Gender and Modernity in Spanish Literature: 1789-1920 Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 382.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Australia-ASEAN Dialogue: Tracing 40 Years of Partnership Asia Today Editat de S. Wood et al. 23 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 637.28 lei 749.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Shadow of Colonialism on Europe’s Modern Past Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Editat de R. Healy et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Making Global Health Care Innovation Work: Standardization and Localization Editat de N. Engel et al. 23 oct 2014 Hardback Preț: 386.39 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Transformation of Learning and Society Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education Editat de Z. Fadeeva et al. 31 oct 2014 Hardback Preț: 394.12 lei 6-8 săpt.
Selling Textiles in the Long Eighteenth Century: Comparative Perspectives from Western Europe Editat de J. Stobart et al. 26 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 394.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Pragmatics, Semantics and the Case of Scalar Implicatures Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 640.88 lei 753.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Rethinking Fascism and Dictatorship in Europe Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 736.64 lei 898.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Internationalization of Education Policy: A New Constellation of Statehood in Education? Transformations of the State Autor Kerstin Martens et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 638.57 lei 751.25 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
International Student Mobility and Transnational Friendships Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 380.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
Materiality and Time: Historical Perspectives on Organizations, Artefacts and Practices Technology, Work and Globalization Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 30 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 646.94 lei 761.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Feminism: Transmissions and Retransmissions Theory in the World Autor M. Lamas et al. 28 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 380.07 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Political Empowerment of the Cocaleros of Bolivia and Peru Studies of the Americas Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
NGOs under Pressure in Partial Democracies Non-Governmental Public Action Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 635.96 lei 748.20 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Sacred Violence: Political Religion in a Secular Age Rethinking Political Violence Autor D. Jones et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 693.57 lei 815.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Neoliberal Urban Policy and the Transformation of the City: Reshaping Dublin Editat de A. MacLaren et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 638.11 lei 750.72 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Sustainable Civilization Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 636.30 lei 748.59 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Making Meaning in Popular Romance Fiction: An Epistemology Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 7 aug 2014 Hardback Preț: 638.43 lei 751.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Higher Education Policy Convergence and the Bologna Process: A Cross-National Study Transformations of the State Autor E. Voegtle et al. 26 aug 2014 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Un/Making of Latina/o Citizenship: Culture, Politics, and Aesthetics Literatures of the Americas Editat de E. Hernández et al. 20 aug 2014 Paperback Preț: 418.07 lei 6-8 săpt.
Theopoetics of the Word: A New Beginning of Word and World Radical Theologies and Philosophies Cuvânt înainte de G. Vahanian et al. 7 aug 2014 Hardback Preț: 377.18 lei 6-8 săpt.
Bioenergy Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, nr. 20 Autor Karl Sch& et al. 23 aug 2014 Paperback Preț: 638.57 lei 751.25 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
AGREP: Permanent Inventory of Agricultural Research Projects in the European Communities Vol. I Main List: Research Projects / Vol. II Indexes Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 23 aug 2014 Paperback Preț: 468.62 lei 39-44 zile
Fringe Players and the Diplomatic Order: The 'New' Heteronomy Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 579.34 lei 681.58 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Christianities in the Early Modern Celtic World Editat de T. O' Hannrachain et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 781.27 lei 952.77 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Émigré Scholars and the Genesis of International Relations: A European Discipline in America? Palgrave Studies in International Relations Autor F. Roesch et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.33 lei 6-8 săpt.
Beyond Market and Hierarchy: Patriotic Capitalism and the Jiuda Salt Refinery, 1914-1953 Autor K. Man-Bun et al. 24 iul 2014 Paperback Preț: 635.96 lei 748.20 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Post-Yugoslavia: New Cultural and Political Perspectives Editat de D. Abazovic et al. 25 iul 2014 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Energy Security and Sustainable Economic Growth in China The Nottingham China Policy Institute Series Editat de S. Yao et al. 25 iul 2014 Hardback Preț: 640.88 lei 753.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Innovative Management and Firm Performance: An Interdisciplinary Approach and Cases Editat de M. Jakšic et al. 25 iul 2014 Hardback Preț: 654.77 lei 770.31 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Proactionary Imperative: A Foundation for Transhumanism Autor S. Fuller et al. 16 iul 2014 Paperback Preț: 646.28 lei 760.33 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Postmodern Metanarratives: Blade Runner and Literature in the Age of Image Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.12 lei 6-8 săpt.
Gender Equality Norms in Regional Governance: Transnational Dynamics in Europe, South America and Southern Africa Gender and Politics Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.93 lei 6-8 săpt.
Social Impact Finance IE Business Publishing Editat de F. Al-Atabani et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 380.25 lei 6-8 săpt.
Forging Shoah Memories: Italian Women Writers, Jewish Identity, and the Holocaust Italian and Italian American Studies Autor S. Lucamente et al. 25 iun 2014 Paperback Preț: 385.47 lei 6-8 săpt.
Politics in Private: Love and Convictions in the French Political Consciousness Europe in Transition: The NYU European Studies Series Autor A. Muxel et al. 5 iun 2014 Paperback Preț: 382.18 lei 6-8 săpt.
When the Innocent are Punished: The Children of Imprisoned Parents Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 638.24 lei 750.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Comparative Policy Studies: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges ECPR Research Methods Editat de I. Engeli et al. 15 mai 2014 Hardback Preț: 729.53 lei 889.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Post-War Statebuilding and Constitutional Reform: Beyond Dayton in Bosnia Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Strategies of Representation in Auto/biography: Reconstructing and Remembering Editat de M. Hove et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 380.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
Persistent Piracy: Maritime Violence and State-Formation in Global Historical Perspective Editat de S. Amirel et al. 19 mai 2014 Hardback Preț: 847.65 lei 1033.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Democratic Participation in Armed Conflict: Military Involvement in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq Palgrave Studies in International Relations Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 23 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.93 lei 6-8 săpt.
Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada Editat de L. Ben-Moshe et al. 29 mai 2014 Hardback Preț: 647.59 lei 761.87 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Viral Voyages: Tracing AIDS in Latin America New Directions in Latino American Cultures Autor L. Meruane et al. 14 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.12 lei 6-8 săpt.
Typology and Iconography in Donne, Herbert, and Milton: Fashioning the Self after Jeremiah Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 14 mai 2014 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
The “Femme” Fatale in Brazilian Cinema: Challenging Hollywood Norms Autor Kenneth A. Loparo mai 2014 Hardback Preț: 392.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Medieval Motion Picture: The Politics of Adaptation The New Middle Ages Editat de A. Johnston et al. 2 apr 2014 Paperback Preț: 385.08 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Landscape of Consumption: Shopping Streets and Cultures in Western Europe, 1600-1900 Editat de J. Furneé et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 422.90 lei 6-8 săpt.
An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology and Counselling: Pathways of Mindfulness-Based Therapies Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 8 apr 2014 Paperback Preț: 582.02 lei 684.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Preserving the Sixties: Britain and the 'Decade of Protest' Editat de T. Harris et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 381.21 lei 6-8 săpt.
Reimagining Black Difference and Politics in Brazil: From Racial Democracy to Multiculturalism Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 9 apr 2014 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activities, and Networks Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 22 apr 2014 Hardback Preț: 780.02 lei 951.25 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Embodying Memory in Contemporary Spain Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2 apr 2014 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Consumption Norms and Everyday Ethics Consumption and Public Life Autor L. Pellandini-Simánya et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 381.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination Work and Welfare in Europe Editat de E. Barcevicius et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Rules and Dispositions in Language Use Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 383.50 lei 6-8 săpt.
Banking Regulation in China: The Role of Public and Private Sectors Autor W. He et al. 6 mar 2014 Hardback Preț: 640.06 lei 753.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
US National Security Concerns in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Concept of Ungoverned Spaces and Failed States Editat de G. Prevost et al. 20 mar 2014 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Birthplace, Migration and Crime: The Australian Experience Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 385.47 lei 6-8 săpt.
Migrants or Expatriates?: Americans in Europe Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Constructing European Union Trade Policy: A Global Idea of Europe International Political Economy Series Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 636.94 lei 749.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Emerson and Neo-Confucianism: Crossing Paths over the Pacific Autor Y. Takanashi et al. 20 feb 2014 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Luigi Einaudi: Selected Political Essays: Volume III Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 639.59 lei 752.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Max Weber's Theory of the Modern State: Origins, structure and Significance Autor A. Anter et al. 19 feb 2014 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Contemporary Debates Issues in Higher Education Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 27 feb 2014 Hardback Preț: 728.74 lei 888.71 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Gypsy Stigma and Exclusion in Turkey, 1970: The Social Dynamics of Exclusionary Violence Autor G. Ozatesler et al. 11 feb 2014 Hardback Preț: 640.06 lei 753.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The History and Philosophy of Polish Logic: Essays in Honour of Jan Wole?ski History of Analytic Philosophy Editat de K. Mulligan et al. 27 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 645.79 lei 759.76 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Gender and the First World War Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 17 ian 2014 Hardback Preț: 391.61 lei 6-8 săpt.
Learning Transitions in Higher Education Autor D. Scott et al. 31 oct 2013 Hardback Preț: 394.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Missionary Masculinity, 1870-1930: The Norwegian Missionaries in South-East Africa Genders and Sexualities in History Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2014 Paperback Preț: 387.20 lei 6-8 săpt.
A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis Volume I: Money, Credit and Sectoral Balance Sheets Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Economics and Banking Editat de B. Winkler et al. 29 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 640.88 lei 753.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Governance in Family Enterprises: Maximising Economic and Emotional Success Autor A. Koeberle-Schmid et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 318.29 lei 6-8 săpt.
The 10 Principles of Open Business: Building Success in Today's Open Economy Autor D. Cushman et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 227.54 lei 6-8 săpt.
Transformations of Religion and the Public Sphere: Postsecular Publics Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series Editat de R. Braidotti et al. 2014 Paperback Preț: 213.58 lei 6-8 săpt.
Party Politics, Religion, and Women's Leadership: Lebanon in Comparative Perspective Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 5 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 385.08 lei 6-8 săpt.
Chechnya's Secret Wartime Diplomacy: Aslan Maskhadov and the Quest for a Peaceful Resolution Autor I. Akhmadov et al. 18 dec 2013 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Natural Disaster and Reconstruction in Asian Economies: A Global Synthesis of Shared Experiences Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo 5 dec 2013 Hardback Preț: 639.25 lei 752.06 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, and Society Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 18 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Economic and Monetary Union Macroeconomic Policies: Current Practices and Alternatives Autor P. Arestis et al. 2013 Paperback Preț: 382.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Rethinking Historical Distance Re-Enactment History Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 6 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Psychologization and the Subject of Late Modernity Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 20 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Welsh Writing, Political Action and Incarceration: Branwen's Starling Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2013 Paperback Preț: 382.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
How to Make Boards Work: An International Overview Editat de A. Kakabadse et al. 29 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 647.40 lei 761.65 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Local Leadership in Democratic Transition: Competing Paradigms in International Peacebuilding Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2013 Paperback Preț: 382.18 lei 6-8 săpt.
Re-Examining EU Policies from a Global Perspective: Scenarios for Future Developments Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo 21 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Norbert Elias and Social Theory Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 21 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Corporate Foresight and Strategic Decisions: Lessons from a European Bank Autor S. Marinova et al. 29 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 394.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Genocide, Risk and Resilience: An Interdisciplinary Approach Rethinking Political Violence Editat de B. Ingelaere et al. 2013 Paperback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Universal Rights, Systemic Violations, and Cultural Relativism in Morocco Autor O. Glacier et al. 7 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
China's Policymaking for Regional Economic Cooperation International Political Economy Series Autor Yang Jiang et al. 2013 Paperback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Dynamic Capabilities: How Organisational Structures Affect Knowledge Processes Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 29 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 644.95 lei 758.77 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Game Based Organization Design: New tools for complex organizational systems Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 6 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Making of Europe's Critical Infrastructure: Common Connections and Shared Vulnerabilities Editat de P. Högselius et al. 27 noi 2013 Hardback Preț: 399.29 lei 6-8 săpt.
Will to Power, Nietzsche's Last Idol Autor Kenneth A. Loparo 2013 Paperback Preț: 384.31 lei 6-8 săpt.