The Limits of Transnationalism: Collective Identities and EU Integration Autor M. Thiel 28 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 382.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
Repression and Realism in Post-War American Literature American Literature Readings in the 21st Century Autor E. Mercer 28 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 385.47 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations Editat de C. Lin et al. 28 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Gospel of Beauty in the Progressive Era: Reforming American Verse and Values Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Autor L. Szefel 28 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 387.58 lei 6-8 săpt.
Knowledge Production, Pedagogy, and Institutions in Colonial India Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Autor I. Sengupta et al. 28 apr 2011 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Thomas Hardy, Sensationalism, and the Melodramatic Mode Autor R. Nemesvari 5 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 383.33 lei 6-8 săpt.
Radicalism in the South since Reconstruction Editat de J. Smethurst et al. 9 feb 2007 Paperback Preț: 384.48 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Legacy of the Italian Resistance Italian and Italian American Studies Autor Philip Cooke 28 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 386.22 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Supreme Court in American Politics Autor I. Unah 8 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 694.04 lei 816.51 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Palimpsests and the Literary Imagination of Medieval England: Collected Essays The New Middle Ages Autor Tatjana Silec et al. 31 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Coleridge and the Daemonic Imagination Nineteenth-Century Major Lives and Letters Autor G. Leadbetter 29 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 387.20 lei 6-8 săpt.
Women and Economic Activities in Late Medieval Ghent The New Middle Ages Autor S. Hutton 24 mar 2011 Hardback Preț: 389.11 lei 6-8 săpt.
News Media and EU-China Relations The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication Autor L. Zhang 24 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
City and Nation in the Italian Unification: The National Festivals of Dante Alighieri Italian and Italian American Studies Autor Mahnaz Yousefzadeh 31 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 383.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Romanticism and the City Nineteenth-Century Major Lives and Letters Editat de L. Peer 4 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 387.58 lei 6-8 săpt.
Divine Ventriloquism in Medieval English Literature: Power, Anxiety, Subversion The New Middle Ages Autor M. Hayes 19 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 385.62 lei 6-8 săpt.
The India-Pakistan Military Standoff: Crisis and Escalation in South Asia Initiatives in Strategic Studies: Issues and Policies Editat de Z. Davis 31 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 385.47 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Memory of State Terrorism in the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay Autor Francesca Lessa et al. 24 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Literature and Journalism in Antebellum America: Thoreau, Stowe, and Their Contemporaries Respond to the Rise of the Commercial Press Autor M. Canada 29 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 381.21 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Impact of Expansion on European Union Institutions: The Eastern Touch on Brussels Autor E. Heidbreder 29 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 382.36 lei 6-8 săpt.
Afro-Eccentricity: Beyond the Standard Narrative of Black Religion Autor W. Hart 31 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Redefining American Identity: From Cabeza de Vaca to Barack Obama Autor B. Railton 24 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 380.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
The German Wall: Fallout in Europe Studies in European Culture and History Autor Marc Silberman 24 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 384.09 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Nitrate King: A Biography of “Colonel” John Thomas North Studies of the Americas Autor W. Edmundson 31 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 383.12 lei 6-8 săpt.
Social Trust, Anarchy, and International Conflict Autor M. Jasinski 15 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 383.93 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah Autor A. Biney 24 mar 2011 Paperback Preț: 638.76 lei 751.47 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Subjectivity in the American Protest Novel Autor K. Drake 22 feb 2011 Paperback Preț: 385.62 lei 6-8 săpt.
Language, Gender, and Community in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction: American Voices and American Identities American Literature Readings in the 21st Century Autor M. Hurst 25 feb 2011 Paperback Preț: 386.22 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Melodramatic Public: Film Form and Spectatorship in Indian Cinema Autor R. Vasudevan feb 2011 Hardback Preț: 647.59 lei 761.87 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Governance and Politics in Post-Military Nigeria: Changes and Challenges Editat de S. Adejumobi 9 dec 2015 Paperback Preț: 383.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Medieval and Early Modern Film and Media Editat de R. Burt 18 ian 2011 Paperback Preț: 389.11 lei 6-8 săpt.
Image Ethics in Shakespeare and Spenser Autor J. Knapp 26 ian 2011 Paperback Preț: 384.48 lei 6-8 săpt.
Intergenerational Solidarity: Strengthening Economic and Social Ties Editat de M. Cruz-Saco et al. 19 ian 2011 Paperback Preț: 635.65 lei 747.82 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Crisis in the Congo: The Rise and Fall of Laurent Kabila Autor F. Ngolet 14 dec 2010 Paperback Preț: 386.99 lei 6-8 săpt.
Beyond Slavery: Overcoming Its Religious and Sexual Legacies Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice Autor Kenneth A. Loparo et al. 14 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 424.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Imagining Arab Womanhood: The Cultural Mythology of Veils, Harems, and Belly Dancers in the U.S. Autor A. Jarmakani 9 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 349.74 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Election of Barack Obama: How He Won Autor B. Liu 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 379.48 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Politics of Custom in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction Autor S. Bowen 21 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 382.36 lei 6-8 săpt.
Women, War, and Violence: Personal Perspectives and Global Activism Editat de R. Chandler et al. 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 386.61 lei 6-8 săpt.
AIDS Policy in Uganda: Evidence, Ideology, and the Making of an African Success Story Autor J. Kinsman 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 383.33 lei 6-8 săpt.
Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe Queenship and Power Autor W. Layher 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Making American Culture: A Social History, 1900–1920 Autor P. Bradley 9 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 383.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Remaking Madrid: Culture, Politics, and Identity after Franco Autor H. Stapell 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 387.20 lei 6-8 săpt.
Aesthetic Formations: Media, Religion, and the Senses Religion/Culture/Critique Autor Birgit Meyer 17 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 386.39 lei 6-8 săpt.
Eleanor Roosevelt and Adlai Stevenson The World of the Roosevelts Autor Richard Henry 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Tudor Queenship: The Reigns of Mary and Elizabeth Queenship and Power Editat de A. Hunt et al. 18 oct 2010 Paperback Preț: 689.93 lei 811.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Further Adventures of The Dialectic of Sex: Critical Essays on Shulamith Firestone Breaking Feminist Waves Autor M. Merck et al. 13 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 387.58 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sierra Leone beyond the Lome Peace Accord Editat de M. Mustapha et al. 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 380.07 lei 6-8 săpt.
Fetishism and Its Discontents in Post-1960 American Fiction American Literature Readings in the 21st Century Autor C. Kocela 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 384.48 lei 6-8 săpt.
New Critical Essays on James Agee and Walker Evans: Perspectives on Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Editat de C. Blinder 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 380.63 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Democratization of Albania: Democracy from Within Autor T. Kaltsounis 28 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 382.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
Cosmopolitan Liberalism: Expanding the Boundaries of the Individual Autor M. Sánchez-Flores 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 381.21 lei 6-8 săpt.
Rammohun Roy and the Making of Victorian Britain Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Autor L. Zastoupil 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 639.59 lei 752.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Hegel's Philosophy and Feminist Thought: Beyond Antigone? Breaking Feminist Waves Editat de K. Hutchings et al. 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Organized Crime and States: The Hidden Face of Politics The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy Editat de J. Briquet et al. 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 383.50 lei 6-8 săpt.
Gender and Decolonization in the Congo: The Legacy of Patrice Lumumba Autor K. Bouwer 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 383.50 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Venture Capital Investment Process Autor Darek Klonowski 10 sep 2010 Paperback Preț: 639.25 lei 752.06 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Objects of Affection: Semiotics and Consumer Culture Semiotics and Popular Culture Autor A. Berger 18 aug 2010 Hardback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
Executive Greed: Examining Business Failures that Contributed to the Economic Crisis Autor V. Kothari 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 382.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Impacts of NAFTA on North America: Challenges outside the Box Editat de I. Hussain 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
Responsibility to Protect: The Global Moral Compact for the 21st Century Editat de R. Cooper et al. 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 386.00 lei 6-8 săpt.
Women Educators in the Progressive Era: The Women behind Dewey’s Laboratory School Autor A. Durst 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt.
Explaining News: National Politics and Journalistic Cultures in Global Context The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication Autor C. Archetti 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 383.93 lei 6-8 săpt.
Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Change and Continuity Autor E. Haghighat-Sordellini 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 381.98 lei 6-8 săpt.
Islam and the Path to Human and Economic Development Autor A. Mirakhor et al. 18 aug 2010 Paperback Preț: 382.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Pursuit of Justice: Law and Economics of Legal Institutions Autor E. López et al. 21 iul 2010 Paperback Preț: 388.72 lei 6-8 săpt.
Holy Warriors, Infidels, and Peacemakers in Africa Autor Y. Tesfai 21 iul 2010 Paperback Preț: 380.45 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Face of Queenship: Early Modern Representations of Elizabeth I Queenship and Power Autor A. Riehl 21 iun 2010 Hardback Preț: 640.06 lei 753.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Comparative Political Theory: An Introduction Autor F. Dallmayr 14 mai 2010 Paperback Preț: 640.06 lei 753.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Management Theory in Action: Real-World Lessons for Walking the Talk Autor Eric H. Kessler 8 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 580.68 lei 683.15 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
From Hierarchy to Anarchy: Territory and Politics before Westphalia The Palgrave Macmillan History of International Thought Autor J. Larkins 10 feb 2010 Hardback Preț: 640.06 lei 753.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Economic Freedom and the American Dream Autor J. Shaanan 10 feb 2010 Paperback Preț: 383.12 lei 6-8 săpt.
Neighborhood Rebels: Black Power at the Local Level Contemporary Black History Editat de P. Joseph 11 feb 2010 Paperback Preț: 694.87 lei 817.50 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Scenes of Parisian Modernity: Culture and Consumption in the Nineteenth Century Autor H. Hahn 13 ian 2010 Paperback Preț: 640.71 lei 753.77 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Becoming Muslim: Western Women's Conversions to Islam Culture, Mind, and Society Autor A. Mansson McGinty 17 dec 2009 Paperback Preț: 382.75 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Self-Perception of Early Modern Capitalists Autor M. Jacob et al. 17 dec 2009 Paperback Preț: 385.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Sport, Rhetoric, and Gender: Historical Perspectives and Media Representations Autor L. Fuller 17 dec 2009 Paperback Preț: 419.06 lei 6-8 săpt.
Contextualizing Family Planning: Truth, Subject, and the Other in the U.S. Government Autor Mihnea Panu 18 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 326.43 lei 38-44 zile
Subverting Scriptures: Critical Reflections on the Use of the Bible Editat de B. Benedix 18 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 384.31 lei 6-8 săpt.
Bringing Desegregation Home: Memories of the Struggle toward School Integration in Rural North Carolina Palgrave Studies in Oral History Autor K. Willink 18 noi 2009 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Reading Popular Culture in Victorian Print: Belgravia and Sensationalism Nineteenth-Century Major Lives and Letters Autor A. Gabriele 18 noi 2009 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
France and Its Spaces of War: Experience, Memory, Image Editat de P. Lorcin et al. 18 noi 2009 Hardback Preț: 394.51 lei 6-8 săpt.
Cape Verdean Women and Globalization: The Politics of Gender, Culture, and Resistance Autor K. Carter et al. 18 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 380.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
How Hollywood Projects Foreign Policy Autor S. Totman et al. 18 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 382.57 lei 6-8 săpt.
Notions of Identity, Diaspora, and Gender in Caribbean Women's Writing Autor B. Mehta 18 noi 2009 Hardback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
Jewish Ethics as Dialogue: Using Spiritual Language to Re-Imagine a Better World Autor M. Pava 18 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 381.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Route to Power in Nigeria: A Dynamic Engagement Option for Current and Aspiring Leaders Autor M. Balogun 18 noi 2009 Hardback Preț: 388.13 lei 6-8 săpt.
Feminist Traditions in Andalusi-Moroccan Oral Narratives Autor H. Lebbady 18 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 383.12 lei 6-8 săpt.
Pictures of Ascent in the Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe Autor D. Anderson 18 noi 2009 Hardback Preț: 385.08 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Spiritual History of Ice: Romanticism, Science and the Imagination Autor E. Wilson 17 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 453.21 lei 6-8 săpt.
American Power after the Berlin Wall Autor T. Henriksen 10 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 386.81 lei 6-8 săpt.
The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics, and the American Dream Autor J. Hill 17 noi 2009 Paperback Preț: 381.00 lei 6-8 săpt.
Christian Memories of the Maccabean Martyrs Autor D. Joslyn-Siemiatkoski 13 oct 2009 Paperback Preț: 637.59 lei 750.11 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%