
Grassland in a changing world

Autor H. Schnyder, Johannes Isselstein, F. Taube, Karl Auerswald, J. Schellberg, M. Wachendorf
en Limba Engleză Paperback – 31 iul 2010
ForewordGrassland is the major resource to sustain the living of about one billion people worldwide. In industrialized Europe, grassland covers some 30 % of the agricultural area and forms the basis of a strong ruminant livestock sector. Grassland also provides a broad range of services that are beneficial for man. In addition to the production of herbage for livestock, grassland plays a major role in, for example, the maintenance of biodiversity, carbon sequestration into soils, clean surface and ground water, and the provision of an attractive environment for recreation and leisure activities. The way grassland provides these services is increasingly being affected by large scale processes that are commonly summarized as "global change". Grassland farming, the intensity of management and utilization, and the production of goods and environmental services at a given site are strongly affected by global markets for tradable goods, by international societal developments, by worldwide and realtime information exchange, and, most importantly, by climate change. These factors are seriously challenging the functioning of grassland and there is a great uncertainty as to how grassland will maintain its importance. Grassland researchers have realized this challenge and they have responded with in depth research in the various aspects of grassland farming and global change.This was the background for the organizers of the EGF 2010 General Meeting to select 'Grassland in a Changing World' as the general topic of the conference. It is the first time that this topic has been addressed as the major theme for an EGF conference. Within this theme, five sections have been identified, ranging from 'grassland, climate and socio-economic change', over 'the future of grassland production systems', 'from grass to milk and meat', 'grassland ecosystem services', to 'pastoral systems'. Peer reviewed papers have been included in the present conference proceedings that are published in the EGF book series 'Grassland Science in Europe' as volume 15. Each section is introduced by a pair of review-papers from experienced scientists, followed by a set of voluntary submissions that had been presented at the conference as either oral or paper contributions. The book is an excellent source for up-todate research in the field of grassland science and global change.We wish to express our gratitude to the many people who have contributed to the conference. First of all we thank the 400 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world for their scientific contributions as lectures, papers, posters and in the discussions. We particularly thank the numerous people that actively supported the planning and preparation of the conference: the members of the Organizing and the Scientific Committees, the many external reviewers, Alan Hopkins for the anglicizing of the manuscripts, Karl Auerswald for revising, formatting and proofreading of the whole book, and Melitta Sternkopf for managing the correspondence with the authors. Special thanks go to the members of the organizing group at Kiel University, Antje Herrmann as the Conference Secretary, Sigmone Hoffmann, Karin Rahn and the many 'helping hands' in the conference office, and the technical support team. Many thanks also to Martin Elsäßer and his team for organizing the most attractive preconference tour. They were all very dedicated to the conference and it was a pleasure to share the experience of organizing a General Meeting with them. The European Grassland Federation Secretary Willy Kessler was very helpful in giving sound advice throughout the four years of conference preparations.The conference was supported by many sponsors whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged.Hans Schnyder Chairman of the Scientific Committee Friedhelm Taube Chairman of the Organizing CommitteeJohannes IsselsteinPresident of the European Grassland FederationTable of ContentSession 1. Grassland and Global ChangeInvited papersImpact of economic and political drivers on the grassland use in the EU Osterburg B., Isermeyer F., Lassen B. and Röder N. ... 3C3/C4 grasslands and climate change Lattanzi F.A. ... 3Session 1.1 Grassland and climate changeOral PresentationsChanges in soil organic matter content of grassland and maize land in the Netherlands between 1970 and 2009 Reijneveld J.A., Kuikman P.J. and Oenema O. ... 4Changes in abundance and diversity of wild species in grass fields in Denmark Andreasen C., Stryhn H. and Andresen L.C. ... 4Impacts of climate change on the grazing period, and the conserved feeding costs of grazing systems in the UK Topp C.F.E., Wreford A., Tolkamp B.J., Wu L. and Moran D. ... 5Poster Presentations1.1.01 Effect of crude protein intake on CH4 concentration in a dairy stall Arriaga H., Blanco F., Salcedo G., Martínez-Suller L. and Merino P. ... 51.1.02 Quantification of ley yield increase by climate change in mountainous regions of southern Norway Baadshaug O.H., Haugen L.E. and Skjelvåg A.O. ... 61.1.03 Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from fertilized grassland Balezentiene L., Klimas E. and Bleizgys R. ... 61.1.04 Carbon gain of C3 and C4 grasses in a dense canopy in the field Berone G.D., Lattanzi F.A. and Schnyder H. ... 71.1.05 AFLP analysis of genetic differentiation in legume germplasm in contrasting environments Collins R.P., Frankow-Lindberg B.E., Helgadóttir Á., Skøt L., Jones C. and Skøt K.P. ... 71.1.06 Factors determining changes in the xerothermic grasslands in Skierbieszów Landscape Park (SE Poland) Cwener A. and Chmielewski P. ... 81.1.07 Greenhouse gas inventory for grasslands in the Basque Country in 1990 and 2008 del Hierro O., Artetxe A. and Pinto M. ... 81.1.08 Fertiliser value and environmental impact of digestate application on permanent grassland Dieterich B., Finnan J., Hepp S., Hochstrasser T. and Müller C. ... 91.1.09 Change in carbon balance of a dry calcareous grassland caused by spontaneous afforestation Ferlan M., Eler K., Alberti G., Vodnik D., Peressotti A., Miglietta F., Simon_i_ P. and Bati_ F. ... 91.1.10 Using a dynamic system simulation model to assess the effects of climate change on grass-based dairy systems in Ireland Fitzgerald J.B., Holden N.M. and Brereton A.J. ... 91.1.11 Reduction of N2O emissions from grasslands under Atlantic conditions with the use of inhibitors (Basque Country, northern Spain) Menéndez S., Merino P., Pinto M., González-Murua C. and Estavillo J.M. ... 101.1.12 Evapotranspiration from grassland with contact to groundwater Misztal A. and Zarzycki J. ... 101.1.13 Climate change mitigation in European grasslands Peeters A. and Hopkins A. ... 111.1.14 Surface Runoff Simulator (SIMU) hastens the research on phosphorus losses from grassland Saarijärvi K. and Virkajärvi P. ... 111.1.15 Effect of climate change on grassland production for herbivorous livestock systems in France Ruget F., Moreau J.-C., Cloppet E. and Souverain F. ... 121.1.16 Fertilising practices to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from managed grasslands Schils R.L.M., Van Groenigen J.W., Velthof G.L. and Kuikman P.J. ... 121.1.17 Nitrous oxide emissions from highly productive grassland as a function of soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization Schmeer M., Dittert K., Loges R., Senbayram M. and Taube F. ... 131.1.18 Grazing intensity and precipitation affects herbage accumulation, herbage quality and animal performance in semi-arid grassland Schönbach P., Wan H., Gierus M., Müller K., Lin L., Susenbeth A. and Taube F. ... 131.1.19 Effect of precipitation on dry matter production of a meadow with varied cutting frequency Thumm U. and Tonn B. ... 141.1.20 Adaptability of permanent grassland to the drought Vozár _., Jan_ovi_ J., Ba_ová S. and KunáSová P. ... 141.1.21 Modelling the aboveground productivity in Cantabrian mountain grassland: the effect of available moisture and grazing Aldezabal A., Mandaluniz N., Laskurain N.A., Azpiroz A. and Uriarte L. ... 141.1.22 Management of a Nardetum strictae - results of a fifty year experiment Hochberg H. and Zopf D. ... 151.1.23 Effects of nutrient availability on intrinsic water-use efficiency of temperate seminatural grassland under rising atmospheric CO2 during the last century Köhler I., Poulton P., Macdonald A., Auerswald K. and Schnyder H. ... 151.1.24 Can the dehesa system work as a carbon sink? Analysis of the case of the 'deheson del encinar' (Toledo, Spain) Roig S., López-Carrasco C., Benavides R., De Simón Cid N., Díaz-Pines E., Montes F., Alonso Ponce R. and Rubio A. ... 16Session 1.2 Grassland and socio-economic changeOral presentationsCase-control studies for risk-assessment in ecology and agriculture Suter M. and Lüscher A. ... 17Extensive grasslands beyond the year 2013 - present situation and options for the future? Luick R. and Schrode S. ... 17Simulation of the effect of grass intake on the farmer's income Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A., De Haan M., Evers A. and Philipsen A.P. ... 18Poster presentations1.2.01 Socio-economic changes and their effects on agro-pastoral goat husbandry systems in semi-arid, sub-tropical mountain regions Dickhoefer U. and Schlecht E. ... 181.2.02 Management and legislation affecting the conservation of mountain grasslands subjected to common use in Central Apennine D'Ottavio P., Trobbiani P., Rismondo M., Iezzi G., Piergiovanni R., Sargenti P., Santilocchi R. and Roggero P.P. ... 191.2.03 Structural analysis of the dairy industry and its evolution in Central Switzerland Hofstetter P. ... 191.2.04 Grassland management on the 'Low Cost Farm': an overview of an eight-year period Holshof G. and de Haan M.H.A. ... 201.2.05 Global economic crisis impacts on dairy cattle in the Czech Republic Kvapilík J., Kohoutek A. and Komárek P. ... 201.2.06 Values and image of pasture-based milk production systems Lobsiger M., Wyss U., Réviron S. and Stoll W. ... 201.2.07 The role of agri-environmental programmes in grassland conservation and environmental protection Stypi_ski P. ... 211.2.08 Assessment of energy consumption pattern in a sample of Walloon livestock farming systems Rabier F., Mignon C., Lejeune L. and Stilmant D. ... 211.2.09 Threats to grassland plant diversity in Transylvania, Romania Larkham K.S. and Sutcliffe L.M.E. ... 221.2.10 Environmental aspects of grazing animals in a European context Van der Hoek K.W. ... 221.2.11 Abandonment of farming practices: impact on vegetation Zarzycki J. and Misztal A. ... 221.2.12 Master Cattleman: a comprehensive-interdisciplinary approach for delivering forage-livestock information to producers Lacefield G., Burris R., Smith R. and Porter L. .... 23Session 2. The Future of Grassland Productions SystemsInvited papersThe role of genetic resources for sustainable and productive grassland agriculture Kölliker R. and Boller B. ... 27Grass biomethane: A sustainable alternative industry for grassland Singh A., Korres N.E. and Murphy J.D... 27Session 2.1 Grassland systems and technologyOral presentationsDry matter and protein yields of red clover, Italian ryegrass and their mixtures Alibegovic-Grbic S., Bezdrob M. and Civic H. ... 28Analysis of hyperspectral data to estimate forage quality in legume-grass mixtures Biewer S., Fricke T. and Wachendorf M. ... 28Modelling ammonia emissions after field application of biogas slurries on grassland sites Pacholski A., Gericke D., Ni K. and Kage H... 29Influence of cutting date and pre-conditioning on the energy production from grassland through the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) Richter F., Fricke T. and Wachendorf M. ... 29Microwave for dock control on grassland Latsch R. and Sauter J. .... 30Grassland yield response to knife/tine slurry injection equipment - benefit or crop damage? Halling M.A. and Rodhe L. ... 30Better grazing opportunities with a mobile milking robot Haan M.H.A. de, Philipsen A.P., Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A., Holshof G., Lenssinck F.A.J. and Koning C.J.A.M. de ... 31Slurry seeding in grassland in Norway Nesheim L. ... 31Continuous and rotational grazing system with horses: effects on gorse production understorey developed under Pinus radiata stand Mosquera-Losada M.R., Mouhbi R., González-Hernández M.P., Boubaker A. and Rigueiro-Rodríguez A... 32Poster presentations2.1.01 Productivity and yield quality of white clover-grass mixed swards depending on cutting frequency Adamovics A. and Adamovica O. ... 322.1.02 Comparison of three traditional uses of forage production of mountain meadows in western Azerbayjan, Iran Akbarlou M., Mesdaghi M. and Sepehry A. ... 332.1.03 Pastures feeding value response to humic fertilizers Klimas E. and Balezentiene L. ... 332.1.04 Soil fertility and forage yield in a maize-Italian ryegrass rotation fertilized with pelletized broiler litter Bande-Castro M.J., Gómez-Sánchez R., Sainz M.J. and López-Mosquera M.E. ... 342.1.05 Natural lucerne populations of Estonia: yielding ability, herbage quality and prospective ways of use Bender A. and Tamm S. ... 342.1.06 A preliminary study on new biodegradable films to cover silages Borreani G., Chion A.R., Piano S., Ranghino F. and Tabacco E. ... 352.1.07 Utilisation of clover-grass silage of different cutting dates for solid fuel production Bühle L., Richter F., Perbandt D., Stoll S. and Wachendorf M. ... 352.1.08 PROGRASS - A mobile plant to produce solid fuel from grass harvested in the NATURA grassland habitats Bühle L., Donnison I., Heinsoo K., Südekum K.-H. and Wachendorf M. ... 362.1.09 White clover effect on yield and quality of a Lolium perenne sward under cutting conditions De Vliegher A. ... 362.1.10 Crop-livestock system: Influence of different sward heights in cattle performance Carvalho P. C. de F.,Wesp C. de L., Conte O., Machado A. P., Oliveira E. V. and Bremm C. ... 372.1.11 Grazing with a mobile milking robot Dufrasne I., Robaye V., Istasse L. and Hornick J. L. ... 372.1.12 Fermentation residues of biogas co-fermentation and their effects on grassland Elsaesser M. ... 382.1.13 Forage yield and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum in pure stand and in mixture with Lolium multiflorum Giambalvo D., Amato G., Di Miceli G., Frenda A.S., Ruisi P. and Stringi L. ... 382.1.14 Effect of different methods of sward renovation on selected physical and chemical soil properties Zaj_c M., Spychalski W. and Goli_ski P. ... 392.1.15 Biogas-Expert: grassland methane yield and short-term N efficiency of biogas residues Wienforth B., Herrmann A., Sieling K., Ohl S., Hartung E., Taube F. and Kage H. . 392.1.16 Using digital image analysis to estimate legume contents in legume-grass swards Himstedt M., Fricke T. and Wachendorf M. ... 402.1.17 Grassland potassium balance in a pot experiment using soils with different management histories Seidel M., Kayser M., Moir J.L. and Isselstein J. ... 402.1.18 The intensity of grassland management on farms in the north-eastern part of Lublin province Jankowski K., Jode_ka J., Kolczarek J. and Sosnowski J. ... 412.1.19 Formation of hayland productivity and hay quality in the forest steppe of Ukraine depending on the methods of fertilization of perennial grasses Kovtun K., Petrychenko V., Veklenko Y., Dutka G., Senyk I. and Mazur V. ... 412.1.20 Effects of Trifolium incarnatum proportion in binary mixtures with Lolium multiflorum on the soil Nmin content and the amount of symbiotically fixed N Kramberger B., Gselman A. and Podvrsnik M. ... 422.1.21 Use of portable NIRS equipment in field conditions to determine the nutritional value of mountain pastures Mendarte S., Ibarra A., Garbisu C., Besga G. and Albizu I. ... 422.1.22 Dairy soiled water as an organic fertilizer for perennial ryegrass pasture Minogue D., Murphy P., French P., Coughlan F. and Bolger T. ... 432.1.23 Fertilisation with different types of sewage sludge on pasture production and protein concentration in a silvopastoral system developed under Fraxinus excelsior L. Mosquera-Losada M.R., Ferreiro-Domínguez N. and Rigueiro-Rodríguez A. ... 432.1.24 Liming and sewage sludge influence on Ca soil and understorey development in reforested Pinus radiata D. Don plantations Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Cuiña-Cotarelo R. and Mosquera-Losada M.R. ... 442.1.25 Continuous and rotational grazing system with horses: effects on gorse production understorey developed under Pinus radiata stand Mosquera-Losada M.R., Mouhbi R., González-Hernández M.P., Boubaker A. and Rigueiro-Rodríguez A. ... 322.1.26 Impact of different levels of inorganic and organic fertilizers on sward production Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., García-Fernández M. and Mosquera-Losada M.R. ... 442.1.27 The organic-mineral fertilization of a Festuca rubra L. grassland for eight years P_curar F., Rotar I., Gârda N. and Morea A. ... 452.1.28 Effect of frost on regrowth ability and frost tolerance of rush (Juncus spp.) Folkestad J., Østrem L. and Netland J. ... 452.1.29 Hyperspectral measurements in maize (Zea mays L.) for silage Perbandt D., Fricke T. and Wachendorf M. ... 462.1.30 Effects of additional illumination under changing simulated sky cover on field spectroscopic measurements in clover-grass swards Perbandt D., Fricke T. and Wachendorf M. ... 462.1.31 Analysis of land utilisation by red deer in the Apennine Mountains Crocetti C., Ponzetta M.P., Minder I., Messeri A., Cervasio F., Argenti G. and Maccelli S. ... 462.1.32 Ammonia volatilization after application of biogas slurries in a coastal marsh region of Northern Germany Quakernack R., Techow A., Herrmann A., Taube F., Kage H. and Pacholski A. ... 472.1.33 Changes in soil P status of grassland in the Netherlands between 1971 and 2009 Reijneveld J.A., Ehlert P.A.I., Schoumans O.F., Termorshuizen A.J and Oenema O. 472.1.34 A comparison of different conversion techniques for the production of energy from permanent grasslands Richter F. and Wachendorf M. ... 482.1.35 Improvement of permanent grasslands in NE Romania Samuil C., Vintu V., Iacob T. and Popovici I. C. ... 482.1.36 Effects of different methods of meadow maintenance and non-tillage seeding on yield and plant composition Sauter J. and Latsch R. ... 492.1.37 Suitability of perennial grasses and legume-grass-mixtures for methane production Schmaler K., Weiß K. and Krause R. ... 492.1.38 Defining optimum practices for Italian ryegrass seed production in Serbia Simi_ A., Vu_kovi_ S., Petrovi_ S. and Sokolovi_ D. ... 492.1.39 Influence of sod seeding grassland on the quality of the first cut Skládanka, J., Mikyska F., Dolezal P., seda J. and Rosická L. ... 502.1.40 The benefits of long-term legume swards in an organic farming system Slepetys J. and Slepetiene A. ... 512.1.41 Grass and grass-legume mixtures for methane production Sölter U., Höppner F., Luesink W., Ingwersen B., Feuerstein U. and Greef J.M. ... 512.1.42 Biogas-Expert: Sustainable biomethane production in northern Germany - Nitrogen leaching after application of biogas residue Svoboda N., Wienforth B., Sieling K., Kage H., Taube F. and Herrmann A. ... 522.1.43 Biogas-Expert: Nitrous oxide emission from biogas production systems on a coastal marsh soil Techow A., Dittert K., Senbayram M., Quakernak R., Pacholski A., Kage H., Taube F. and Herrmann A. ... 522.1.44 The evaluation of tall fescue, cocksfoot and reed canary grass as energy crops for biogas production Tilvikien V., Kadziulien Z. and Dabkevi_ius Z. ... 532.1.45 Potential of leaching to optimise fuel quality of semi-natural grassland biomass Tonn B., Thumm U. and Claupein W. ... 532.1.46 Improving grasslands of Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania by organic fertilization Vintu V., Samuil C., Popovici I.C. and Saghin G. ... 542.1.47 Assessing small-scale soil spatial variability and depth to groundwater on shallow grassland soils with electromagnetic induction Gottfried T., Auerswald K. and Schnyder H. ... 542.1.48 High quality grass - Potential for biogas production Banemann D., Kramer E. and Ingwersen B. ... 552.1.49 Strategies for optimizing light interception in grass-clover swards - effects on yield and quality Lind P. and Köpke U. ... 552.1.50 Methods of the accelerated reestablishment of grasslands on arable lands of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe Kurgak V. and Tovstoshkur V. ... 552.1.51 Feeding cows with grasses in different keeping systems OSmane B., Jemeljanovs A., Miculis J., Konosonoka I.H. and Ceria S. ... 56Session 2.2 The role of genetic resourcesOral presentationsThe effect of evaluation protocol on the dry matter yield performance of Lolium perenne varieties McEvoy M., O'Donovan M., Wims C. and Kennedy E. ... 56A system to optimize forage crop variety trials for regionalized Recommended Lists in Germany Hartmann S. ... 57Genetic shift in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) after natural selection in a marginal area Göransson M. and Helgadóttir Á. ... 57Poster presentations2.2.01 Some plant characteristics of accessions of fescue species (Festuca sp.) collected from the Central-Black Sea Region of Turkey Acar Z., Ayan I., Basaran U., Mut H. and Asci O. ... 582.2.02 Habitat of Camphorosma monspeliaca L. species in semi-arid regions of Iran Tilaki G.A.D. and Gharibvand H.A.K. ... 582.2.03 White clover (Trifolium repens L.) germplasm evaluation under two levels of soil phosphorus: growth and phosphorus absorption Acuña H., Inostroza L. and Sánchez M.P. ... 582.2.04 Influence of the cutting regime on sainfoin yield (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) Demdoum S., Delgado I. and Muñoz F. ... 592.2.05 Legumes increase forage Brassica yield in low-input systems Fustec J., Cortés-Mora F.A., Piva G., Oury V., Pineau S. and Renaud S. ... 592.2.06 Morphogenetic and structural characterization of seven tropical forage grasses Nascimento Jr. D., Rodrigues C. S., Da Silva S. C., Silveira M. C. T., Sousa B. M. L., Detmann E., Sbrissia A. F., Silva W. L., Pena K. S., Monteiro H. C. F. and Vilela H. H. ... 602.2.07 Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of Andropogon gayanus cut to different heights over seasons Nascimento Jr. D., Sousa B.M.L., Da Silva S.C., Monteiro H.C.F., Rodrigues C.S., Souza Jr. S.J., Sbrissia A.F. and Ramos R.S. ... 602.2.08 Influence of 1000-grain weight on predicted density of selected varieties of pasture grass species Harkot W., Czarnecki Z. and Gawryluk A. ... 612.2.09 Genetic diversity of red clover varieties listed in Germany concerning the resistance to Southern Anthracnose Jacob I., Hartmann S., Schubiger F.X. and Struck C. ... 612.2.10 Osmotic adjustment and water use efficiency of seven cultivars of Lotus corniculatus L. Inostroza L., Acuña H. and Rivera H. ... 622.2.11 Root system development of Lolium perenne under different management Straková M., Jank_ _. and Straka J. ... 622.2.12 Genotypic differences in maize phenology, growth and biomass in response to different N fertilizer sources applied at variable rates Amanullah ... 632.2.13 Conservation characteristics of maize cultivars ensiled as whole-crop, cob or stover at sequential stages of maturity Lynch J.P., O'Kiely P. and Doyle E.M. ... 632.2.14 Response of Dactylis glomerata to low temperature stress Borawska-Jarmu_owicz B., Mastalerczuk G. and Kalaji M.H. ... 642.2.15 The aesthetic value of turfgrass varieties Popovici C. I., Vintu V. and Samuil C. ... 642.2.16 Apex development and stem morphology of vernalized and regrowing tillers of timothy Seppänen M., Pakarinen K., Jokela V., Andersen J.R., Fiil A., Santanen A. and Virkajärvi P. ... 652.2.17 Lifespan of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plant organs under northern temperate climatic conditions Sturite I., Henriksen T.M. and Breland T.A. ... 652.2.18 Effects of fungal endophyte infection in the grass Festuca rubra on germination and growth of four legume species Vázquez-de-Aldana B.R., Romo M., García-Ciudad A., Petisco C. and García-Criado B. ... 662.2.19 Cytoplasmic genetic diversity in molecular markers within and between Lolium cultivars Wallace M.D., Provan J. and Gilliland T.J. .... 662.2.20 Effect of maturity type of Lolium perenne cultivars on performance of grass-clover mixtures under frequent cutting Wulfes R. and Taube F. ... 672.2.21 Evaluation of yield potential and genetic variances for nine cultivars of alfalfa under the New Valley environment Abdel-Galil M.M. and Hamed N. M. ... 672.2.22 Technology for seed production in three cultivars of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) under irrigation conditions in the south of Chile Romero O., Ortega F. and Levio H. ... 68Session 3: From Grass to Milk and MeatInvited papersAuthenticity and traceability of grassland production and products Monahan F.J., Moloney A.P., Downey G., Dunne P.G., Schmidt O. and Harrison S.M. ... 71Forage conservation, feeding value and milk quality Huhtanen P., Südekum K.-H., Nousiainen J. and Shingfield K.J. ... 712.2.11 Root system development of Lolium perenne under different management Straková M., Jank_ _. and Straka J. ... 622.2.12 Genotypic differences in maize phenology, growth and biomass in response to different N fertilizer sources applied at variable rates Amanullah ... 632.2.13 Conservation characteristics of maize cultivars ensiled as whole-crop, cob or stover at sequential stages of maturity Lynch J.P., O'Kiely P. and Doyle E.M. ... 632.2.14 Response of Dactylis glomerata to low temperature stress Borawska-Jarmu_owicz B., Mastalerczuk G. and Kalaji M.H. ... 642.2.15 The aesthetic value of turfgrass varieties Popovici C. I., Vintu V. and Samuil C. ... 642.2.16 Apex development and stem morphology of vernalized and regrowing tillers of timothy Seppänen M., Pakarinen K., Jokela V., Andersen J.R., Fiil A., Santanen A. and Virkajärvi P. ... 652.2.17 Lifespan of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plant organs under northern temperate climatic conditions Sturite I., Henriksen T.M. and Breland T.A. ... 652.2.18 Effects of fungal endophyte infection in the grass Festuca rubra on germination and growth of four legume species Vázquez-de-Aldana B.R., Romo M., García-Ciudad A., Petisco C. and García-Criado B. ... 662.2.19 Cytoplasmic genetic diversity in molecular markers within and between Lolium cultivars Wallace M.D., Provan J. and Gilliland T.J. ... 662.2.20 Effect of maturity type of Lolium perenne cultivars on performance of grass-clover mixtures under frequent cutting Wulfes R. and Taube F. ... 672.2.21 Evaluation of yield potential and genetic variances for nine cultivars of alfalfa under the New Valley environment Abdel-Galil M.M. and Hamed N. M. ... 672.2.22 Technology for seed production in three cultivars of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) under irrigation conditions in the south of Chile Romero O., Ortega F. and Levio H. ... 682.2.23 Selection of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) genotypes in north-western Russia Pozdnyakov V.A., Malashin S.N., Drizhachenko A.I. and Pozdnyakov A.V. ... 68Session 3: From Grass to Milk and MeatInvited papersAuthenticity and traceability of grassland production and products Monahan F.J., Moloney A.P., Downey G., Dunne P.G., Schmidt O. and Harrison S.M. ... 71Forage conservation, feeding value and milk quality Huhtanen P., Südekum K.-H., Nousiainen J. and Shingfield K.J. ... 713.1.09 Forage species effects on particle digestion kinetics estimated by rumen evacuation or gas production technique Bayat A.R., Rinne M., Seppälä A., Ahvenjärvi S. and Huhtanen P. ... 813.1.10 Non structural carbohydrate concentration of AM and PM-cut forage species Bélanger G., Pelletier S., Tremblay G.F., Bertrand A., Drapeau R., Castonguay Y. and Pageau D. ... 813.1.11 Characterization of forages produced and used in the production area of Parmigiano-Reggiano c
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ISBN-13: 9783869440200
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