Pedagogy and ICT Use in Schools around the World: Findings from the IEA SITES 2006 Study CERC Studies in Comparative Education, nr. 23 Editat de Nancy Law et al. 30 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 952.40 lei 1161.47 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Galaxies in the Local Volume Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Editat de Bärbel Silvia Koribalski et al. 10 oct 2011 Paperback Preț: 1043.64 lei 1373.20 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Language Policy and Nation-Building in Post-Apartheid South Africa Language Policy, nr. 10 Autor Jon Orman 27 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 642.68 lei 756.09 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Smallholder Tree Growing for Rural Development and Environmental Services: Lessons from Asia Advances in Agroforestry, nr. 5 Editat de Denyse J. Snelder et al. 26 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1054.77 lei 1387.85 lei 39-44 zile -24%
The Cambridge N-Body Lectures Lecture Notes in Physics, nr. 760 Editat de Sverre Aarseth et al. 26 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 651.51 lei 766.49 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Emerging Conceptual, Ethical and Policy Issues in Bionanotechnology Philosophy and Medicine, nr. 101 Editat de Fabrice Jotterand 25 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 949.42 lei 1157.82 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Lipids in Health and Disease Subcellular Biochemistry, nr. 49 Editat de Peter Quinn et al. 25 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1438.94 lei 1514.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Pests of Crops in Warmer Climates and Their Control Autor Dennis S. Hill 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1610.88 lei 2119.57 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2007 Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics Editat de Rubin Wang et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 2794.88 lei 3408.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Field Measurements for Forest Carbon Monitoring: A Landscape-Scale Approach Editat de Coeli M Hoover 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 949.73 lei 1158.20 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Current Perspectives in microRNAs (miRNA) Editat de Shao-Yao Ying 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1016.77 lei 1070.29 lei 39-44 zile -5%
Principles of Soil Conservation and Management Autor Humberto Blanco-Canqui et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 2109.19 lei 2572.19 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Multi-Source National Forest Inventory: Methods and Applications Managing Forest Ecosystems, nr. 18 Autor Erkki Tomppo et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1229.10 lei 1498.90 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
The Purple Phototrophic Bacteria Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, nr. 28 Editat de C.N. Hunter et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1668.30 lei 2195.14 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Hilbert Space Operators in Quantum Physics Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Autor Jirí Blank et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 697.22 lei 871.53 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -20%
Autonomous Systems – Self-Organization, Management, and Control: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 6-7, 2008 Editat de Bernd Mahr et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 641.71 lei 754.95 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Contact Problems: The legacy of L.A. Galin Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, nr. 155 Autor L. A. Galin et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 951.29 lei 1160.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical, Computational and Modelling Aspects of Inelastic Media: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at Cape Town, South Africa, January 14-18, 2008 IUTAM Bookseries, nr. 11 Editat de B. Daya Reddy 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 958.38 lei 1168.76 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Ecological Effects of Water-level Fluctuations in Lakes Developments in Hydrobiology, nr. 204 Editat de Karl M. Wantzen et al. 24 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1224.36 lei 1493.13 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Design Computing and Cognition '08: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition Editat de John S. Gero et al. 12 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 1294.03 lei 1617.54 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Modeling Marvels: Computational Anticipation of Novel Molecules Autor Errol G. Lewars 23 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 647.40 lei 761.65 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Developing Students’ Statistical Reasoning: Connecting Research and Teaching Practice Autor Joan Garfield et al. 23 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1223.57 lei 1492.16 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Boreal Forest and Climate Change Advances in Global Change Research, nr. 34 Editat de Pertti Hari et al. 23 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1840.74 lei 2244.81 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
The Power of Technology for Learning Advances in Business Education and Training, nr. 1 Editat de Noah P. Barsky et al. 23 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 643.65 lei 757.24 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Evolution from Cellular to Social Scales NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Editat de Arne T. Skjeltorp et al. 30 sep 2008 Paperback Preț: 940.09 lei 1146.44 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Editat de Ashok K. Vaseashta et al. 30 sep 2008 Paperback Preț: 1226.60 lei 1495.85 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Science and Its History: A Reassessment of the Historiography of Science Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, nr. 253 Autor Joseph Agassi 22 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1234.62 lei 1505.64 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Introduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge: Lectures 1906/07 Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Collected Works, nr. 13 Autor Edmund Husserl et al. 22 sep 2008 Paperback Preț: 1664.11 lei 2029.41 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Plant-Parasitic Nematodes of Coffee Editat de Ricardo M. Souza 22 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 955.25 lei 1164.93 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Brain-Computer Interfaces: An international assessment of research and development trends Autor Theodore W. Berger et al. 19 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 726.32 lei 764.55 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
The English Galileo: Thomas Harriot's Work on Motion as an Example of Preclassical Mechanics Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, nr. 268 Autor Matthias Schemmel 18 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1108.20 lei 1458.16 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Ultradian Rhythms from Molecules to Mind: A New Vision of Life Editat de David Lloyd et al. 18 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 961.55 lei 1172.62 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2007: Proceedings of the 15th Conference, 2-5 April 2007, Cambridge, UK Springer Proceedings in Physics, nr. 120 Editat de A. G. Cullis et al. 18 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1236.19 lei 1507.55 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
IUTAM Symposium on Relations of Shell, Plate, Beam and 3D Models: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on the Relations of Shell, Plate, Beam, and 3D Models Dedicated to the Centenary of Ilia Vekua's Birth, held Tbilisi, Georgia, April 23-27, 2007 IUTAM Bookseries, nr. 9 Editat de George Jaiani et al. 18 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 643.34 lei 756.86 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Russian Models from the Mechanisms Collection of Bauman University History of Mechanism and Machine Science, nr. 5 Autor A. Golovin et al. 20 noi 2010 Paperback Preț: 638.24 lei 750.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
On Law and Reason Law and Philosophy Library, nr. 8 Autor Aleksander Peczenik et al. 22 iun 2009 Paperback Preț: 1220.88 lei 1488.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes Editat de Raj C. Murthy et al. 15 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 644.95 lei 758.77 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Ancient Philosophy of the Self The New Synthese Historical Library, nr. 64 Editat de Pauliina Remes et al. 13 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 950.21 lei 1158.79 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Competence and Vulnerability in Biomedical Research International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, nr. 40 Autor Philip Bielby 13 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 948.47 lei 1156.67 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, nr. 13 Editat de Marcelo Dascal 13 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1235.25 lei 1506.40 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Pine Wilt Disease: A Worldwide Threat to Forest Ecosystems Editat de Manuel M. Mota et al. 12 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1392.33 lei 1697.97 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Historical Seismology: Interdisciplinary Studies of Past and Recent Earthquakes Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, nr. 2 Editat de Julien Fréchet et al. 11 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 960.78 lei 1171.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Chemistry from First Principles Autor Jan C. A. Boeyens 11 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 594.24 lei 699.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Integrated Management of Diseases Caused by Fungi, Phytoplasma and Bacteria Integrated Management of Plant Pests and Diseases, nr. 3 Editat de Aurelio Ciancio et al. 11 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1668.70 lei 2035.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Phase Transitions in Cell Biology Editat de Gerald H. Pollack et al. 11 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 724.50 lei 762.64 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Targeted Radionuclide Tumor Therapy: Biological Aspects Editat de Torgny Stigbrand et al. 11 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1425.76 lei 1500.81 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean Developments in Hydrobiology, nr. 203 Editat de Vasilis D. Valavanis 11 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 962.35 lei 1173.60 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacological Potential of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes Carbon Materials: Chemistry and Physics, nr. 1 Editat de Franco Cataldo et al. 2 ian 2013 Paperback Preț: 1046.51 lei 1376.99 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Citizenship Curriculum in Asia and the Pacific CERC Studies in Comparative Education, nr. 22 Editat de David L. Grossman et al. 10 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 646.11 lei 760.13 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Frontiers in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, nr. 18 Editat de P.J. Grout et al. 30 noi 2010 Paperback Preț: 1231.16 lei 1501.41 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Sclerotinia Diseases of Crop Plants: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management Autor G. S. Saharan et al. 9 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1232.41 lei 1502.93 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes: Multiple Use and Sustainable Management Editat de Raffaele Lafortezza et al. 9 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1232.09 lei 1502.55 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Silicon Based Polymers: Advances in Synthesis and Supramolecular Organization Editat de François Ganachaud et al. 9 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1225.16 lei 1494.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Outdoor Lighting: Physics, Vision and Perception Autor Duco Schreuder 4 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 958.73 lei 1169.19 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Women in Biotechnology: Creating Interfaces Editat de Francesca Molfino et al. 2 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1228.29 lei 1497.92 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications, Automation and Industrial Electronics Editat de Tarek Sobh et al. 2 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1250.39 lei 1524.87 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E-learning, E-assessment and Education Editat de Magued Iskander 2 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 1308.39 lei 1635.49 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Sustainable disease management in a European context Editat de David B. Collinge et al. 2 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 798.75 lei 1050.98 lei 39-44 zile -24%
The Downy Mildews - Genetics, Molecular Biology and Control Editat de Aleš Lebeda et al. 2 sep 2008 Hardback Preț: 798.75 lei 1050.98 lei 39-44 zile -24%
An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, nr. 86 Autor G. Hauke 22 noi 2010 Paperback Preț: 641.38 lei 754.56 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Leadership and Business Ethics Issues in Business Ethics, nr. 25 Editat de Gabriel Flynn 28 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 952.89 lei 1162.06 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Progress in Scale Modeling: Summary of the First International Symposium on Scale Modeling (ISSM I in 1988) and Selected Papers from Subsequent Symposia (ISSM II in 1997 through ISSM V in 2006) Editat de Kozo Saito 27 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 966.27 lei 1178.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering Editat de Khaled Elleithy 27 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1306.73 lei 1633.41 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Advances in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering Editat de Tarek Sobh 27 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 681.43 lei 851.78 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Quality of Life in Ireland: Social Impact of Economic Boom Social Indicators Research Series, nr. 32 Editat de Tony Fahey et al. 26 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1224.54 lei 1493.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
High-Level Synthesis: from Algorithm to Digital Circuit Editat de Philippe Coussy et al. 26 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 647.40 lei 761.65 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Making Fisheries Management Work: Implementation of Policies for Sustainable Fishing Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries, nr. 8 Editat de Stig S. Gezelius et al. 26 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 948.61 lei 1156.84 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
The Selfish Cell: An Evolutionary Defeat Autor Matteo Conti 26 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 363.79 lei 382.95 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Oxidants in Biology: A Question of Balance Paul A. Davis et al. 25 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1608.11 lei 1692.75 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications, nr. 25 Autor Xiaoxin Liao et al. 25 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 650.69 lei 765.51 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Topological Degree Approach to Bifurcation Problems Topological Fixed Point Theory and Its Applications, nr. 5 Autor Michal Fečkan 25 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 392.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
Signals and Images: Contributions and Contradictions about High Dilution Research Editat de Leoni Villano Bonamin 22 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1097.71 lei 1155.48 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Beyond Knowledge: The Legacy of Competence: Meaningful Computer-based Learning Environments Editat de Jörg Zumbach et al. 22 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1224.06 lei 1492.75 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Animal Welfare: Competing Conceptions And Their Ethical Implications Autor Richard P. Haynes 16 apr 2010 Paperback Preț: 381.98 lei 6-8 săpt.
Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks Editat de Masoud Farzaneh 6 noi 2014 Paperback Preț: 1221.69 lei 1489.87 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
International Handbook of Career Guidance Editat de James A. Athanasou et al. 19 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 3041.93 lei 3709.67 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
The Socio-Economic Causes and Consequences of Desertification in Central Asia NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Editat de Roy Behnke 8 oct 2008 Paperback Preț: 1040.03 lei 1368.45 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Mycorrhizae: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry Editat de Zaki Anwar Siddiqui et al. 19 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1388.53 lei 1693.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Überschüsse der Erfahrung: Grenzdimensionen des Ich nach Husserl Phaenomenologica, nr. 186 Autor Stefano Micali 18 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 728.74 lei 888.71 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Emerging Environmental Technologies Editat de Vishal Shah 18 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 641.71 lei 754.95 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Molecular Imaging: Computer Reconstruction and Practice NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Editat de Yves Lemoigne et al. 18 aug 2008 Paperback Preț: 943.08 lei 1150.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Life Safety NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology Editat de Crisan Popescu et al. 15 aug 2008 Paperback Preț: 945.30 lei 1152.81 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars and Related Pathogens - Identification, Epidemiology and Genomics Editat de M’Barek Fatmi et al. 14 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1229.10 lei 1498.90 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Doing Cross-Cultural Research: Ethical and Methodological Perspectives Social Indicators Research Series, nr. 34 Editat de Pranee Liamputtong 12 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1225.16 lei 1494.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Digital Soil Mapping with Limited Data Editat de Alfred E. Hartemink et al. 12 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 961.55 lei 1172.62 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Bringing the Sun Down to Earth: Designing Inexpensive Instruments for Monitoring the Atmosphere Autor David R. Brooks 12 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 639.25 lei 752.06 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
The Waste Market: Institutional Developments in Europe Editat de Elbert Dijkgraaf et al. 12 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 639.25 lei 752.06 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Encyclopedia of Entomology Editat de John L. Capinera 11 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 4231.16 lei 5159.95 lei 3-5 săpt. -18%
Political Legitimization without Morality? Editat de Jörg Kühnelt 8 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 642.83 lei 756.27 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Environmental Change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting on Hazard Impacts NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Editat de Peter H. Liotta et al. 7 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1232.71 lei 1503.31 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Hybrid Methods of Molecular Modeling Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, nr. 17 Autor Andrei L. Tchougréeff 6 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 3023.14 lei 3686.76 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation Autor Sung Kyu Lim 4 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 950.52 lei 1159.17 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Regulation of Gene Expression in the Tumor Environment: Regulation of melanoma progression by the microenvironment: the roles of PAR-1 and PAFR The Tumor Microenvironment, nr. 2 Editat de Menashe Bar-Eli 4 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1093.88 lei 1151.45 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%
Immunity Against Mucosal Pathogens Editat de Michael Vajdy 4 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 1340.17 lei 1410.71 lei 39-44 zile -5%
Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems: Benefits and Risks Editat de D. Pimentel 4 aug 2008 Hardback Preț: 655.45 lei 771.12 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%