A Brief Introduction to Symplectic and Contact Manifolds Nankai Tracts in Mathematics (Hardcover), nr. Autor Augustin Banyaga et al. 14 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 443.36 lei 521.61 lei 43-57 zile -15%
The Structure of Classical Diffeomorphism Groups Mathematics and Its Applications, nr. 400 Autor Augustin Banyaga 31 mar 1997 Hardback Preț: 1376.98 lei 1679.24 lei 43-57 zile -18%
Lectures on Morse Homology Texts in the Mathematical Sciences, nr. 29 Autor Augustin Banyaga et al. 29 oct 2004 Hardback Preț: 535.98 lei 630.57 lei 43-57 zile -15%