Partituri calculatoare şi IT
Top vânzări
- RefactoringMartin Fowler-20%Preț: 319.31 lei399.13 lei
- Clean CodeRobert C. Martin-20%Preț: 287.69 lei359.61 lei
- Designing Data–Intensive ApplicationsMartin Kleppmann-20%Preț: 281.04 lei351.30 lei
- Java Concurrency in PracticeBrian Goetz-20%Preț: 275.22 lei344.02 lei
- Continuous DeliveryJez Humble-20%Preț: 301.67 lei377.09 lei
- Learning TypeScriptJosh Goldberg-20%Preț: 250.77 lei313.47 lei
- -20%Preț: 514.20 lei642.75 lei
- Spring QuicklyLaurentiu Spilca-20%Preț: 289.38 lei361.73 lei
- Building Microservices Second editionSam Newman-20%Preț: 365.00 lei456.25 lei
- Computer ArchitectureJohn L. Hennessy-20%Preț: 597.72 lei747.16 lei
- Clean ArchitectureRobert C. Martin-20%Preț: 200.36 lei250.46 lei
- NexusYuval Noah HarariPreț: 123.10 lei
- -20%Preț: 357.36 lei446.70 lei
- Introduction to AlgorithmsThomas H. Cormen-20%Preț: 915.08 lei1143.85 lei
- The Art of Hearthstone: Year of the RavenRobert Brooks-33%Preț: 140.08 lei210.02 lei
- Software EngineeringTom Halt-20%Preț: 748.69 lei935.87 lei
- Domain-Driven DesignEric J. Evans-20%Preț: 374.75 lei468.43 lei
- C Programming LanguageBrian W. Kernighan-20%Preț: 310.73 lei388.41 lei
- The Clean CoderRobert C. Martin-20%Preț: 227.31 lei284.14 lei
- Management 3.0Jurgen Appelo-20%Preț: 273.27 lei341.60 lei
- Balancing Coupling in Software DesignVlad Khononov-20%Preț: 208.89 lei261.10 leiNou
- Handbook of Diffusion MR TractographyFlavio Dell'Acqua-34%Preț: 635.97 lei957.88 leiNou
- -20%Preț: 471.49 lei589.37 leiNou
- Designing Software ArchitecturesHumberto Cervantes-20%Preț: 305.35 lei381.69 leiNou
- MySQL Crash CourseBen Forta-20%Preț: 171.66 lei214.58 leiNou
- Comptia Security+ Sy0-701 Exam CramRobert Shimonski-20%Preț: 241.61 lei302.00 leiNou
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Cert GuideAnthony Sequeira-20%Preț: 280.07 lei350.08 leiNou
- Generative AnalysisIla Neustadt-20%Preț: 340.37 lei425.46 leiNou
- Bridging Intention to ImpactConnor Joyce-20%Preț: 229.47 lei286.83 leiNou
- ChatGPT and the Future of AITerrence J. Sejnowski-20%Preț: 102.05 lei127.56 leiNou
- ThriveRavi Bapna-20%Preț: 148.87 lei186.09 leiNou
- AI & IEugene Charniak-20%Preț: 182.78 lei228.48 leiNou
- CryptographyPanos Louridas-20%Preț: 88.39 lei110.49 leiNou
- The Game That Never EndsJulien Mailland-21%Preț: 303.91 lei384.24 leiNou
- Taming Silicon ValleyGary F. Marcus-32%Preț: 74.41 lei109.11 leiNou
- Advances in Neural Engineering Volume 1Ayman S. El-Baz-34%Preț: 777.74 lei1183.07 leiNou
- Advances in Neural Engineering Volume 2Ayman S. El-Baz-34%Preț: 777.74 lei1183.07 leiNou
- Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisMahsa Ghajarzadeh-34%Preț: 511.94 lei778.86 leiNou
- The Role of Blockchain in Disaster ManagementAyan Kumar Das-35%Preț: 729.35 lei1114.11 leiNou
- -20%Preț: 773.31 lei966.64 leiNou
Cele mai dorite produse
- RefactoringMartin Fowler-20%Preț: 319.31 lei399.13 lei
- Design PatternsErich Gamma-20%Preț: 330.54 lei413.18 lei
- Algorithms to Live ByBrian ChristianPreț: 70.06 lei
- Building Microservices Second editionSam Newman-20%Preț: 365.00 lei456.25 lei
- Software Architecture: The Hard PartsNeal Ford-20%Preț: 357.04 lei446.30 lei
- Enterprise Integration PatternsGregor Hohpe-20%Preț: 354.04 lei442.55 lei
- -35%Preț: 181.41 lei280.15 lei
- Deep ThinkingGarry Kasparov-26%Preț: 51.53 lei69.55 lei
- Serious CryptographyJean-Philippe Aumasson-36%Preț: 221.74 lei343.95 lei
- Learn to Code by Solving ProblemsDaniel Zingaro-36%Preț: 158.95 lei248.73 lei
- Java Persistence with Spring Data and HibernateCatalin Tudose-20%Preț: 320.94 lei401.17 lei
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with PythonAl Sweigart-20%Preț: 170.82 lei213.53 lei
- Web Scalability for Startup EngineersArtur Ejsmont-20%Preț: 278.92 lei348.65 lei
- Crafting InterpretersRobert Nystrom-20%Preț: 295.44 lei369.30 lei
- Adobe Premiere ProBen Goldsmith-32%Preț: 216.54 lei317.86 lei
- Learn Python the Hard WayZed Shaw-20%Preț: 212.71 lei265.88 lei
- The Big Book of Small Python ProjectsAl Sweigart-36%Preț: 179.10 lei278.46 lei
- Impractical Python ProjectsLee Vaughan-36%Preț: 177.24 lei277.08 lei
- -34%Preț: 207.24 lei314.66 leiNou
- Cuda for EngineersDuane Storti-20%Preț: 239.51 lei299.38 lei