"Life on a French Poster" is an evocative, informative read for anyone who can relate to escaping to a better life to find that even paradise has its pitfalls. It is about assimilating new cultures (Franglais-American in this case); Breathing new life into a 500-year old French priory (Does one save the torchis? or not?); Developing new skills (like buying property as a foreigner and ironing giant bedcovers); Having a laugh over dinner with visitors from around the world (that's table d'hotes); and Becoming a village sex symbol (by accident via the "love window.") "Life on a French Poster" details aspects of one significant year in the lives of author Patricia Pearson and her husband Dan. It is true account of their restoration of Le Prieure, a 16th century priory in the remote tourist village of Biron, Southwest France. Pearson's skillful description of the transformation of this rambling stone manoir into a luxury bed & breakfast is part adventure, part romance and part travelogue. The book title springs from a 1970s vintage tourist poster with Le Prieure (www.fancyfrance.net) prominently featured at the foot of Chateau Biron. " Life on a French Poster." Is it possible for you?