- The Fallen Kings Cycle
- The Fallen Women Series
- The Far East
- The Farm
- The Fetish Chest
- The Fifth Age
- The Fighters
- The Fires of Gleannmara
- The First Law
- The First Law Trilogy
- The First Mountain Man
- The Five Ancestors
- The Forbidden Realm
- The Forsaken Lands
- The Forsyte Saga
- The Forsyte Saga: End of the Chapter
- The Forsyte Saga: a Modern Comedy
- The Fortunes of Texas: Reunion
- The Four Streets Trilogy
- The Four Winds Saga
- The French Legacy Trilogy
- The French List
- The Friday Project Limited
- The Future History Series
- The Futurist Trilogy
- The Galaxy Boys
- The Game Trilogy
- The Games Series
- The Games Series?
- The Gate of Good and Evil
- The Gemstone Thrillers
- The General, Book 1
- The German List
- The Girl-Bachelor Chronicles
- The God Wave Trilogy
- The Godless World
- The Godspeaker Trilogy
- The Gorgeous Life of Strawberry Chan
- The Governess Club
- The Grand Master Editions
- The Great Tree of Avalon
- The Great Undead War
- The Great War
- The Gresham Chronicles
- The Griffin Family
- The Griffin Mage Trilogy
- The Guardian Angelinos
- The Guardians of Destiny
- The Guardians of the Flame
- The Gunwitch
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