 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Vanished Arcadia: Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 1607 to 1767
Autor R. B. Cunninghame Graham
12 mar 2008
Preț: 107.70 lei
39-44 zile

The Confessions of Saint Augustine - Complete Thirteen Books
Autor Saint Augustine of Hippo
13 mar 2008
Preț: 90.54 lei
6-8 săpt.

Robert Moffat - The Missionary Hero of Kuruman
Autor David J. Deane
26 mar 2008
Preț: 127.56 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Episcopal Call to Love
Autor Rob Gieselmann
31 mar 2008
Preț: 77.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story
Autor C. Douglas Weaver
29 feb 2008
Preț: 154.23 lei
6-8 săpt.

Transforming Evangelism
Autor David Gortner
29 feb 2008
Preț: 173.33 lei
6-8 săpt.

Jesus Christ and the Civilization of Today - The Ethical Teaching of Jesus Considered in Its Bearings on the Moral Foundations of Modern Culture: A Series of Lectures
27 feb 2008
Preț: 210.91 lei
39-44 zile

John Alexander Dowie and the Christian Apostolic Church: A Series of Lectures
Autor Rolvix Harlan
27 feb 2008
Preț: 182.51 lei
6-8 săpt.

Our Liberal Movement in Theology - Chiefly as Shown in Recollections of the History of Unitarianism in New England: English and American Wood, Iron and Steel
Autor Joseph Henry Allen
27 feb 2008
Preț: 209.15 lei
39-44 zile

Liturgical Prayer
Autor Fernand Cabrol
21 feb 2008
Preț: 215.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

Dean Burgon Society Deserves Its Name, Ten Reasons Why
29 feb 2008
Preț: 64.43 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Church at the Turning Points of History
Autor Godfrey Kurth et al.
29 feb 2008
Preț: 154.57 lei
6-8 săpt.

Christentum – Staat – Kultur: Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, März 2006
Editat de Andreas Arndt et al.
26 feb 2008
Preț: 2149.42 lei 2791.46 lei
6-8 săpt.

Beleaguered in Peking
Autor Robert Jr. Coltman et al.
29 feb 2008
Preț: 102.87 lei
6-8 săpt.

No Time for Silence
Autor Janette Hassey
31 ian 2008
Preț: 111.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

The History and Beliefs of Old Catholicism and the Old Catholic Church of North America
31 ian 2008
Preț: 76.52 lei
6-8 săpt.

Christian Universalism: God's Good News for All People
Autor Eric Stetson
31 ian 2008
Preț: 119.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Price of Soul Liberty and Who Paid It
Autor Henry Clay Fish
31 ian 2008
Preț: 72.61 lei
6-8 săpt.

Mormon Polygamous Families: Life in the Principle
Autor Jessie L. Embry
31 dec 2007
Preț: 443.28 lei
6-8 săpt.

History of the Reformation of the 16th Century
Autor J. H. Merle D'Aubigne
31 ian 2008
Preț: 300.05 lei
6-8 săpt.

Graced Encounters with Mary Fabyan Windeatt's Saints: 344 Ways to Imitate the Holy Habits of the Saints
Autor Janet P. McKenzie
31 ian 2008
Preț: 96.14 lei
6-8 săpt.

For the Joy Set Before Us
Autor Brendan Lovett
13 ian 2008
Preț: 462.16 lei 600.20 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Body Divine: The Symbol of the Body in the Works of Teilhard de Chardin and Ramanuja
Autor Anne Hunt Overzee
2 dec 2007
Preț: 289.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

Protestantism in Contemporary China
Autor Alan Hunter et al.
2 dec 2007
Preț: 423.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

Mission and Menace: Four Centuries of American Religious Zeal
Autor Robert Jewett
31 dec 2007
Preț: 187.79 lei
6-8 săpt.

Theodoret of Cyrus: The Questions on the Octateuch, Volume 1 on Genesis and Exodus
Editat de John F. Petruccione et al.
31 dec 2007
Preț: 229.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Theodoret of Cyrus: The Questions on the Octateuch Volume 2 on Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
Autor John F. Petruccione et al.
31 dec 2007
Preț: 229.97 lei
6-8 săpt.

Labour and Justice
Autor Gavan Duffy
31 dec 2007
Preț: 195.09 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Peculiar People
Autor Joseph John Gurney
31 dec 2007
Preț: 204.25 lei
6-8 săpt.

Unitarianism in America: A History of Its Origin and Development
Autor Cooke George Willis
30 dec 2007
Preț: 138.92 lei
39-44 zile

REV. Sang-Dong Han, the Founder of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koshin): A Biography
Autor Koon Sik Shim
31 dec 2007
Preț: 114.54 lei
6-8 săpt.

Geoffrey Fisher: Archbishop of Canterbury, 1945-1961
Autor David Hein
31 dec 2007
Preț: 144.43 lei
6-8 săpt.

Voices Crying in the Wilderness
Autor Alison Teed
31 dec 2007
Preț: 186.34 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Church and Ministry in the Early Centuries
Autor Thomas M. Lindsay
31 dec 2007
Preț: 173.70 lei
6-8 săpt.

Die bayerische Gesandtschaft in Rom in der frühen Neuzeit
Autor Bettina Scherbaum
31 dec 2007
Preț: 935.60 lei 1215.07 lei
6-8 săpt.

Early Christian Thought in its Jewish Context
Editat de John M. G. Barclay et al.
4 noi 2007
Preț: 338.43 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Future of Pentecostalism in the United States
17 noi 2007
Preț: 447.95 lei
6-8 săpt.

Jesus & Me
Autor Linda L Castellano
15 noi 2007
Preț: 116.52 lei
39-44 zile

John Paul II and the Jewish People
8 noi 2007
Preț: 327.46 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Procession of Friends
Autor Daisy Newman
30 noi 2007
Preț: 202.67 lei
6-8 săpt.

Twice Rescued: A New View of Life from the Bottom of the Cliff
Autor Gene McMath
30 noi 2007
Preț: 72.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

Lectures on Godmanhood
Autor Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov et al.
30 noi 2007
Preț: 113.72 lei
6-8 săpt.

Vladimir Soloviev: A Russian Newman (1853-1900)
Autor Michel D' Herbigny et al.
30 noi 2007
Preț: 126.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Science of the Sacraments
30 noi 2007
Preț: 306.81 lei
6-8 săpt.

Ambrosiaster's Political Theology
Autor Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe
4 oct 2007
Preț: 669.39 lei 1016.35 lei
32-37 zile

Living Beauty
Autor Alejandro Garcia-Rivera et al.
14 oct 2007
Preț: 293.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

Merton and Friends: A Joint Biography of Thomas Merton, Robert Lax and Edward Rice
Autor James Harford
19 oct 2007
Preț: 278.08 lei 426.83 lei
6-8 săpt.

Catholicism Revisited: On Re-Imagining God
Autor Robert Butterworth
31 oct 2007
Preț: 158.43 lei
6-8 săpt.

Keeping in Touch: Posthumous Papers on Ignatian Topics
Autor Sj Michael Ivens et al.
31 oct 2007
Preț: 159.20 lei
6-8 săpt.

No Armor for the Back: Baptist Prison Writings, 1600s-1700s
Autor Keith E. Durso
31 oct 2007
Preț: 154.64 lei
6-8 săpt.

Anne-Marie ...a Child of God
Autor Johanna McBride
31 oct 2007
Preț: 115.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church
Autor Jeff Doles
31 oct 2007
Preț: 141.16 lei
6-8 săpt.

Seed Corn for the World - Illustrated Report for the British and Foreign Bible Society 1904-5: Being a Series of Private Letters, Etc. Addressed to an Anglican Clergyman
Autor various
8 oct 2007
Preț: 186.14 lei
39-44 zile

Be Domes Daege, de Die Judicii - An Old English Version of the Latin Poem Ascribed to Bede: An Essay in Evolutionary Aesthetic
Autor Venerable Bede
8 oct 2007
Preț: 164.92 lei
6-8 săpt.

Before the Most Holy (Coram Sanctissimo)
Autor Mary Loyola Mother Mary Loyola et al.
8 oct 2007
Preț: 230.69 lei
39-44 zile

Behold Your Mother - The Blessed Virgin's Goodness and Greatness: The Subject Developed by Facts and Principles Drawn Chiefly from the Non-Metals
Autor Matthew Russell
8 oct 2007
Preț: 194.60 lei
39-44 zile

Bishop Barlow and Anglican Orders - A Study of the Original Documents: Builder
Autor Arthur Stapylton Barnes
8 oct 2007
Preț: 203.24 lei
39-44 zile

Dedications & Patron Saints of English Churches - Ecclesiastical Symbolism, Saints and Their Emblems: A Physiologico-Theological Study
Autor Francis Bond
25 oct 2007
Preț: 235.81 lei
39-44 zile

Documents Illustrative of the History of the Church - Vol III C.500-1500: Their History, Value, and Distinguishing Characteristics
Autor B. J. Kidd
25 oct 2007
Preț: 184.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

Documents Illustrating the History of S. Paul's Cathedral: Their History, Value, and Distinguishing Characteristics
Autor W. Sparrow Simpson
25 oct 2007
Preț: 158.75 lei
6-8 săpt.

Historical Sketches - Vol II
Autor John Henry Newman
25 oct 2007
Preț: 265.68 lei
39-44 zile

John Wesley and George Whitefield in Scotland - Or, the Influence of the Oxford Methodists on Scottish Religion: The Problem of National Unity
Autor Dugald Butler
25 oct 2007
Preț: 223.64 lei
39-44 zile