Southeast Asia in the Ancient Indian Ocean World BAR International Autor Tom Hoogervorst 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 312.76 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
Die Privatgraber Von Amarna: Zum Wandel Des Grabgedankens in Zeiten Eines Religiosen Umbruchs BAR International Autor Marion Hesse 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 431.42 lei 468.94 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Stable Places and Changing Perceptions: Cave Archaeology in Greece BAR International Editat de Fanis Mavridis et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 704.96 lei 774.68 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Pottery and Social Dynamics in the Mediterranean and Beyond in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times BAR International Editat de M. Caroscio et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 315.81 lei 43-57 zile
Loros and Sakkos: Studies in Byzantine Imperial Garment and Ecclesiastical Vestment BAR International Autor Elisabeth Piltz 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 383.63 lei 43-57 zile
Soma 2010: Proceedings of 14th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine, 23- BAR International Editat de Yana Morozova et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 459.20 lei 499.13 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Excavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009): Final Report. the Hellenistic and Roman BAR International Autor Susan L. Cohen 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 557.81 lei 606.32 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991-2004, I, Matt-Painted Pottery from the Timpone Della Motta: Volume 2, the Cross-Hatched Bands Style BAR International Autor Marianne Kleibrink et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 558.52 lei 607.08 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes: How Small-Scale Processes Contributed to the Growth of Early Civilizations BAR International Editat de T. J. Wilkinson et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 575.23 lei 625.25 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Patrimonio Cultural Mexicano: Modelos Explicativos BAR International 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 471.10 lei 512.07 lei 43-57 zile -8% Coins and Samian Ware BAR International Autor Anthony King 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 633.13 lei 688.18 lei 43-57 zile -8% Early Burial Customs in Northern Egypt BAR International Autor Joanna Debowska-Ludwin 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 328.16 lei 43-57 zile Ahlat 2008: Seconda Campagna Di Indagini Sulle Strutture Rupestri / Second Campaign of Surveys on the Underground Structures BAR International Editat de Roberto Bixio et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 442.52 lei 43-57 zile Ancient Red Sea Port of Adulis and the Eritrean Coastal Region BAR International Autor Chiara Zazzaro 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 342.30 lei 43-57 zile Anuradhapura: The Hinterland BAR International Autor Robin Coningham et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 1100.62 lei 1209.47 lei 43-57 zile -9% Making of the Tuoba Northern Wei: Constructing Material Cultural Expressions in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period (398-494 Ce) BAR International Autor Chin-Yin Tseng 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 396.19 lei 43-57 zile La Aparicion de La Tecnologia Ceramica En La Region Cantabrica BAR International Autor Miriam Cubas 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 435.32 lei 473.17 lei 43-57 zile -8% Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age BAR International Autor Luca Alessandri 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 1050.15 lei 1154.01 lei 43-57 zile -9% de La Puna a Las Sierras: Avances y Perspectivas En Zooarqueologia Andina BAR International Editat de Andres D. Izeta et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 429.19 lei 43-57 zile El IV Milenio Ane En El Guadalquivir Medio BAR International Autor Rafael Ma Martainez Saanchez et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 766.28 lei 842.07 lei 43-57 zile -9% Warfare and Society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean: Papers Arising from a Colloquium Held at the University of Liverpool, 13 June 2008 BAR International Editat de Daniel Boatright 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 315.97 lei 43-57 zile Whodunnit? Grave Robbery in Anglo-Saxon England and the Merovingian Kingdoms BAR International Autor A. M. Klevnas et al. 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 657.63 lei 714.81 lei 43-57 zile -8% El Calcolitico En La Cuenca Media del Arlanzon (Burgos, Espana) BAR International Autor Eduardo Carmona Ballestero 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 785.55 lei 863.24 lei 43-57 zile -9% Le Bourg Abbatial de Villemagne-L'Argentiere (Herault): Dynamique Economique Et Commande Monumentale XIE-Xive Siecles BAR International Autor Florence Journot 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 542.48 lei 589.66 lei 43-57 zile -8% Archives Et Bibliotheques Dans Le Monde Grec: Edifices Et Organisation. Ve Siecle Avant Notre Ere - IIe Siecle de Notre Ere BAR International Autor Gaeelle Coqueugniot et al. 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 358.32 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile Grumento E Il Suo Territorio Nell Antichita BAR International Editat de Attilio Mastrocinque 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 605.59 lei 658.25 lei 43-57 zile -8% Qumran Revisited: A Reassessment of the Archaeology of the Site and Its Texts BAR International Autor David Stacey et al. 13 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 428.42 lei 43-57 zile Tradiciones Ceramicas del Epiclasico En El Bajo y Regiones Aledanas BAR International Autor Chloe Pomedio et al. 13 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 488.65 lei 531.14 lei 43-57 zile -8% Networks in the Hellenistic World: According to the Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond BAR International Editat de Hugh Fenning et al. 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 715.54 lei 786.31 lei 43-57 zile -9% A Glimpse Into Ancient Thebes: Excavations at South Karnak (2004-2006) BAR International Autor Elaine A. Sullivan 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 567.37 lei 616.71 lei 43-57 zile -8% Studien Zur Eisenzeit Im Zentraliranischen Hochland Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Neuen Ausgrabung Von Tepe Sialk (2001-05) BAR International Autor Hamid Fahimi 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 552.25 lei 600.27 lei 43-57 zile -8% La Musealizacion del Patrimonio Arqueologico in Situ: El Caso Espanol En El Contexto Europeo BAR International Autor V. Bendicho et al. 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 597.07 lei 648.99 lei 43-57 zile -8% Mobility, Transition and Change in Prehistory and Classical Antiquity: Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth a BAR International Editat de Paul R. Preston 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 435.52 lei 473.39 lei 43-57 zile -8% The Archaeology of Gender, Love and Sexuality in Pompeii BAR International Autor Lourdes Conde Feitosa 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 282.43 lei 43-57 zile L Insediamento Medievale Nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia) BAR International Autor Francesca Grassi 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 501.27 lei 544.86 lei 43-57 zile -8% In Search of the Samnites: Adornment and Identity in Archaic Central Italy, 750-350 B.C. BAR International Autor Amy Richardson 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 435.17 lei 473.01 lei 43-57 zile -8% Das Agyptische Investiturritual BAR International Autor Martin Bommas 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 567.37 lei 616.71 lei 43-57 zile -8% Living on the Margin: Chryssi Island and the Settlement Patterns of the Ierapetra Area, South-Eastern Crete BAR International Autor Konstantin Chalikias 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 442.30 lei 43-57 zile Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Pottery from the Field Survey in Northwestern Cyprus, 1992- 1999 BAR International Autor Dariusz Maliszewski 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 458.45 lei 498.32 lei 43-57 zile -8% Relation Entre Espaces Publics Et Prives Dans Les Cites Mayas Des Basses Terres Centrales Et Meridionales Du Preclassique Au Classique Terminal BAR International Autor Damien Bazy 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 566.51 lei 615.77 lei 43-57 zile -8% Le Tzompantli Et Le Jeu de Balle: Relation Entre Deux Espaces Rituels BAR International Autor Emilie Ana Blaine et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 501.27 lei 544.86 lei 43-57 zile -8% Desert Boats. Predynastic and Pharaonic Era Rock-Art in Egypt S Central Eastern Desert: Distribution, Dating and Interpretation BAR International Autor Francis Lankester 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 428.42 lei 43-57 zile Fabbri E Ferri: Italia, XII-XVI Secolo BAR International Autor Paolo Boccalatte et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 513.03 lei 557.64 lei 43-57 zile -8% El Registro Arqueologico del Valle de Miera BAR International Editat de E. Munoz Fernandez et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 919.56 lei 1010.50 lei 43-57 zile -9% Understanding Landscapes, from Land Discovery to Their Spatial Organization / Le Franchissement Des Detroits Et Des Bras de Mer Aux Periodes Pre- Et P BAR International Editat de Francois Djindjian et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 416.01 lei 43-57 zile Making Pots: El Modelado de La Ceramica a Mano y Su Potencial Interpretativo BAR International Autor Jaume G. Rossello et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 866.48 lei 952.17 lei 43-57 zile -9% The Jastorf Culture in Poland BAR International Autor Zenon Wozniak et al. 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 316.58 lei 43-57 zile Karystian Cipollino Marble: Its Export from Euboea and Distribution BAR International Autor Jeanne Sutherland 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 581.95 lei 632.56 lei 43-57 zile -8% Los Huesos Humanos En El Contexto Arqueologico: Consideraciones Metodologicas Sobre Su Excavacion y Registro Desde Las Caracteristicas de Depositos de BAR International Autor Juan Manuel Mauri 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 619.79 lei 673.69 lei 43-57 zile -8% Sociedadymundofunerarioeneliiiyiimilenioa.C.Enlaregiondeljarama BAR International Autor Raquel Aliaga Almela 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 674.17 lei 732.80 lei 43-57 zile -8% 3D Recording and Modelling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage BAR International Editat de Fabio Remondino et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 435.32 lei 473.17 lei 43-57 zile -8% The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia BAR International Autor Josae M. Capriles Flores et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 459.71 lei 499.68 lei 43-57 zile -8% Archaeology of an Andean Pacarina BAR International Autor Carolina Orsini et al. 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 429.58 lei 43-57 zile Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland Ad 400-1100 BAR International Editat de Finbar McCormick et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 931.53 lei 1023.66 lei 43-57 zile -9% Donneesrecentessurlespratiquesfunerairesneolithiquesdelaplai BAR International Autor Christian Jeunesse et al. 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 501.43 lei 545.03 lei 43-57 zile -8% Underwaterarchaeology, Coastalandlakeside: Proceedingsofthexviiuppsworldcongress(florianopolis, 4-10september2011)/Actesduxvicongresmondialuispp(flori BAR International Editat de Alexandra Figueiredo et al. 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 281.45 lei 43-57 zile Culturallandscapesmetodi, Strumentieanalisidelpaesaggiofraarcheologia, Geologia, Estoriaincontestidistudiodellazioedellabasilicata(italia): Notebookso BAR International Editat de Germano Gabrielli et al. 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 784.26 lei 861.82 lei 43-57 zile -9% Khashabian: A Late Paleolithic Industry from Dhofar Southern Oman BAR International Autor Yamandau Hieronymus Hilbert 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 489.35 lei 531.91 lei 43-57 zile -8% Artefactosliticos, Movilidadyfuncionalidaddesitios: Problemsandperspectives BAR International Editat de Patricia Susana Escola et al. 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 384.98 lei 43-57 zile Romanlampsofscallabis(santarem, Portugal) BAR International Autor Carlos Pereora 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 371.24 lei 43-57 zile Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru: The Figurines of the South Coast, the Highlands and the BAR International Autor Alexandra Morgan 14 dec 2012 Paperback Preț: 1144.93 lei 1258.16 lei 43-57 zile -9% From Pella to Gandhara: Hybridsation and Identity in the Art and Architecture of the Hellenistic East BAR International Autor Anna Kouremenos et al. 30 apr 2011 Paperback Preț: 378.46 lei 411.37 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile -8% New Approaches to the Study of Surface Palaeolithic Artefacts: A Pilot Project at Zebra River, Western Namibia BAR International Autor T. R. Hardaker et al. 30 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 630.21 lei 692.54 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile -9% Approaches to Healing in Roman Egypt BAR International Autor Jane Draycott 12 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 250.79 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys BAR International Autor Crispin Corrado 14 apr 2013 Paperback Preț: 161.23 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile Die Stadtgeschichte Des Romischen Salzburg: Befunde Bis Funde Bis 1987 BAR International Autor Gunther E. Thury 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 659.78 lei 717.15 lei 43-57 zile -8% Arqueometalurgia de Un Naufragio del Siglo XVIII: La Corbeta de Guerra HMS Swift (1770), Puerto Deseado, Provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia) BAR International Autor Nicolas C. Ciarlo 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 500.72 lei 544.27 lei 43-57 zile -8% Turquoise in Ancient Egypt: Concept and Role BAR International Autor Ahmed Mohamed Ali Mansour 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 395.60 lei 43-57 zile Costume Et Insignes D'Un Gouvernant Maya: K'Inich Janaab' Pakal de Palenque BAR International Autor Laura Filloy Nadal 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 674.69 lei 733.35 lei 43-57 zile -8% The Prehistory of Kharagpur Hills, South Bihar (India) BAR International Autor Manoj Kumar Singh 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 415.42 lei 43-57 zile Nomadas En La Encrucijada: Sociedad, Ideologia y Poder En Los Margenes Aridos del Levante Meridional Durante El Primer Milenio A.C. BAR International Autor Juan Manuel Tebes 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 470.93 lei 511.88 lei 43-57 zile -8% Material Images of Humans from the Natufian to Pottery Neolithic Periods in the Levant BAR International Autor Estelle Orrelle 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 595.42 lei 647.20 lei 43-57 zile -8% Ritual Scenes on the Two Coffins of P}-DJ-IMM in Cairo Museum BAR International Autor Eltayeb Sayed Abbas 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 315.97 lei 43-57 zile Chairs, Stools, and Footstools in the New Kingdom: Production, Typology, and Social Analysis BAR International Autor Dina El Gabry 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 554.76 lei 602.99 lei 43-57 zile -8% Embodying Value? the Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World BAR International Editat de Annabel Bokern et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 430.72 lei 43-57 zile In Concavis Petrarum Habitaverunt: de La Investigacion a la Puesta En Valor BAR International Editat de Jorge Lopez Quiroga et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 707.09 lei 777.02 lei 43-57 zile -9% Silk Roads of the Northern Tibetan Plateau During the Early Middle Ages: (From the Han to Tang Dynasty) BAR International Autor Tao Tong 13 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 471.82 lei 512.84 lei 43-57 zile -8% Millets, Rice and Farmers: Phytoliths as Indicators of Agricultural, Social and Ecological Change in Neolithic and Bronze Age Central China BAR International Autor Alison Ruth Weisskopf 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 418.88 lei 455.30 lei 43-57 zile -8% Egipto y El Egeo a Comienzos de La XVIII Dinastia: Una Vision de Sus Relaciones, Antecedentes E Influencia Iconografica BAR International Autor Inmaculada Vivas Sainz 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 552.80 lei 600.87 lei 43-57 zile -8% Riparia, Un Patrimoine Culturel: La Gestion Integree Des Bords de L'Eau. Proceedings of the Sudbury Workshop, April 12-14, 2012 / Actes de L'Atelier S BAR International Editat de Ella Hermon et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 632.43 lei 687.41 lei 43-57 zile -8% Paleolithic Landscapes of Iran BAR International Autor Saman Heydari-Guran 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 592.23 lei 643.73 lei 43-57 zile -8% Otium Cum Dignitate: Festschrift Fur Angelika Geyer Zum 65 Geburtstag BAR International Autor Dennis Graen et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 624.58 lei 678.89 lei 43-57 zile -8% The Early Neolithic in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve BAR International Editat de Eszter Banffy 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 566.92 lei 616.21 lei 43-57 zile -8% A Sense of the Past: Studies in Current Archaeological Applications of Remote Sensing and Non-Invasive Prospection Methods BAR International Editat de Hans Kamermans et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 614.40 lei 667.82 lei 43-57 zile -8% Patterns in Stonework: An Introduction to Ecclesiastical Geology BAR International, nr. 496 Autor John F. Potter 28 feb 2010 Paperback Preț: 539.09 lei 585.96 lei 43-57 zile -8% Germanic Equal Arm Brooches of the Migration Period BAR International, nr. 1113 Autor Dorothee Bruns 31 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 385.75 lei 43-57 zile Tracing Mobility and Identity: Bioarchaeology and Bone Chemistry of the Bronze Age Sant' Abbondio Cemetery BAR International, nr. 1359 Autor Mary Anne Tafuri 31 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 304.54 lei 43-57 zile The Familia Urbana During the Early Empire BAR International, nr. 1440 Autor Kinuko Hasegawa 31 oct 2005 Paperback Preț: 238.41 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile Burning Bulls, Broken Bones: Sacrificial Ritual in the Context of Palace Period Minoan Religion BAR International, nr. 1792 Autor Robert James Cromarty 30 iun 2008 Paperback Preț: 312.43 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile Records of Traditional Watercraft from South and West Sri Lanka BAR International, nr. 1931 Autor Gerhard Kapitan et al. 31 mar 2009 Paperback Preț: 404.55 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile War and Rumors of War. the Evidential Base for the Recognition of Warfare in Prehistory BAR International, nr. 1984 Autor Julie Wileman 31 iul 2009 Paperback Preț: 358.18 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile Archaic Greek Culture: History, Archaeology, Art and Museology BAR International, nr. 2061 Editat de Sergey Solovyov 31 ian 2010 Paperback Preț: 417.00 lei 43-57 zile Make-Do and Mend: Archaeologies of Compromise, Repair and Reuse BAR International, nr. 2408 Editat de Ben Jervis et al. 12 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 280.62 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile The Scale and Nature of the Late Bronze Age Economies of Egypt and Cyprus BAR International, nr. 2594 Autor Keith Padgham 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 459.71 lei 499.68 lei 43-57 zile -8% The West Bank Survey from Faras to Gemai 1: Sites of Early Nubian, Middle Numbian and Pharaonic Age BAR International, nr. 2650 Autor Hans-Ake Nordstrom 30 dec 2014 Paperback Preț: 499.33 lei 542.75 lei 43-57 zile -8% Excavations in the Western Negev Highlands BAR International, nr. 2684 Editat de Mordechai Haiman et al. 14 dec 2014 Paperback Preț: 471.10 lei 512.07 lei 43-57 zile -8% 123456
Coins and Samian Ware BAR International Autor Anthony King 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 633.13 lei 688.18 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Early Burial Customs in Northern Egypt BAR International Autor Joanna Debowska-Ludwin 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 328.16 lei 43-57 zile
Ahlat 2008: Seconda Campagna Di Indagini Sulle Strutture Rupestri / Second Campaign of Surveys on the Underground Structures BAR International Editat de Roberto Bixio et al. 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 442.52 lei 43-57 zile
Ancient Red Sea Port of Adulis and the Eritrean Coastal Region BAR International Autor Chiara Zazzaro 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 342.30 lei 43-57 zile
Anuradhapura: The Hinterland BAR International Autor Robin Coningham et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 1100.62 lei 1209.47 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Making of the Tuoba Northern Wei: Constructing Material Cultural Expressions in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period (398-494 Ce) BAR International Autor Chin-Yin Tseng 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 396.19 lei 43-57 zile
La Aparicion de La Tecnologia Ceramica En La Region Cantabrica BAR International Autor Miriam Cubas 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 435.32 lei 473.17 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age BAR International Autor Luca Alessandri 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 1050.15 lei 1154.01 lei 43-57 zile -9%
de La Puna a Las Sierras: Avances y Perspectivas En Zooarqueologia Andina BAR International Editat de Andres D. Izeta et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 429.19 lei 43-57 zile
El IV Milenio Ane En El Guadalquivir Medio BAR International Autor Rafael Ma Martainez Saanchez et al. 14 noi 2013 Paperback Preț: 766.28 lei 842.07 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Warfare and Society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean: Papers Arising from a Colloquium Held at the University of Liverpool, 13 June 2008 BAR International Editat de Daniel Boatright 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 315.97 lei 43-57 zile
Whodunnit? Grave Robbery in Anglo-Saxon England and the Merovingian Kingdoms BAR International Autor A. M. Klevnas et al. 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 657.63 lei 714.81 lei 43-57 zile -8%
El Calcolitico En La Cuenca Media del Arlanzon (Burgos, Espana) BAR International Autor Eduardo Carmona Ballestero 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 785.55 lei 863.24 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Le Bourg Abbatial de Villemagne-L'Argentiere (Herault): Dynamique Economique Et Commande Monumentale XIE-Xive Siecles BAR International Autor Florence Journot 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 542.48 lei 589.66 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Archives Et Bibliotheques Dans Le Monde Grec: Edifices Et Organisation. Ve Siecle Avant Notre Ere - IIe Siecle de Notre Ere BAR International Autor Gaeelle Coqueugniot et al. 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 358.32 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
Grumento E Il Suo Territorio Nell Antichita BAR International Editat de Attilio Mastrocinque 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 605.59 lei 658.25 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Qumran Revisited: A Reassessment of the Archaeology of the Site and Its Texts BAR International Autor David Stacey et al. 13 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 428.42 lei 43-57 zile
Tradiciones Ceramicas del Epiclasico En El Bajo y Regiones Aledanas BAR International Autor Chloe Pomedio et al. 13 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 488.65 lei 531.14 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Networks in the Hellenistic World: According to the Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond BAR International Editat de Hugh Fenning et al. 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 715.54 lei 786.31 lei 43-57 zile -9%
A Glimpse Into Ancient Thebes: Excavations at South Karnak (2004-2006) BAR International Autor Elaine A. Sullivan 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 567.37 lei 616.71 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Studien Zur Eisenzeit Im Zentraliranischen Hochland Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Neuen Ausgrabung Von Tepe Sialk (2001-05) BAR International Autor Hamid Fahimi 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 552.25 lei 600.27 lei 43-57 zile -8%
La Musealizacion del Patrimonio Arqueologico in Situ: El Caso Espanol En El Contexto Europeo BAR International Autor V. Bendicho et al. 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 597.07 lei 648.99 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Mobility, Transition and Change in Prehistory and Classical Antiquity: Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth a BAR International Editat de Paul R. Preston 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 435.52 lei 473.39 lei 43-57 zile -8%
The Archaeology of Gender, Love and Sexuality in Pompeii BAR International Autor Lourdes Conde Feitosa 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 282.43 lei 43-57 zile
L Insediamento Medievale Nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia) BAR International Autor Francesca Grassi 14 aug 2013 Paperback Preț: 501.27 lei 544.86 lei 43-57 zile -8%
In Search of the Samnites: Adornment and Identity in Archaic Central Italy, 750-350 B.C. BAR International Autor Amy Richardson 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 435.17 lei 473.01 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Das Agyptische Investiturritual BAR International Autor Martin Bommas 19 oct 2013 Paperback Preț: 567.37 lei 616.71 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Living on the Margin: Chryssi Island and the Settlement Patterns of the Ierapetra Area, South-Eastern Crete BAR International Autor Konstantin Chalikias 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 442.30 lei 43-57 zile
Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Pottery from the Field Survey in Northwestern Cyprus, 1992- 1999 BAR International Autor Dariusz Maliszewski 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 458.45 lei 498.32 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Relation Entre Espaces Publics Et Prives Dans Les Cites Mayas Des Basses Terres Centrales Et Meridionales Du Preclassique Au Classique Terminal BAR International Autor Damien Bazy 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 566.51 lei 615.77 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Le Tzompantli Et Le Jeu de Balle: Relation Entre Deux Espaces Rituels BAR International Autor Emilie Ana Blaine et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 501.27 lei 544.86 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Desert Boats. Predynastic and Pharaonic Era Rock-Art in Egypt S Central Eastern Desert: Distribution, Dating and Interpretation BAR International Autor Francis Lankester 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 428.42 lei 43-57 zile
Fabbri E Ferri: Italia, XII-XVI Secolo BAR International Autor Paolo Boccalatte et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 513.03 lei 557.64 lei 43-57 zile -8%
El Registro Arqueologico del Valle de Miera BAR International Editat de E. Munoz Fernandez et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 919.56 lei 1010.50 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Understanding Landscapes, from Land Discovery to Their Spatial Organization / Le Franchissement Des Detroits Et Des Bras de Mer Aux Periodes Pre- Et P BAR International Editat de Francois Djindjian et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 416.01 lei 43-57 zile
Making Pots: El Modelado de La Ceramica a Mano y Su Potencial Interpretativo BAR International Autor Jaume G. Rossello et al. 14 sep 2013 Paperback Preț: 866.48 lei 952.17 lei 43-57 zile -9%
The Jastorf Culture in Poland BAR International Autor Zenon Wozniak et al. 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 316.58 lei 43-57 zile
Karystian Cipollino Marble: Its Export from Euboea and Distribution BAR International Autor Jeanne Sutherland 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 581.95 lei 632.56 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Los Huesos Humanos En El Contexto Arqueologico: Consideraciones Metodologicas Sobre Su Excavacion y Registro Desde Las Caracteristicas de Depositos de BAR International Autor Juan Manuel Mauri 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 619.79 lei 673.69 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Sociedadymundofunerarioeneliiiyiimilenioa.C.Enlaregiondeljarama BAR International Autor Raquel Aliaga Almela 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 674.17 lei 732.80 lei 43-57 zile -8%
3D Recording and Modelling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage BAR International Editat de Fabio Remondino et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 435.32 lei 473.17 lei 43-57 zile -8%
The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia BAR International Autor Josae M. Capriles Flores et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 459.71 lei 499.68 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Archaeology of an Andean Pacarina BAR International Autor Carolina Orsini et al. 11 dec 2013 Paperback Preț: 429.58 lei 43-57 zile
Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland Ad 400-1100 BAR International Editat de Finbar McCormick et al. 14 feb 2014 Paperback Preț: 931.53 lei 1023.66 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Donneesrecentessurlespratiquesfunerairesneolithiquesdelaplai BAR International Autor Christian Jeunesse et al. 30 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 501.43 lei 545.03 lei 43-57 zile -8%
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New Approaches to the Study of Surface Palaeolithic Artefacts: A Pilot Project at Zebra River, Western Namibia BAR International Autor T. R. Hardaker et al. 30 sep 2011 Paperback Preț: 630.21 lei 692.54 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile -9%
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Chairs, Stools, and Footstools in the New Kingdom: Production, Typology, and Social Analysis BAR International Autor Dina El Gabry 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 554.76 lei 602.99 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Embodying Value? the Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World BAR International Editat de Annabel Bokern et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 430.72 lei 43-57 zile
In Concavis Petrarum Habitaverunt: de La Investigacion a la Puesta En Valor BAR International Editat de Jorge Lopez Quiroga et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 707.09 lei 777.02 lei 43-57 zile -9%
Silk Roads of the Northern Tibetan Plateau During the Early Middle Ages: (From the Han to Tang Dynasty) BAR International Autor Tao Tong 13 iul 2013 Paperback Preț: 471.82 lei 512.84 lei 43-57 zile -8%
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Paleolithic Landscapes of Iran BAR International Autor Saman Heydari-Guran 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 592.23 lei 643.73 lei 43-57 zile -8%
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A Sense of the Past: Studies in Current Archaeological Applications of Remote Sensing and Non-Invasive Prospection Methods BAR International Editat de Hans Kamermans et al. 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 614.40 lei 667.82 lei 43-57 zile -8%
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The Familia Urbana During the Early Empire BAR International, nr. 1440 Autor Kinuko Hasegawa 31 oct 2005 Paperback Preț: 238.41 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
Burning Bulls, Broken Bones: Sacrificial Ritual in the Context of Palace Period Minoan Religion BAR International, nr. 1792 Autor Robert James Cromarty 30 iun 2008 Paperback Preț: 312.43 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
Records of Traditional Watercraft from South and West Sri Lanka BAR International, nr. 1931 Autor Gerhard Kapitan et al. 31 mar 2009 Paperback Preț: 404.55 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
War and Rumors of War. the Evidential Base for the Recognition of Warfare in Prehistory BAR International, nr. 1984 Autor Julie Wileman 31 iul 2009 Paperback Preț: 358.18 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
Archaic Greek Culture: History, Archaeology, Art and Museology BAR International, nr. 2061 Editat de Sergey Solovyov 31 ian 2010 Paperback Preț: 417.00 lei 43-57 zile
Make-Do and Mend: Archaeologies of Compromise, Repair and Reuse BAR International, nr. 2408 Editat de Ben Jervis et al. 12 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 280.62 lei 22-36 zile | 5-11 zile
The Scale and Nature of the Late Bronze Age Economies of Egypt and Cyprus BAR International, nr. 2594 Autor Keith Padgham 14 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 459.71 lei 499.68 lei 43-57 zile -8%
The West Bank Survey from Faras to Gemai 1: Sites of Early Nubian, Middle Numbian and Pharaonic Age BAR International, nr. 2650 Autor Hans-Ake Nordstrom 30 dec 2014 Paperback Preț: 499.33 lei 542.75 lei 43-57 zile -8%
Excavations in the Western Negev Highlands BAR International, nr. 2684 Editat de Mordechai Haiman et al. 14 dec 2014 Paperback Preț: 471.10 lei 512.07 lei 43-57 zile -8%