![La lettera di Simeone vescovo di Beth-Arsam sopra I martiri omeriti](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781617196652/la-lettera-di-simeone-vescovo-di-beth-arsam-sopra-i-martiri-omeriti.jpg)
La lettera di Simeone vescovo di Beth-Arsam sopra I martiri omeriti
12 feb 2012
Preț: 270.36 lei
6-8 săpt.
![Scher, A: Notice sur les manuscrits syriaques conserves dans](https://i2.books-express.ro/bt/9781617196720/scher-a-notice-sur-les-manuscrits-syriaques-conserves-dans.jpg)
Scher, A: Notice sur les manuscrits syriaques conserves dans
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12 feb 2012
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![Marcel, J: Chrestomathia Chaldaica, varios textos exhibens](https://i4.books-express.ro/bt/9781617196744/marcel-j-chrestomathia-chaldaica-varios-textos-exhibens.jpg)
Marcel, J: Chrestomathia Chaldaica, varios textos exhibens
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12 feb 2012
Preț: 343.07 lei
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![Covenant and Grace in the Old Testament](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781607240150/covenant-and-grace-in-the-old-testament.jpg)
Covenant and Grace in the Old Testament
Autor Robert Miller
31 ian 2012
Preț: 525.65 lei 682.67 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Etudes sur les Soubbas ou les Sabeens
Autor Nicolas Siouffi
24 ian 2012
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![Vie de S. Macaire L'Egyptien: Aionios and Aidios in Classical and Christian Texts](https://i1.books-express.ro/bt/9781611439717/vie-de-s-macaire-l-egyptien.jpg)
Vie de S. Macaire L'Egyptien: Aionios and Aidios in Classical and Christian Texts
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31 dec 2011
Preț: 1182.69 lei
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Women in Aphrahat
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30 noi 2011
Preț: 144.59 lei
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Mar Jacob of Serugh on Monks and Monasticism
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30 noi 2011
Preț: 224.67 lei
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To Whom Did Jacob Preach?
Autor Susan Ashbrook Harvey
30 noi 2011
Preț: 138.56 lei
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An Outline of Middle Voice in Syriac
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30 noi 2011
Preț: 739.55 lei 859.94 lei
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Preț: 401.01 lei
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Akgoenul, S: Minorites en Turquie, Turcs en minorite
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21 dec 2011
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Les Balkans et la Russie a la Veille de la premiere guerre mondiale
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Payne, G: Elements of Mental and Moral Science
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27 dec 2011
Preț: 240.84 lei
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Simono, N: Modern Assyrian Language Grammar
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Valavanolickal, K: Aphrahat Demonstrations II
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12 dec 2011
Preț: 731.34 lei 850.40 lei
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The Harp (Volume 20 Part 1)
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Bilici, F: La politique francaise en mer Noire
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12 dec 2011
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Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies (volume 14)
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Zur handscriftlichen UEberlieferung der griechischen Apologeten
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12 dec 2011
Preț: 270.32 lei
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Theodora the Believing Queen: A Study in Syriac Historiographical Tradition
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30 noi 2011
Preț: 147.12 lei
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Jacob of Serugh
Autor Sebastian Brock
30 noi 2011
Preț: 147.12 lei
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Jewish-Christian Conversation in Fourth-Century Persian Mesopotamia
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30 noi 2011
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30 noi 2011
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26 oct 2011
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Authority Within the Christian Church
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Patriarchs of the Syrian Orthodox Church in the Nineteenth Century
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30 sep 2011
Preț: 626.94 lei 729.00 lei
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Mystic Treatises by Isaac of Nineveh
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![Sachau, E: Verzeichniss der syrischen Handschriften](https://i2.books-express.ro/bt/9781607248576/sachau-e-verzeichniss-der-syrischen-handschriften.jpg)
Sachau, E: Verzeichniss der syrischen Handschriften
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iun 2010
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Smith, E: Missionary Researches in Armenia
Autor Harrison Dwight
26 sep 2011
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Goettsberger, J: Barhebraus und seine Scholien zur heiligen
Autor Johann Gottsberger
26 sep 2011
Preț: 746.24 lei 867.72 lei
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Land, J: Joannes Bischof von Ephesos
Autor Jan Pieter Nicolaas Land
26 sep 2011
Preț: 774.19 lei 900.22 lei
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![Die Massorah der oestlichen und westlichen Syrer in ihren An](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781611436181/die-massorah-der-oestlichen-und-westlichen-syrer-in-ihren-an.jpg)
Die Massorah der oestlichen und westlichen Syrer in ihren An
26 sep 2011
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Armalet, I: Papal Authority in the Syrian Church
Autor Isaac Armalet
29 sep 2011
Preț: 753.25 lei 875.87 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Severi Antiiulianistica
26 sep 2011
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The Book of the Priesthood
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The Reception and Remembrance of Abraham
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31 iul 2011
Preț: 711.12 lei 974.14 lei
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Neo-Assyrian Prophecy and the Hebrew Bible
Autor Russell Mack
30 iun 2011
Preț: 1023.70 lei 1190.34 lei
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Schulthess, F: Umajja ibn Abi s Salt
Autor Friedrich Schulthess
31 ian 2010
Preț: 415.95 lei
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A Catalogue of Articles on Syriac Subjects in the Arabic Periodicals (vol 2)
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Scholia on Passages of the Old Testament by Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa
Autor George Phillips
iul 2011
Preț: 543.84 lei 706.28 lei
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Dolabani, P: Distinct Confessions of Christ
8 sep 2010
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Hoffmann, G: Auszuge aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer
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20 iul 2011
Preț: 949.01 lei 1103.50 lei
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Taylor, I: The Semitic Alphabets
Autor Isaac Taylor
20 iul 2011
Preț: 982.04 lei 1141.91 lei
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The Influence of the Septuagint Upon the Peshitta Psalter: The Interpretation of Theophanic Imagery in the Baal Epic, Isaiah, and the Twelve
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30 iun 2011
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![Les Origines de L'Eglise D'Edesse Et La Legende D'Abgar: The Interpretation of Theophanic Imagery in the Baal Epic, Isaiah, and the Twelve](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781617191800/les-origines-de-l-eglise-d-edesse-et-la-legende-d-abgar.jpg)
Les Origines de L'Eglise D'Edesse Et La Legende D'Abgar: The Interpretation of Theophanic Imagery in the Baal Epic, Isaiah, and the Twelve
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30 iun 2011
Preț: 641.76 lei 833.45 lei
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![De S. Isaaci Ninivitae Vita, Scriptis et Doctrina](https://i2.books-express.ro/bt/9781617192029/de-s-isaaci-ninivitae-vita-scriptis-et-doctrina.jpg)
De S. Isaaci Ninivitae Vita, Scriptis et Doctrina
Autor Jean-Baptiste Chabot
11 iul 2011
Preț: 902.98 lei 1049.98 lei
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![Etude sur les emprunts syriaques dans les parlers arabes du Liban](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781617192036/etude-sur-les-emprunts-syriaques-dans-les-parlers-arabes-du-liban.jpg)
Etude sur les emprunts syriaques dans les parlers arabes du Liban
Autor Michel Feghali
11 iul 2011
Preț: 654.21 lei 760.71 lei
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30 iun 2011
Preț: 765.20 lei 993.76 lei
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Ueber Das Verhaltniss Des Textes Der Drei Syrischen Briefe Des Ignatios Zu Den Ubrigen Recensionen Der Ignatianischen Literatur: The Interpretation of Theophanic Imagery in the Baal Epic, Isaiah, and the Twelve
Autor Richard Adelbert Lipsius
30 iun 2011
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![Zschokke, H: Institutiones Fundamentales Linguae Aramaicae s](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781617192432/zschokke-h-institutiones-fundamentales-linguae-aramaicae-s.jpg)
Zschokke, H: Institutiones Fundamentales Linguae Aramaicae s
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11 iul 2011
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La Chaldee
Autor J.-P.-P. Martin
11 iul 2011
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A Catechism on Biblical History in the Aramaic Dialect of Mosul
Autor Anonymous
11 iul 2011
Preț: 833.01 lei 968.61 lei
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A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature
Autor Sebastian P. Brock
30 iun 2011
Preț: 465.13 lei
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Saint Ephrem Le Syrien: Code Maronite Du Haut Moyen Age
Autor Casimir Emereau
30 iun 2011
Preț: 597.04 lei 775.38 lei
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Hobeika, P: Practical Guide to Conversational Syriac
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26 mai 2011
Preț: 807.83 lei 939.33 lei
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Moxom, P: From Jerusalem to Nicea
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26 mai 2011
Preț: 1098.60 lei 1277.45 lei
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The Diatessaron of Tatian
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30 apr 2011
Preț: 656.90 lei 763.84 lei
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Prevost, G: Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew
Autor John Chrysostom
26 mai 2011
Preț: 1028.36 lei 1195.77 lei
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Chrysostom, J: Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew
Autor George Prevost
26 mai 2011
Preț: 1063.46 lei 1236.59 lei
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Cotton, W: Homilies on Philippians, Colossians, and 1-2 Thes
Autor John Chrysostom
26 mai 2011
Preț: 1267.07 lei 1473.33 lei
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![Chrysostom, J: Homilies on the Second Epistle to the Corinth](https://i1.books-express.ro/bt/9781611433661/chrysostom-j-homilies-on-the-second-epistle-to-the-corinth.jpg)
Chrysostom, J: Homilies on the Second Epistle to the Corinth
Autor J. Ashworth
26 mai 2011
Preț: 993.35 lei 1155.06 lei
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Tweed, J: Homilies on 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon
Autor John Chrysostom
26 mai 2011
Preț: 1028.36 lei 1195.77 lei
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The Syriac Forms of New Testament Proper Names
Autor F. Crawford Burkitt
30 apr 2011
Preț: 248.90 lei
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![Benz, E: Zur UEberlieferung der Matthauserklarung des Origen](https://i2.books-express.ro/bt/9781611434828/benz-e-zur-ueberlieferung-der-matthauserklarung-des-origen.jpg)
Benz, E: Zur UEberlieferung der Matthauserklarung des Origen
Autor Erich Klostermann
26 mai 2011
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Zur UEberlieferung der Matthauserklarung des Origenes (Vol 1)
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26 mai 2011
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Zur UEberlieferung der Matthauserklarung des Origenes (Vol 2)
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26 mai 2011
Preț: 831.75 lei 967.14 lei
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The Book of Judith
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26 mai 2011
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Acharya, F: The Ritual of the Clothing of Monks
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26 mai 2011
Preț: 675.30 lei 785.23 lei
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Deschler, J: Christliche Ikonographie
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Aphrahat Demonstrations I
Autor Kuriakose Valavanolickal
30 apr 2011
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The Harp (Volume 2)
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The Harp (Volume 15)
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The Harp (Volume 16)
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