Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Translation of Female Kingship Arthurian and Courtly Cultures Autor F. Tolhurst 15 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 392.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
Spatial Literacy: Contemporary Asante Women’s Place-making Gender and Cultural Studies in Africa and the Diaspora Autor E. Amoo-Adare 6 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 351.66 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sibling Romance in American Fiction, 1835-1900 Autor E. VanDette 6 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sinicizing International Relations: Self, Civilization, and Intellectual Politics in Subaltern East Asia Autor C. Shih 6 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Women, Terrorism, and Trauma in Italian Culture Italian and Italian American Studies Autor R. Glynn 21 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 389.49 lei 6-8 săpt.
Postcolonial Yearning: Reshaping Spiritual and Secular Discourses in Contemporary Literature Autor A. Sen 20 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 381.98 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Life of Herbert Hoover: Keeper of the Torch, 1933-1964 Autor G. Best 23 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 507.65 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Social and Economic Origins of Monarchy in Jordan Middle East Today Autor T. Tell 7 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 696.50 lei 819.41 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Minorities in Iran: Nationalism and Ethnicity after Khomeini Autor R. Elling 28 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 644.18 lei 757.85 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Self-Consciousness in Modern British Fiction Autor B. Miller 30 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Scandal of White Complicity in US Hyper-incarceration: A Nonviolent Spirituality of White Resistance Content and Context in Theological Ethics Autor A. Mikulich et al. 30 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Violence and Gender in the "New" Europe: Islam in German Culture Studies in European Culture and History Autor B. Weber 30 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Science and Innovations in Iran: Development, Progress, and Challenges Editat de A. Soofi et al. 7 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Restoring Justice in Colombia: Conciliation in Equity Autor S. Mahan 22 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Surrealism in Latin American Literature: Searching for Breton's Ghost Autor M. Nicholson 7 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 698.94 lei 822.29 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in Greece after 1989 Studies in European Culture and History Autor V. Calotychos 21 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 393.52 lei 6-8 săpt.
War and Delusion: A Critical Examination Twenty-first Century Perspectives on War, Peace, and Human Conflict Autor L. Calhoun 22 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 388.52 lei 6-8 săpt.
Political Parties in Palestine: Leadership and Thought Autor M. Bröning 16 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt. | 6-12 zile
A Comparative Ethnography of Alternative Spaces Editat de J. Dahl et al. 7 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Screening Love and Sex in the Ancient World Autor Monica S. Cyrino 30 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 641.71 lei 754.95 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to Nineteenth-Century French Poetry Editat de J. Acquisto 30 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Reading Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century Autor Niranjan Ramakrishnan 31 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 364.08 lei 6-8 săpt.
Adoption: A Brief Social and Cultural History Autor P. Conn 28 ian 2013 Hardback Preț: 346.06 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sexuality, Sociality, and Cosmology in Medieval Literary Texts The New Middle Ages Editat de J. Brown et al. 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Tobacco-Plantation South in the Early American Atlantic World Americas in the Early Modern Atlantic World Autor S. Sarson 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Animal Spirits with Chinese Characteristics: Investment Booms and Busts in the World’s Emerging Economic Giant Autor M. DeWeaver 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 640.88 lei 753.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Civic Engagement, Digital Networks, and Political Reform in Africa The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication Autor O. Mudhai 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Prismatic Media, Transnational Circuits: Feminism in a Globalized Present Global Cinema Autor K. Lynes 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Citizen’s Income and Welfare Regimes in Latin America: From Cash Transfers to Rights Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 643.34 lei 756.86 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Civil Society and Electoral Accountability in Latin America Elections, Voting, Technology Autor S. Lean 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Consumer Culture in Latin America Editat de J. Sinclair et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Beyond Cairo: US Engagement with the Muslim World Palgrave Macmillan Series in Global Public Diplomacy Autor Darrell Ezell 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Meals in the Early Christian World: Social Formation, Experimentation, and Conflict at the Table Autor Dennis E. Smith et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 783.98 lei 956.08 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Gaming Globally: Production, Play, and Place Critical Media Studies Editat de N. Huntemann et al. 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 640.88 lei 753.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Engaging Men in the Fight against Gender Violence: Case Studies from Africa Autor Jane Freedman 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Teaching Leadership and Organizational Behavior through Humor: Laughter as the Best Teacher Editat de J. Marques et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 638.43 lei 751.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Political Resurrection in the Twentieth Century: The Fall and Rise of Political Leaders Autor L. Derfler 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Ways Out of War: Peacemakers in the Middle East and Balkans Editat de M. Fixdal 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Literature, Geography, and the Postmodern Poetics of Place Autor E. Prieto 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 584.43 lei 687.56 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Middle East and Globalization: Encounters and Horizons Autor Stephan Stetter 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Reevaluating NAFTA: Theory and Practice Autor I. Hussain 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Exploring the Limits of the Human through Science Fiction American Literature Readings in the 21st Century Autor Gerald Alva Miller Jr 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 392.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
Chinese Modernity and the Individual Psyche Culture, Mind, and Society Editat de A. Kipnis 18 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.99 lei 6-8 săpt.
Understanding Religion and Social Change in Ethiopia: Toward a Hermeneutic of Covenant Autor M. Girma 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 640.06 lei 753.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Power of Tolkien's Prose: Middle-Earth's Magical Style Autor S. Walker 4 dec 2012 Paperback Preț: 635.80 lei 748.00 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Africa and the European Union: A Strategic Partnership Editat de J. Mangala 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 393.52 lei 6-8 săpt.
Conjuring Moments in African American Literature: Women, Spirit Work, and Other Such Hoodoo Autor K. Samuel et al. 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 694.87 lei 817.50 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Love in Western Film and Television: Lonely Hearts and Happy Trails Editat de S. Matheson 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Exploring the Solar System: The History and Science of Planetary Exploration Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology Editat de R. Launius 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 736.16 lei 897.75 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Pilgrimage, Politics, and International Relations: Religious Semantics for World Politics Culture and Religion in International Relations Autor M. Barbato 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Clientelism in Everyday Latin American Politics Editat de T. Hilgers 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Political Parties and Democracy: Contemporary Western Europe and Asia Asia Today Editat de T. Inoguchi et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Occupying Political Science: The Occupy Wall Street Movement from New York to the World Editat de E. Welty et al. 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 391.61 lei 6-8 săpt.
Music and Performance in the Later Middle Ages The New Middle Ages Autor E. Upton 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 583.61 lei 686.60 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Social Life of Connectivity in Africa Editat de M. de Bruijn et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Longing to Belong: The Parvenu in Nineteenth-Century French and German Literature Nineteenth-Century Major Lives and Letters Autor S. Sasson 11 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Indigenous Space and Marginalized Peoples in the United Nations Autor J. Dahl 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
Latin American Science Fiction: Theory and Practice Editat de M. Ginway et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 642.51 lei 755.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Presenting Oprah Winfrey, Her Films, and African American Literature Editat de T. Green 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
America's Transatlantic Turn: Theodore Roosevelt and the "Discovery" of Europe The World of the Roosevelts Editat de H. Krabbendam et al. 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
The “White Other” in American Intermarriage Stories, 1945–2008 Signs of Race Autor L. Cardon 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Technically Alive: Shakespeare’s Sonnets Autor J. Archer 5 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Tribal Fantasies: Native Americans in the European Imaginary, 1900–2010 Studies in European Culture and History Editat de J. Mackay et al. 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Politics of the American Dream: Democratic Inclusion in Contemporary American Political Culture Autor C. Ghosh 28 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 381.00 lei 6-8 săpt.
Moments of Magical Realism in US Ethnic Literatures Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 6 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 588.50 lei 692.36 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Red Gas: Russia and the Origins of European Energy Dependence Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series Autor P. Högselius 28 dec 2012 Paperback Preț: 779.89 lei 951.08 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Modernism’s Second Act: A Cultural Narrative Autor I. Nadel 17 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 383.93 lei 6-8 săpt.
Swift’s Satires on Modernism: Battlegrounds of Reading and Writing Autor G. Atkins 17 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 381.00 lei 6-8 săpt.
Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence: An International History Autor C. Watts 11 dec 2012 Hardback Preț: 646.62 lei 760.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Nature Engaged: Science in Practice from the Renaissance to the Present Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Editat de M. Biagioli et al. 28 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 646.62 lei 760.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Poet Heroines in Medieval French Narrative: Gender and Fictions of Literary Creation The New Middle Ages Autor B. Findley 29 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Positioning Gender and Race in (Post)colonial Plantation Space: Connecting Ireland and the Caribbean Critical Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Culture Autor E. Stoddard 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 387.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Medieval Afterlives in Popular Culture The New Middle Ages Editat de G. Ashton et al. 28 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Beyond a Divided Cyprus: A State and Society in Transformation Autor Nicos Trimikliniotis et al. 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 390.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Carolingian Debate over Sacred Space The New Middle Ages Autor S. Collins 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 696.50 lei 819.41 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
African American Gothic: Screams from Shadowed Places American Literature Readings in the 21st Century Autor M. Wester 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 727.97 lei 887.76 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Interfaith Marriage in America: The Transformation of Religion and Christianity Christianities of the World Autor E. Seamon 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Polite Anarchy in International Relations Theory The Palgrave Macmillan History of International Thought Autor Z. Kazmi 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Poetry of Attention in the Eighteenth Century Autor M. Koehler 16 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Indigenous Youth in Brazilian Amazonia: Changing Lived Worlds Autor Pirjo K. Virtanen 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Constructing Solidarity for a Liberative Ethic: Anti-Racism, Action, and Justice Content and Context in Theological Ethics Autor T. Day 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Journalism Across Boundaries: The Promises And Challenges Of Transnational And Transborder Journalism Autor K. Grieves 28 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Religious Ethics in a Time of Globalism: Shaping a Third Wave of Comparative Analysis Content and Context in Theological Ethics Editat de E. Bucar et al. 9 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Martin Luther King Jr., Homosexuality, and the Early Gay Rights Movement: Keeping the Dream Straight? Autor Desmond Tutu et al. 28 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Holocaust as Fiction: Bernhard Schlink’s “Nazi” Novels and Their Films Autor W. Donahue 4 noi 2012 Paperback Preț: 581.47 lei 684.08 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
American Politics in the Age of Ignorance: Why Lawmakers Choose Belief over Research Autor D. Schultz 29 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Hamas Rule in Gaza: Human Rights under Constraint Autor T. Mukhimer 29 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
Urban Black Women and the Politics of Resistance The Politics of Intersectionality Autor Z. Isoke 16 noi 2012 Paperback Preț: 263.82 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets Critical Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Culture Autor J. Halley 31 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 638.24 lei 750.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Expats and the Labor Force: The Story of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries The Economics of the Middle East Autor G. Naufal et al. 31 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 636.80 lei 749.19 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Rethinking Chaucerian Beasts The New Middle Ages Editat de Kenneth A. Loparo 25 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 642.51 lei 755.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Emerging American Garrison State Autor Milton J. Esman 30 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Ancient and Modern Religion and Politics: Negotiating Transitive Spaces and Hybrid Identities Autor J. LeBlanc et al. 22 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Rise of Marketing and Market Research Worlds of Consumption Editat de H. Berghoff et al. 19 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 391.61 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Symbolic, the Sublime, and Slavoj Zizek's Theory of Film Autor M. Flisfeder 16 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.