Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development: From Research to Practice and Policy Editat de Darcia Narvaez et al. 29 noi 2012 Hardback Preț: 648.71 lei 754.31 lei 2 zile -14%
Cum să crești un copil fericit Paperback Preț: 30.00 lei 2 zile The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind Autor Daniel J. Siegel et al. 10 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 97.36 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Highly Sensitive Child Autor Elaine N. Aron 4 aug 2003 Paperback Preț: 95.73 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Psychosocial Approaches to Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Autor Jennifer M. Waite-Jones et al. 8 iul 2022 Paperback Preț: 281.46 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Child as Visual Artist Elements in Child Development Autor Ellen Winner et al. 11 mai 2022 Paperback Preț: 129.60 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Empowering Youth with ADHD: Your Guide to Coaching Adolescents and Young Adults for Coaches, Parents, and Professionals Autor Jodi Sleeper-Triplett MCC, SCAC 31 mai 2022 Paperback Preț: 138.99 lei 3-5 săpt. Nature and Nurture in Personality and Psychopathology: A Guide for Clinicians Autor Joel Paris 18 feb 2022 Paperback Preț: 228.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Roma Minority Youth Across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice Child Development in Cultural Context Editat de Radosveta Dimitrova et al. 22 noi 2021 Hardback Preț: 341.05 lei 421.86 lei 10-16 zile -19% From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination Autor Ajay Sharma et al. 29 noi 2021 Paperback Preț: 169.43 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Rehabilitation and Remediation of Internationally Adopted Children Autor Boris Gindis 25 oct 2023 Paperback Preț: 168.99 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Psychology of Video Games The Psychology of Everything Autor Celia Hodent 8 oct 2020 Paperback Preț: 93.49 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Michael Rosen's Book of Play: Why play really matters, and 101 ways to get more of it in your life Autor Michael Rosen et al. 30 sep 2020 Paperback Preț: 53.87 lei 63.83 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -16% Child Development, Fourth Edition: A Practitioner's Guide Clinical Practice with Children, Adolescents, and Families Autor Douglas Davies et al. 13 mai 2020 Hardback Preț: 463.81 lei 504.14 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -8% Disability, Stigmatization, and Children's Developing Selves: Insights from Educators in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the U.S. Child Development in Cultural Context Series Autor Misa Kayama et al. 15 ian 2020 Hardback Preț: 397.17 lei 520.40 lei 10-16 zile -24% Parents' Beliefs About Children Autor Scott A. Miller 24 ian 2020 Hardback Preț: 418.70 lei 522.32 lei 10-16 zile -20% Kid Food: The Challenge of Feeding Children in a Highly Processed World Autor Bettina Elias Siegel 25 sep 2023 Paperback Preț: 90.06 lei 114.08 lei 10-16 zile | 7-13 zile -21% Open Adoption and Diverse Families: Complex Relationships in the Digital Age Autor Abbie E. Goldberg 25 oct 2019 Hardback Preț: 253.47 lei 10-16 zile Educational Psychology: Student Book Autor Beverly-Ann Henning et al. 15 noi 2018 Paperback Preț: 333.07 lei 3-5 săpt. Self-Esteem in Time and Place: How American Families Imagine, Enact, and Personalize a Cultural Ideal Child Development in Cultural Context Series Autor Peggy J. Miller et al. 28 dec 2017 Hardback Preț: 466.45 lei 575.86 lei 3-5 săpt. -19% The End of Average: How to Succeed in a World That Values Sameness Autor Todd Rose 25 ian 2017 Paperback Preț: 46.12 lei 69.31 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -33% Flourishing in Emerging Adulthood: Positive Development During the Third Decade of Life Emerging Adulthood Series Editat de Laura M. Padilla-Walker et al. 7 iun 2017 Paperback Preț: 506.99 lei 722.39 lei 10-16 zile -30% Building the Bonds of Attachment Autor Daniel A. Hughes 15 iun 2017 Paperback Preț: 360.07 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile A Short Introduction to Attachment and Attachment Disorder Autor Colby Pearce 20 dec 2016 Paperback Preț: 111.38 lei 136.43 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -18% Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition Oxford Library of Psychology Editat de Roi Kadosh et al. 24 noi 2016 Paperback Preț: 363.84 lei 481.49 lei 10-16 zile -24% Diversity in Deaf Education Perspectives on Deafness Editat de Marc Marschark et al. 4 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 706.84 lei 946.96 lei 10-16 zile -25% The Mother–Infant Interaction Picture Book – Origins of Attachment Autor Beatrice Beebe et al. 29 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 342.78 lei 3-5 săpt. Intelligent Testing with the WISC–V Autor A Kaufman 15 feb 2016 Hardback Preț: 508.86 lei 636.08 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -20% ADHD: What Everyone Needs to Know® What Everyone Needs To Know® Autor Stephen P. Hinshaw et al. 14 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 90.72 lei 3-5 săpt. The Oxford Handbook of Emerging Adulthood Oxford Library of Psychology Editat de Jeffrey Jensen Arnett 5 noi 2015 Hardback Preț: 1358.82 lei 2055.63 lei 10-16 zile -34% Ordinary Magic: Resilience in Development Autor Ann S. Masten 27 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 261.56 lei 275.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -5% The Psychology of Babies Autor Lynne Murray 20 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 105.68 lei 132.20 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -20% Selected Writings Penguin Modern Classics Autor Anna Freud iul 2015 Paperback Preț: 78.89 lei 94.66 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -17% Great Myths of Child Development Great Myths of Psychology Autor S Hupp 5 feb 2015 Paperback Preț: 144.68 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma: Conversations with pioneering clinicians and researchers Autor Daniela Sieff dec 2014 Paperback Preț: 280.92 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Civilization and Its Discontents: A Selection Autor Sigmund Freud 29 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 115.53 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Child Psychology: A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Autor Usha Goswami 27 noi 2014 Paperback Preț: 51.19 lei 62.29 lei 10-16 zile | 7-13 zile -18% Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World Autor Ellen Braaten et al. 17 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 84.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Multiple Pathways to the Student Brain – Energizing and Enhancing Instruction Autor JN Zadina 14 aug 2014 Paperback Preț: 154.04 lei 3-5 săpt. How Imitation Boosts Development: In Infancy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Autor Jacqueline Nadel et al. 31 iul 2014 Paperback Preț: 496.08 lei 3-5 săpt. Writing Useful, Accessible, and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports Autor M Hass 12 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 237.84 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile John Bowlby and Attachment Theory Makers of Modern Psychotherapy Autor Jeremy Holmes 15 ian 2014 Hardback Preț: 1037.40 lei 1140.00 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -9% Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence Autor Robin Karr-Morse et al. 6 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 107.46 lei 3-5 săpt. Nathan Meets His Monsters Autor Joseph P. Kropp et al. 19 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 50.53 lei 3-5 săpt. The Absorbent Mind Autor Maria Montessori 23 iul 2012 Paperback Preț: 86.38 lei 3-5 săpt. Emdr Therapy and Adjunct Approaches with Children: Complex Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociation Autor Ana Gomez 30 iun 2012 Paperback Preț: 396.84 lei 445.88 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -11% Nurtureshock Autor Ashley Merryman et al. 5 ian 2011 Paperback Preț: 88.05 lei 106.50 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -17% The New Authority: Family, School, and Community Autor Haim Omer et al. 14 noi 2010 Paperback Preț: 222.69 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Philosophical Baby: What Children's Minds Tell Us about Truth, Love & the Meaning of Life Autor Alison Gopnik oct 2009 Paperback Preț: 81.49 lei 108.39 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -25% Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth Best of Robert A. Johnson Autor Robert A. Johnson 31 aug 2009 Paperback Preț: 89.27 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do Autor Judith Rich Harris 31 ian 2009 Paperback Preț: 128.09 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self Text de Alice Miller 21 iul 2008 Hardback Preț: 123.42 lei 129.92 lei 3-5 săpt. -5% Winnicott Autor Adam Phillips 31 oct 2007 Paperback Preț: 56.93 lei 68.90 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -17% The Optimistic Child: A Proven Program to Safeguard Children Against Depression and Build Lifelong Resilience Autor Martin E. P. Seligman 16 sep 2007 Paperback Preț: 102.23 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Psychology for Musicians: Understanding and Acquiring the Skills Autor Andreas C. Lehmann et al. 22 mar 2007 Hardback Preț: 276.50 lei 316.19 lei 10-16 zile -13% My Dearest Enemy, My Dangerous Friend: Making and Breaking Sibling Bonds Autor Dorothy Rowe 23 mar 2007 Paperback Preț: 147.16 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Family and Individual Development Autor D. W. Winnicott 4 sep 2006 Paperback Preț: 123.03 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds Autor John Bowlby 8 sep 2005 Paperback Preț: 108.74 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile A Secure Base Routledge Classics Autor John Bowlby sep 2005 Paperback Preț: 122.87 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A View from the Bridge Autor Olga Bogdashina 30 sep 2005 Paperback Preț: 188.67 lei 242.92 lei 3-5 săpt. -22% A Child's Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play Autor Vivian Gussin Paley 27 mai 2005 Paperback Preț: 92.11 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Handbook of Sandplay Therapy Autor PH. D. Turner, Barbara A. 31 oct 2004 Paperback Preț: 306.34 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Making Human Beings Human: Bioecological Perspectives on Human Development The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science Editat de Urie Bronfenbrenner 16 aug 2004 Paperback Preț: 725.48 lei 980.37 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -26% Autism – Explaining the Enigma 2e Autor U Frith 24 mar 2003 Paperback Preț: 261.51 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Shelter From The Storm: Caring For A Child With A Life-threatening Condition Autor Joanne Hilden et al. 17 dec 2002 Paperback Preț: 115.61 lei 3-5 săpt. A Wibble Called Bipley: A Story for Children Who Have Hardened Their Hearts or Becomes Bullies Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 106.47 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile The Frog Who Longed for the Moon to Smile: A Story for Children Who Yearn for Someone They Love Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 106.47 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile A Nifflenoo Called Nevermind: A Story for Children Who Bottle Up Their Feelings Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 106.89 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Willy and the Wobbly House: A Story for Children Who are Anxious or Obsessional Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 130.60 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Building Healthy Minds: The Six Experiences That Create Intelligence And Emotional Growth In Babies And Young Children Autor Stanley I Greenspan et al. 4 oct 2000 Paperback Preț: 127.32 lei 3-5 săpt. What's Going on in There?: How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life Autor Lise Eliot 30 sep 2000 Paperback Preț: 138.36 lei 3-5 săpt. Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys Autor Daniel J. Kindlon et al. 31 mar 2000 Paperback Preț: 106.20 lei 3-5 săpt. Bowlby, D: Loss - Sadness and Depression 4 feb 1998 Paperback Preț: 93.47 lei 125.93 lei 23-34 zile -26% The Me Nobody Knows – A Guide for Teen Survivors Autor B Bean sep 1997 Paperback Preț: 116.55 lei 3-5 săpt. Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals Autor Tony Attwood et al. 30 sep 1997 Paperback Preț: 108.13 lei 130.29 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -17% The Stories We Live By: Personal Myths and the Making of the Self Autor Dan P. McAdams 10 feb 1997 Paperback Preț: 274.60 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Tree of Knowledge Autor Humberto R. Maturana et al. 29 feb 1992 Paperback Preț: 177.27 lei 219.43 lei 3-4 săpt. | 7-13 zile -19% Abused Boys: The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse Autor Mic Hunter 31 mai 1991 Paperback Preț: 114.60 lei 3-5 săpt. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales Autor Bruno Bettelheim 24 apr 1991 Paperback Preț: 70.04 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile How Children Learn Autor John Holt 27 mar 1991 Paperback Preț: 63.46 lei 75.94 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -16% The Interpersonal World Of The Infant: A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology Autor Daniel N. Stern 12 oct 2000 Paperback Preț: 224.07 lei 6-8 săpt. The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan Autor Ben Foss Paperback Preț: 95.70 lei 3-5 săpt. Fidget to Focus Autor Roland Rotz PH. D. et al. Paperback Preț: 81.64 lei 3-5 săpt. Social and Emotional Development in Early Intervention Autor Delahooke, Mona Paperback Preț: 136.09 lei 3-5 săpt. How Toddlers Thrive: What Parents Can Do for Children Ages Two to Five to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Happiness Autor Tovah P. Klein 5 aug 2020 Paperback Preț: 58.43 lei 69.75 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -16% The Science of Love and Betrayal Autor Robin Dunbar 7 feb 2013 Paperback Preț: 69.86 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Live Alone and Like It: The Classic Guide for the Single Woman Autor Marjorie Hillis 12 iun 2008 Paperback Preț: 110.42 lei 3-5 săpt. What Matters and Who Matters to Young People Leavi ng Care – A New Approach to Planning Autor Peter Appleton 27 mar 2024 Paperback Preț: 151.84 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile A Sociology of Family Life: Change and Diversity i n Intimate Relations Autor D Chambers 16 dec 2021 Paperback Preț: 144.70 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Childhood in a Global Perspective 3e Autor K Wells 18 mar 2021 Paperback Preț: 144.61 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Totem and Taboo Routledge Classics Autor Sigmund Freud 17 mai 2001 Paperback Preț: 82.78 lei 87.14 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -5% UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World Autor Michele Borba Dr. 14 iun 2017 Paperback Preț: 70.19 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Theories of Developmental Psychology Autor Patricia H. Miller 5 apr 2016 Paperback Preț: 479.64 lei 727.82 lei 3-5 săpt. -34% An Introduction to Child Development Autor Thomas Keenan et al. 31 mar 2016 Paperback Preț: 416.68 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile Facilitating Meaningful Contact in Adoption and Fostering Autor Louis Sydney et al. 20 iun 2014 Paperback Preț: 184.59 lei 240.40 lei 3-5 săpt. -23% 12345
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind Autor Daniel J. Siegel et al. 10 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 97.36 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Highly Sensitive Child Autor Elaine N. Aron 4 aug 2003 Paperback Preț: 95.73 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Psychosocial Approaches to Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Autor Jennifer M. Waite-Jones et al. 8 iul 2022 Paperback Preț: 281.46 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Child as Visual Artist Elements in Child Development Autor Ellen Winner et al. 11 mai 2022 Paperback Preț: 129.60 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Empowering Youth with ADHD: Your Guide to Coaching Adolescents and Young Adults for Coaches, Parents, and Professionals Autor Jodi Sleeper-Triplett MCC, SCAC 31 mai 2022 Paperback Preț: 138.99 lei 3-5 săpt.
Nature and Nurture in Personality and Psychopathology: A Guide for Clinicians Autor Joel Paris 18 feb 2022 Paperback Preț: 228.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Roma Minority Youth Across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice Child Development in Cultural Context Editat de Radosveta Dimitrova et al. 22 noi 2021 Hardback Preț: 341.05 lei 421.86 lei 10-16 zile -19%
From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination Autor Ajay Sharma et al. 29 noi 2021 Paperback Preț: 169.43 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Rehabilitation and Remediation of Internationally Adopted Children Autor Boris Gindis 25 oct 2023 Paperback Preț: 168.99 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Psychology of Video Games The Psychology of Everything Autor Celia Hodent 8 oct 2020 Paperback Preț: 93.49 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Michael Rosen's Book of Play: Why play really matters, and 101 ways to get more of it in your life Autor Michael Rosen et al. 30 sep 2020 Paperback Preț: 53.87 lei 63.83 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -16%
Child Development, Fourth Edition: A Practitioner's Guide Clinical Practice with Children, Adolescents, and Families Autor Douglas Davies et al. 13 mai 2020 Hardback Preț: 463.81 lei 504.14 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -8%
Disability, Stigmatization, and Children's Developing Selves: Insights from Educators in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the U.S. Child Development in Cultural Context Series Autor Misa Kayama et al. 15 ian 2020 Hardback Preț: 397.17 lei 520.40 lei 10-16 zile -24%
Parents' Beliefs About Children Autor Scott A. Miller 24 ian 2020 Hardback Preț: 418.70 lei 522.32 lei 10-16 zile -20%
Kid Food: The Challenge of Feeding Children in a Highly Processed World Autor Bettina Elias Siegel 25 sep 2023 Paperback Preț: 90.06 lei 114.08 lei 10-16 zile | 7-13 zile -21%
Open Adoption and Diverse Families: Complex Relationships in the Digital Age Autor Abbie E. Goldberg 25 oct 2019 Hardback Preț: 253.47 lei 10-16 zile
Educational Psychology: Student Book Autor Beverly-Ann Henning et al. 15 noi 2018 Paperback Preț: 333.07 lei 3-5 săpt.
Self-Esteem in Time and Place: How American Families Imagine, Enact, and Personalize a Cultural Ideal Child Development in Cultural Context Series Autor Peggy J. Miller et al. 28 dec 2017 Hardback Preț: 466.45 lei 575.86 lei 3-5 săpt. -19%
The End of Average: How to Succeed in a World That Values Sameness Autor Todd Rose 25 ian 2017 Paperback Preț: 46.12 lei 69.31 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -33%
Flourishing in Emerging Adulthood: Positive Development During the Third Decade of Life Emerging Adulthood Series Editat de Laura M. Padilla-Walker et al. 7 iun 2017 Paperback Preț: 506.99 lei 722.39 lei 10-16 zile -30%
Building the Bonds of Attachment Autor Daniel A. Hughes 15 iun 2017 Paperback Preț: 360.07 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
A Short Introduction to Attachment and Attachment Disorder Autor Colby Pearce 20 dec 2016 Paperback Preț: 111.38 lei 136.43 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -18%
Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition Oxford Library of Psychology Editat de Roi Kadosh et al. 24 noi 2016 Paperback Preț: 363.84 lei 481.49 lei 10-16 zile -24%
Diversity in Deaf Education Perspectives on Deafness Editat de Marc Marschark et al. 4 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 706.84 lei 946.96 lei 10-16 zile -25%
The Mother–Infant Interaction Picture Book – Origins of Attachment Autor Beatrice Beebe et al. 29 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 342.78 lei 3-5 săpt.
Intelligent Testing with the WISC–V Autor A Kaufman 15 feb 2016 Hardback Preț: 508.86 lei 636.08 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -20%
ADHD: What Everyone Needs to Know® What Everyone Needs To Know® Autor Stephen P. Hinshaw et al. 14 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 90.72 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Oxford Handbook of Emerging Adulthood Oxford Library of Psychology Editat de Jeffrey Jensen Arnett 5 noi 2015 Hardback Preț: 1358.82 lei 2055.63 lei 10-16 zile -34%
Ordinary Magic: Resilience in Development Autor Ann S. Masten 27 noi 2015 Paperback Preț: 261.56 lei 275.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -5%
The Psychology of Babies Autor Lynne Murray 20 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 105.68 lei 132.20 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -20%
Selected Writings Penguin Modern Classics Autor Anna Freud iul 2015 Paperback Preț: 78.89 lei 94.66 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -17%
Great Myths of Child Development Great Myths of Psychology Autor S Hupp 5 feb 2015 Paperback Preț: 144.68 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma: Conversations with pioneering clinicians and researchers Autor Daniela Sieff dec 2014 Paperback Preț: 280.92 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Civilization and Its Discontents: A Selection Autor Sigmund Freud 29 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 115.53 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Child Psychology: A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Autor Usha Goswami 27 noi 2014 Paperback Preț: 51.19 lei 62.29 lei 10-16 zile | 7-13 zile -18%
Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World Autor Ellen Braaten et al. 17 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 84.32 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Multiple Pathways to the Student Brain – Energizing and Enhancing Instruction Autor JN Zadina 14 aug 2014 Paperback Preț: 154.04 lei 3-5 săpt.
How Imitation Boosts Development: In Infancy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Autor Jacqueline Nadel et al. 31 iul 2014 Paperback Preț: 496.08 lei 3-5 săpt.
Writing Useful, Accessible, and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports Autor M Hass 12 mai 2014 Paperback Preț: 237.84 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
John Bowlby and Attachment Theory Makers of Modern Psychotherapy Autor Jeremy Holmes 15 ian 2014 Hardback Preț: 1037.40 lei 1140.00 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -9%
Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence Autor Robin Karr-Morse et al. 6 ian 2014 Paperback Preț: 107.46 lei 3-5 săpt.
Nathan Meets His Monsters Autor Joseph P. Kropp et al. 19 sep 2012 Paperback Preț: 50.53 lei 3-5 săpt.
Emdr Therapy and Adjunct Approaches with Children: Complex Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociation Autor Ana Gomez 30 iun 2012 Paperback Preț: 396.84 lei 445.88 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -11%
Nurtureshock Autor Ashley Merryman et al. 5 ian 2011 Paperback Preț: 88.05 lei 106.50 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -17%
The New Authority: Family, School, and Community Autor Haim Omer et al. 14 noi 2010 Paperback Preț: 222.69 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Philosophical Baby: What Children's Minds Tell Us about Truth, Love & the Meaning of Life Autor Alison Gopnik oct 2009 Paperback Preț: 81.49 lei 108.39 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -25%
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth Best of Robert A. Johnson Autor Robert A. Johnson 31 aug 2009 Paperback Preț: 89.27 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do Autor Judith Rich Harris 31 ian 2009 Paperback Preț: 128.09 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self Text de Alice Miller 21 iul 2008 Hardback Preț: 123.42 lei 129.92 lei 3-5 săpt. -5%
Winnicott Autor Adam Phillips 31 oct 2007 Paperback Preț: 56.93 lei 68.90 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -17%
The Optimistic Child: A Proven Program to Safeguard Children Against Depression and Build Lifelong Resilience Autor Martin E. P. Seligman 16 sep 2007 Paperback Preț: 102.23 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Psychology for Musicians: Understanding and Acquiring the Skills Autor Andreas C. Lehmann et al. 22 mar 2007 Hardback Preț: 276.50 lei 316.19 lei 10-16 zile -13%
My Dearest Enemy, My Dangerous Friend: Making and Breaking Sibling Bonds Autor Dorothy Rowe 23 mar 2007 Paperback Preț: 147.16 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Family and Individual Development Autor D. W. Winnicott 4 sep 2006 Paperback Preț: 123.03 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds Autor John Bowlby 8 sep 2005 Paperback Preț: 108.74 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
A Secure Base Routledge Classics Autor John Bowlby sep 2005 Paperback Preț: 122.87 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A View from the Bridge Autor Olga Bogdashina 30 sep 2005 Paperback Preț: 188.67 lei 242.92 lei 3-5 săpt. -22%
A Child's Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play Autor Vivian Gussin Paley 27 mai 2005 Paperback Preț: 92.11 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Handbook of Sandplay Therapy Autor PH. D. Turner, Barbara A. 31 oct 2004 Paperback Preț: 306.34 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Making Human Beings Human: Bioecological Perspectives on Human Development The SAGE Program on Applied Developmental Science Editat de Urie Bronfenbrenner 16 aug 2004 Paperback Preț: 725.48 lei 980.37 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -26%
Autism – Explaining the Enigma 2e Autor U Frith 24 mar 2003 Paperback Preț: 261.51 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Shelter From The Storm: Caring For A Child With A Life-threatening Condition Autor Joanne Hilden et al. 17 dec 2002 Paperback Preț: 115.61 lei 3-5 săpt.
A Wibble Called Bipley: A Story for Children Who Have Hardened Their Hearts or Becomes Bullies Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 106.47 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
The Frog Who Longed for the Moon to Smile: A Story for Children Who Yearn for Someone They Love Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 106.47 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
A Nifflenoo Called Nevermind: A Story for Children Who Bottle Up Their Feelings Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 106.89 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Willy and the Wobbly House: A Story for Children Who are Anxious or Obsessional Helping Children with Feelings Autor Margot Sunderland et al. 17 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 130.60 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Building Healthy Minds: The Six Experiences That Create Intelligence And Emotional Growth In Babies And Young Children Autor Stanley I Greenspan et al. 4 oct 2000 Paperback Preț: 127.32 lei 3-5 săpt.
What's Going on in There?: How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life Autor Lise Eliot 30 sep 2000 Paperback Preț: 138.36 lei 3-5 săpt.
Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys Autor Daniel J. Kindlon et al. 31 mar 2000 Paperback Preț: 106.20 lei 3-5 săpt.
Bowlby, D: Loss - Sadness and Depression 4 feb 1998 Paperback Preț: 93.47 lei 125.93 lei 23-34 zile -26%
The Me Nobody Knows – A Guide for Teen Survivors Autor B Bean sep 1997 Paperback Preț: 116.55 lei 3-5 săpt.
Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals Autor Tony Attwood et al. 30 sep 1997 Paperback Preț: 108.13 lei 130.29 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -17%
The Stories We Live By: Personal Myths and the Making of the Self Autor Dan P. McAdams 10 feb 1997 Paperback Preț: 274.60 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Tree of Knowledge Autor Humberto R. Maturana et al. 29 feb 1992 Paperback Preț: 177.27 lei 219.43 lei 3-4 săpt. | 7-13 zile -19%
Abused Boys: The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse Autor Mic Hunter 31 mai 1991 Paperback Preț: 114.60 lei 3-5 săpt.
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales Autor Bruno Bettelheim 24 apr 1991 Paperback Preț: 70.04 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
How Children Learn Autor John Holt 27 mar 1991 Paperback Preț: 63.46 lei 75.94 lei 23-34 zile | 7-13 zile -16%
The Interpersonal World Of The Infant: A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology Autor Daniel N. Stern 12 oct 2000 Paperback Preț: 224.07 lei 6-8 săpt.
Social and Emotional Development in Early Intervention Autor Delahooke, Mona Paperback Preț: 136.09 lei 3-5 săpt.
How Toddlers Thrive: What Parents Can Do for Children Ages Two to Five to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Happiness Autor Tovah P. Klein 5 aug 2020 Paperback Preț: 58.43 lei 69.75 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -16%
The Science of Love and Betrayal Autor Robin Dunbar 7 feb 2013 Paperback Preț: 69.86 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Live Alone and Like It: The Classic Guide for the Single Woman Autor Marjorie Hillis 12 iun 2008 Paperback Preț: 110.42 lei 3-5 săpt.
What Matters and Who Matters to Young People Leavi ng Care – A New Approach to Planning Autor Peter Appleton 27 mar 2024 Paperback Preț: 151.84 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
A Sociology of Family Life: Change and Diversity i n Intimate Relations Autor D Chambers 16 dec 2021 Paperback Preț: 144.70 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Childhood in a Global Perspective 3e Autor K Wells 18 mar 2021 Paperback Preț: 144.61 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Totem and Taboo Routledge Classics Autor Sigmund Freud 17 mai 2001 Paperback Preț: 82.78 lei 87.14 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile -5%
UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World Autor Michele Borba Dr. 14 iun 2017 Paperback Preț: 70.19 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Theories of Developmental Psychology Autor Patricia H. Miller 5 apr 2016 Paperback Preț: 479.64 lei 727.82 lei 3-5 săpt. -34%
An Introduction to Child Development Autor Thomas Keenan et al. 31 mar 2016 Paperback Preț: 416.68 lei 3-5 săpt. | 7-13 zile
Facilitating Meaningful Contact in Adoption and Fostering Autor Louis Sydney et al. 20 iun 2014 Paperback Preț: 184.59 lei 240.40 lei 3-5 săpt. -23%