Chapter 1 Before History
The Evolution of Homo Sapiens
The Hominids
Homo SapiensPaleolithic Society
Economy and Society of Hunting and Gathering Peoples
Paleolithic CulturesThe Neolithic Era and the Transition to Agriculture
The Origins of Agriculture
Early Agricultural SocietyNeolithic Culture
The Origins of Urban LifeChapter 2 Early Societies in southwest Asia and North Africa
The Quest for Order
Mesopotamia: “The Land between the Rivers”
Egypt: “The Gift of the Nile”The Course of Empire
The Development of Complex Societies
Economic Specialization and Trade
The Emergence of Stratified SocietiesThe Construction of Patriarchal Societies
Writing and the Formation of Sophisticated Cultural Traditions
The Origins of Writing
Education, Literacy, and LearningThe Origins of Organized Religion
The Broader Influence of Mesopotamian and Egyptian Societies
Mesopotamian Influence on the Hebrews and the Phoenicians
Egyptian Influence in Sub-Saharan AfricaChapter 3 Early Society in South Asia and the Indo-European Migrations
Harappan Society
Foundations of Harappan Society
Harappan Society and CultureThe Indo-European Migrations and Early Aryan India
Indo-European Peoples and Their Migrations
The Aryans and IndiaVedic Society
Origins of the Caste System
The Development of Patriarchal SocietyReligion in the Vedic Age
Aryan Religion
The Blending of Aryan and Dravidian ValuesChapter 4 Early Society in East Asia
Political Organization in Early China
Early Agricultural Society and the Zia Dynasty
The Shang DynastyThe Zhou Dynasty
Society and Family in Ancient China
The Social Order
Family and PatriarchyEarly Chinese Writing and Cultural Development
Oracle Bones and Early Chinese Writing
Thought and Literature in Ancient ChinaThe Broader Influence of Ancient Chinese Society
Chinese Cultivators and Nomadic Peoples of Central Asia
The Southern Expansion of Chinese SocietyChapter 5 Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania
Early Societies of Mesoamerica
The Olmecs
Heirs of the Olmecs: The MayaMava Society and Religion
Heirs of the Olmecs: TeotihuacanEarly Societies of South America
Early Andean Society and the Chavin Cult
Early Andean States: MochicaEarly Societies of Oceania
Early Societies in Australia and New Guinea
The Peopling of the Pacific IslandsPART II: THE FORMATION OF CLASSICAL SOCIETIES, 500 B.C.E. TO 500 C.E.
Chapter 6 The Empires of Persia
The Rise and Fall of the Persian Empire
The Achaemenid Empire
Decline and Fall of the Achaemenid EmpireThe Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanid Empires
Imperial Society and Economy
Social Development in Classicall Persia
Economic Foundations of Classical PersiaReligions of Salvation in Classical Persian Society
Zarathustra and His Faith
Religions of Salvation in a Cosmopolitan SocietyChapter 7 The Unification of China
In Search of Political and Social Order
Confucius and His School
The Unification of China
The Oin Dynasty
The Early Han DynastyFrom Economic Prosperity to Social Disorder
Productivity and Prosperity during the Former Han
Economic and Social DifficultiesThe Later Han Dynasty
Chapter 8 State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India
The Fortunes of Empire in Classical India
The Mauryan Dynasty and the Temporary Unification of India
The Revival of Empire under the GuptasEconomic Development and Social Distinctions
Towns and Trade
Family Life and the Caste SystemReligions of Salvation in Classical India
Jainism and the Challenge to the Established
Cultural OrderEarly Buddhism
Mahayana BuddhismThe Emergence of Popular Hinduism
Chapter 9 Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase
Early Development of Greek Society
Minoan and Mycenaean Societies
The World of the PolisGreece and the Larger World
Greek Colonization
Conflict with Persia and Its ResultsThe Macedonians and the Coming of Empire
The Hellenistic EmpiresThe Fruits of Trade: Greek Economy and Society
Trade and the Integration of the Mediterranean Basin
Family and SocietyThe Cultural Life of Classical Greece
Rational Thought and Philosophy
Popular Religion and Greek DramaHellenistic Philosophy and Religion
Chapter 10 Mediterranean Society: The Roman Phase
From Kingdom to Republic
The Etruscans and Rome
The Roman Republic and Its ConstitutionThe Expansion of the Republic
From Republic to Empire
Imperial Expansion and Domestic Problems
The Foundation of EmpireContinuing Expansion and Integration of the Empire
Economy and Society in the Roman Mediterranean
Trade and Urbanization
Family and Society in Roman TimesThe Cosmopolitan Mediterranean
Greek Philosophy and Religions of Salvation
Judaism and Early ChristianityChapter 11 Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads
Long-Distance Trade and the Silk Roads Network
Trade Networks of the Hellenistic Era
The Silk RoadsCultural and Biological Exchanges Along the Silk Roads
The Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism
The Spread of ChristianityThe Spread of Manichaeism
The Spread of Epidemic DiseaseThe Fall of the Han Dynasty
Internal Decay of the Han State
Cultural Change in Post-Han ChinaThe Fall of the Roman Empire
Internal Decay in the Roman Empire
Germanic Invasions and the Fall of the Western Roman EmpireCultural Change in the Late Roman Empire
Chapter 12 A Survivor Society: Byzantium
The Early Byzantine Empire
The Later Roman Empire and Byzantium
Justinian and His LegacyIslamic Conquests and Byzantine Revival
Byzantium and Western EuropeByzantine Economy and Society
The Agricultural Economy
Industry and TradeUrban Life
Classical Heritage and Orthodox Christianity
The Legacy of Classical Greece
The Byzantine ChurchMonasticism and Popular Piety
Tensions between Eastern and Western ChristianityThe Influence of Byzantium in Eastern Europe
Domestic Problems and Foreign Pressures
Early Relations between Byzantium and Slavic PeoplesByzantium and Russia
Chapter 13 A New Society: The Realm of Islam
A Prophet and His World
Muhammad and His Message
Muhammad’s Migration to MedinaThe Establishment of Islam in Arabia
The Expansion of Islam
The Early Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty
The Abbasid DynastyEconomy and Society of the Early Islamic World
New Crops, Agricultural Experimentation, and Urban Growth
The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading ZoneThe Changing Status of Women
Islamic Values and Cultural Exchanges
The Formation of an Islamic Cultural Tradition
Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Persia, India, and GreeceChapter 14 The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia
The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China
The Sui Dynasty
The Tang DynastyThe Song Dynasty
The Economic Development of Tang and Song China
Agricultural Development
Technological and Industrial DevelopmentThe Emergence of a Market Economy
Cultural Change in Tang and Song China
The Establishment of Buddhism
Neo-ConfucianismConfucians and Buddhism
China in East Asia
Korea and Vietnam
Early JapanMedieval Japan
Chapter 15 India and the Indian Ocean Basin
Islamic and Hindu Kingdoms
The Quest for Centralized Imperial Rule
The Introduction of Islam to Northern IndiaThe Hindu Kingdoms of Southern India
Production and Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin
Agriculture in the Monsoon World
Trade and the Economic Development of Southern IndiaCross-cultural Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin
Caste and SocietyThe Meeting of Hindu and Islamic Traditions
The Development of Hinduism
Islam and Its AppealThe Influence of Indian Society in Southeast Asia
The Indianized States of Southeast Asia
The Arrival of IslamChapter 16 The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe
The Quest for Political Order
Germanic Successor States
The Franks and the Temporary Revival of EmpireDecline and Dissolution of the Carolingian Empire
The Establishment of Regional AuthoritiesFeudal Society
The Feudal System
Serfs and Manors in Feudal EuropeThe Economy of Feudal Europe
The Formation of Christian Europe
The Politics of Conversion
The PapacyMonasticism
Chapter 17 Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration
Turkish Migrations and Imperial Expansion
Nomadic Economy and Society
Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and IndiaThe Mongol Empires
Chinggis Kham and the Making of the Mongol Empire
The Mongol Empires after Chinggis KhanThe Mongols and Eurasian Integration
Decline of the Mongols in Persia and ChinaAfter the Mongols
Tamerlane the Whirlwind
The Foundation of the Ottoman EmpireChapter 18 States and Society of Sub-Saharan Africa
The Bantu Migrations
The Dynamics of Bantu Expansion
Bantu Political OrganizationIslamic Kingdoms and Empires
Trans-Saharan Trade and Islamic States in West Africa
The Indian Ocean Trade and Islamic States in East AfricaBantu Society and Cultural Development
Social Classes
African ReligionThe Arrival of Christianity and Islam
Chapter 19 Western Europe during the High Middle Ages
The Establishment of Regional States
The Holy Roman Empire
Feudal Monarchies in France and EnglandRegional States in Italy and Iberia
Economic Growth and Social Development
Growth of the Agricultural Economy
The Revival of Towns and TradeSocial Change
European Christianity during the High Middle Ages
Schools, Universities, and Scholastic Theology
Popular ReligionReform Movements and Popular Heresies
The Medieval Expansion of Europe
Atlantic and Baltic Colonization
Crusading Orders and Baltic ExpansionThe Reconquest of Sicily and Spain
The CrusadesChapter 20 Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania
States and Empires in Mesoamerica and North America
The Toltecs and the Mexica
Mexica SocietyMexica Religion
Peoples and Societies of the NorthStates and Empires in South America
The Coming of the Incas
Inca Society and ReligionThe Societies of Oceania
The Nomadic Foragers of Australia
The Development of Pacific Island SocietiesChapter 21 Reaching Out: Cross-Cultural Interactions
Long-Distance Trade and Travel
Patterns of Long-Distance Trade
Political and Diplomatic TravelMissionary Campaigns
Agricultural and Technological DiffusionCrisis and Recovery
Bubonic Plague
Recovery in China: The Ming DynastyRecovery in Western Europe: State Building
Recovery in Western Europe: The RenaissanceExploration and Colonization
The Chinese Reconnaissance of the Indian Ocean Basin
European Exploration in the Atlantic and Indian OceansPART V: THE ORIGINS OF GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE, 1500-1800
Chapter 22 Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections
The European Reconnaissance of the World’s Oceans
Motives for Exploration
The Technology of ExplorationVoyages of Exploration: From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic
Voyages of Exploration: From the Atlantic to the PacificTrade and Conflict in Early Modern Asia
Trading-Post Empires
European Conquests in Southeast AsiaCommercial Rivalries and the Seven Years’ War
Global Exchanges
The Columbian Exchange
The Origins of Global TradeChapter 23 The Transformation of Europe
The Fragmentation of Western Christendom
The Protestant Reformation
The Catholic ReformationWitch-Hunts and Religious Wars
The Consolidation of Sovereign States
The Attempted Revival of Empire
The New MonarchsConstitutional States and Absolute Monarchies
The European States SystemEarly Capitalist Society
Population Growth and Urbanization
Early Capitalism and ProtoindustrializationSocial Change in Early Modern Europe
Science and Enlightenment
The Reconception of the Universe
The Scientific RevolutionThe Enlightenment
Chapter 24 New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania
Colliding Worlds
The Spanish Caribbean
The Conquest of Mexico and PeruIberian Empires in the Americas
Settler Colonies in North AmericaColonial Society in the Americas
The Formation of Multicultural Societies
Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish EmpireSugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil
Fur Traders and Settlers in North AmericaChristianity and Native Religions in the Americas
Europeans in the Pacific
Australia and the Larger World
The Pacific Islands and the Larger WorldChapter 25 Africa and the Atlantic World
African Politics and Society in Early Modern Times
The Islamic States of West Africa and East Africa
The Kingdoms of Central Africa and South AfricaIslam and Christianity in Early Modern Africa
Social Change in Early Modern AfricaThe Atlantic Slave Trade
Foundations of the Slave Trade
Human CargoesThe Impact of the Slave Trade in Africa
The African Diaspora
Plantation Societies
The Making of African-American Cultural TraditionsThe End of the Slave Trade and the Abolition of Slavery
Chapter 26 Tradition and Change in East Asia
The Quest for Political Stability
The Ming Dynasty
The Qing DynastyThe Son of Heaven and the Scholar-Bureaucrats
Economic and Social Changes
The Patriarchal Family
Population Growth and Economic DevelopmentGentry, Commoners, Soldiers, and “Mean People”
The Confucian Tradition and New Cultural Influences
Neoconfucianism and Pulp Fiction
The Return of Christianity to ChinaThe Unification of Japan
The Tokugawa Shogunate
Economic and Social ChangeNeoconfucianism and “Floating Worlds”
Christianity and “Dutch Learning”Chapter 27 The Islamic Empires
Formation of the Islamic Empires
The Ottoman Empire
The Safavid EmpireThe Mughal Empire
Imperial Islamic Society
The Dynastic State
Agriculture and TradeReligious Affairs in the Islamic Empires
Cultural Patronage of the Islamic EmperorsEmpires in Transition
The Deteriorization of Imperial Leadership
Economic and Military DeclineCultural Insularity
Chapter 28 The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia
Foundations of the Absolutist State
The “Gathering of the Russian Land”
The “Time of Troubles”Westernization and Empire
A “Window on the West”
The Limits of WesternizationThe Russian Empire in Europe
The Russian Empire in AsiaA Society in Tension
Muscovite Society before Westernization
The Growth of Trade and IndustryCultural Clashes
Crisis in the Church
Westernization and the Enlightenment in RussiaPART VI: AN AGE OF REVOLUTION, INDUSTRY, AND EMPIRE, 1750-1914
Chapter 29 Revolutions and National States in the Atlantic World
Popular Sovereignty and political Upheaval
Enlightened and Revolutionary Ideas
The American RevolutionThe French Revolution
The Reign of NapoleonThe Influence of Revolution
The Haitian Revolution
Wars of Independence in Latin AmericaThe Emergence of Ideologies: Conservatism and Liberalism
Testing the Limits of Revolutionary Ideals: SlaveryTesting the Limits of Revolutionary Ideals: Women’s Rights
The Consolidation of National States in Europe
Nations and Nationalism
The Emergence of national CommunitiesThe Unification of Italy and Germany
Chapter 30 The Making of Industrial Society
Patterns of Industrialization
Technological Innovation
The Factory SystemThe Early Spread of Industrialization
Industrial CapitalismIndustrial Society
The Fruits of Industry
Urbanization and MigrationIndustry and Society
The Socialist ChallengeGlobal Effects of Industrialization
The Continuing Spread of Industrialization
The International Division of LaborChapter 31 The Americas in the Age of Independence
The Building of American States
The United States: Westward Expansion and Civil War
The Canadian Dominion: Independence without WarLatin America: Fragmentation and Political Experimentation
American Economic Development
Migration to the Americas
Economica Expansion in the United SatesCanadian Prosperity
Latin American DependenceAmerican Cultural and Social Diversity
Multicultural Society in the United States
Canadian Cultural ContrastsEthnicity, Identity, and Gender in Latin America
Chapter 32 Societies at Crossroads
The Ottoman Empire in Decline
The nature of Decline
Reform and ReorganizationThe Young Turk Era
The Russian Empire Under Pressure
Military Defeat and Social Reform
IndustrializationRepression and Revolution
The Chinese Empire under Siege
The Opium War and the Unequal Treaties
The Taiping RebellionReform Frustrated
The Transformation of Japan
From Tokugawa to Meiji
Meiji ReformsChapter 33 The Building of Global Empires
Foundations of Empire
Motives of Imperialism
Tools of EmpireEuropean Imperialism
The British Empire in India
Imperialism in Central Asia and Southeast AsiaThe Scramble for Africa
European Imperialsim in the PacificThe Emergence of New Imperial Powers
U.S. Imperialism in Latin America and the Pacific
Imperial JapanLegacies of Imperialism
Empire and Economy
Labor MigrationsEmpire and Society
Nationalism and Anticolonial MovementsPART VII: TWENTIETH-CENTURY WORLD
Chapter 34 The World in Disarray: The Great War
The Drift Toward War
Nationalist Aspirations
National RivalriesEntangling Alliances
Global War
The Guns of August
Mutual ButcheryTotal War: The Home Front
Conflict in East Asia and the PacificBattles in Southwest Asia and Africa
The End of War
Revolution in Russia
U.S. Intervention and CollapseThe Paris Peace Conference
Challenges to European PreeminenceChapter 35 The Postwar Era, 1919-1939
Probing Cultural Frontiers
Postwar Pessimism
Revolutions in Science and PsychologyExperimentation in Art and Architecture
Depression and Dictatorships
The Great Depression
Depression Despair and Government ActionFrom Lenin to Stalin
Socialism in One CountryGerman National Socialism
Struggles for National Identity
India’s Quest for Independence
China’s Search for OrderChapter 36 New Conflagrations: World War II and the Early Cold War
The Global Origins of World War II
The Beginnings of Japan’s “Fifteen-Year War”
China’s StrugglesEuropean Aggression
Total War: The World Under Siege
Blitzkrieg: Germany Conquers Europe
The Soviet Union and the United States Enter the FrayBattles in the Pacific
Life During Wartime
Bombs and More Bombs
Occupation, Collaboration, and ResistanceThe Holocaust
“It’s a Woman’s War Too!”Peace—And a New War
The Origins of the Cold War and Postwar Settlements
Global Reconstruction and the United NationsChapter 37 The Retreat from Empire in a Bipolar World
The Formation of a Bipolar World
Building the Cold War World
Confrontations in Korea and CubaThe Cold War and Colonial Liberation
Cold War SocietiesIndependence in South, Southwest, and Southeast Asia
India’s “Vivisection”: Partitioned Independence
Arab National States and the Problem of PalestineNationalist Struggles in Vietnam
Decolonization in Africa
Forcing the French out of North Africa
Black African Nationalism and IndependenceFreedom and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Chapter 38 Transformation and Crisis in the Contemporary World
Challenges to Superpower Hegemony
Western European Defiance
Dissent and Intervention in Eastern EuropeThe Sino-Soviet Rift
Détente and the Decline of Superpower InfluenceNew Political Orientations in the Post-Colonial Era
Politics in Latin America
War and Peace in Sub-Saharan AfricaIslamic Resurgence in Southwest Asia and North Africa
Communism and Democracy in AsiaGlobal Economic Experiments
Dependency in Latin America and Africa
Economic Growth in AsiaGlobal Trade Relations
Chapter 39 A World Without Borders
The End of the Cold War
Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe
Collapse of the Soviet UnionToward an Uncertain Future
Cross-Cultural Exchanges and Global Communications
Global Barbie
One Consumer Society and Cultural InteractionThe Age of Access
Crossing Boundaries: Gender and Global Mobility
Women’s Traditions and Feminist Challenges
Population PressuresThe Movements of Peoples
International Organizations