Untouchable Pasts: Religion, Identity, and Power Among a Central Indian Community, 1780-1950 Suny Hindu Studies Autor Saurabh Dube apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.73 lei 624.39 lei Se retipărește -15%
Dattatreya: The Immortal Guru, Yogin, and Avatara Autor Antonio Rigopoulos 9 apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.89 lei 624.58 lei Se retipărește -15%
More Than Class: Studying Power in U.S. Workplaces Suny the Anthropology of Work Editat de Ann E. Kingsolver apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.68 lei 623.15 lei Se retipărește -15%
A Korean Nationalist Entrepreneur Autor Choong Soon Kim 30 apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 558.02 lei 656.49 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
The Poetics of Decadence: Chinese Poetry of the Southern Dynasties and Late Tang Periods Suny Chinese Philosophy and Cu Autor Fusheng Wu apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.17 lei 623.72 lei Se retipărește -15%
Living Pictures: The Origins of the Movies Suny Series, Cultural Studies Autor Deac Rossell apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.27 lei 622.67 lei Se retipărește -15%
Labyrinths of the Mind: The Self in the Postmodern Age Suny Postmodern Culture Autor Daniel R. White et al. apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.60 lei 623.06 lei Se retipărește -15%
Shelter and Society: Theory, Research, and Policy for Nonprofit Housing Suny Urban Public Policy Editat de C. Theodore Koebel apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.17 lei 623.72 lei Se retipărește -15%
Expanding Literacies: English Teaching and the New Workplace Suny Series, Literacy, Culture Editat de Mary Sue Garay et al. mar 1998 Hardback Preț: 531.64 lei 625.45 lei Se retipărește -15%
Crime and Criminal Justice in Israel: Assessing the Knowledge Base Toward the Twenty-First Century Suny Israeli Studies Editat de Robert R. Friedmann mar 1998 Hardback Preț: 532.20 lei 626.12 lei Se retipărește -15%
Cultural Interactions in the Romantic Age: Critical Essays in Comparative Literature Suny Series, the Margins of Li Editat de Gregory Maertz feb 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.01 lei 623.54 lei Se retipărește -15%
Dramas of Solitude: Narratives of Retreat in American Nature Writing Suny Series, Literacy, Culture Autor Randall Roorda feb 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.49 lei 624.11 lei Se retipărește -15%
Speech and Political Practice: Recovering the Place of Human Responsibility Suny the Philosophy of the Soc Autor Murray Jardine feb 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.60 lei 623.06 lei Se retipărește -15%
Kenosis and Feminist Theology: The Challenge of Gianni Vattimo Suny Series, McGill Studies in Autor Marta Frascati-Lochhead feb 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.98 lei 623.50 lei Se retipărește -15%
Citizen Perspectives on Community Policing: A Case Study in Athens, Georgia Suny New Directions in Crime a Autor Brian N. Williams feb 1998 Hardback Preț: 528.86 lei 622.19 lei Se retipărește -15%
Community, Collaboration, and Collegiality in School Reform: An Odyssey Toward Connections Suny Series, Restructuring and Autor Nina G. Dorsch 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.76 lei 623.25 lei Se retipărește -15%
Fragments of the Feminine Sublime in Friedrich Schlegel and James Joyce Suny the Sublime Autor Ginette Verstraete 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.42 lei 624.03 lei Se retipărește -15%
Gombrowicz's Grimaces: Modernism, Gender, Nationality Suny Ser. in Near Eastern St.; Editat de Ewa Plonowska Ziarek 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.83 lei 624.50 lei Se retipărește -15%
Bodies at Risk: Unsafe Limits in Romanticism and Postmodernism Suny Postmodern Culture Autor Robert Burns Neveldine 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.53 lei 622.97 lei Se retipărește -15%
Language and Limits: Resisting Reform in English Studies Suny Series, Literacy, Culture Autor Myron C. Tuman 1998 Hardback Preț: 529.60 lei 623.06 lei Se retipărește -15%
Images of Women in Maharashtrian Society Editat de Anne Feldhaus 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.32 lei 623.91 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Women Mystics Confront the Modern World: Marie de l'Incarnation (1599-1672) and Madame Guyon (1648-1717) Suny Western Esoteric Traditio Autor Marie-Florine Bruneau 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
Intergenerational Programs: Support for Children, Youth, and Elders in Japan Suny Japan in Transition Autor Matthew Kaplan et al. 1998 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%
Hegel's Transcendental Induction Suny Hegelian Studies Autor Peter Simpson dec 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.02 lei 622.38 lei Se retipărește -15%
Subversions of International Order: Studies in the Political Anthropology of Culture Suny National Identities Autor John Borneman dec 1997 Hardback Preț: 531.35 lei 625.12 lei Se retipărește -15%
For a Philosophy of Freedom and Strife: Politics, Aesthetics, Metaphysics Suny Contemporary Continental Autor Günter Figal et al. dec 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.01 lei 623.54 lei Se retipărește -15%
Sinners, Lovers, and Heroes: An Essay on Memorializing in Three American Cultures Suny Series, Communication and Autor Richard Morris noi 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.83 lei 624.50 lei Se retipărește -15%
Common Ground: Feminist Collaboration in the Academy Editat de Elizabeth G. Peck et al. noi 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.58 lei 624.20 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Middle East Peace Process: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Suny Israeli Studies Editat de Ilan Peleg noi 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.42 lei 624.03 lei Se retipărește -15%
Other Germanies: Questioning Identity in Women's Literature and Art Suny Postmodern Culture Editat de Karen Jankowsky et al. oct 1997 Hardback Preț: 531.14 lei 624.88 lei Se retipărește -15%
Redesigning Teacher Education Suny Series, Teacher Preparati Autor Alan R. Tom oct 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.49 lei 624.11 lei Se retipărește -15%
Narrating Postmodern Time and Space Suny Series in Postmodern Cult Autor Joseph Francese oct 1997 Paperback Preț: 529.53 lei 622.97 lei Se retipărește -15%
Women, Myth, and the Feminine Principle Autor Bettina L Knapp 30 oct 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.66 lei 624.31 lei Se retipărește -15%
Power and Politics Autor Michael D Parsons 25 sep 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%
Emerging Theories of Human Communication Suny Series, Human Communicati Editat de Branislav Kovacic sep 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.68 lei 623.15 lei Se retipărește -15%
Nietzsche and the Promise of Philosophy Suny Contemporary Continental Autor Wayne Klein sep 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.32 lei 623.91 lei Se retipărește -15%
Writing Cogito: Montaigne, Descartes, and the Institution of the Modern Subject Suny Series, the Margins of Li Autor Hassan Melehy sep 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.43 lei 622.86 lei Se retipărește -15%
Developing Communication Theories Suny Series, Human Communicati Editat de Gerry Philipsen et al. aug 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.27 lei 622.67 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Martin Buber - Carl Rogers Dialogue Autor Rob Anderson et al. 14 aug 1997 Hardback Preț: 552.58 lei 650.10 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Teachers' Reading/Teachers' Lives Suny Series, Urban Voices, Urb Autor Mary Kay Rummel et al. aug 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.76 lei 623.25 lei Se retipărește -15%
Integrated Curriculum and Developmentally Appropriate Practice Editat de Craig H Hart et al. 10 iul 1997 Hardback Preț: 574.73 lei 676.15 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Bookend: Anatomies of a Virtual Self Suny Postmodern Culture Autor Joe Amato iul 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.27 lei 622.67 lei Se retipărește -15%
Managing Gender: Affirmative Action and Organizational Power in Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand Sport Suny Sport, Culture, and Socia Autor Jim McKay iul 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.68 lei 623.15 lei Se retipărește -15%
Buddhahood Embodied: Sources of Controversy in India and Tibet Suny Buddhist Studies Autor John J. Makransky iul 1997 Hardback Preț: 533.18 lei 627.27 lei Se retipărește -15%
Hegel, History, and Interpretation Suny Hegelian Studies Editat de Shaun Gallagher iun 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Possibilities of Society: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the Sociological Viewpoint of English Romanticism Suny Series, the Margins of Li Autor Regina Hewitt iun 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.92 lei 623.44 lei Se retipărește -15%
Trial and Error: Israel's Route from War to De-Escalation Suny Israeli Studies Autor Yagil Levy iun 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.49 lei 624.11 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Gift of Truth: Gathering the Good Autor Stephen David Ross apr 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Jewishness of Israelis: Responses to the Guttman Report Suny Israeli Studies Editat de Charles S. Liebman et al. apr 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.36 lei 622.78 lei Se retipărește -15%
Interpreting Amida Autor Galen Amstutz 25 apr 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.01 lei 623.54 lei Se retipărește -15%
Playing to Win: Sports and the American Military, 1898-1945 Suny Sport, Culture, and Socia Autor Wanda Ellen Wakefield apr 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.68 lei 623.15 lei Se retipărește -15%
Memory, Identity, Community: The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences Suny the Philosophy of the Soc Editat de Lewis P. Hinchman et al. apr 1997 Hardback Preț: 569.81 lei 670.37 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Changing Work, Changing Workers: Critical Perspectives on Language, Literacy, and Skills Suny Series, Literacy, Culture Editat de Glynda Hull mar 1997 Hardback Preț: 531.79 lei 625.64 lei Se retipărește -15%
Changing Roles of State Intervention in Services in an Era of Open International Markets Editat de Yair Aharoni 13 mar 1997 Hardback Preț: 531.23 lei 624.97 lei Se retipărește -15%
Art in the Social Order: The Making of the Modern Conception of Art Autor Preben Mortensen mar 1997 Hardback Preț: 528.95 lei 622.29 lei Se retipărește -15%
Blake's Nostos Autor Kathryn S Freeman 6 mar 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.60 lei 623.06 lei Se retipărește -15%
Figuring the Self: Subject, Absolute, and Others in Classical German Philosophy Suny Philosophy Editat de David E. Klemm et al. feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
Women Writing Women Editat de Teresa Cajiao Salas et al. 20 feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 532.52 lei 626.49 lei Se retipărește -15%
Mapping Reality Autor Jane Azevedo 6 feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.89 lei 624.58 lei Se retipărește -15%
Crisis and Transformation Autor Eliezer Ben-Rafael 27 feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.49 lei 624.11 lei Se retipărește -15%
Adorno and "a Writing of the Ruins" Autor James Martin Harding 20 feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 529.27 lei 622.67 lei Se retipărește -15%
Alternatives in Jewish Bioethics Autor Noam J. Zohar 20 feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 528.95 lei 622.29 lei Se retipărește -15%
Recreating Relationships: Collaboration and Educational Reform Suny Series, Teacher Preparati Editat de Helen Christiansen et al. feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 531.06 lei 624.77 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Critical Philosophy of Hermann Cohen Autor Andrea Poma et al. 30 ian 1997 Hardback Preț: 530.83 lei 624.50 lei Se retipărește -15%
Bodily Discursions: Genders, Representations, Technologies Suny Postmodern Culture Editat de Deborah S. Wilson et al. dec 1996 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
A Watch Over Mortality: The Philosophical Story of Julian Marias Suny Latin American and Iberia Autor Harold Raley noi 1996 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
An Ottoman Century Autor Dror Ze'Evi aug 1996 Hardback Preț: 530.01 lei 623.54 lei Se retipărește -15%
Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft Editat de James R. Lewis apr 1996 Hardback Preț: 570.22 lei 670.85 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Confronting the Experts Editat de Brian Martin apr 1996 Hardback Preț: 529.43 lei 622.86 lei Se retipărește -15%
Maimonides on the "decline of the Generations" and the Nature of Rabbinic Authority Suny Jewish Philosophy Autor Menachem Kellner apr 1996 Hardback Preț: 528.62 lei 621.90 lei Se retipărește -15%
Living Liberation in Hindu Thought Editat de Andrew O. Fort et al. mar 1996 Hardback Preț: 530.45 lei 624.06 lei Se retipărește -15%
Images of Women in Maharashtrian Literature and Religion Editat de Anne Feldhaus mar 1996 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
Missing Children Autor James N Tedisco et al. 7 mar 1996 Hardback Preț: 529.02 lei 622.38 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Korean Economy: Perspectives for the 21st Century Suny Korean Studies Autor Hyung-Koo Lee 1996 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Impact of School Choice and Community: In the Interest of Families and Schools Suny Series, Youth Social Serv Autor Claire Smrekar noi 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.36 lei 622.78 lei Se retipărește -15%
Oil on the Edge Autor Robert Gramling 2 noi 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.43 lei 622.86 lei Se retipărește -15%
Photography, Vision, and the Production of Modern Bodies Suny Series, Interruptions: Bo Autor Suren Lalvani noi 1995 Hardback Preț: 559.80 lei 658.58 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Plato's Craft of Justice Suny Ancient Greek Philosophy Autor Richard D. Parry noi 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.07 lei 623.62 lei Se retipărește -15%
Zen in the Art of Rhetoric: An Inquiry Into Coherence Suny Communication Studies Autor Mark McPhail noi 1995 Hardback Preț: 557.73 lei 656.16 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Fear, Truth, Writing Autor Alison Leigh Brown 6 oct 1995 Hardback Preț: 528.70 lei 622.00 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Practice of Technology: Exploring Technology, Ecophilosophy, and Spiritual Disciplines for Vital Links Autor Alan Drengson oct 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.68 lei 623.15 lei Se retipărește -15%
Where "something Catches": Work, Love, and Identity in Youth Suny Series, Identities in the Autor Victoria I. Munoz oct 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
Teacher Evaluation Policy: From Accountability to Professional Development SUNY Series, Educational Leade Editat de Daniel L. Duke oct 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.36 lei 622.78 lei Se retipărește -15%
Aristotle's Theory of Actuality Suny Ancient Greek Philosophy Autor Zev Bechler sep 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
Over the Ivy Walls: The Educational Mobility of Low-Income Chicanos Suny Series, the Social Contex Autor Patricia Gándara sep 1995 Hardback Preț: 553.70 lei 651.41 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Scheming Women: Poetry, Privilege, and the Politics of Subjectivity Suny Feminist Criticism and Th Autor Cynthia Hogue sep 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%
Mass Enlightenment: Critical Studies in Rousseau and Diderot Suny Social and Political Thou Autor Julia Simon sep 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.76 lei 623.25 lei Se retipărește -15%
Perplexity and Ultimacy Autor William Desmond 17 aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%
Anticipating China: Thinking Through the Narratives of Chinese and Western Culture Autor David L. Hall et al. aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 565.60 lei 665.42 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
Schooling Young Children Autor Jeanne Brady 3 aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 528.30 lei 621.53 lei Se retipărește -15%
Discipleship or Pilgrimage? Autor Tony W Johnson 17 aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.27 lei 622.67 lei Se retipărește -15%
Finitude and Transcendence in the Platonic Dialogues Autor Drew A Hyland 10 aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.43 lei 622.86 lei Se retipărește -15%
The Constructed Body: Aids, Reproductive Technology, and Ethics Autor Julien S. Murphy aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 591.36 lei 622.48 lei Se retipărește -5%
Communication and High-Speed Management Autor Donald P Cushman et al. 10 aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.24 lei 623.82 lei Se retipărește -15%
Transforming Democracy Autor Daniel M Shea 10 aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 529.85 lei 623.35 lei Se retipărește -15%
Initiates of Theosophical Masters Suny Western Esoteric Traditio Autor K. Paul Johnson aug 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.08 lei 623.63 lei Se retipărește -15%