AcknowledgementsPART 1: The Story as a Tool of Ethics
Chapter 1: Thinking About Values
Do We Need a Code of Ethics?
Values, Morals, and EthicsGood and Evil
Debating Moral Issues from Religion to Neurobiology and StorytellingMartha Nussbaum: Stories, Ethics, and Emotions
A Philosophical Example, a Real-Life Event, and Two Fictional Stories about LyingPrimary Reading: Martha Nussbaum, Love's Knowledge
Primary Reading: Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer EffectNarrative: Smoke Signals
Narrative: Big FishNarrative: East of Eden
Chapter 2: Learning Moral Lessons from Stories
Didactic Stories
The New Interest in Stories Across the ProfessionsThe Value of Stories Across Time and Space
Primary Reading: Plato, Republic, Book XPrimary Reading: Aristotle, Poetics
Primary Reading: Umberto Eco, The Name of the RosePrimary Reading: Raymond Chandler, "The Simple Art of Murder"
Narrative: MedeaNarrative: The Sorrows of Young Werther
Narrative: The Education of MingoNarrative: Pulp Fiction
PART 2: What Should I Do? Ethics of Conduct
Chapter 3: Ethical Relativism
How to Deal with Moral Differences
The Lessons of AnthropologyProblems with Ethical Relativism
Refuting Ethical RelativismJames Rachels and Soft Universalism
Ethical Relativism and MulticulturalismPrimary Reading: Ruth Benedict, "Anthropology and the Abnormal"
Primary Reading: James Rachels, "Problems from Philosophy"Primary Reading: John Steinbeck, "Paradox and Dream"
Narrative: The Poisonwood BibleNarrative: Possessing the Secret of Joy
Narrative: AvatarChapter 4: Myself or Others?
Psychological Egoism: What About the Heroes?
Psychological Egoism: From Glaucon to HobbesThree Major Problems With Psychological Egoism
Ethical Egoism, Ayn Rand’s Objectivism, and Its CriticsBeing Selfless: Levinas's Ideal Altruism Versus Singer's Reciprocal Altruism
A Natural Fellow-Feeling? Hume and de WaalPrimary Reading: Plato, The Republic
Primary Reading: Thomas Hobbes, LeviathanPrimary Reading: Ayn Rand, "The Ethics of Emergencies"
Primary Reading: Frans de Waal, Primates and Philosophers: How Morality EvolvedNarrative: Friends episode: "The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS"
Narrative: Return to ParadiseNarrative: Atlas Shrugged
Chapter 5: Using Your Reason, Part 1: Utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham and the Hedonistic Calculus
Advantages and Problems of Sheer Numbers: From Animal Welfare to the Question of TortureJohn Stuart Mill: Higher and Lower Pleasures
Mill's Harm PrincipleAct and Rule Utilitarianism
Primary Reading: Jeremy Bentham, "Of the Principle of Utility"Primary Reading: John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism
Primary Reading: Peter Singer, "A Convenient Truth"Narrative: "The Blacksmith and the Baker"
Narrative: The Brothers KaramazovNarrative: "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"
Narrative: Extreme MeasuresNarrative: The Invention of Lying
Chapter 6: Using Your Reason, Part 2: Kant's Deontology
Consequences Don't Count—Having a Good Will Does
The Categorical ImperativeRational Beings Are Ends in Themselves
Beings Who Are ThingsThe Kingdom of Ends
Primary Reading: Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of MoralsPrimary Reading: Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals
Narrative: High NoonNarrative: 3:10 to Yuma
Narrative: Match PointChapter 7: Personhood, Rights, and Justice
What Is a Human Being?
The Expansion of the Concept "Human"Personhood: The Key to Rights
Science and Moral Responsibility: Genetic Engineering, Stem Cell Research, and CloningQuestions of Rights and Equality
Distributive Justice: From Rawls to Affirmative ActionForward- and Backward-Looking Justice and Affirmative Action
Criminal Justice: Restorative Versus Retributive JusticePrimary Reading: Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Primary Reading: Jürgen Habermas, The Future of Human NaturePrimary Reading: John Rawls, "Justice as Fairness"
Primary Reading: Martin Luther King, Jr., "A Letter from a Birmingham Jail"Primary Reading: Two Texts on Discrimination: John Bertreaux, “Defining Racism in the 21st Century” and “Unseen, Unheard, Unchosen”
Narrative: The IslandNarrative: Gattaca
Narrative: Mississippi BurningNarrative: Hotel Rwanda
PART 3: How Should I Be? Virtue Ethics
Chapter 8: Virtue Ethics from Tribal Philosophy to Socrates and Plato
What Is Virtue? What Is Character?
Non-Western Virtue Ethics: Africa and Indigenous AmericaVirtue Ethics in the West
The Good Teacher: Socrates' Legacy, Plato's WorksThe Good Life
The Virtuous Person: The Tripartite SoulPlato's Theory of Forms
Plato's Influence on ChristianityPrimary Reading: Plato, The Republic
Primary Reading: Plato, ApologyPrimary Reading: Ronald Dworkin, What Is a Good Life?
Narrative: A Man for All SeasonsNarrative: "The Myth of the Cave"
Narrative: The Truman ShowNarrative: The Store of the Worlds
Chapter 9: Aristotle's Virtue Theory: Everything in Moderation
Empirical Knowledge and the Realm of the Senses
Aristotle the ScientistAristotle's Virtue Theory: Teleology and the Golden Mean
Aristotle's Influence on AquinasSome Objections to Greek Virtue Theory
Primary Reading: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book IIPrimary Reading: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book III
Narrative: "The Flight of Icarus"Narrative: Njal's Saga
Narrative: Lord JimNarrative: "A Piece of Advice"
Chapter 10: Contemporary Perspectives
Ethics and the Morality of Virtue as Political Concepts
Have Virtue, and Then Go Ahead: Mayo, Foot, and SommersThe Quest for Authenticity: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, and Levinas
Primary Reading: Søren Kierkegaard, Johannes ClimacusPrimary Reading: Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or
Primary Reading: Jean-Paul Sartre, "Existentialism Is a Humanism"Primary Reading: "The Paradox of Morality: An Interview with Emmanuel Levinas"
Primary Reading: Dwight Furrow, A Cultureof CareNarrative: Groundhog Day
Narrative: No ExitNarrative: Good Will Hunting
Narrative: The SearchersChapter 11: Case Studies in Virtue
Courage of the Physical and Moral Kind
Compassion: From Hume to Huck FinnGratitude: Asian Tradition and Western Modernity
Virtue and Conduct: The Option of Soft UniversalismDiversity, Politics, and Common Ground?
Primary Reading: John McCain, Why Courage Matters: The Way to a Braver LifePrimary Reading: Philip Hallie, Tales of Good and Evil, Help and Harm
Primary Reading: Jesse Prinz, Is Empathy Necessary for Morality?Primary Reading: Lin Yutang, "On Growing Old Gracefully"
Narrative: Courage: Band of Brothers, Third Episode, "Carentan"Narrative: Courage: True Grit
Narrative: Compassion: "The Parable of the Good Samaritan"Narrative: Compassion: Schindler's List
Narrative: Gratitude: Eat Drink Man WomanNarrative: Gratitude: Pay It Forward
Chapter 12: Different Gender, Different Ethics?
Feminism and Virtue Theory
What Is Gender Equality?Women's Historical Role in the Public Sphere
The Rise of Modern FeminismClassical, Difference, and Radical Feminism
Primary Reading: Harriet Taylor Mill, "Enfranchisement of Women"Primary Reading: Simone De Beauvoir, The Second Sex
Primary Reading: Carol Gilligan, In a Different VoiceNarrative: A Doll's House
Narrative: Maids of MisfortuneNarrative: "The Woman Destroyed"
Narrative: A Thousand Splendid SunsChapter 13: Applied Ethics: A Sampler
The Question of Abortion and Personhood
Euthanasia as a Right to Choose?Media Ethics and Media Bias
Business Ethics: The Rules of the GameJust War Theory
Animal Welfare and Animal RightsEthics of the Environment: Think Globally, Act Locally
The Death PenaltyThe Ethics of Self-Improvement: Narrative Identity
A Final WordPrimary Reading: Andrew Belsey and Ruth Chadwick, "Ethics as a Vehicle for Media Quality"
Primary Reading: Amber Levanon Seligson and Laurie Choi, "Critical Elements of an Organizational Ethical Culture"Primary Reading: Scott Gottlieb, "How Safe Is Our Food? FDA Could Do Better"
Primary Reading: John Rawls, The Law of PeoplesPrimary Reading: Great Ape Project, "The Declaration on Great Apes"
Primary Reading: Lee Hall and Anthony Jon Waters, "From Property to Person: The Case of Evelyn Hart"Primary Reading: "Ethics and the Environment"
Primary Reading: Severin Carrell, “Al Gore: Clear Proof That Climate Change Causes Extreme Weather”Primary Reading: Myles Allen, “Al Gore is Doing a Disservice to Science by Overplaying the Link Between Climate Change and Weather”
Primary Reading: Tom Sorell, "Two Ideals and the Death Penalty"Primary Reading: Mark Fuhrman, Death and Justice: An Exposé of Oklahoma's Death Row Machine
Narrative: Media Ethics/Business Ethics: State of PlayNarrative: Business Ethics: The Insider
Narrative: Business Ethics/Environmental Ethics: Cold WindNarrative: "The Jigsaw Man"
Narrative: The Life of David GaleCredits