Chapter S Success Strategies
S.1Time Management and Goal Setting
S.2Learning Styles
S.3Study Skills
S.4Test Taking
S.5Blended and Online Classes
Chapter 1 Whole Numbers and Algebraic Expressions
1.1Place Value, Reading and Writing Whole Numbers, Tables
1.2Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers
1.3Multiplying Whole Numbers and Area
1.4Dividing Whole Numbers
1.5Rounding Whole Numbers and Estimating
1.6Exponents, Roots, and Order of Operations
1.7Solving Further Applications of Whole Numbers
1.8Introduction to Algebraic Expressions and Equations
Chapter 2 Integers and Equations
2.1Introduction to Integers
2.2Adding Integers
2.3Subtracting Integers
2.4Multiplying and Dividing Integers
2.5Order of Operations
2.6Solving Equations Using Integers
Chapter 3 Solving Equations and Their Applications
3.1Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
3.2Solving Equations using Integers: Addition and Multiplication Properties
3.3Solving Equations using Integers: Distributive Property
3.4Solving Applications using Equations
Chapter 4 Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.1Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.2Equivalent Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Improper Fractions
4.3Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.4Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.5Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions and Mixed Numbers
4.6Order of Operations and Complex Fractions
4.7Algebraic Expressions and Equations Involving FractionsChapter 5 Decimals
5.1Introduction to Decimals and Rounding
5.2Adding and Subtracting Decimals
5.3Multiplying Decimals and the Circumference and Area of a Circle
5.4Dividing Decimals
5.5Fractions, Decimals, and Order of Operations
5.6Algebraic Expressions and Equations Involving Decimals
Chapter 6 Ratios, Proportions, and Measurement
6.1Ratios and Rates
6.3Similar Triangles and Other Applications Involving Proportions
6.4U.S. Customary Units of Measurement
6.5Metric System of Measurement
6.6Unit Conversion
Chapter 7 Percent
7.1Percent, Decimals, and Fractions
7.2Solving Percent Proportions
7.3Solving Percent Equations
7.4Percent Increase and Decrease
7.5Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount Applications
7.6Interest Applications
Chapter 8 Graphing and Introduction to Statistics
8.1Rectangular Coordinate System
8.2Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables
8.3Statistical Graphs
8.4Mean, Median, and Mode
8.5Counting and Probability
Chapter 9 Geometry
9.1Lines and Angles
9.2Perimeter and Circumference of Plane Figures
9.3Area, Volume, and Surface Area of Solid Figures
9.4The Pythagorean Theorem and Square Roots
Chapter 10 Exponents and Polynomials
10.1Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
10.2Multiplying Monomials and Properties of Exponents
10.3Multiplying Polynomials
10.4The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring Polynomials