Cărți de Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (27 or 25 February 1861 – 30 March 1925) was an Austrian occultist philosopher, social reformer, architect, esotericist, and claimed clairvoyant. Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published philosophical works including The Philosophy of Freedom. At the beginning of the twentieth century he founded an esoteric spiritual movement, anthroposophy, with roots in German idealist philosophy and theosophy; other influences include Goethean science and Rosicrucianism. His ideas are largely pseudoscientific. Others call them parascience. He was also prone to pseudohistory.
In the first, more philosophically oriented phase of this movement, Steiner attempted to find a synthesis between science and spirituality. His philosophical work of these years, which he termed "spiritual science", sought to apply the clarity of thinking characteristic of Western philosophy to spiritual questions,: 291 differentiating this approach from what he considered to be vaguer approaches to mysticism. In a second phase, beginning around 1907, he began working collaboratively in a variety of artistic media, including drama, the movement arts (developing a new artistic form, eurythmy) and architecture, culminating in the building of the Goetheanum, a cultural centre to house all the arts. In the third phase of his work, beginning after World War I, Steiner worked to establish various practical endeavors, including Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, and anthroposophical medicine.
Steiner advocated a form of ethical individualism, to which he later brought a more explicitly spiritual approach. He based his epistemology on Johann Wolfgang Goethe's world view, in which "thinking… is no more and no less an organ of perception than the eye or ear. Just as the eye perceives colours and the ear sounds, so thinking perceives ideas." A consistent thread that runs from his earliest philosophical phase through his later spiritual orientation is the goal of demonstrating that there are no essential limits to human knowledge.

Esoteric Lessons, 1913-1923: Addresses, Essays, Discussions, and Reports, 1920-1924

Sexuality, Love and Partnership

On Epidemics

Strengthening the Will

The Bhagavad Gita and the West

Goethe's Theory of Knowledge

The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World: Zodiac, Planets, and Cosmos


Death as Metamorphosis of Life

The Four Temperaments

Balance in Teaching


An Exercise for Karmic Insight

Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha

Esoteric Lessons, 1904-1909: Lectures, Notes, Meditations, and Exercised by Rudolf Steiner, Notes of Esoteric Lessons from Memory by the Participan

Freemasonry and Ritual Work: The Misraim Service

The Sun Mystery & the Mystery of Death and Resurrection: Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity

The Interior of the Earth: An Esoteric Study of the Subterranean Spheres

The Evolution of Consciousness

The Calendar of the Soul

The Work of the Angel in Our Astral Body

Transforming the Soul

The Foundation Stone Meditation


Agriculture Course

Verses and Meditations

According to Matthew

Secret Brotherhoods

Study of Man

From Crystals to Crocodiles . . .: Answers to Questions

Life Beyond Death


Soul Economy: Body, Soul, and Spirit in Waldorf Education (Cw 303)

Start Now!

Genesis Secrets of Creation (P): The Human Being & the Elemental, Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms (Cw 230)

From Sunspots to Strawberries . . .: Answers to Questions

Reincarnation and Karma

The Fourth Dimension

Freud, Jung, and Spiritual Psychology: (Cw 143, 178, 205)

Harmony of the Creative Word

The Secret Stream

Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz

From Comets to Cocaine . . .: Answers to Questions

Rosicrucian Wisdom

Staying Connected

A Psychology of Body, Soul, and Spirit: Anthroposophy, Psychosophy, Pneumatosophy (Cw115)


The Book of Revelation: And the Work of the Priest (Cw 346)

The Fifth Gospel

Guidance in Esoteric Training

An Outline of Esoteric Science

The Four Seasons and the Archangels


Egyptian Myths and Mysteries


The Education of the Child: (Cw 308)

The Kingdom of Childhood

Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path

How to Know Higher Worlds

The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity: Some Results of Spiritual-Scientific Research Into Human History and Development (Cw 15)

Cosmic Memory

Gospel of Saint Mark (PB): The Threefold Shadow-Existence of Our Time and the New Light of Christ

The Principle of Spiritual Economy

Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts

Six Steps in Self-Development: The Supplementary Exercises


Music: Mystery, Art and the Human Being

The Rose Cross Meditation: An Archetype of Human Development

The Philosophy of Freedom

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds

Occult Science

The Knights Templar

Karmic Relationships 3: Esoteric Studies (Cw 237)

Karmic Relationships 7: Esoteric Studies (Cw 239)

Educating Children Today

The Lord's Prayer

What Is Biodynamics?: A Way to Heal and Revitalize the Earth

Manifestations of Karma

Art as Spiritual Activity

Human Questions and Cosmic Answers

Healing the Social Organism

Geistige Wesen in der Natur

Die Wirklichkeit des Ich



Das Johannes-Evangelium

Eurythmy as Speech Made Visible

Friedrich Nietzsche

Anthroposophische Leitsätze

The The Language of the Cosmos

The Spiritual Background to the First World War

Vier Mysteriendramen

Goethes Geistesart

Aus den Inhalten der esoterischen Stunden, Band II: 1910-1912