Mirzā ʿAli-Qoli Khoʾi: The Master Illustrator of Persian Lithographed Books in the Qajar Period. SET Autor Ulrich Marzolph et al. 12 apr 2022 Carte Preț: 1576.63 lei 1922.72 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Bildatlas zum Sport im alten Ägypten (2 vols): Corpus der bildlichen Quellen zu Leibesübungen, Spiel, Jagd, Tanz und verwandten Themen Autor Wolfgang Decker et al. 21 oct 2020 Carte Preț: 1250.34 lei 1524.81 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Wir Frauen 2021 Editat de Florence Hervé et al. 31 aug 2020 Carte Preț: 73.87 lei Indisponibil temporar
Theology and Society in the Second and Third Century of the Hijra. SET Autor Josef van Ess 15 iul 2020 Carte Preț: 5979.30 lei 7291.83 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
The Works of Ibn Wāḍiḥ al-Yaʿqūbī (3 vols): An English Translation Editat de Matthew S. Gordon et al. mai 2019 Carte Preț: 760.90 lei 927.93 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Critical Readings on Tang China (4 vols.) Critical Readings Editat de Paul W. Kroll 28 noi 2018 Carte Preț: 5398.71 lei 6583.79 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
The History (Taʾrikh) by Ibn Wāḍiḥ al-Yaʿqūbī (2 vols.): Ibn Wāḍiḥ Qui Dicitur al-Yaʿqūbī, Historiae in Two Volumes Autor M.Th. Houtsma 31 mai 2018 Carte Preț: 538.44 lei 656.63 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Rebels on the Niagara: The Fenian Invasion of Canada, 1866 Excelsior Editions Autor Lawrence E. Cline mar 2018 Carte Preț: 434.55 lei 594.62 lei 23-35 zile -27%
A Very Old Machine SUNY series, Horizons of Cinema Autor Sudhir Mahadevan 2 iul 2016 Carte Preț: 168.38 lei 210.38 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Patricia Crone's Collected Studies in Three Volumes (SET) Autor Patricia Crone et al. 22 iun 2016 Carte Preț: 1969.80 lei 2402.20 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Many Europes with Connect with Learnsmart 2-Term Access Card Autor Paul Dutton et al. 8 mar 2015 Carte Preț: 1344.82 lei 1640.03 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
The Last Amateur Excelsior Editions Autor Stephen L. Dyson 30 sep 2014 Carte Preț: 186.68 lei 215.29 lei 23-35 zile -13%
A City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall Editat de Central Intelligence Agency (U.S.) et al. 24 noi 2013 Carte Preț: 138.90 lei Indisponibil temporar
Pk Experience History Vol 2 with Connect Plus One Term Access Card Autor James West Davidson et al. 24 oct 2013 Carte Preț: 1166.49 lei 1422.54 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Divide, Provide, and Rule Autor Suzan Zimmermann 20 dec 2011 Carte Preț: 334.19 lei 462.90 lei Indisponibil temporar -28%
Ausgewählte Werke: 5 Bände im Schuber Bibliothek der Alten Welt Autor Cicero et al. 10 iul 2011 Carte Preț: 422.37 lei Indisponibil temporar
Brill's New Pauly (22 vols): Encyclopedia of the Ancient World Brill's New Pauly Editat de Hubert Cancik et al. 9 mai 2011 Carte Preț: 35798.12 lei 43656.25 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
The American Journey: Brief Edition, Volume 1, Books a la Carte Plus Myhistorylab Autor David Goldfield et al. 31 oct 2010 Carte Preț: 447.89 lei Indisponibil temporar
Civil War Sampler (Ten Pack): Ten Selected Facsimile Issues of Harperas Weekly from the Civil War Editat de Harper's Weekly Staff 31 mai 2010 Carte Preț: 111.32 lei Indisponibil temporar
American Stories: A History of the United States, Volume 2, Books a la Carte Plus Myhistorylab Coursecompass Autor H. W. Brands et al. 28 feb 2010 Carte Preț: 447.89 lei Indisponibil temporar
Lenin, Stalin and Communist Russia Autor Robert (Dr.) Johnson 12 mai 2009 Carte Preț: 94.74 lei 101.58 lei Indisponibil temporar -7%
The Italian American Experience in New Haven 7 ian 2009 Carte Preț: 200.63 lei 231.93 lei 23-35 zile -13%
China and the International System, 1840-1949 19 noi 2008 Carte Preț: 437.27 lei 624.70 lei 23-35 zile -30%
The Chinese and Opium Under the Republic 2 ian 2008 Carte Preț: 192.10 lei 233.23 lei 23-35 zile -18%
The Writing of Weddings in Middle-Period China 3 ian 2008 Carte Preț: 193.98 lei 234.24 lei Indisponibil temporar -17%
Cholera and Nation SUNY series, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century Autor Pamela K. Gilbert 9 ian 2008 Carte Preț: 477.77 lei 594.39 lei 23-35 zile -20%
Decadent Culture in the United States SUNY series, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century Autor David Weir 7 noi 2007 Carte Preț: 478.11 lei 594.62 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
America Past and Present, Volume 1 (to 1877) Value Package (Includes Constructing the American Past, Volume 1) Autor Robert A. Divine et al. 31 iul 2007 Carte Preț: 861.97 lei 1119.44 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
From the May Fourth Movement to Communist Revolution 4 iul 2007 Carte Preț: 476.00 lei 621.83 lei 23-35 zile -23%
Andre Gide and the Second World War Autor Jocelyn Van Tuyl 31 mai 2007 Carte Preț: 185.71 lei 210.48 lei Indisponibil temporar -12%
Hong Mai's Record of the Listener and Its Song Dynasty Context 31 mai 2007 Carte Preț: 185.25 lei 219.98 lei 23-35 zile -16%
North Korea Under Kim Jong I1 Autor Sung Chull Kim 31 mai 2007 Carte Preț: 186.34 lei 210.87 lei Indisponibil temporar -12%
The Writing of Weddings in Middle-Period China SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture Autor Christian de Pee 4 apr 2007 Carte Preț: 480.83 lei 596.48 lei 23-35 zile -19%
North Korea Under Kim Jong Il Autor Sung Chull Kim 5 oct 2006 Carte Preț: 478.99 lei 595.22 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Technology and International Transformation 13 sep 2006 Carte Preț: 478.49 lei 623.30 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
World Civilizations, Combined Volume, Books a la Carte Plus Myhistorylab Blackboard/Webct Autor Peter N. Stearns et al. 31 iul 2006 Carte Preț: 540.75 lei 667.59 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
The Politics of Turkish Democracy 31 mai 2006 Carte Preț: 186.17 lei 220.47 lei Indisponibil temporar -16%
The Construction of Space in Early China 31 mai 2006 Carte Preț: 217.13 lei 254.22 lei 23-35 zile -15%
Marxism and National Identity 31 mai 2006 Carte Preț: 192.10 lei 233.23 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Chinese Discourses on the Peasant, 1900-1949 SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture Autor Xiaorong Han 31 dec 2005 Carte Preț: 185.79 lei 210.54 lei Indisponibil temporar -12%
The Construction of Space in Early China SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture Autor Mark Edward Lewis 30 noi 2005 Carte Preț: 483.89 lei 598.54 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Chinese Discourses on the Peasant, 1900-1949 23 mar 2005 Carte Preț: 478.25 lei 623.18 lei 23-35 zile -23%
Enemies of Civilization SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture Autor Mu-Chou Poo 23 feb 2005 Carte Preț: 184.56 lei 209.78 lei Indisponibil temporar -12%
Princes and Princely Culture 1450-1650 (2-volume set) Martin Gosman et al. 31 dec 2004 Carte Preț: 1062.47 lei 1295.70 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State SUNY series in Middle Eastern Studies Autor Hakan Ozogalu 11 feb 2004 Carte Preț: 476.64 lei 593.63 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Africa Through Ghanaian Lenses 31 dec 2003 Carte Preț: 186.06 lei 198.88 lei Indisponibil temporar -6% Subdued by the Sword Autor James M. Greiner 8 oct 2003 Carte Preț: 187.57 lei 199.80 lei Indisponibil temporar -6% A Tale of Two Factions SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East Autor Jane Hathaway 8 oct 2003 Carte Preț: 478.83 lei 595.12 lei Indisponibil temporar -20% The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5 (8 Vols.) Editat de Ian Nish 15 oct 2003 Carte Preț: 4809.71 lei 6246.39 lei Indisponibil temporar -23% Poverty and Charity in Middle Eastern Contexts SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East 2 iul 2003 Carte Preț: 193.07 lei 223.60 lei Indisponibil temporar -14% Greece Discovering Cultures Autor Sharon Gordon 31 mai 2003 Carte Preț: 216.11 lei Indisponibil temporar Russia Discovering Cultures Autor Sarah E. De Capua 30 apr 2003 Carte Preț: 216.11 lei Indisponibil temporar A Neighborhood in Ottoman Istanbul SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East Autor Cem Behar 16 mar 2003 Carte Preț: 184.74 lei 209.87 lei Indisponibil temporar -12% Despotic Bodies and Transgressive 7 noi 2002 Carte Preț: 176.02 lei 212.53 lei 23-35 zile -17% Imagined Londons 25 sep 2002 Carte Preț: 192.37 lei 211.41 lei Indisponibil temporar -9% Pen of Fire Autor Peter Bridges Carte Preț: 146.45 lei Indisponibil temporar Al-Hind (2 vols): The making of the Indo-Islamic world Autor André Wink 31 mai 2002 Carte Preț: 543.94 lei 663.34 lei Indisponibil temporar -18% On the Edge of Empire mai 2002 Carte Preț: 191.56 lei 232.95 lei 23-35 zile -18% Steel and Steelworkers 3 apr 2002 Carte Preț: 193.00 lei 233.71 lei 23-35 zile -17% Catastrophe & Culture Peppercanister Editat de Susanna M. Hoffman et al. 15 ian 2002 Carte Preț: 199.80 lei Indisponibil temporar Anti-Semitism Interlink Illustrated Histories Autor Roberto Finzi 31 dec 2001 Carte Preț: 93.49 lei Indisponibil temporar The History of Al-Tabari Vol. 5 3 noi 1999 Carte Preț: 483.65 lei 626.38 lei 23-35 zile -23% Le Mobilier Et Les Coutumes Funeraires Koushites A L'Epoque Meroitique: Phonology Meroitica, nr. 16 Autor Khider A. Eisa 31 ian 1999 Carte Preț: 384.95 lei 475.25 lei Indisponibil temporar -19% Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker I-III (15 Volume set) Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Editat de Felix Jacoby 31 dec 1998 Carte Preț: 13667.20 lei 16667.32 lei Indisponibil temporar -18% Australian Quilt Heritage Quilters Heritage S Autor Margaret Rolfe 30 iun 1998 Carte Preț: 328.40 lei Indisponibil temporar Minderheiten an Der Grenze: Deutsche Und Polen in Den Kreisen Flatow (Zotow) Und Zempelburg (Sepolno Krajenskie) 1900-1939 Quellen und Studien des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, nr. 6 Autor Mathias Niendorf 31 dec 1996 Carte Preț: 384.74 lei Indisponibil temporar Making Vancouver: Class, Status, and Social Boundaries, 1863-1913 Autor Robert A. J. McDonald 31 dec 1995 Carte Preț: 349.69 lei Indisponibil temporar Politics, Policy, and Government in British Columbia R. Kenneth Carty 31 dec 1995 Carte Preț: 449.63 lei Indisponibil temporar Katalog Der Lateinischen Handschriften Der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Munchen: Ostasiatica, Orientalia Editat de Bayerische Staatsbibliothek et al. 31 dec 1990 Carte Preț: 384.74 lei Indisponibil temporar Genie, Irrsinn und Ruhm / Die Politiker und Feldherren Autor Wilhelm Lange-Eichbaum et al. 30 noi 1990 Carte Preț: 160.50 lei Indisponibil temporar Chronik des Kirchspiels Steinberg I Editat de Bernhard Asmussen 31 dec 1985 Carte Preț: 373.61 lei Indisponibil temporar Chronica von Reutlingen und Pfullingen Autor Carl Bames 31 dec 1984 Carte Preț: 170.56 lei Indisponibil temporar English Heritage Book of Fountains Abbey Autor Glyn Coppack Carte Preț: 117.76 lei Indisponibil temporar Kentucky Autor Hambleton Tapp Carte Preț: 105.34 lei Indisponibil temporar Culturbilder ( Kulturbilder) aus Württemberg von einem Norddeutschen 31 dec 1885 Carte Preț: 55.03 lei Indisponibil temporar 12
Subdued by the Sword Autor James M. Greiner 8 oct 2003 Carte Preț: 187.57 lei 199.80 lei Indisponibil temporar -6%
A Tale of Two Factions SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East Autor Jane Hathaway 8 oct 2003 Carte Preț: 478.83 lei 595.12 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5 (8 Vols.) Editat de Ian Nish 15 oct 2003 Carte Preț: 4809.71 lei 6246.39 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Poverty and Charity in Middle Eastern Contexts SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East 2 iul 2003 Carte Preț: 193.07 lei 223.60 lei Indisponibil temporar -14% Greece Discovering Cultures Autor Sharon Gordon 31 mai 2003 Carte Preț: 216.11 lei Indisponibil temporar Russia Discovering Cultures Autor Sarah E. De Capua 30 apr 2003 Carte Preț: 216.11 lei Indisponibil temporar A Neighborhood in Ottoman Istanbul SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East Autor Cem Behar 16 mar 2003 Carte Preț: 184.74 lei 209.87 lei Indisponibil temporar -12% Despotic Bodies and Transgressive 7 noi 2002 Carte Preț: 176.02 lei 212.53 lei 23-35 zile -17% Imagined Londons 25 sep 2002 Carte Preț: 192.37 lei 211.41 lei Indisponibil temporar -9% Pen of Fire Autor Peter Bridges Carte Preț: 146.45 lei Indisponibil temporar Al-Hind (2 vols): The making of the Indo-Islamic world Autor André Wink 31 mai 2002 Carte Preț: 543.94 lei 663.34 lei Indisponibil temporar -18% On the Edge of Empire mai 2002 Carte Preț: 191.56 lei 232.95 lei 23-35 zile -18% Steel and Steelworkers 3 apr 2002 Carte Preț: 193.00 lei 233.71 lei 23-35 zile -17% Catastrophe & Culture Peppercanister Editat de Susanna M. Hoffman et al. 15 ian 2002 Carte Preț: 199.80 lei Indisponibil temporar Anti-Semitism Interlink Illustrated Histories Autor Roberto Finzi 31 dec 2001 Carte Preț: 93.49 lei Indisponibil temporar The History of Al-Tabari Vol. 5 3 noi 1999 Carte Preț: 483.65 lei 626.38 lei 23-35 zile -23% Le Mobilier Et Les Coutumes Funeraires Koushites A L'Epoque Meroitique: Phonology Meroitica, nr. 16 Autor Khider A. Eisa 31 ian 1999 Carte Preț: 384.95 lei 475.25 lei Indisponibil temporar -19% Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker I-III (15 Volume set) Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Editat de Felix Jacoby 31 dec 1998 Carte Preț: 13667.20 lei 16667.32 lei Indisponibil temporar -18% Australian Quilt Heritage Quilters Heritage S Autor Margaret Rolfe 30 iun 1998 Carte Preț: 328.40 lei Indisponibil temporar Minderheiten an Der Grenze: Deutsche Und Polen in Den Kreisen Flatow (Zotow) Und Zempelburg (Sepolno Krajenskie) 1900-1939 Quellen und Studien des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, nr. 6 Autor Mathias Niendorf 31 dec 1996 Carte Preț: 384.74 lei Indisponibil temporar Making Vancouver: Class, Status, and Social Boundaries, 1863-1913 Autor Robert A. J. McDonald 31 dec 1995 Carte Preț: 349.69 lei Indisponibil temporar Politics, Policy, and Government in British Columbia R. Kenneth Carty 31 dec 1995 Carte Preț: 449.63 lei Indisponibil temporar Katalog Der Lateinischen Handschriften Der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Munchen: Ostasiatica, Orientalia Editat de Bayerische Staatsbibliothek et al. 31 dec 1990 Carte Preț: 384.74 lei Indisponibil temporar Genie, Irrsinn und Ruhm / Die Politiker und Feldherren Autor Wilhelm Lange-Eichbaum et al. 30 noi 1990 Carte Preț: 160.50 lei Indisponibil temporar Chronik des Kirchspiels Steinberg I Editat de Bernhard Asmussen 31 dec 1985 Carte Preț: 373.61 lei Indisponibil temporar Chronica von Reutlingen und Pfullingen Autor Carl Bames 31 dec 1984 Carte Preț: 170.56 lei Indisponibil temporar English Heritage Book of Fountains Abbey Autor Glyn Coppack Carte Preț: 117.76 lei Indisponibil temporar Kentucky Autor Hambleton Tapp Carte Preț: 105.34 lei Indisponibil temporar Culturbilder ( Kulturbilder) aus Württemberg von einem Norddeutschen 31 dec 1885 Carte Preț: 55.03 lei Indisponibil temporar 12
Greece Discovering Cultures Autor Sharon Gordon 31 mai 2003 Carte Preț: 216.11 lei Indisponibil temporar
Russia Discovering Cultures Autor Sarah E. De Capua 30 apr 2003 Carte Preț: 216.11 lei Indisponibil temporar
A Neighborhood in Ottoman Istanbul SUNY series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East Autor Cem Behar 16 mar 2003 Carte Preț: 184.74 lei 209.87 lei Indisponibil temporar -12%
Al-Hind (2 vols): The making of the Indo-Islamic world Autor André Wink 31 mai 2002 Carte Preț: 543.94 lei 663.34 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Catastrophe & Culture Peppercanister Editat de Susanna M. Hoffman et al. 15 ian 2002 Carte Preț: 199.80 lei Indisponibil temporar
Anti-Semitism Interlink Illustrated Histories Autor Roberto Finzi 31 dec 2001 Carte Preț: 93.49 lei Indisponibil temporar
Le Mobilier Et Les Coutumes Funeraires Koushites A L'Epoque Meroitique: Phonology Meroitica, nr. 16 Autor Khider A. Eisa 31 ian 1999 Carte Preț: 384.95 lei 475.25 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker I-III (15 Volume set) Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Editat de Felix Jacoby 31 dec 1998 Carte Preț: 13667.20 lei 16667.32 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
Australian Quilt Heritage Quilters Heritage S Autor Margaret Rolfe 30 iun 1998 Carte Preț: 328.40 lei Indisponibil temporar
Minderheiten an Der Grenze: Deutsche Und Polen in Den Kreisen Flatow (Zotow) Und Zempelburg (Sepolno Krajenskie) 1900-1939 Quellen und Studien des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, nr. 6 Autor Mathias Niendorf 31 dec 1996 Carte Preț: 384.74 lei Indisponibil temporar
Making Vancouver: Class, Status, and Social Boundaries, 1863-1913 Autor Robert A. J. McDonald 31 dec 1995 Carte Preț: 349.69 lei Indisponibil temporar
Politics, Policy, and Government in British Columbia R. Kenneth Carty 31 dec 1995 Carte Preț: 449.63 lei Indisponibil temporar
Katalog Der Lateinischen Handschriften Der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Munchen: Ostasiatica, Orientalia Editat de Bayerische Staatsbibliothek et al. 31 dec 1990 Carte Preț: 384.74 lei Indisponibil temporar
Genie, Irrsinn und Ruhm / Die Politiker und Feldherren Autor Wilhelm Lange-Eichbaum et al. 30 noi 1990 Carte Preț: 160.50 lei Indisponibil temporar
Chronik des Kirchspiels Steinberg I Editat de Bernhard Asmussen 31 dec 1985 Carte Preț: 373.61 lei Indisponibil temporar
Chronica von Reutlingen und Pfullingen Autor Carl Bames 31 dec 1984 Carte Preț: 170.56 lei Indisponibil temporar
English Heritage Book of Fountains Abbey Autor Glyn Coppack Carte Preț: 117.76 lei Indisponibil temporar
Culturbilder ( Kulturbilder) aus Württemberg von einem Norddeutschen 31 dec 1885 Carte Preț: 55.03 lei Indisponibil temporar