In Love with the World
Autor Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Helen Tworkoven Limba Engleză Paperback – 30 mar 2021
"One of the most inspiring books I have ever read."--Pema Ch dr n, author of When Things Fall Apart
"This book has the potential to change the reader's life forever."--George Saunders, author of Lincoln in the Bardo At thirty-six years old, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche was a rising star within his generation of Tibetan masters and the respected abbot of three monasteries. Then one night, telling no one, he slipped out of his monastery in India with the intention of spending the next four years on a wandering retreat, following the ancient practice of holy mendicants. His goal was to throw off his titles and roles in order to explore the deepest aspects of his being. He immediately discovered that a lifetime of Buddhist education and practice had not prepared him to deal with dirty fellow travelers or the screeching of a railway car. He found he was too attached to his identity as a monk to remove his robes right away or to sleep on the Varanasi station floor, and instead paid for a bed in a cheap hostel. But when he ran out of money, he began his life as an itinerant beggar in earnest. Soon he became deathly ill from food poisoning--and his journey took a startling turn. His meditation practice had prepared him to face death, and now he had the opportunity to test the strength of his training. In this powerful and unusually candid account of the inner life of a Buddhist master, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche offers us the invaluable lessons he learned from his near-death experience. By sharing with readers the meditation practices that sustain him, he shows us how we can transform our fear of dying into joyful living. Praise for In Love with the World "Vivid, compelling . . . This book is a rarity in spiritual literature: Reading the intimate story of this wise and devoted Buddhist monk directly infuses our own transformational journey with fresh meaning, luminosity, and life."--Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge "In Love with the World is a magnificent story--moving and inspiring, profound and utterly human. It will certainly be a dharma classic."--Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart "This book makes me think enlightenment is possible."--Russell Brand
Preț: 93.60 lei
17.91€ • 19.45$ • 15.05£
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Livrare economică 01-15 aprilie
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ISBN-10: 0525512543
Pagini: 288
Dimensiuni: 133 x 197 x 22 mm
Greutate: 0.18 kg
Editura: Random House
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Hobeanu Irina a dat nota:
O calatorie a mintii si a sufletului. Mintea mi-a zburat alaturi de calugarul budist Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, care hotaraste sa iasa din zona de confort, "sa puna lemne pe foc" si sa plece in retragere, insa nu in modul la care m-as fi asteptat (anume intr-un loc solitar, izolat, unde contactul uman este redus spre deloc). Am plecat impreuna in calatorie, el in aglomerata zona a Varanasiului, eu spre marea Nordului, amandoi agitati de freamatul neincetat al oamenilor si de propriile emotii. Mi-a placut nespus aceasta incursiune in mintea unui calugar budist, de o sinceritate debordanta, care relateaza propriile experiente in cautarea iluminarii, sau "de pe taramurile dintre viata si moarte", caci, in credinta budista, acestea sunt momentele in care sufletul transcende realitatea pe care o cunoastem si se poate reuni nestingherit cu esenta ancestrala. Un subiect care ma atrage si care este expus atat de simplu si frumos in acest volum, pe intelesul si puterile tuturor, este meditatia ca forma de cunoastere, calmare, constientizare, introspectie si evolutie. O informatie care va ramane cu mine de acum inainte este urmatoarea: relaxarea mintii nu implica si evitarea gandurilor (ceea ce este in esenta un paradox - te gandesti ca nu vrei sa gandesti - insa este extrem de raspandit in mentalul colectiv). In schimb, putem sa recunoastem gandurile care zboara in constiinta noastra, le acceptam si le lasam sa pluteasca mai departe, fara a tine de ele cu incrancenare si a le diseca pe toate partile. Am terminat cartea cu zambetul pe buze si cu multe pasaje asupra carora reflectez inca - dintre acestea, va las cateva aici in timp ce va indemn sa cititi si volumul integral. “Cu totii ne transformam prin iubire si prin pierdere, prin relatii, prin munca, prin bunatate, prin tragedii. Ne sperie insa schimbarile, caci renuntarea la un tipar comportamental cu care ne identificam poate fi resimtita ca moartea insasi.” “[…] practicam pentru a afla ceea ce suntem deja si, prin urmare, nu realizam nimic, nu obtinem nimic, nu mergem nicaieri. Cautam sa descoperim ceea ce a fost intotdeauna acolo.” “[…] iadul nu este un loc, ci o stare a mintii.”