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- Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Time-Domain Numerical ElectromagneticsCostas D. SarrisPreț: 250.17 lei
- CATIA V5Dieter Ziethen-32%Preț: 732.23 lei1074.79 lei
- Preț: 338.17 lei
- Lecture Notes on Z-TransformRefaat El AttarPreț: 74.56 lei
- Efficiency and Innovation in LogisticsUwe Clausen-24%Preț: 786.42 lei1034.76 lei
- Preț: 341.93 lei
- Praktische BaustatikWalter WagnerPreț: 353.19 lei
- Informatik für technische BerufeEwald von PuttkamerPreț: 338.19 lei
- Just CultureSidney Dekker-14%Preț: 313.76 lei363.30 lei
- ERP Systems and Organisational ChangeBernard Grabot-18%Preț: 897.26 lei1094.22 lei
- Phänomen HonigbieneJürgen TautzPreț: 224.15 lei
- Preț: 285.20 lei
- Filament WindingS. KoussiosPreț: 479.18 lei
- -9%Preț: 931.95 lei1024.12 lei
- Pre-Accident InvestigationsTodd Conklin-14%Preț: 311.47 lei362.13 lei
- Thermodynamic Tables in SI (Metric) UnitsR. W. HaywoodPreț: 327.29 lei
- Pensare l'impossibileLuciano BoiPreț: 196.83 lei
- ElektrotechnikJörg HugelPreț: 469.06 lei
- Effizienzerh Hung Von Fluidf RdersystemenValérie BischofPreț: 433.45 lei
- Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare EnterpriseSandra L. Furterer-18%Preț: 905.46 lei1104.21 lei
- Biologically Inspired Series-Parallel Hybrid RobotsShivesh Kumar-24%Preț: 701.04 lei925.42 leiNou
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- Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Industry 4.0Jayakrishna Kandasamy-14%Preț: 304.57 lei354.33 leiNou
- Design and Analysis of Functionally Graded Adhesively Bonded Joints of FRP CompositesSashi Kanta Panigrahi-14%Preț: 304.76 lei354.43 leiNou
- Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisMuhammet Gul-13%Preț: 332.26 lei381.24 leiNou
- Physical Asset Management for a Sustainable WorldJosé Manuel Torres Farinha-26%Preț: 628.19 lei844.89 leiNou
- Engineering Data Analysis with MATLAB®Tanvir Mustafy-22%Preț: 439.16 lei561.69 leiNou
- Innovative Pedagogical Practices for Higher Education 4.0Muhammad Mujtaba Asad-26%Preț: 652.08 lei880.41 leiNou
- Decoding Black Swans and Other Historic Risk EventsShital Thekdi-14%Preț: 329.61 lei384.18 leiNou
- Occupational Hearing Loss, Fourth EditionRobert Thayer Sataloff-10%Preț: 332.09 lei368.36 leiNou
- Blockchain and CryptocurrencyAsik Rahaman Jamader-26%Preț: 591.84 lei801.98 leiNou
- Principles of Occupational HygieneSue Reed-15%Preț: 245.04 lei287.96 leiNou
- Managing Safety in the Drone IndustryGeoff Bain-23%Preț: 440.87 lei575.48 leiNou
- Intelligent Manufacturing and Industry 4.0Alka Chaudhary-26%Preț: 564.67 lei764.46 leiNou
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- Humanising SafetyTim D'Ath-19%Preț: 183.88 lei228.14 leiNou
- Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics-Based ManufacturingArun Kumar Rana-26%Preț: 567.39 lei766.08 leiNou
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- Navigating ISO 45001Stephen Asbury-26%Preț: 624.15 lei842.50 leiNou