Cyberculture and the Subaltern
28 mai 2014
Preț: 460.43 lei
6-8 săpt.

Archaeology of the Coastal Desert of Namaqualand, South Africa
Autor Genevieve Isabel Dewar
30 noi 2008
Preț: 460.41 lei 500.45 lei
6-8 săpt.

Calvin Coolidge
Autor M. C. Murphy
25 mai 2023
Preț: 460.38 lei
39-44 zile

The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity: The Stalin Years
22 oct 1998
Preț: 460.25 lei 567.43 lei
32-37 zile

The A to Z of Belarus
Autor Vitali Silitski et al.
7 apr 2010
Preț: 460.17 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of Modern Italy
Autor Mark F. Gilbert et al.
20 apr 2010
Preț: 460.17 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of Australia
Autor James C. Docherty
apr 2010
Preț: 460.17 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Collected Historical Works of Sir Francis Palgrave, K.H.: Volume 7: The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth: Anglo-Saxon Period, Part 2
Autor Francis Palgrave et al.
4 dec 2013
Preț: 460.11 lei
6-8 săpt.

Ernst Toller and German Society
Autor Robert Ellis
30 apr 2017
Preț: 460.10 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Yankee in the Texas Army
Autor Dennis A. Connole
13 mai 2008
Preț: 741.59 lei 1015.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

Sacred Language of the Abakuá
Autor Lydia Cabrera et al.
10 dec 2020
Preț: 460.01 lei
6-8 săpt. | 6-12 zile

Political Culture and Secession in Mississippi: Masculinity, Honor, and the Antiparty Tradition, 1830-1860
Autor Christopher J. Olsen
noi 2002
Preț: 459.98 lei 567.28 lei
32-37 zile

The A to Z of Malaysia
Autor Keat Ooi Ooi
7 iun 2010
Preț: 459.95 lei
6-8 săpt.

Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the Third
14 noi 2012
Preț: 499.96 lei 617.23 lei
6-8 săpt.

Registrum epistolarum fratris Johannis Peckham, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis
Autor John Peckham et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.82 lei 567.67 lei
6-8 săpt.

Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I
Editat de Richard Howlett
14 noi 2012
Preț: 521.79 lei
6-8 săpt.

The New World of Southeast Asia
Autor Lennox A. Mills
20 oct 1949
Preț: 459.77 lei 567.62 lei
39-44 zile

Memorial de Sainte-Helene Tome 6
Autor Las Cases E. et al.
11 sep 2014
Preț: 459.77 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Tenth Amendment and State Sovereignty
21 dec 2001
Preț: 459.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia
Autor Josae M. Capriles Flores et al.
14 feb 2014
Preț: 459.71 lei 499.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

Giraldi Cambrensis opera
Editat de J. S. Brewer et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.67 lei 567.49 lei
6-8 săpt.

Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene: Volume 4
Autor Roger of Hoveden et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.67 lei 567.49 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Memoir of Baron Bunsen
Editat de Frances Waddington Bunsen
iun 2011
Preț: 459.67 lei 567.49 lei
6-8 săpt.

Japan and the Japanese
Autor Aimé Humbert et al.
26 apr 2015
Preț: 459.59 lei
6-8 săpt.

Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis, by Thomas of Elmham, Formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation
Autor Thomas of Elmham et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.50 lei 567.28 lei
6-8 săpt.

Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry the Fourth, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, 1399–1404
Editat de Francis Charles Hingeston
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.50 lei 567.28 lei
6-8 săpt.

Thomae Walshingham, quondam monachi S. Albani historia Anglicana
Editat de Henry Thomas Riley et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.50 lei 567.28 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester
Autor Robert of Gloucester et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 524.29 lei
6-8 săpt.

Beyond the Pale of Pity
Autor R. S. Rose
30 apr 1998
Preț: 459.49 lei 596.75 lei
6-8 săpt.

State Of New Hampshire V29
Editat de Albert Stillman Batchellor
oct 2008
Preț: 459.46 lei
39-44 zile

Suburban Erasure
Autor Walter David Greason
30 iul 2014
Preț: 459.45 lei
6-8 săpt.

The American Journalism History Reader
Editat de Bonnie S. Brennen et al.
19 oct 2010
Preț: 459.42 lei 540.49 lei
6-8 săpt.

Bartholomaei de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia Anglicana (AD 449–1298): Necnon Ejusdem Liber de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliae
Autor Bartholomaeus de Cotton et al.
14 noi 2012
Preț: 459.36 lei 567.12 lei
6-8 săpt.

Icelandic Sagas and Other Historical Documents Relating to the Settlements and Descents of the Northmen of the British Isles
Traducere de George Webbe Dasent
14 noi 2012
Preț: 524.29 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Ascendancy of Europe: 1815-1914
Autor M.S. Anderson
26 noi 2015
Preț: 1000.27 lei 1219.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

Architecture, Regional Identity and Power in the Iron Age Landscapes of Mid Wales: The Hillforts of North Ceredigion
Autor Toby Driver
31 mai 2013
Preț: 459.20 lei 499.13 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of Japanese Business
Autor Stuart D. B. Picken
2 sep 2009
Preț: 459.19 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of the Tamils
Autor Vijaya Ramaswamy
apr 2010
Preț: 459.19 lei
6-8 săpt.

After Columbus: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial North America
Autor James Axtell
5 oct 1995
Preț: 459.15 lei 566.80 lei
32-37 zile

Reinventing the Museum
7 mar 2012
Preț: 944.11 lei 1293.30 lei
6-8 săpt.

Culpability of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Autor Abdul Karim Bangura
9 dec 2016
Preț: 459.11 lei
6-8 săpt.

Selections from the Papers of the London Corresponding Society 1792–1799
Autor Mary Thale
3 aug 1983
Preț: 876.98 lei 1019.75 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Internment of Aliens in Twentieth Century Britain
Editat de David Cesarani et al.
mai 1993
Preț: 459.09 lei 540.11 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome: During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Autor Leopold von Ranke et al.
19 ian 2011
Preț: 459.05 lei 566.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of France
Autor Gino G. Raymond
12 mai 2010
Preț: 459.03 lei
6-8 săpt.

Redrawing Nations
12 noi 2001
Preț: 458.89 lei 595.96 lei
6-8 săpt.

History of Australia
Autor George William Rusden
28 apr 2011
Preț: 494.83 lei 610.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

Labour and Industry in Australia: From the First Settlement in 1788 to the Establishment of the Commonwealth in 1901
Autor Ta Coghlan
mai 2011
Preț: 458.89 lei 566.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

Chronicon Angliæ, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388: Auctore Monacho quodam Sancti Albani
Editat de Edward Maunde Thompson
14 noi 2012
Preț: 458.89 lei 566.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

Language Attitudes Towards Kyrgyz and Russian: Discourse, Education and Policy in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
Autor Britta Korth
15 sep 2005
Preț: 458.87 lei 595.94 lei
6-8 săpt.

Construccion y Organizacion del Espacio Incaico Al Norte del Valle de Hualfin, Catamarca, Argentina
Autor Julieta Lynch
14 iun 2013
Preț: 458.84 lei 498.74 lei
6-8 săpt.

Psycho-Politics between the World Wars: Psychiatry and Society in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Autor David Freis
19 noi 2020
Preț: 458.78 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Constitutional History of England, in its Origin and Development
Autor William Stubbs
7 dec 2011
Preț: 523.48 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Best Sons of the Fatherland: Workers in the Vanguard of Soviet Collectivization
Autor Lynne Viola
27 apr 1989
Preț: 458.66 lei 566.54 lei
32-37 zile

The Routledge Companion to the Tudor Age
Autor Rosemary O'Day
21 mai 2010
Preț: 458.63 lei
6-8 săpt.

Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, Performed between the Years 1818 and 1822: With an Appendix Containing Various Subjects Relating to Hydrography and Natural History
Autor Phillip Parker King
25 apr 2012
Preț: 458.58 lei 566.14 lei
6-8 săpt.

Asian American History
Editat de Jonathan H. X. Lee et al.
30 ian 2016
Preț: 458.54 lei 566.10 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Triumph of Hate
16 dec 2011
Preț: 458.48 lei
6-8 săpt.

Le Sahara
Autor Schirmer-H et al.
24 iul 2014
Preț: 458.46 lei
6-8 săpt.

Narrative of a Residence in Ireland during the Summer of 1814, and that of 1815
Autor Anne Plumptre
3 iul 2019
Preț: 458.33 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of the Hong Kong SAR and the Macao SAR
Autor Ming K. Chan et al.
apr 2010
Preț: 458.26 lei
6-8 săpt.

Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Conques en Rouergue
Editat de Gustave Desjardins
18 aug 2010
Preț: 458.26 lei 565.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Ismailïa: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade Organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt
Autor Samuel White Baker
10 mai 2011
Preț: 467.12 lei
6-8 săpt.

The History of England from the Accession of James I to that of the Brunswick Line: Volume 3
Autor Catharine Macaulay
18 sep 2013
Preț: 458.26 lei 565.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Berlin in the Cold War, 1948-1990: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Vol. VI
Editat de Keith Hamilton et al.
4 aug 2015
Preț: 458.22 lei
6-8 săpt.

Catalogue et étude des faux et des outils agricoles de coupe à lame et à manche entiers en Gaule
Autor André Marbach
15 iun 2012
Preț: 458.09 lei 497.93 lei
6-8 săpt.

Condemned to Repeat It
Autor Sheldon Anderson
27 noi 2007
Preț: 458.05 lei
6-8 săpt.

Austrian Studies 26
Editat de Aine McMurtry et al.
21 mar 2019
Preț: 458.03 lei 497.86 lei
6-8 săpt.

Enduring Voices
Editat de Christopher N. Koontz
2 mai 2010
Preț: 458.03 lei
6-8 săpt.

Medicine and Society in Wakefield and Huddersfield 1780–1870
Autor Hilary Marland
29 oct 2008
Preț: 457.96 lei
6-8 săpt.

England in the Reign of Edward III
Autor Scott L. Waugh
21 feb 1991
Preț: 457.95 lei 514.55 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of Austria
Autor Paula Sutter Fichtner
7 iun 2010
Preț: 457.87 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Church in Anglo-Saxon Society
Autor John Blair
20 ian 2005
Preț: 845.31 lei 1181.83 lei
32-37 zile

Autor John Turner
22 aug 2017
Preț: 1014.74 lei 1441.92 lei
6-8 săpt.

Violence and Gender in Africa's Iberian Colonies: Feminizing the Portuguese and Spanish Empire, 1950s–1970s
Autor Andreas Stucki
14 aug 2020
Preț: 457.80 lei
6-8 săpt.

Bibliographie Générale des Cartulaires Français ou Relatifs à l'Histoire de France
Autor Henri Stein
22 sep 2010
Preț: 457.77 lei 565.15 lei
6-8 săpt.

The History of India, as Told by its Own Historians: The Muhammadan Period
Autor Henry Miers Elliot et al.
20 mar 2013
Preț: 518.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

Cemeteries and Remote Burials in Larimer County, Colorado, Volume II
Autor Duane V. Kniebes et al.
Preț: 470.20 lei
6-8 săpt.

Marc-André Raffalovich's Uranism and Unisexuality: A Study of Different Manifestations of the Sexual Instinct
Editat de Nancy Erber et al.
18 noi 2015
Preț: 791.09 lei 964.74 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Third Reich: Charisma and Community
Autor Martin Kitchen
27 apr 2015
Preț: 1120.11 lei 1365.99 lei
6-8 săpt.

La Nobilta Di Milano (1619)
Autor Paolo Morigi
10 aug 2009
Preț: 457.70 lei
39-44 zile

A Companion to World War I
Autor J Horne
19 ian 2012
Preț: 457.50 lei
6-8 săpt.

First Steps Toward Detente
Autor Richard D. Williamson
8 iun 2014
Preț: 457.46 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Ancient Geography of India: The Buddhist Period, Including the Campaigns of Alexander, and the Travels of Hwen-Thsang
Autor Alexander Cunningham
27 mar 2013
Preț: 457.46 lei 564.77 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Celys and their World: An English Merchant Family of the Fifteenth Century
Autor Alison Hanham
17 iul 2002
Preț: 457.35 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Prehistory of the Sudan
Autor Elena A.A. Garcea
2 oct 2020
Preț: 457.35 lei
39-44 zile

Intimate China: The Chinese as I Have Seen Them
Autor Alicia E. Neva Little
9 iun 2010
Preț: 457.34 lei 564.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

The A to Z of the United States-Mexican War
Autor Edward H. Moseley et al.
28 sep 2009
Preț: 457.29 lei
6-8 săpt.

Arabic Administration in Norman Sicily: The Royal Diwan
Autor Jeremy Johns
6 oct 2002
Preț: 641.31 lei 720.57 lei
6-8 săpt.

Radical Christian Writings: A Reader
Autor A Bradstock
8 ian 2002
Preț: 457.20 lei 593.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

History of the Condemnation of the Patriarch Nicon: By a Plenary Council of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church Held at Moscow A.D. 1666–1667
Traducere de William Palmer et al.
30 oct 2010
Preț: 457.16 lei 564.40 lei
6-8 săpt.

Rival Jerusalems: The Geography of Victorian Religion
Autor K. D. M. Snell et al.
14 oct 2009
Preț: 457.15 lei
6-8 săpt.

The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 4, c.1024–c.1198, Part 2
Editat de David Luscombe et al.
20 mai 2015
Preț: 457.14 lei 564.36 lei
6-8 săpt.

Izvestja Muzejskega Drustva Za Kranjsko V5-V7 (1895)
Autor Anton Koblar
oct 2008
Preț: 457.13 lei
39-44 zile

Letters V2
Autor Edward Boucher James
oct 2008
Preț: 457.13 lei
39-44 zile

Bibliotheque Historique Et Militaire, T 4
29 feb 2012
Preț: 457.09 lei
6-8 săpt.