Cărți de Kate Douglas Wiggin

Kate Douglas Wiggin (September 28, 1856 – August 24, 1923) was an American educator, author and composer. She wrote children's stories, most notably the classic children's novel Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, and composed collections of children's songs. She started the first free kindergarten in San Francisco in 1878 (the Silver Street Free Kindergarten). With her sister during the 1880s, she also established a training school for kindergarten teachers. Kate Wiggin devoted her adult life to the welfare of children in an era when children were commonly thought of as cheap labor.
Wiggin went to California to study kindergarten methods. She began to teach in San Francisco with her sister Nora assisting her, and the two were instrumental in the establishment of over 60 kindergartens for the poor in San Francisco and Oakland. She moved from California to New York, and having no kindergarten work on hand, devoted herself to literature. She sent The Story of Patsy and The Bird's Christmas Carol to Houghton, Mifflin & Co. who accepted them at once. Besides the talent for story-telling, she was a musician, sang well, and composed settings for her poems. She was also an excellent elocutionist. Her first literary work was Half a Dozen Housekeepers, a serial story which she sent to St. Nicholas. After the death of her husband in 1889, she returned to California to resume her kindergarten work, serving as the head of a Kindergarten Normal School. Some of her other works included Cathedral Courtship, A Summer in a Canon, Timothy's Quest, The Story Hour, Kindergarten Chimes, Polly Oliver's Problem, and Children's Rights.

More Stories for Christmas

Stories for Christmas Vol. II

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

The Birds' Christmas Carol

A Summer in a Cañon & Polly Oliver's Problem (Children's Book Classics) - Illustrated

Timothy's Quest (Children's Book Classic)


The Romance of a Christmas Card (Illustrated)

The Birds' Christmas Carol (With Original Illustrations)


Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Mother Carey's Chickens

The Story of Patsy

The Romance of a Christmas Card

The History of Codadad and His Brothers

The History of the Young King of the Black Isles

The Story of Aladdin; Or, the Wonderful Lamp

The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

The Story of Gulnare of the Sea

The Story of Prince Agib

The Story of Sinbad the Voyager

The Story of the City of Brass

The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie

The Talking Bird, the Singing Tree, and the Golden Water

Polly Oliver's Problem

Penelope's Experiences in Scotland

Penelope's Irish Experiences

Froebel's Gifts

A Summer in a Canyon

Penelope's English Experiences

The Flag-Raising

Susanna and Sue

New Chronicles of Rebecca

A Village Stradivarius

Bluebeard a Musical Fantasy

Children's Rights

Froebel's Gifts

Homespun Tales

Ladies in Waiting


The Affair at the Inn

The Story Hour

The Story of Waitstill Baxter

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Marm Lisa

Rose O' the River

Golden Numbers

The Old Peabody Pew

The Arabian Nights, Their Best-Known Tales

The Arabian Nights

Have the English Any Sense of Humour?

A Cathedral Courtship

Penelope's Postscripts, Switzerland, Venice, Wales, Devon, Home

Timothy's Quest (1890) by Kate Douglas Wiggin a Story for Anyone Young or Old

Polly Oliver's Problem; A Story for Girls(1893) by Kate Douglas Wiggin

A Cathedral Courtship, and Penelope's English Experiences(1893) by Kate Douglas

The Diary of a Goose Girl(1902) by Kate Douglas Wiggin(illustrated Edition)

Half-A-Dozen Housekeepers(1903) a Story for Girls by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

New Chronicles of Rebecca (1907) by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

New Chronicles of Rebecca(1907) by Kate Douglas Wiggin

The Old Peabody Pew (1907) by Kate Douglas Wiggin

Susanna and Sue (1909) by Kate Douglas Wiggin

Mother Carey's Chickens (1911) Novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin

The Story of Waitstill Baxter (1913) by Kate Douglas Wiggin

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1903) Children's Novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin

The Romance of a Christmas Card (1916), by Kate Douglas Wiggin

Mother Carey's Chickens (1911) Novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Illustrated)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Special Edition)

Penelope's Postscripts

Timothy's Quest

The Village Watch-Tower

The Diary of a Goose Girl

The Girl and the Kingdom by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books

Susanna and Sue by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books

Susanna and Sue (Illustrated Edition)

Timothy's Quest by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books


The Fairy Ring (Yesterday's Classics)

The Birds' Christmas Carol, Illustrated Edition (Yesterday's Classics)

The Diary of a Goose Girl (Illustrated 1902 Edition)

Penelope's Progress

Children's Rights and Others

Penelope's Irish Experiences by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books

The Bird's Christmas Carol

A Village Stradivarius by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books

Penelope's English Experiences by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books

Homespun Tales by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Fiction, Historical, United States, People & Places, Readers - Chapter Books

Froebel's Occupations

The Bird's Christmas Carol - 1898

New Chronicles of Rebecca - 1907

The Fairy Ring

The Posy Ring

A Summer in a Canon: A California Story

Children's Rights; A Book of Nursery Logic

An Anthology of Mother Verse
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