Cărți de Ruth Owen

Ruth Baird Bryan Leavitt Owen Rohde, also known as Ruth Bryan Owen, (October 2, 1885 – July 26, 1954) was elected to two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and was the first woman appointed as a United States ambassador. The daughter of attorneys William Jennings Bryan and Mary E. Baird, she was a Democrat, who in 1929 was elected from Florida's 4th district as Florida's first female U.S. Representative and the second from the South after Alice Mary Robertson. Representative Owen was also the first woman to earn a seat on the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. She campaigned for prohibition.
In 1933, she became the first woman to be appointed as a U.S. ambassador, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt selected her as Ambassador to Denmark and Iceland.

Be a Water Scientist

A Dandelion

A Worm

A Snail

A Ladybird

An Ant

A Tree

How to Grow Potato Chips

How to Grow Tomato Ketchup

How Does a Dentist Use Science?

How Does a Vet Use Science?

How Does an Engineer Use Science?

Owen, R: Solids, Liquids and Gases

How Does a Farmer Use Science?

How Does a Chocolate Maker Use Science?

How to Grow Carrot Cake

How to Grow Strawberry Jam

It's Spring

The Seasons in Mr Green's Garden


The Wonderful Worlds of a Video Game Designer

Roots, Stems, Leaves and Flowers

From a Tiny Seed to a Mighty Tree

Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws

Habitats and Food Chains

Growing And Changing - All About Life Cycles

Is It Living or Non Living?

What's the Season?

My Senses

Owen, R: Fundamental Science Key Stage 1: Keeping Me Healthy

Everyday Materials

Welcome to the Garden

Welcome to the Rock Pool

Welcome to the Woodland

Christmas Sweets and Treats


Animal Lives and Life Cycles

The Human Body


A Ladybug

It's Winter

It's Autumn

It's Summer

Animal Camouflage in a Forest

Animal Camouflage in the Ocean

Animal Camouflage in a Desert

Animal Camouflage in a Backyard


Welcome to the Ocean

Welcome to the Tree Stump

Welcome to the City at Night

Welcome to the Forest at Night

Earth's Insects Need You!

The Day Little Mouse Got Stuck

Edible Engineering Recipes

Animal Classification




Spiders We're Not Scary We're Amazing

Story of our Tree

My First BIG Book of DINOSAUR Facts

Up Close with Microhabitats

Let's Explore Nature and British Wildlife

How Trees Grow

Fruits and Vegetables: How We Grow and Eat Them

My First BIG Book of SPACE Facts

Mr. Green Grows a Garden

Rocks: Let's Investigate

Earth and Space: Let's Investigate Facts, Activities, Experiments

Light: Let's Investigate Facts, Activities, Experiments


Forces and Magnets

Dinosaurs Hatched!

Incredible Dinosaur Facts

Supersize Dinosaurs

Prehistoric Flying Giants

Fossil Hunters at Work

Extreme Dinosaur Hunters

The End of the Dinosaur

Is It True that Birds are Dinosaurs?

Wurzeln, Blätter & Co.

Fressen und gefressen werden

Vom kleinen Samen zum mächtigen Baum

Zu viel Plastik

The Stone Age to the Bronze Age: The Lives of Ancient People

The Romans: Invasion and Empire

The Vikings: Invasion and Settlement

History Essentials

The Problem With Plastic

Meine Sinne

Lebt es oder lebt es nicht?

Durch das Jahr

Where Did All the Dinosaurs Go?

Why Do Leaves Fall From Trees?
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