Great Expectations Wordsworth Classics Autor Charles Dickens et al. 30 apr 1992 Paperback Preț: 27.71 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Edward Thomas EVERYMAN POETRY Autor Edward Thomas et al. 24 aug 1997 Paperback Preț: 28.97 lei 38.05 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile -24%
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays Autor Oscar Wilde 6 feb 2012 Paperback Preț: 34.04 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Autor Percy Bysshe Shelley Paperback Preț: 37.79 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Alma Classics Evergreens Autor Anne Brontë 13 noi 2018 Paperback Preț: 41.16 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Gorgias Oxford World's Classics Autor Plato et al. 17 apr 2008 Paperback Preț: 47.19 lei 56.70 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -17%
Peter Pan and Other Plays: The Admirable Crichton; Peter Pan; When Wendy Grew Up; What Every Woman Knows; Mary Rose Oxford World's Classics Autor J. M. Barrie et al. 17 apr 2008 Paperback Preț: 44.68 lei 51.99 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -14%
Medea Autor Euripides et al. 6 aug 2009 Paperback Preț: 45.81 lei 55.91 lei 21-33 zile | 6-12 zile -18%
The Life of Christina of Markyate Editat de Samuel Fanous et al. 27 aug 2009 Paperback Preț: 46.28 lei 56.19 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -18%
The Poems Oxford World's Classics Autor Propertius et al. 30 iul 2009 Paperback Preț: 47.53 lei 56.91 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -16%
David Copperfield Classics Illustrated Autor Charles Dickens et al. 5 aug 2016 Paperback Preț: 50.44 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Kafka: A Very Short Introduction Autor Ritchie Robertson 28 oct 2004 Paperback Preț: 51.54 lei 62.51 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -18%
The Satires Autor Juvenal et al. 12 iun 2008 Paperback Preț: 52.96 lei 63.32 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -16%
On the Nature of the Universe Autor Lucretius et al. 9 oct 2008 Paperback Preț: 53.42 lei 63.58 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -16%
Four Revenge Tragedies: (The Spanish Tragedy, The Revenger's Tragedy, The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois, and The Atheist's Tragedy) Oxford World's Classics Editat de Katharine Eisaman Maus 8 mai 2008 Paperback Preț: 55.58 lei 64.83 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -14%
Doctor Faustus and Other Plays: Tamburlaine, Parts I and II; Doctor Faustus, A- and B-Texts; The Jew of Malta; Edward II Autor Christopher Marlowe et al. 10 iul 2008 Paperback Preț: 56.83 lei 65.55 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -13%
The Alchemist and Other Plays: Volpone, or The Fox; Epicene, or The Silent Woman; The Alchemist; Bartholemew Fair Oxford World's Classics Autor Ben Jonson et al. 11 sep 2008 Paperback Preț: 56.96 lei 65.63 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -13%
Romola Autor George Eliot et al. 26 iun 1996 Paperback Preț: 58.03 lei 66.24 lei 21-33 zile | 6-12 zile -12%
Martin Chuzzlewit Autor Charles Dickens et al. 26 mar 2009 Paperback Preț: 59.20 lei 66.92 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -12%
Aristophanes: Frogs and Other Plays: A new verse translation, with introduction and notes Oxford World's Classics Autor Aristophanes et al. 10 noi 2016 Paperback Preț: 59.38 lei 70.30 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -16%
The Politics Autor Aristotle et al. 26 feb 2009 Paperback Preț: 60.52 lei 70.96 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -15%
The Nature of the Gods Autor Cicero et al. 12 iun 2008 Paperback Preț: 62.77 lei 75.53 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -17%
The Metaphysics Thrift Editions Autor Aristotle 16 ian 2018 Paperback Preț: 63.23 lei 75.80 lei 3-4 săpt. | 6-12 zile -17%
Madame de Staël et les Français: The Zaharoff Lectures, 1994-95 Zaharoff Lectures Autor Simone Balayé 14 feb 1996 Paperback Preț: 64.54 lei 75.77 lei 31-38 zile -15%
Aristotle: De Anima Social Imaginaries Autor Aristotle 15 iun 1991 Paperback Preț: 67.08 lei 3-5 săpt.
Poetry and Painting: Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Apollinaire, and their Painter Friends Zaharoff Lectures Autor Alanformer Director of the Tate Gallery (1980-88) Bowness 20 oct 1994 Paperback Preț: 70.89 lei 83.31 lei 31-38 zile -15%
Ancient Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume 1 Anthony Kenny 20 iul 2006 Paperback Preț: 81.21 lei 92.73 lei 10-17 zile | 6-12 zile -12%
Really Existing Nationalisms Radical Thinkers Autor Erica Benner 17 apr 2018 Paperback Preț: 82.17 lei Se retipărește
Hippolytos Greek Tragedy in New Translations Autor Euripides et al. 29 oct 1992 Paperback Preț: 87.77 lei 3-5 săpt.
Heraclidae Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Euripides et al. 14 iun 1995 Paperback Preț: 258.00 lei 339.61 lei 31-38 zile -24%
Individualism in Social Science: Forms and Limits of a Methodology Autor Rajeev Bhargava 9 apr 2008 Paperback Preț: 107.89 lei 41-47 zile
The Seasons: A Poem, Compared with the London and Edinburgh Editions Autor James Thomson 26 mai 2018 Paperback Preț: 107.92 lei 17-24 zile
Shakespeare: A Life Autor Park Honan 16 mar 2000 Paperback Preț: 110.94 lei 123.44 lei 31-38 zile -10%
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The Ages of Man: A Study in Medieval Writing and Thought Clarendon Paperbacks Autor J. A. Burrow 14 sep 1988 Paperback Preț: 120.42 lei 155.66 lei 31-38 zile -23%
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Biology, Ethics, and Animals Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Rosemary Rodd oct 1992 Paperback Preț: 121.81 lei 156.41 lei 31-38 zile -22%
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Virgil: Selections from the Aeneid Translations from Greek and Roman Authors Autor Virgil et al. 3 oct 1984 Paperback Preț: 122.62 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Labour's Grass Roots: The Politics of Party Membership Patrick Seyd et al. 18 iun 1992 Paperback Preț: 128.21 lei 164.89 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Sets: An Introduction Michael D. Potter 3 ian 1991 Paperback Preț: 128.85 lei 165.24 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Algebraic Computing with REDUCE: Lecture Notes from the First Brazilian School on Computer Algebra Vol. 1 Malcolm A. H. MacCallum et al. 7 noi 1991 Paperback Preț: 130.50 lei 166.12 lei 31-38 zile -21%
Linguistic Structure and Change: An Explanation from Language Processing Autor Thomas Berg 15 feb 2001 Paperback Preț: 130.95 lei 166.37 lei 31-38 zile -21%
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Samuel Johnson and Eighteenth-Century Thought Oxford English Monographs Autor Nicholas Hudson 27 iun 1990 Paperback Preț: 134.47 lei 173.32 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Raw Feeling: A philosophical account of the essence of consciousness Autor Robert Kirk 24 oct 1996 Paperback Preț: 134.65 lei 173.42 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Medea Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Seneca et al. 6 dec 1989 Paperback Preț: 579.95 lei 745.31 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Poets in their Time: Essays on English Poetry from Donne to Larkin Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Barbara Everett 23 ian 1992 Paperback Preț: 141.28 lei 182.04 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Ethics: and "The Nature of Moral Philosophy" British Moral Philosophers Autor G. E. Moore et al. 25 aug 2005 Paperback Preț: 142.28 lei 153.53 lei 31-38 zile -7%
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion Autor Philip L. Quinn et al. 12 oct 2006 Paperback Preț: 370.61 lei 510.59 lei 31-38 zile -27%
Shakespeare the Theatre-Poet Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Robert Hapgood 19 sep 1991 Paperback Preț: 146.80 lei 190.05 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Mistaken Identities: Poetry and Northern Ireland Autor Peter McDonald 17 feb 2000 Paperback Preț: 149.34 lei 193.90 lei 31-38 zile -23%
The Properties of Nuclei Oxford Physics Series, nr. 12 Autor G. A. Jones 25 feb 1987 Paperback Preț: 151.06 lei 6-8 săpt.
Quantum Processes in Semiconductors Autor B. K. Ridley 15 iul 1993 Paperback Preț: 155.02 lei 196.96 lei 31-38 zile -21%
Numbers and Shapes Revisited: More Problems for Young Mathematicians Autor Judita Cofman 30 mar 1995 Paperback Preț: 159.18 lei 204.24 lei 31-38 zile -22%
The American Tort Process Clarendon Paperbacks Autor John G. Fleming 8 noi 1990 Paperback Preț: 160.16 lei 207.33 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Lord Randolph Churchill: A Political Life Autor R. F. Foster 8 dec 1982 Paperback Preț: 163.02 lei 208.88 lei Indisponibil temporar -22%
Inside the Cult: Religious Innovation and Transmission in Papua New Guinea Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology Autor Harvey Whitehouse 6 iul 1995 Paperback Preț: 165.41 lei 215.20 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Food Aid: The Challenge and the Opportunity Autor Hans Singer et al. 16 iul 1987 Paperback Preț: 165.73 lei 215.39 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Does God's Existence Need Proof? Autor Richard Messer 2 oct 1997 Paperback Preț: 167.72 lei 296.29 lei 31-38 zile -43%
Planning for Change: Industrial Policy and Japanese Economic Development 1945-1990 Autor James E. Vestal 25 oct 1995 Paperback Preț: 167.91 lei 216.55 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Capitalism with Morality D. W. Haslett 25 iul 1996 Paperback Preț: 168.16 lei 289.78 lei 31-38 zile -42%
Oxford and Empire: The Last Lost Cause? Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Richard Symonds 17 iun 1992 Paperback Preț: 169.47 lei 217.39 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Autonomy and Rights: The Moral Foundations of Liberalism Horacio Spector 10 ian 2008 Paperback Preț: 177.36 lei 309.03 lei 31-38 zile -43%
De Anima: Books II and III (with passages from Book I) Clarendon Aristotle Series Autor Aristotle et al. 9 sep 1993 Paperback Preț: 271.24 lei 338.97 lei 31-38 zile -20%
Conrad's Narrative Method Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Jakob Lothe 25 apr 1991 Paperback Preț: 182.82 lei 237.16 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Prisons in Context Clarendon Paperbacks Editat de Roy D. King et al. 19 mai 1994 Paperback Preț: 184.50 lei 214.26 lei 31-38 zile -14%
Alterities: Criticism, History, Representation Autor Thomas Docherty 28 mar 1996 Paperback Preț: 184.93 lei 240.85 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Improprieties: Politics and Sexuality in Northern Irish Poetry Autor Clair Wills 24 noi 1993 Paperback Preț: 185.56 lei 241.19 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Ethnicity, Law and Human Rights: The English Experience Sebastian Poulter 2 dec 1999 Paperback Preț: 185.62 lei 317.75 lei 31-38 zile -42%
The Body Hispanic: Gender and Sexuality in Spanish and Spanish American Literature Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Paul Julian Smith 19 mar 1992 Paperback Preț: 187.53 lei 244.74 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Growth through Competition, Competition through Growth: Strategic Management and the Economy in Japan Autor Hiroyuki Odagiri 12 mai 1994 Paperback Preț: 188.14 lei 242.58 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Questions of Time and Tense Robin Le Poidevin 14 feb 2002 Paperback Preț: 193.26 lei 336.16 lei 31-38 zile -43%
A Commentary on Herodotus: Volume II: Books V-IX A Commentary on Herodotus Autor W. W. How et al. 15 mar 1990 Paperback Preț: 193.96 lei 250.77 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Johnson's Shakespeare Clarendon Paperbacks Autor G. F. Parker 15 aug 1991 Paperback Preț: 194.01 lei 253.28 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies Autor Stanley Fish 25 oct 1990 Paperback Preț: 195.51 lei 246.55 lei 31-38 zile -21%
Social Security in Developing Countries Editat de Ehtisham Ahmad et al. 27 feb 2020 Paperback Preț: 205.81 lei 329.34 lei 10-17 zile -38%
Oxford Guides to Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde Oxford Guides to Chaucer Autor Barry Windeatt 31 oct 2023 Paperback Preț: 206.22 lei 234.16 lei 31-38 zile | 6-12 zile -12%
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Autor Mary Wortley Montagu et al. 15 oct 2009 Paperback Preț: 208.23 lei 38-45 zile
Androtion and the Atthis: The Fragments Translated with Introduction and Commentary Clarendon Ancient History Series Phillip Harding 12 iul 2001 Paperback Preț: 217.37 lei 280.76 lei 31-38 zile -23%
India in Transition: Freeing the Economy Clarendon Paperbacks Autor Jagdish Bhagwati 14 iul 1993 Paperback Preț: 275.79 lei 346.31 lei 31-38 zile -20%