Building with Earth: Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture Autor Gernot Minke 31 dec 2005 Electronic book text Preț: 428.70 lei 556.76 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Libraries – A Design Manual Autor Nolan Lushington et al. 30 iun 2015 Electronic book text Preț: 686.54 lei 940.46 lei Nepublicat încă -27%
Wood and Wood Joints: Building Traditions of Europe, Japan and China Autor Klaus Zwerger et al. 10 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 393.76 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
EigenArchitecture Applied Virtuality Book Series, nr. 6 Autor Ludger Hovestadt et al. 13 ian 2014 Electronic book text Preț: 320.27 lei Indisponibil temporar
Architectural Scale Models in the Digital Age: design, representation and manufacturing Autor Milena Stavric et al. 28 feb 2013 Hardback Preț: 413.40 lei 449.35 lei 3-5 săpt. -8%
Remix Theory: The Aesthetics of Sampling Autor Eduardo Navas 31 dec 2011 Electronic book text Preț: 320.27 lei Indisponibil temporar
Bauen und Naturgefahren: Handbuch für konstruktiven Gebäudeschutz Editat de Jürgen Suda et al. 12 dec 2011 Hardback Preț: 644.73 lei 708.50 lei 3-5 săpt. -9%
Interior Gardens: Designing and Constructing Green Spaces in Private and Public Buildings Autor Haike Falkenberg 31 dec 2010 Electronic book text Preț: 372.30 lei Indisponibil temporar
The Art of Precast Concrete: Colour, Texture, Expression Autor David Bennett 25 aug 2005 Electronic book text Preț: 525.01 lei 681.83 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis Autor Elena Prestini 15 dec 2003 Paperback Preț: 567.32 lei 709.15 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Tugendhat House. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: New edition Autor Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat et al. 11 noi 2014 Hardback Preț: 375.34 lei 463.39 lei 6-8 săpt. -19%
Form Follows Nature: Eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst - A History of Nature as Model for Design in Engineering, Architecture and Art. Editat de Rudolf Finsterwalder 20 sep 2011 Hardback Preț: 528.44 lei 39-44 zile
Creative Industries Switzerland: Facts – Models – Culture Autor Christoph Weckerle et al. 18 oct 2007 Electronic book text Preț: 445.47 lei 578.54 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Erfolgsfaktor Design-Management: Ein Leitfaden für Unternehmer und Designer Autor Gernot Brauer 15 feb 2007 Electronic book text Preț: 445.47 lei 578.54 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Türen und Tore Baukonstruktionen, nr. 12 Autor Anton Pech et al. 12 feb 2007 Hardback Preț: 201.38 lei 39-44 zile
Von der Burg zum Blob: Kinder entdecken Architektur Autor Simone Jeska 16 mar 2006 Electronic book text Preț: 263.38 lei Indisponibil temporar
Holzbau Atlas Autor Thomas Herzog et al. 31 dec 2002 Electronic book text Preț: 729.63 lei 999.50 lei Indisponibil temporar -27%
Sustainable Architecture in Vorarlberg: Energy Concepts and Construction Systems Autor Ulrich Dangel 31 dec 2009 Electronic book text Preț: 525.01 lei 681.83 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Design Research Now: Essays and Selected Projects Board of International Research in Design Contribuţii de Paul Chamberlain et al. 31 dec 2006 Electronic book text Preț: 604.84 lei 785.52 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architecture Autor Liat Margolis et al. 22 apr 2007 Electronic book text Preț: 212.09 lei Indisponibil temporar
Emmy Zweybrück – Schule und Werkstätte / School and Studio Edition Angewandte Autor Friedrich C. Heller et al. 29 noi 2016 Hardback Preț: 285.26 lei Nepublicat încă
Schools and Kindergartens: A Design Manual Autor Mark Dudek 31 dec 2013 Electronic book text Preț: 527.25 lei Indisponibil temporar
Mauerwerkstrockenlegung: Von den Grundlagen zur praktischen Anwendung Altbausanierung Autor Michael Balak et al. 16 oct 2008 Hardback Preț: 387.92 lei 503.79 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Dichte Atmosphäre: Über die bauliche Dichte und ihre Bedingungen in der mitteleuropäischen Stadt Autor Eberhard Tröger et al. 31 dec 2014 Hardback Preț: 463.70 lei 602.21 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Adrian Frutiger – Typefaces: The Complete Works Autor Heidrun Osterer et al. 13 apr 2014 Hardback Preț: 457.67 lei Se retipărește
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Plastics: in Architecture and Construction Autor Stephan Engelsmann et al. 31 dec 2009 Electronic book text Preț: 320.64 lei Indisponibil temporar
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