Inventing Congress: Origins and Establishment of the First Federal Congress Perspective History Of Congres Autor Kenneth R. Bowling et al. 3 iul 1999 Hardback Preț: 418.98 lei 6-8 săpt.
Herero Heroes: A Socio-Political History of the Herero of Namibia, 1890–1923 Autor Jan-Bart Gewald 14 iun 1999 Paperback Preț: 263.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Dangerous Dames: Women and Representation in Film Noir and the Weimar Street Film Autor Jans B. Wager 30 iun 1999 Hardback Preț: 309.04 lei 6-8 săpt.
A Woman of the Times: Journalism, Feminism, and the Career of Charlotte Curtis Autor Marilyn S. Greenwald et al. 29 mai 1999 Hardback Preț: 266.22 lei 6-8 săpt.
Control and Crisis in Colonial Kenya: The Dialectic of Domination Eastern African Studies Autor Bruce Berman 28 feb 1999 Paperback Preț: 478.74 lei 621.74 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Your Madness, Not Mine: Stories of Cameroon Ohio RIS Africa Series, nr. 70 Autor Makuchi et al. 27 feb 1999 Paperback Preț: 171.39 lei 6-8 săpt.
East African Expressions of Christianity Eastern African Studies Autor Thomas Spear et al. 14 ian 1999 Hardback Preț: 477.11 lei 619.63 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Controlling Anger: The Anthropology of Gisu Violence Eastern African Studies Autor Suzette Heald noi 1998 Paperback Preț: 262.02 lei 6-8 săpt.
Theater and Martial Arts in West Sumatra: Randai and Silek of the Minangkabau Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series, nr. 103 Autor Kirstin Pauka 30 noi 1998 Paperback Preț: 259.31 lei 6-8 săpt.
Mountain People in a Flat Land: A Popular History of Appalachian Migration to Northeast Ohio, 1940–1965 Autor Carl E. Feather et al. 15 iul 1998 Paperback Preț: 203.36 lei 6-8 săpt.
Namibia Under South African Rule: Mobility and Containment, 1915–46 Autor Patricia Hayes et al. 30 iun 1998 Paperback Preț: 266.22 lei 6-8 săpt.
Detection and Its Designs: Narrative and Power in Nineteenth-Century Detective Fiction Autor Peter Thoms 14 apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 313.66 lei 6-8 săpt.
Good-Bye to Old Peking: The Wartime Letters Of U.S. Marine Captain John Seymour Letcher, 1937-1939 Autor John Seymour Letcher et al. 31 mar 1998 Hardback Preț: 365.00 lei 6-8 săpt.
Teaching Shakespeare into the Twenty-First Century Autor Ronald E. Salomone et al. 15 dec 1997 Paperback Preț: 247.56 lei 6-8 săpt.
Ancient Sisterhood: The Lost Traditions of Hagar and Sarah Autor Savina J. Teubal 30 noi 1997 Paperback Preț: 210.99 lei 6-8 săpt.
A Journey through the West: Thomas Rodney’s 1803 Journal from Delaware to the Mississippi Territory Autor Thomas Rodney et al. 30 oct 1997 Hardback Preț: 475.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Athens, Ohio: The Village Years Autor Robert L. Daniel 29 oct 1997 Paperback Preț: 243.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Argentina, the United States, and the Anti-Communist Crusade in Central America, 1977–1984: Mis Lam#26 Ohio RIS Latin America Series, nr. 26 Autor Ariel Armony 14 sep 1997 Paperback Preț: 289.01 lei 6-8 săpt.
Mau Mau From Below: Eastern African Studies Eastern African Studies Autor Greet Kershaw et al. 29 apr 1997 Paperback Preț: 263.16 lei 6-8 săpt.
Religious Pluralism and the Nigerian State: Mis Af#66 Ohio RIS Africa Series, nr. 66 Autor Simeon Olusegun Ilesanmi et al. 31 oct 1996 Paperback Preț: 289.19 lei 6-8 săpt.
Freedom In Our Lifetime: The Collected Writings Of Anton Muziwakhe Lembede Autor Anton Muziwakhe Lembede et al. 30 sep 1996 Hardback Preț: 318.08 lei 6-8 săpt.
Kampala Women Getting By: Wellbeing in the Time of AIDS Eastern African Studies Autor Sandra Wallman 14 sep 1996 Paperback Preț: 236.02 lei 6-8 săpt.
Jua Kali Kenya: Change and Development in an Informal Economy, 1970–1995 Eastern African Studies Autor Kenneth King 31 aug 1996 Paperback Preț: 235.80 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sight Unseen: Beckett, Pinter, Stoppard, and Other Contemporary Dramatists on Radio Autor Elissa S. Guralnick 30 noi 1995 Hardback Preț: 283.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Literature and Resistance in Guatemala: Textual Modes and Cultural Politics from El Señor Presidente to Rigoberta Menchú Ohio RIS Latin America Series, nr. 22 Autor Marc Zimmerman 14 oct 1995 Paperback Preț: 492.06 lei 639.04 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Theory in the Practice of the Nicaraguan Revolution Ohio RIS Latin America Series, nr. 24 Autor Bruce E. Wright 14 sep 1995 Paperback Preț: 257.18 lei 6-8 săpt.
Scheler’s Critique of Kant’s Ethics: Continental Thought Series, V. 22 Series In Continental Thought, nr. 22 Autor Philip Blosser 31 mai 1995 Hardback Preț: 530.07 lei 688.40 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Religion and Politics in East Africa: The Period since Independence Eastern African Studies Autor Hölger Bernt Hansen et al. 14 apr 1995 Paperback Preț: 259.09 lei 6-8 săpt.
S. L. Frank: The Life And Work Of A Russian Philosopher, 1877-1950 Autor Philip Boobbyer 30 apr 1995 Hardback Preț: 538.23 lei 699.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Jan Compagnie in the Straits of Malacca, 1641–1795: Mis Sea#96 Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series, nr. 96 Autor Dianne Lewis 30 apr 1995 Paperback Preț: 209.43 lei 6-8 săpt.
Beyond the Archipelago: Selected Poems Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series, nr. 93 Autor Muhammad Haji Salleh 31 mar 1995 Paperback Preț: 229.03 lei 6-8 săpt.
Kakungulu and the Creation of Uganda, 1868–1928: 1868-1928 Eastern African Studies Autor Michael Twaddle 15 dec 1993 Paperback Preț: 260.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
A Bed Called Home: Life In The Migrant Labour Hostels of Cape Town Autor Mamphela Ramphele 14 aug 1993 Paperback Preț: 197.76 lei 6-8 săpt.
Swahili Origins: Swahili Culture and The Shungwaya Phenomenon Eastern African Studies Autor James De Vere Allen apr 1993 Paperback Preț: 257.78 lei 6-8 săpt.
Being Maasai: Ethnicity and Identity In East Africa Eastern African Studies Autor Thomas Spear et al. 31 mar 1993 Paperback Preț: 280.21 lei 6-8 săpt.
Timberline Tailings: Tales Of Colorado'S Ghost Towns And Mining Camps Autor Muriel Sibell Wolle 31 ian 1993 Paperback Preț: 274.49 lei 6-8 săpt.
Log Construction: In The Ohio Country, 1750-1850 Autor Donald A. Hutslar 31 oct 1992 Paperback Preț: 200.28 lei 6-8 săpt.
Soldiers Of Misfortune: lvoirien Tirailleurs of World War II Autor Nancy Ellen Lawler 13 apr 1992 Hardback Preț: 434.55 lei 6-8 săpt.
Tales Never Told Around Campfire: True Tales Of Frontier America Autor Mark Dugan 23 feb 1992 Paperback Preț: 188.39 lei 6-8 săpt.
Changing Uganda: Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment Eastern African Studies Autor Hölger Bernt Hansen et al. 15 ian 1992 Paperback Preț: 278.30 lei 6-8 săpt.
Dune Country: A Hiker's Guide to the Indiana Dunes Autor Glenda Daniel et al. 5 noi 1991 Paperback Preț: 159.34 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Krobo People of Ghana to 1892: A Political and Social History Ohio RIS Africa Series, nr. 58 Autor Louise Wilson 29 noi 1991 Paperback Preț: 230.17 lei 6-8 săpt.
Stampede To Timberline: Ghost Towns & Mining Autor Muriel Sibell Wolle mai 1991 Paperback Preț: 319.79 lei 6-8 săpt.
Curtain Calls: British and American Women and the Theater, 1660–1820 Autor Mary Anne Schofield et al. 31 dec 1990 Hardback Preț: 369.25 lei 6-8 săpt.
Klondike Women: True Tales of the 1897–1898 Gold Rush Autor Melanie J. Mayer 15 noi 1989 Paperback Preț: 191.11 lei 6-8 săpt.
Buckeye Rovers in the Gold Rush: An Edition Of Two Diaries Autor H. Lee Scamehorn et al. 30 noi 1989 Hardback Preț: 396.13 lei 6-8 săpt.
Mexico Mystique: The Coming Sixth World of Consciousness Autor Frank Waters 29 aug 1989 Paperback Preț: 222.55 lei 6-8 săpt.
Military Ascendancy and Political Culture: A Study of Indonesia's Golkar Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series, nr. 85 Autor Leo Suryadinata 29 iul 1989 Paperback Preț: 228.65 lei 6-8 săpt.
Siaya: The Historical Anthropology of an African Landscape Eastern African Studies Autor David William Cohen et al. 14 mai 1989 Paperback Preț: 208.49 lei 6-8 săpt.
Cuchama and Sacred Mountains Autor W. Y. Evans Wentz et al. 30 mar 1989 Paperback Preț: 274.22 lei 6-8 săpt.
Ontology Of Work Of Art: Musical Work, Picture, Arch., Film Series In Continental Thought, nr. 12 Autor Roman Ingarden et al. 28 feb 1989 Hardback Preț: 480.96 lei 624.62 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
James Wright: The Poetry of a Grown Man; Constancy and Transition in the Work of James Wright Autor Kevin Stein 31 dec 1988 Hardback Preț: 358.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Manyfaced Glass: Tennyson'S Dramatic Monologues Autor Linda K. Hughes 14 mar 1987 Hardback Preț: 283.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
In Defense of Reason: Three Classics of Contemporary Criticism Autor Yvor Winters et al. 28 feb 1987 Paperback Preț: 322.11 lei 6-8 săpt.
Investigations In Philosophy Of Space: Continental Thought Series V. 11 Series In Continental Thought, nr. 11 Autor Elisabeth Stroker et al. 27 feb 1987 Hardback Preț: 482.59 lei 626.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
Change and Continuity in Minangkabau: Local, Regional, and Historical Perspectives on West Sumatra Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series, nr. 71 Autor Lynn L. Thomas et al. 28 feb 1986 Paperback Preț: 293.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Literary Guide and Companion to Southern England: Revised Edition Autor Robert M. Cooper iul 1985 Paperback Preț: 264.90 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Red Earth: A Vietnamese Memoir of Life on a Colonial Rubber Plantation Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series, nr. 66 Autor Tran Bu Binh et al. apr 1985 Paperback Preț: 131.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
Principles Of Interpretation: Continental Thought Series, V5 Series In Continental Thought, nr. 5 Autor Edward Goodwin Ballard 17 noi 1983 Hardback Preț: 504.05 lei 654.61 lei 6-8 săpt. -23%
An Introduction to Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen: A Handbook Autor William O. Cord apr 1983 Hardback Preț: 204.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
1001 Most Asked Questions American West Autor Harry E. Chrisman 15 oct 1982 Paperback Preț: 245.06 lei 6-8 săpt.
Shawnee: Ceremonialism Native American Tribe Autor James H. Howard 1981 Paperback Preț: 288.87 lei 6-8 săpt.
Power Of Blackness: Hawthorne, Poe, Melville Autor Harry Levin 30 iun 1980 Paperback Preț: 235.80 lei 6-8 săpt.
How to Identify Grasses and Grasslike Plants: Sedges and Rushes Autor H.D. Harrington et al. 31 dec 1976 Paperback Preț: 134.69 lei 6-8 săpt.
Midas of the Rockies: Biography of Winfield Scott Stratton, Croesus of Cripple Creek Autor Frank Waters et al. 31 dec 1971 Paperback Preț: 224.32 lei 6-8 săpt.
Theatres of Struggle and the End of Apartheid International African Library Autor Belinda Bozzoli Paperback Preț: 214.37 lei 235.28 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
Function Of Criticism: Problems and Exercises Autor Yvor Winters 31 dec 1969 Paperback Preț: 159.51 lei 6-8 săpt.