Cărți de Rudyard Kipling

Joseph Rudyard Kipling ( RUD-yərd; 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He was born in British India, which inspired much of his work.
Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888). His poems include "Mandalay" (1890), "Gunga Din" (1890), "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" (1919), "The White Man's Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands" (1899), and "If—" (1910). He is seen as an innovator in the art of the short story. His children's books are classics; one critic noted "a versatile and luminous narrative gift."
Kipling in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was among the United Kingdom's most popular writers. Henry James said "Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius, as distinct from fine intelligence, that I have ever known." In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, as the first English-language writer to receive the prize, and at 41, its youngest recipient to date. He was also sounded out for the British Poet Laureateship and several times for a knighthood, but declined both. Following his death in 1936, his ashes were interred at Poets' Corner, part of the South Transept of Westminster Abbey.
Kipling's subsequent reputation has changed with the political and social climate of the age. The contrasting views of him continued for much of the 20th century. Literary critic Douglas Kerr wrote: "[Kipling] is still an author who can inspire passionate disagreement and his place in literary and cultural history is far from settled. But as the age of the European empires recedes, he is recognised as an incomparable, if controversial, interpreter of how empire was experienced. That, and an increasing recognition of his extraordinary narrative gifts, make him a force to be reckoned with."

Rudyard Kipling: Everyman Poetry

The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book & The Second Jungle Book

Humorous Tales

The Eyes Of Asia

Just So Stories

The Jungle Books

The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows

Dog Stories: Annotated Edition


Just So Stories for Little Children


Collected Poems of Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book & the Second Jungle Book

Just So Stories

The Jungle Book & Just So Stories

Captains Courageous

The Man Who Would Be King

Kim – A Norton Critical Edition

The Portable Kipling

Oxford Children's Classics: The Jungle Book

How the Leopard Got His Spots

The Jungle Book (Collins Classics)

France at War

The Eyes of Asia

Stories and Poems

How The Elephant Got His Trunk

War Stories and Poems

The Complete Stalky & Co

Plain Tales from the Hills

Room in the Tower, The, Level 2, Penguin Readers: Dead Man's Chest, Level 3, Penguin Readers

With the Night Mail

How the Leopard Got His Spots: The Graphic Novel

The Irish Guards in the Great War: The First Battalion

Jungle Book+cdrom

Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: The Jungle Book


Puck of Pook's Hill

Selected Poems

Captains Courageous

The Best Short Stories

Stalky & Co: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan

The Works of Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Book


Mulvaney Stories

Early Verse

American Notes

Sea Warfare (Esprios Classics)

The Day's Work (Esprios Classics)

The Jungle Book (Esprios Classics)

Verses 1889-1896 (Esprios Classics)

France at War (Esprios Classics)

Thy Servant a Dog (Esprios Classics)

Limits and Renewals (Esprios Classics)

Something of Myself (Esprios Classics)

Actions and Reactions

The Jungle Book (With the Original Illustrations by John L. Kipling)

The Jungle Book

The New Army in Trainig

Dominoes: One: The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book Stories

The Elephant's Child. How the Camel Got His Hump.

Puck of Pook's Hill (A Fantasy Book) - Illustrated

Plain Tales from the Hills: Rudyard Kipling Collection - 40+ Short Stories (The Tales of Life in British India): In the Pride of His Youth, The Ot

The Jungle Book (Legend Classics)

The Jungle Book (With the Original Illustrations by John Lockwood Kipling)

Kim (Adventure Classic) - Illustrated Edition: A Novel from one of the most popular writers in England, known for The Jungle Book, Just So Stories, Ca

Captain Courageous (Illustrated): Adventure Novel

Complete Novels of Rudyard Kipling: The Light That Failed + Captain Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks + Kim + The Naulahka: A Story of West and E

Complete Novels of Rudyard Kipling: The Light That Failed + Kim + Stalky & Co. + Captain Courageous - A Story of the Grand Banks + The Naulahka - A St

100 Poems: Old and New

Das Dschungelbuch (mit Original-Illustrationen): Das Dschungelbuch & Das neue Dschungelbuch: Moglis Siegeslied + Toomai, der Liebling der Elefanten +

The Adventures of Mowgli

The Poems of Rudyard Kipling

Lessons for Mrs Hauksbee

The Cat that Walked by Himself or Just So Stories Die Katze, die allein herumspazierte oder Genau-so-Geschichten

Project X Origins Graphic Texts: Dark Blue Book Band, Oxford Level 15: The Jungle Book

Project X Origins Graphic Texts: Dark Blue Book Band, Oxford Level 15: If and other poems

The Jungle Book. Buch + CD-ROM

The Jungle Book: I & II

The Jungle Book (Annotated): Design Coloring Book

The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (Annotated): A Simple Guide to Yoga for Beginners for Health, Fitness and Happiness

The Complete Mowgli of the Jungle Book Stories: In the Downton Abbey Style

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Classics: Level 15: Pack of 6

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Classics: Level 15: Pack of 36

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Classics: Level 15: The Jungle Book

Something of Myself and Other Autobiographical Writings

The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo: Just So Story No 9

Why the Whale Got His Throat: Just So Story No 7

The Crab Who Played with the Ocean: Just So Story No 5

The Mark of the Beast

Rudyard Kipling's Kim: Collection of Short Stories and Novels

Life's Handicap

A Song of the English