Part 1: Our New Digital World
1 The Digital Paradigm (by Alexander Kates and Eric Greenberg) 3
The New World of Marketing 4
The Modern Digital Consumer 7
The New Consumer’s Journey 11
2 Marketing Strategies for a Digital World (by Alexander Katesand Eric Greenberg) 17
State of the Modern Digital Ecosystem 17
Being Liquid: The Marketer’s New Role 19
Getting Started: Learning by Example 22
The Ultimate Goal of Digital Marketing: ROI 26
A Framework for Digital Success 32
3 Managing Content in a Digital Age (by Neil Perkin,Only Dead Fish & eConsultancy) 35
The Importance of Content Marketing 37
Holistic Liquid Content Strategies and Frameworks 39
The 70/20/10 Content Planning Model 47
Part 2: Ac hievin g Succ ess in Digital Marketin g Channels 51
4 Search Marketing: If They Can’t Find It, They Can’t Buy It(by Mike Moran, author of Do It Wrong Quickly [2007]and Search Engine Marketing, Inc.[2008]) 53
Why Search is Important 54
How Searchers Work 56
The Types of Search Marketing 58
The Language of Search 59
Succeeding at Search Marketing 60
Measuring Search Success 70
Search Trends 73
5 Mobile Marketing: Innovation On-the-Go (by Alexander Kates) 77
The Mobile World We Live In 79
The Modern Mobile Consumer 81
Mobile Unwires Marketers from Former Constraints 84
Mobile Website Considerations 90
SMS and MMS Campaigns 92
Mobile Applications: The Low-Down 93
Mobile Technologies to Watch: Snacks for Thought 99
Measuring Mobile Marketing Success 105
Device Convergence and the Future Mobile Landscape 108
Closing Thoughts 111
6 Video Marketing (by Greg Jarboe, author of Youtube &Video Marketing: An Hour a Day [2011]) 115
Who Discovers and Watches Videos? 118
Steps to Plan, Shoot, Edit, and Publish 120
Building Video Channel Strategy 124
Viewing Experience and Programming 127
Building Community and Promoting Your Videos 130
Jumpstart Your Traffic with an Ad Campaign 134
Who’s Watching Your Videos? 135
7 Social Media Marketing (by Stan Smith, 143
What is Social Media? 144
The Real Definition of Social Media 145
The New Digital Experience 146
Why Social Media is Important 151
Social Media Channel Strategy 153
Tools of the Trade 162
Best-in-Class Examples 166
Social Media ROI 169
The Future of Social Media 172
8 Building a Website with Purpose that Generates Results(by Jeremy Floyd, Bluegill Creative) 177
Introduction 177
Begin with Purpose 179
The Process and Considerations for (re)Building Your Website 183
Ten Steps: From Discovery to Launch 185
Tools for Success 195
Conclusion 200
9 Measurement and ROI of Digital Strategies(by Rob Peterson, BarnRaisers LLC) 203
Introduction to the World of Measurement 203
The Importance of Measurement 206
Demystifying the Buzzword: The Definition of Analytics 209
Measurements for a Digital World 211
Measurement Tool Mini-Handbook 221
Best-in-Class Examples 226
Budgeting for Digital Measurement 228
The Future of Measurement 229
10 Understanding the Law in Digital Marketing(by Glen Gilmore Esq., author of Social Media Law forBusiness [est. 2012]) 235
Keeping Pace with the Law in Digital Marketing 235
Creating a Framework for Social Media Governance andCompliance 238
Understanding the FTC’s Social Media Marketing Guidelines 242
First Case Study for the FTC’s New Social MediaGuidelines Endorsement 246
Two Tweets and Nike Runs into Regulatory Problems:The Ethos of Transparency 247
Understanding the FTC’s New Privacy Framework: Privacy byDesign, Simplified Choice, and Greater Transparency 249
Understanding the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act 250
“Pin This”: Copyright and Fair Use, The Basics 251
Marketing on the WorldWide Web Requires Compliancewith International Law 253
There’s an App for Nearly Everything—And There AreGuidelines for Apps 253
Staying on the Right Side of the Law in Social MediaContests 254
Digital Marketing Compliance in Highly-Regulated Industries 257
Trends and the Future of Digital Marketing Law 258contents vii
Part 3: Completing the Digital Transformation 261
11 Digital Leadership Principles (by Bob Pearson,author of Pre-Commerce) 263
How We Digitally Transform Ourselves and Our Organizations 263
Address the Largest Barrier to Innovation First 265
The Importance of Forward-Leaning Learning 268
How to Undergo Transformational Change in Your Company 269
Ten Traits of Digital Leadership 274
12 Designing Organizations for Digital Success (by Amy Kates,Kates-Kessler Consulting, author of Designing DynamicOrganizations [2001], Designing Your Organization [2007],and Leading Organization Design [2010]) 283
Introduction 283
What Do We Mean by “Digital”? 284
The STAR Model™ for Organization Design 286
Asking the Right Questions in Digital Organization Design 288
Conclusion 307
Suggested Reading 308
13 The Path to an Innovative, Digital-Centric Organization(by Alexander Kates and Eric Greenberg) 311
Six Habits of Highly Successful Firms 311
Digital Transformation Framework 319
Concluding Thoughts 333
Index 337