Cărți editura Wiley

Wiley & Sons este o editură intrernațională, care publică cărți academice și profesionale. Se adresează în același timp unei unor categorii de interes și profesionale diverse, veți găsi aici cărți de inginerie, medicină, știință, cărți pentru studenți, cercetători și practicieni din domeniul științific, medical și academic.
Wiley produce cărți, enciclopedii, reviste, în format tipărit și electronic, precum și materiale educaționale și de instruire pentru formare continuă. A fost fondată în 1807 în Manhattan, de către John Wiley și a pornit ca librărie.
În decursul mai multor decenii s-a dezvoltat substanțial, iar din 2007 s-a unit cu Blackwell Publishing, extinzându-și astfel domeniul de adresare către zona medicală și științifică.
Cele mai cunoscute branduri (imprints) ale lor sunt: For Dummies, Frommer's, Webster's New World, Wiley Blackwell.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. a câștigat 23 de premii APEX în cele mai diverse categorii: layout, conținut, design. Wiley a primit în total mai multe premii decât orice altă editură, agenție literară sau asociație din lume.
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Applied Histogram Data Analysis in R

INCOSE Needs and Requirements Manual: Needs, Requirements, Validation, Verification Across The Lifecycle

Space Piracy: Preparing for a Criminal Crisis in O rbit

Creating Experience–Driven Organizational Culture: How to Drive Transformative Change with Project a nd Portfolio Management

Hollywood Virgin

Digital Mavericks

Massive MIMO for Future Wireless Communication Sys tems: Technology and Applications

Introduction to Coastal Engineering

The Pause Principle

The Ikigai Way

Black. Fat. Femme

The Generalist Advantage

The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning

Rebel Russia

Digital Degrowth

Book Yourself Solid for Creatives

90 Days To Level Up Your Teamwork

90 Days To Level Up Your Leadership

90 Days To Level Up/Negotiation Skills

Endless Customers

Learning the Language of Depression

The Leadership Route

Russia's Gamble

The Rich and the Poor

Morality and Responsibility

The World Under Capitalism

Ecocide in Ukraine

At the Margins of the Modern State


Virtuous Hypocrisy

The Handbook of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research

Piezoceramics: Properties and Devices

Handbook of Energy Materials in Supercapacitors and Storage Devices

Water Resources Management in Mountain Regions

Chemical Process Simulations Using Aspen Hysys

Optimization for Thermal Design of Shell and Tubeheat Exchangers

Why Not Fly?

Introducing Museum Studies

The 7 Commitments of a Great Team

Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security: An IoT Perspective

R Programming for Mass Spectrometry

The Unapologetically Anti-Racist Educator

The Digitization of Industrial Manufacturing Processes: An Environmental Perspective

Chiral Heterogeneous Catalytic Systems Based on Metal-Organic Frameworks

Two Dimensional Nanomaterials for Biosensing and Imaging Applications

Computational Mechanics of Cementitious–like Mater ials: Physics, Numerical Modelling, and Applicatio ns

The Wind Energy Landscape: Principles, Techniques, History

System Engineering Management, 6th Edition

Artificial Intelligence for Future Networks

Multifunctional Materials

Blockchain Technology for the Engineering and Service Sectors

Processing, Joining and Characterization of Composite Materials

Managing Sustainable Operations of Logistics and S upply Chain Management: Trends and Future Challeng es

A Chemist′s Guide to Valence Bond Theory, Second E dition

Numerical Methods for Modeling Metasurface with GS TC

Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel for Internal Combu stion Engines

Microbubbles: Engineering Aspects and Industrial A pplications

Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Environments: En abling Digitalization from Fundamentals to Advance d Solutions

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G and Bey ond Wireless Networks

Bridging the Confidence Gap

Hidden Risk in Occupational Electrical Safety: Thr ough the Lens of System Safety

Practical Sustainability Strategies: How to Excel in ESG and Gain a Competitive Advantage

Generative AI for Trading and Asset Management

Viral Vectors for Vaccine Delivery

Nano-Bioremediation for Wastewater Treatment

Resilient Community Microgrids

Next Generation Construction Contractor′s Survival Guide

IoT for Smart Grid: Revolutionizing Electrical Eng ineering

Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition

Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 8e Dcf Model Download

Creative Velocity

RF and Microwave Engineering: Fundamentals of Wire less Communications, 4th Edition

An Introduction to 5G: The New Radio, 5G Network, 5G Advanced and Beyond 2e


Ai-Based Advanced Optimization Techniques for Edge Computing

Space to Exhale

Mastering the Construction Startup

Chief in Tech

Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems

Degradation, Stabilization, and Recycling of Packaging Materials

Fundamentals of Robust Machine Learning

Intentional Ambition

Co-Crystals in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Green Engineering and Sustainable Technology

Generation AI

The Zen of Business

Nonprofit AI

Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt Organizations

Surviving Wall Street

Designing Momentum

Hazards of Nitrogen and Other Inert Gases

The Boardroom Journey

Advanced Welding Technologies

Become Time Rich