The Ottoman Empire
feb 2012
Preț: 989.00 lei 1149.99 lei
43-57 zile
Historical Image of the Turk in Europe, 15th Century to the Present
Autor Mustafa Soykut
31 iul 2010
Preț: 919.41 lei 1069.09 lei
43-57 zile
The Limits of Eurocentricity
Autor Keith Wilson
11 aug 2010
Preț: 773.01 lei 898.85 lei
43-57 zile
The Quest for Sultan Abdulhamid's Oil Assets
Autor E. Mahmud Sami
10 aug 2010
Preț: 710.28 lei 825.91 lei
43-57 zile
Structure and Function in Turkish Society
Autor David Shankland
10 aug 2010
Preț: 814.85 lei 947.50 lei
43-57 zile
New Documents on Ataturk
Autor Rifat N. Bali
10 aug 2010
Preț: 738.14 lei 858.30 lei
43-57 zile
The Turkish Cinema in the Early Republican Years
Autor Rifat N. Bali
10 aug 2010
Preț: 745.09 lei 866.39 lei
43-57 zile
To Be Governor of Jerusalem
Autor David Kushner
31 iul 2010
Preț: 784.48 lei 1018.80 lei
38-44 zile
Art, Politics and Society
Autor Asli Daldal
31 iul 2010
Preț: 772.24 lei 1002.91 lei
38-44 zile
Ottoman Studies and Archives in Greece
Autor Evangelia Balta
31 iul 2010
Preț: 661.92 lei 769.67 lei
43-57 zile
Autor Erol Haker
19 aug 2010
Preț: 766.00 lei 890.69 lei
43-57 zile
Faroqhi, S: Coping with the State
Autor Suraiya Faroqhi
27 oct 2010
Preț: 779.92 lei 906.89 lei
43-57 zile
Making a Living in the Ottoman Lands, 1480 to 1820
Autor Suraiya Faroqhi
27 oct 2010
Preț: 905.39 lei 1052.78 lei
43-57 zile
Fisher, A: A Precarious Balance
Autor Alan Fisher
27 oct 2010
Preț: 731.24 lei 850.28 lei
43-57 zile
The Ottomans, the Turks and World Power Politics
Autor Selim Deringil
27 oct 2010
Preț: 814.81 lei 947.46 lei
43-57 zile
Quataert, D: Manufacturing and Technology Transfer in the Ot
Autor Donald Quataert
27 oct 2010
Preț: 619.20 lei 720.00 lei
43-57 zile
Perilous Modernity
27 oct 2010
Preț: 786.90 lei 915.00 lei
43-57 zile
Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire, 1730-1914
Autor Donald Quataert
27 oct 2010
Preț: 773.00 lei 898.83 lei
43-57 zile
Shmuelevitz, A: Republican Turkey
Autor Aryeh Shmuelevitz
27 oct 2010
Preț: 898.44 lei 1044.70 lei
43-57 zile
A Bridge between Cultures
10 aug 2010
Preț: 940.18 lei 1093.23 lei
43-57 zile
Village Life in Cyprus at the Time of the Ottoman Conquest
10 aug 2010
Preț: 710.28 lei 825.91 lei
43-57 zile
Brecht in Turkey 1955-1977
Autor Albert Nekimken
29 noi 2010
Preț: 870.51 lei 1012.22 lei
43-57 zile
Village, Town and People in the Ottoman Balkans, 16th-Mid-19th Century: Experience the Hope of God
Autor Stefka Parveva
31 mai 2010
Preț: 794.27 lei 923.57 lei
43-57 zile
Harris, C: The Reports of the Last British Consul in Trabzon
Autor Christopher Harris
31 mai 2010
Preț: 1023.73 lei 1190.39 lei
43-57 zile
Alevis and Alevism
31 mai 2010
Preț: 710.81 lei 826.52 lei
43-57 zile
Palace Revolution and Counterrevolution in Turkey (March-April 1909)
Autor Paul Farkas
31 mai 2010
Preț: 626.89 lei 728.94 lei
43-57 zile
Neither Shiraz Nor Paris
Autor Laurent Mignon
31 mai 2010
Preț: 661.87 lei 769.61 lei
43-57 zile
Aspects of the Political Language in Turkey
31 mai 2010
Preț: 675.87 lei 785.90 lei
43-57 zile
A Scapegoat for All Seasons: Experience the Hope of God
Autor Rifat N. Bali
31 mai 2010
Preț: 1037.66 lei 1206.59 lei
43-57 zile
British Consular Reports from the Ottoman Levant in an Age of Upheavel, 1815-1830
Autor Theophilus C. Prousis
31 mai 2010
Preț: 860.43 lei 1117.44 lei
38-44 zile
Said Halim Pasha
Autor Ahmet Seyhun
31 mai 2010
Preț: 745.57 lei 866.94 lei
43-57 zile
The Functioning of Ottoman Avariz Taxation
Autor Suleyman Demirci
10 aug 2010
Preț: 800.85 lei 931.21 lei
43-57 zile
Haker, E: From Istanbul to Jerusalem
Autor Erol Haker
31 mai 2010
Preț: 877.68 lei 1020.56 lei
43-57 zile
Lowry, J: The Islamization & Turkification of the City of Tr
Autor Jr. Lowry
10 aug 2010
Preț: 814.83 lei 947.48 lei
43-57 zile
The Jews and Prostitution in Constantinople, 1854-1922
Autor Rifat N. Bali
10 aug 2010
Preț: 668.18 lei 776.95 lei
43-57 zile
Tilkidom and the Ottoman Empire
10 aug 2010
Preț: 724.16 lei 842.05 lei
43-57 zile
Jewish Historiography on the Ottoman Empire and its Jewry from the Late Fifteenth Century to the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century
Autor I.Izzet Bahar
10 aug 2010
Preț: 703.32 lei 817.81 lei
43-57 zile
The First Ten Years of the Turkish Republic Thru the Reports of American Diplomats
Autor Rifat N. Bali
10 aug 2010
Preț: 723.46 lei 841.24 lei
43-57 zile
Defterology Revisited
Autor Jr. Lowry
10 aug 2010
Preț: 787.00 lei 915.11 lei
43-57 zile
War and Peace in Rumeli
Autor Rossitsa Gradeva
10 aug 2010
Preț: 933.22 lei 1085.14 lei
43-57 zile
Studies in Defterology
Autor Jr. Lowry et al.
29 noi 2010
Preț: 856.60 lei 996.05 lei
43-57 zile
Suleyman the Second and His Time
29 noi 2010
Preț: 1051.68 lei 1222.88 lei
43-57 zile
Aksin, S: Essays in Ottoman-Turkish Political History
Autor Sina Aksin
8 feb 2011
Preț: 807.83 lei 939.34 lei
43-57 zile
David, G: Studies in Demographic and Administrative History
Autor Geza David
8 feb 2011
Preț: 800.90 lei 931.28 lei
43-57 zile
Dumont, P: Du socialisme ottoman a l'internationalisme anato
Autor Paul Dumont
24 feb 2011
Preț: 1156.21 lei 1344.43 lei
43-57 zile
Jennings, R: Studies on Ottoman Social History in the Sixtee
Autor Ronald C. Jennings
24 feb 2011
Preț: 1462.77 lei 1700.90 lei
43-57 zile
de Lusignan, L: Familles Latines de l'Empire Ottoman
Autor Livio Missir de Lusignan
24 feb 2011
Preț: 696.33 lei 809.69 lei
43-57 zile
Melikoff, I: Sur les traces du soufisme turc
Autor Irene Melikoff
24 feb 2011
Preț: 731.23 lei 850.27 lei
43-57 zile
Maxim, M: L'empire ottoman au nord du Danube et l'autonomie
Autor Mihai Maxim
8 feb 2011
Preț: 842.71 lei 979.89 lei
43-57 zile
Paksoy, H: Central Asian Monuments
Autor Hasan B. Paksoy
8 feb 2011
Preț: 731.21 lei 850.25 lei
43-57 zile
Bayerle, G: Pashas, Begs, and Effendis
Autor Gustav Bayerle
8 feb 2011
Preț: 710.28 lei 825.91 lei
43-57 zile
van Bruinessen, M: Kurdish Ethno-Nationalism versus Nation-B
Autor Martin van Bruinessen
19 ian 2011
Preț: 884.46 lei 1028.44 lei
43-57 zile
Imperial Meanderings and Republican By-Ways
Autor Robert Olson
7 dec 2010
Preț: 947.19 lei 1101.39 lei
43-57 zile
Manifestations of Sainthood in Islam
22 mar 2011
Preț: 905.39 lei 1052.78 lei
43-57 zile
Babot, C: La mission des augustins de l'assomption a Eski-Ch
Autor Christiane Babot
22 mar 2011
Preț: 668.19 lei 776.97 lei
43-57 zile
Bali, R: Memoires posthumes et inachevees de Jacques Abravan
Autor Jacques Abravanel
22 mar 2011
Preț: 689.28 lei 801.50 lei
43-57 zile
Bali, R: Les relations entre turcs et juifs dans la turquie
Autor Rifat N. Bali
20 mar 2011
Preț: 717.23 lei 833.99 lei
43-57 zile
Bacque-Grammont, J: Les Ottomans, les Safavides, et la Georg
Autor Chahryar Adle
22 mar 2011
Preț: 696.31 lei 809.66 lei
43-57 zile
Balivet, M: Les Turcs au Moyen-age
Autor Michel Balivet
20 mar 2011
Preț: 696.27 lei 809.61 lei
43-57 zile
Balta, E: Peuple et production
Autor Evangelia Balta
24 feb 2011
Preț: 856.60 lei 996.05 lei
43-57 zile
Les Balkans et la Russie a la Veille de la premiere guerre mondiale
Autor Hrant Bey Noradounghian
21 dec 2011
Preț: 647.24 lei 752.61 lei
43-57 zile
Figures anonymes, figures d'elite
24 feb 2011
Preț: 766.00 lei 890.69 lei
43-57 zile
Studies in Ottoman and Turkish History
Autor Stanford J. Shaw
24 ian 2011
Preț: 1337.33 lei 1555.04 lei
43-57 zile
Religion, Economy, and State in Ottoman-Arab History
Autor William Ochsenwald
29 noi 2010
Preț: 793.92 lei 923.16 lei
43-57 zile
Bagis, A: Britain and the Struggle for the Integrity of the
Autor Ali Ihsan Bagis
19 noi 2010
Preț: 717.27 lei 834.03 lei
43-57 zile
Folklor de Los Judios de Turkiya
Autor Eli Shaul
29 noi 2010
Preț: 696.31 lei 809.66 lei
43-57 zile
A Legacy of Change
Autor Eris F. Perese et al.
29 noi 2010
Preț: 835.68 lei 971.72 lei
43-57 zile
Studies in Ottoman History
29 noi 2010
Preț: 1037.73 lei 1206.66 lei
43-57 zile
Harris, G: Ataturk's Diplomats & Their Brief Biographies
Autor George S. Harris
19 noi 2010
Preț: 1044.72 lei 1214.79 lei
43-57 zile
Sports and Physical Education in Turkey in the 1930's
19 noi 2010
Preț: 675.31 lei 785.24 lei
43-57 zile
By the Light of a Candle
Autor Ragip Nurettin Ege et al.
19 noi 2010
Preț: 968.06 lei 1125.65 lei
43-57 zile
The Balance of Truth
19 noi 2010
Preț: 1072.54 lei 1247.15 lei
43-57 zile
Altabev, M: Language Death, Swan Song, Revival or New Arriva
Autor Mary Altabev
19 noi 2010
Preț: 821.78 lei 955.56 lei
43-57 zile
Studies in Ottoman History in Honour of Professor V.L. Melange
24 ian 2011
Preț: 1037.77 lei 1206.70 lei
43-57 zile
Fodor, P: In Quest of the Golden Apple
Autor Pal Fodor
19 noi 2010
Preț: 891.41 lei 1036.52 lei
43-57 zile
Imber, C: Studies in Ottoman History and Law
Autor Colin Imber
19 noi 2010
Preț: 947.19 lei 1101.39 lei
43-57 zile
Humanist and Scholar
19 noi 2010
Preț: 661.23 lei 768.87 lei
43-57 zile
Etude sur les fonctions des Drogmans des missions diplomatiques ou consulaires en Turquie
Autor S.G. Marghetitch
7 dec 2010
Preț: 591.13 lei 687.36 lei
43-57 zile
Estambul, el ejercito otomano y los sefardies en textos en espanol
Autor Pablo Martin Asuero
11 dec 2010
Preț: 828.70 lei 963.61 lei
43-57 zile
Diego de Coello Quesada y la Cuestion de Oriente (1882-1897)
11 dec 2010
Preț: 891.44 lei 1036.56 lei
43-57 zile
Mis Memorias
Autor Rafael Chikurel
7 dec 2010
Preț: 647.20 lei 752.56 lei
43-57 zile
Studies in Ottoman Naval History and Maritime Geography
Autor Svat Soucek
19 ian 2011
Preț: 821.80 lei 955.58 lei
43-57 zile
Population History of the Middle East and the Balkans
Autor Justin McCarthy
31 mai 2010
Preț: 806.73 lei 1105.10 lei
43-57 zile