Part 1 Common Assignments across the Curriculum 1
*Indicates a new section or a chapter/section with major revisions. In addition, content is being updated and revised throughout.
1. Writing in College 2
a. Learning about college assignments
b. Learning how to understand assignments*c. The Writing Situation
2. Informative Reports 5
a. Understanding the assignment
b. Approaching writing an informative report as a process3. Interpretive Analyses and Writing about Literature 7
a. Understanding the assignment
b. Approaching writing an interpretive analysis as a process4. Arguments 11
a. Understanding the assignment
b. Approaching writing an argument as a process5. Other Kinds of Assignments 20
a. Personal essays
b. Lab reports in the experimental sciencesc. Case studies in the social sciences
d. Essay examse. Oral presentations
f. Coauthored projectsg. Portfolios
6. Designing Academic Texts 32
*a. Considering audience and purpose
*b. Using electronic toolsc. Thinking intentionally about design
*d. Using and integrating visuals, audio, and video*e. Designing pages for the Web
*f. Creating blogs and wikis
Part 2 Researching 49
7. Understanding the Purpose of Research Projects 50a. Understanding primary and secondary research
b. Recognizing the connection between research and college writing*c. Understanding the research assignment
d. Choosing an interesting research questione. Creating a research plan
8. Finding Print and Online Sources 56
a. Consulting various kinds of sources
b. Keyword searchesc. Using the library
d. Searching the Internet
9. Evaluating Your Sources 67
a. Questioning all sources
b. Questioning Internet sourcesc. Evaluating a source’s arguments
*10. Finding and Creating Effective Visuals 71
a. Finding quantitative data and displaying it visually
b. Searching for appropriate images in online and print sources11. Conducting Research in the Archive, Field, and Lab 75
a. Adhering to ethical principles
b. Preparing for archival researchc. Planning your field research
d. Keeping a notebook when doing lab research*12. Working with Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism 79
a. Maintaining a working bibliography
b. Creating an annotated bibliographyc. Note taking
d. Paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting sourcese. Avoiding plagiarism and copyright infringement
13. Writing the Paper 92
a. Planning and drafting
b. Integrating quotationsc. Documenting your sources
Part 3 MLA Documentation Style 99
*14. MLA Style: In-Text Citations 104MLA In-Text Citations: Directory to Sample Types
*15. MLA Style: List of Works Cited116
MLA Works-Cited Entries: Directory to Sample Types
16. MLA Style: Explanatory Notes and Acknowledgments 150
17. MLA Style: Format 151*18. Pages from a Research Project in MLA Style 153
Part 4 APA Documentation Style 159
*19. APA Style: In-Text Citations 163
APA In-Text Citations: Directory to Sample Types
20. APA Style: References 170
APA In-Text Citations: Directory to Sample Types
21. APA Style: Format 193
*22. Pages from a Research Project in APA Style 195
Part 5 Chicago Documentation Style 200
23. Chicago Documentation Style: Elements 201Chicago Style: Directory to Sample Note and Bibliography Entries
24. Pages from a Research Project in Chicago Style 225
Part 6 Editing for Clarity 229
25. Avoid Wordiness 230
a. Redundancies and unnecessary modifiers
b. Wordy phrasesc. Roundabout sentences
26. Adding Missing Words 233
a. Compound structures
b. The word thatc. Words in comparisons
d. The articles a, an, the27. Unscramble Mixed Constructions 235
a. Mixed-up grammar
b. Illogical predicates28. Fixing Confusing Shifts 237
a. Shifts in point of view
b. Shifts in tensec. Shifts in mood and voice
29. Using Parallel Construction 241
a. Items in a series
b. Paired ideasc. Function words
30. Fixing Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers 244
a. Misplaced modifiers
b. Ambiguous modifiersc. Disruptive modifiers
d. Split infinitivese. Dangling modifiers
31. Using Coordination and Subordination Effectively 249
a. Coordination used for ideas of unequal importance
b. Major ideas in main clausesc. Combining short, choppy sentences
d. Avoiding excessive subordination32. Vary Your Sentences 252
a. Sentence openings
b. Sentence length and structurec. Cumulative and periodic sentences
d. An occasional inversion, a rhetorical question, or an exclamation33. Choosing Active Verbs 256
a. Alternatives to be verbs
b. The active voice34. Using Appropriate Language 258
a. Slang, regional expressions, and nonstandard English
b. Levels of formalityc. Jargon
d. Euphemisms and doublespeake. Biased or sexist language
35. Using Exact Language 263
a. Connotations
b. Specific and concrete wordsc. Standard idioms
d. Clichése. Figures of speech
f. Misusing words36. Glossary of Usage 266
Part 7 Editing for Grammar Conventions 279
37. Sentence Fragments 280
a. Dependent-clause fragments
b. Phrase fragmentsc. Other types of fragments
38. Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences 285
a. Joining two clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction such as and or but
b. Joining two clauses with a semicolonc. Separating clauses into two sentences
d. Turning one of the independent clauses into a dependent clausee. Transforming two clauses into one independent clause
39. Subject-Verb Agreement 290
a. When a word group separates the subject from the verb
b. Compound subjectsc. Collective subjects
d. Indefinite subjectse. When the subject comes after the verb
f. Subject complementg. Relative pronouns
h. Phrases beginning with –ing verbsi. Titles of works, names of companies, or words representing themselves
40. Problems with Verbs 297
a. Regular and irregular verbs
b. Lay and lie, sit and set, rise and raisec. Adding an –s or –es ending
d. Adding a –d or an –ed endinge. Tensesf. Use of the past perfect tense
g. Uses of the present tenseh. Complete verbs
i. Mood41. Master Problems with Pronouns 309
a. Pronoun-antecedent agreement
b. Pronoun referencec. Pronoun case
d. Who and whom42. Problems with Adjectives and Adverbs 321
a. Adverbs
b. Adjectivesc. Positive, comparative, and superlative adjectives and adverbs
d. Double negatives43. Problems with English Grammar of Special Concern to Multilingual Writers 326
a. Using articles (a, an, the) appropriately
b. Using helping verbs with main verbs*c. Using verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives
d. Using complete subjects and verbse. Using only one subject or object
*f. Using adjectives correctly*g. Putting adverbs in the correct place
*h. Using prepositions*i. Using direct objects with two-word verbs
Part 8 Editing for Correctness: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling 339
44. Commas 340a. After an introductory word group
b. Between items in a seriesc. In front of a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses
d. Between coordinate adjectivese. To set off nonessential elements
f. With transitional and parenthetical expressions, contrasting comments, and absolute phrasesg. To set off words of direct address, yes and no, mild interjections, and tag questions
h. To separate a direct quotation from the rest of the sentencei. With dates, addresses, titles, and numbers
j. To take the place of an omitted word or phrase or to prevent misreadingk. Common errors
45. Semicolons 352
a. To join independent clauses
b. With transitional expressions that separate independent clausesc. To separate items in a series when the items contain commas
d. Common errors46. Colons 356
a. To introduce lists, appositives, or quotations
b. When a second independent clause elaborates on the first onec. Other conventional uses
d. Common errors47. Apostrophes 358
a. To indicate possession
b. With indefinite pronounsc. To mark contractions
d. To form plural numbers, letters, abbreviations, and words used as wordse. Common errors
48. Quotation Marks 361
a. To indicate direct quotations
b. To enclose titles of short worksc. To indicate that a word or phrase is being used in a special way
d. Other punctuation with quotation markse. Common errors
49. Other Punctuation Marks 366
a. The period
b. The question markc. The exclamation point
d. Dashese. Parentheses
f. Bracketsg. Ellipses
h. Slashes50. Capitalization 372
a. Proper nouns
b. Personal titlesc. Titles of creative works
d. Names of areas or regionse. Names of races, ethnic groups, and sacred things
f. First word of a sentence or quoted sentenceg. First word after a colon
51. Abbreviations and Symbols 377
a. Titles that always precede or follow a person’s name
b. Familiar abbreviationsc. Latin abbreviations
d. Inappropriate abbreviations and symbols52. Numbers 381
a. Numerals versus words
b. Numbers that begin sentencesc. Conventional uses of numerals
53. Italics (Underlining) 383
a. Titles of works or separate publications
b. Names of ships, trains, aircraft, and spaceshipsc. Foreign terms
d. Scientific namese. Words, letters, and numbers referred to as themselves
f. For emphasis54. Hyphens 386
a. To form a compound word
b. To create a compound adjective or noun formsc. To spell out fractions and compound numbers
d. To attach some prefixes and suffixese. To divide words at the ends of lines
55. Spelling 388
Discipline-Specific Resources in the Library and on the Internet D-1Glossary of Terms G-1
Index I-1Abbreviations and Symbols for Editing and Proofreading