Jacobs, A: Drop Dead Healthy
Autor A J Jacobsen Limba Engleză Paperback – 3 iul 2013
Preț: 108.12 lei
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20.69€ • 22.47$ • 17.38£
20.69€ • 22.47$ • 17.38£
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Livrare economică 22 aprilie-06 mai
Preluare comenzi: 021 569.72.76
ISBN-13: 9780099547433
ISBN-10: 0099547430
Pagini: 416
Ilustrații: Illustrations
Dimensiuni: 126 x 198 x 32 mm
Greutate: 0.39 kg
Editura: Random House
ISBN-10: 0099547430
Pagini: 416
Ilustrații: Illustrations
Dimensiuni: 126 x 198 x 32 mm
Greutate: 0.39 kg
Editura: Random House
Notă biografică
A. J. Jacobs is the editor at large at Esquire. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Know-It-All. He has contributed to the New York Times, New York magazine, and NPR's Weekend Edition, among others. He lives in New York. See ajjacobs.com for more information.
"Who wouldn't want to be fitter, happier, more productive? In this riotous, madcap book, AJ Jacobs sets himself an ambitious goal: to become the person we all wish we could be. It's vintage AJ. Do your future self a favour and buy this book." -- Joshua Foer, author of 'Moonwalking with Einstein' "Can one man go from a "python that ate a goat" physique to perfect specimen? From Roman soldier workouts to Areca palm plants, from the sublime to the absurd, AJ has tried it all. I laughed my ass off the whole way and learned a ton ... including about my ass." -- Timothy Ferriss, author of 'The 4-hour Work Week' "I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book, and once again, the brilliant A.J. Jacobs had me laughing out loud - and also deciding to change the way I live. Drop Dead Healthy is a rare mixture of the hilarious, the absurd, and the scientifically sound. Who knew it could be so entertaining to read about broccoli puree and shoeless jogging?" -- Gretchen Rubin, author of 'The Happiness Project' "A.J. Jacobs is very, very bad for your health. He will keep you up reading til 2 a.m., disturbing your circadian rhythms, making you sleep through breakfast and overeat at lunch. He is delicious. He's habit-forming. He will give you infectious titters and terminal glee. Don't let that stop you. Indulge." -- Mary Roach, author of 'Bonk' and 'Packing for Mars' "It's not just a funny read, Jacobs filters the wise from the wacky so we're left with some valuable health lessons.Drop Dead Healthy is both entertaining and useful." Healthy Magazine