CAA2014: 21st Century Archaeology
30 mar 2015
Preț: 548.58 lei 596.28 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Hethitische Texte in Transkription Kbo 46: Turkei, Agypten, Saudi-Arabien
Autor Detlev Groddek
29 mar 2015
Preț: 555.21 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Ghost Town Tresures: Ruins, Relics, Riche
Autor Charles Garret et al.
24 feb 2015
Preț: 58.98 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Mystery Cities of the Maya
Autor Thomas Gann et al.
24 feb 2015
Preț: 98.95 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Atlantis in America
Autor Ivar Zapp et al.
24 feb 2015
Preț: 110.28 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Medieval Dublin XIV: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2012
Editat de Se Duffy et al.
31 dec 2014
Preț: 157.49 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Haughmond Abbey: Excavation of a 12th-century cloister in its historical and landscape context
Autor Jeffrey J. West et al.
14 dec 2014
Preț: 729.13 lei 889.18 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Medieval Settlement at Oak Farm, Milcombe, Bandbury, Oxfordshire
Autor David Platt et al.
21 oct 2014
Preț: 44.46 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Geographien Erzahlen: Wissenschaftliche Narrationen Von Geschlecht Und Raum
Autor Jeannine Wintzer
31 aug 2014
Preț: 314.96 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Risky Change?: Vulnerability and Adaptation Between Climate Change and Transformation Dynamics in Can Tho City, Vietnam
Autor Matthias Garschagen
31 aug 2014
Preț: 411.99 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Of Rocks and Water
Autor Eomeur Harmanosah
10 aug 2014
Preț: 203.92 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Mobilitat in Den Kulturen Der Antiken Mittelmeerwelt: Stuttgarter Kolloquium Zur Historischen Geographie Des Altertums 11, 2011
Editat de Eckart Olshausen et al.
27 aug 2014
Preț: 460.75 lei 517.69 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Magdeburg-Buckau Und Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg: Industrielle Kulturlandschaftselemente, Raumliche Identitat Und Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
Autor Eike Winkler
29 iun 2014
Preț: 410.87 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Medieval Dublin XIII: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2011
Editat de Se Duffy et al.
30 apr 2014
Preț: 158.03 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Naturressourcennutzung Im Kontext Struktureller Unsicherheiten: Eine Politische Okologie Der Weidelander Kirgisistans in Zeiten Gesellschaftlicher Umb
Autor Andrei Dörre
30 apr 2014
Preț: 414.83 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Klimawandel Und Resilienz in Bangladesch: Die Bewaltigung Von Uberschwemmungen in Den Slums Von Dhaka
Autor Tibor Aßheuer
25 mai 2014
Preț: 304.50 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Understanding Standardization and Variation in Mediterranean Ceramics: Mid 2nd to Late 1st Millennium BC
Editat de A. Kotsonas
12 mai 2014
Preț: 654.55 lei 808.08 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Archaeology of Banbury Flood Alleviation Scheme, Oxfordshire: Neolithic and Roman Occupation in the Cherwell Valley
Autor Andrew Simmonds
22 apr 2014
Preț: 118.43 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Solent-Thames: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas
Autor Gill Hey et al.
22 apr 2014
Preț: 296.45 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Thorikos 1983/1990: Rapport Preliminaire Sur Les 17e, 18e, 19e, 20e Et 21e Campagnes de Fouilles / Voorlopig Verslag Over de 17e, 18e, 19e
Autor Hf Mussche et al.
21 apr 2014
Preț: 661.47 lei 816.63 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Athenian Agora
Autor Laura Gawlinski
30 mar 2014
Preț: 135.50 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Prehistoric, Romano-British and Medieval Occupation in the Frome Valley, Gloucestershire
30 mar 2014
Preț: 79.01 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Alexander to Constantine: Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume III
Autor Eric M. Meyers et al.
25 feb 2014
Preț: 149.57 lei 176.00 lei
4-6 săpt.

Comic Book Geographies
Editat de Jason Dittmer
11 feb 2014
Preț: 291.65 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Puspika: Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume 2
Editat de Giovanni Ciotti et al.
30 ian 2014
Preț: 225.26 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Archaologischer Reisefuhrer Namibia: Ein Ursprung Afrikanischer Skulptur
Autor Peter Breunig
31 dec 2013
Preț: 178.20 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian Period
Editat de I. Jacobs
28 ian 2014
Preț: 502.80 lei 653.00 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Archaeology in the Digital Era: Papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012
Editat de Philip Verhagen et al.
22 ian 2014
Preț: 791.05 lei 1284.50 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Prehistory of Gold Butte: A Virgin River Hinterland, Clark County, Nevada
Autor Kelly R McGuire et al.
25 dec 2013
Preț: 348.64 lei 470.49 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Modellierung Von Stadtentwicklungsprozessen Am Fallbeispiel Hamburg: Unter Berucksichtigung Stadtklimatologischer Aspekte
Autor Christian Daneke
4 dec 2013
Preț: 362.67 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Life and Death of Querns
Autor Susan R. Watts
27 noi 2013
Preț: 289.08 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Classification and Evolution in Biology, Linguistics and the History of Science
Editat de Heiner Fangerau et al.
17 noi 2013
Preț: 279.32 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Politics of Street Food
Autor Benjamin Etzold
5 noi 2013
Preț: 433.23 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Exodus Reality: Unearthing the Real History of Moses, Identifying the Pharaohs, and Examing the Exodus from Egypt
Autor Scott Alan Roberts et al.
20 oct 2013
Preț: 111.51 lei
Indisponibil temporar

La Grava
Autor Evelyn Baker
30 oct 2013
Preț: 419.55 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Bibliographie Analytique de L'Archeologie de L'Iran Ancien. Supplement 5: 2004-2010
Autor E. Haerinck et al.
28 oct 2013
Preț: 469.88 lei 580.09 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Etudes Ougaritiques III
Editat de M. Al-Maqdissi et al.
3 oct 2013
Preț: 609.13 lei 752.01 lei
Indisponibil temporar

King's College Chapel, Aberdeen, 1500-2000
Editat de Jane Geddes
sep 2013
Preț: 247.13 lei 307.00 lei
3-5 săpt.

Ancient Textiles, Modern Science
Editat de Heather Hopkins
30 aug 2013
Preț: 292.98 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Perspektiven Sozialwissenschaftlicher Konsumforschung: Bluethner Und Das Pianoforte (CA. 1850-1914)
Editat de Heiko Schmid et al.
6 aug 2013
Preț: 295.35 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Performing Politics, Making Space
Autor Carolin Schurr
22 aug 2013
Preț: 277.82 lei
Indisponibil temporar

An Institutional Perspective on Production and Upgrading
Autor Daniel Schiller
21 aug 2013
Preț: 322.43 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Appropriate Narratives: Archaeologists, Publics and Stories
Editat de Elisabeth Niklasson et al.
30 aug 2013
Preț: 410.42 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Qasr Ibrim: The Cathedral Church
Autor William Y. Adams et al.
29 iun 2010
Preț: 177.18 lei 202.10 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Anubieion at Saqqara III: Pottery from the Archaic to the Third Intermediate Period
Autor Peter French et al.
29 iun 2013
Preț: 196.20 lei 212.35 lei
Indisponibil temporar

An Archaeological Legacy, OP No. 18: Essays in Honor of Ray T. Matheny
Editat de Deanne G. Matheny et al.
29 iun 2013
Preț: 350.69 lei 398.61 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Autor Philip Kenrick et al.
30 apr 2013
Preț: 154.22 lei
Indisponibil temporar

World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: A Characterization
3 mar 2013
Preț: 318.33 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Middleton, R: The Wetlands of South West Lancashire
Autor J. B. Innes et al.
17 mar 2013
Preț: 162.21 lei
Indisponibil temporar

People and the Sea
Editat de Jesse Ransley et al.
27 feb 2013
Preț: 248.02 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Anasazi along the Vermilion Cliffs: An Examination of the Talbot Collection
Editat de Deborah C. Harris et al.
14 dec 2012
Preț: 138.85 lei 159.62 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Medieval Dublin XII: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2010
Autor Duffy et al.
30 dec 2012
Preț: 157.07 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Rock Art at Little Lake: An Ancient Crossroads in the California Desert
Editat de Jo Anne Van Tilburg et al.
29 dec 2012
Preț: 221.20 lei 245.83 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Das Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos: Ein Archaeologischer Fuehrer
Autor Sabine Ladstatter et al.
30 dec 2012
Preț: 282.14 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Field Seasons: Reflections on Career Paths and Research in American Archaeology
Autor Anna Marie Prentiss
29 noi 2012
Preț: 184.99 lei 288.21 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Statues That Walked: Unraveling the Mystery of Easter Island
Autor Terry Hunt et al.
29 oct 2012
Preț: 69.45 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Marine Archaeology
31 oct 2012
Preț: 92.78 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Abu Simbel Und Die Tempel Des Nasser Sees: Der Archaologische Fuehrer
Autor Joachim Willeitner et al.
31 aug 2012
Preț: 68.80 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Die Kelten in Suddeutschland: Der Archaologische Fuhrer
Autor Holger Müller et al.
31 aug 2012
Preț: 67.47 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Volume 42 2012. Papers from the Forty-Fifth Meeting, London, 28-30 July 2011
Editat de Janet Starkey
30 iun 2012
Preț: 482.34 lei 524.29 lei
Se retipărește

Metropoles de Papiers: Naissance de L'Archeologie Urbaine a Paris Et a Londres (Xviie-Xxe Siecles)
Autor Staephane Van Damme et al.
31 mai 2012
Preț: 298.35 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Wheare Most Inclosures Be - East Anglian Fields: History, Morphology and Management
Autor Edward Martin
31 mai 2012
Preț: 248.39 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Spa. Sanitas Per Aquam: Tagungsband Des Internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums Zur Technik Und Kulturgeschichte Der Antiken Thermen. Aachen, 18.
Editat de R. Kreiner et al.
30 apr 2012
Preț: 656.99 lei 811.09 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Autor Wolfram Letzner
31 mar 2012
Preț: 44.89 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Autor Nadin Burkhardt
31 mar 2012
Preț: 49.59 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Jandavlattepa, Vol. I: The excavation report for seasons 2002-2006
Editat de Ladislav Stanco et al.
14 apr 2012
Preț: 123.51 lei 138.37 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Montana Before History: 11,000 Years of Hunter-Gatherers in the Rockies and Plains
Autor Douglas H. MacDonald
31 ian 2012
Preț: 112.41 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Written in Bones: How Human Remains Unlock the Secrets of the Dead
Editat de Paul Bahn
31 dec 2011
Preț: 149.27 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Community Archaeology
30 dec 2011
Preț: 224.16 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Temple Beauties
Autor Richard Riddell
9 dec 2011
Preț: 288.83 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninian's Isle, Shetland: Excavations Past and Present: v. 32: Excavations Past and Present
Autor Rachel C. Barrowman
dec 2011
Preț: 380.82 lei 513.36 lei
3-5 săpt.

On the Road to Reconstructing the Past: Fieldwork Strategies and Scientific Outcome
Editat de Erzsebet Jerem et al.
30 noi 2011
Preț: 522.40 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Gods Carved in Stone: The Hittite Rock Sanctuary of Yazilikaya
Autor Jeurgen Seeher et al.
30 noi 2011
Preț: 226.29 lei
Indisponibil temporar

I Popoli Dell'antica Italia: Rinaldoniani, Umbri, Pelasgi, Villanoviani Ed Etruschi. Antiche Culture Nella Piana Fiorentina-Pratese-Pistoiese
Autor Claudio Pofferi
30 noi 2011
Preț: 151.83 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Copan Sculpture Museum – Ancient Maya Artistry in Stucco and Stone (OLACAR)
Autor Barbara W. Fash
3 oct 2011
Preț: 171.66 lei 221.03 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Grafton Elliot Smith, Egyptology & the Diffusion – A Biographical Perspective
Autor Paul Crook
5 oct 2011
Preț: 163.87 lei 214.18 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Research and Archaeology Revisited: A Revised Framework for the East of England
Autor Maria Medlycott
30 sep 2011
Preț: 78.29 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Hethitische Texte in Transkription, Kbo 57: Minutes of the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church in Colombo (1735-1797), Held at th
Autor Detlev Groddek
21 sep 2011
Preț: 355.24 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Archaeology of the Newland
Autor Richard Brown et al.
14 aug 2011
Preț: 139.81 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Tell Amarna (Syrie) V. La Basilique Byzantine Et Ses Mosaiques
Editat de V. Koniordos et al.
31 iul 2011
Preț: 430.58 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Residential Burial – A Multiregional Exploration V20
Autor RL Adams
14 iul 2011
Preț: 136.90 lei 180.93 lei
Indisponibil temporar

A Distant Prospect of Wessex: Archaeology and the Past in the Life and Works of Thomas Hardy
Autor Martin J. P. Davies
19 iul 2011
Preț: 127.46 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Autor Ole Jorgen Bryn
19 iul 2011
Preț: 135.73 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Tombes D’Époque Parthe: Chantiers de la Ville des Artisans
Autor Remy Boucharlat et al.
21 iul 2011
Preț: 654.34 lei 797.98 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara: The Mother of Apis Inscriptions
Autor H.S. Smith et al.
29 iun 2011
Preț: 321.58 lei 337.32 lei
Se retipărește

Sais I: The Ramesside-Third Intermediate Period at Kom Rebwa
Autor Penelope Wilson
29 iun 2011
Preț: 196.30 lei 212.39 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Bermuda: Celebrating 400 Years of History
Autor Brent Fortenberry
iun 2011
Preț: 261.82 lei 312.36 lei
3-5 săpt.

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 41 (2011): Papers from the Forty-Fourth Meeting, London, 22-24 July 2010
Editat de Janet Starkey
31 mai 2011
Preț: 468.06 lei 508.76 lei
Se retipărește

Le Papyrus D'Any: Serie Des Papyrus Du Livre Des Morts de L'Egypte Ancienne
Autor Claude Carrier
30 apr 2011
Preț: 717.18 lei 982.44 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Andean Expressions: Art and Archaeology of the Recuay Culture
Autor George F. Lau
15 apr 2011
Preț: 300.68 lei
Indisponibil temporar

The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb, Commander in Chief of Tutankhamun, V: The Forecourt and the Area South of the Tomb with Some Notes on the Tomb of Tia
Autor Maarten J. Raven et al.
31 mar 2011
Preț: 598.63 lei 777.43 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Between Satricum and Antium: Settlement Dynamics in a Coastal Landscape in Latium Vetus
Autor P. Attema et al.
31 mar 2011
Preț: 525.32 lei 648.54 lei
Indisponibil temporar

A Manual of Egyptian Pottery, Volume 1: Fayum a - A Lower Egyptian Culture
Autor Anna Wodzinska
31 mar 2011
Preț: 189.22 lei 208.59 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Before the Pyramids
27 mar 2011
Preț: 259.41 lei 281.45 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Hethitische Texte in Transkription Kbo 47: Themen Und Literarische Form
Autor Detlev Groddek
28 feb 2011
Preț: 421.49 lei
Indisponibil temporar

Information and Its Role in Hunter-Gatherer Bands
31 ian 2011
Preț: 153.93 lei 173.45 lei
Indisponibil temporar