Cărți de Ray Bradbury

Ray Douglas Bradbury (; August 22, 1920 – June 5, 2012) was an American author and screenwriter. One of the most celebrated 20th-century American writers, he worked in a variety of modes, including fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and realistic fiction.
Bradbury was mainly known for his novel Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and his short-story collections The Martian Chronicles (1950) and The Illustrated Man (1951). Most of his best known work is speculative fiction, but he also worked in other genres, such as the coming of age novel Dandelion Wine (1957) and the fictionalized memoir Green Shadows, White Whale (1992). He also wrote and consulted on screenplays and television scripts, including Moby Dick and It Came from Outer Space. Many of his works were adapted into television and film productions as well as comic books.
The New York Times called Bradbury "the writer most responsible for bringing modern science fiction into the literary mainstream."

Fahrenheit 451

Dark Carnival

November Volume III

Daddy Lost His Head: & Other Stories

Der Tod ist ein einsames Geschäft

Zen in the Art of Writing

Ray Bradbury: The Last Interview: And Other Conversations

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Guys Read: Other Worlds

Das Böse kommt auf leisen Sohlen

The Martian Chronicles

The Illustrated Man

The Ultimate Egoist

The Stories of Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 1

Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 2

Dandelion Wine

Die Mars-Chroniken

A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales

Fancies and Goodnights

One More for the Road

From the Dust Returned

Bradbury Classic Stories 1: From the Golden Apples of the Sun and R Is for Rocket

Der illustrierte Mann

I Sing the Body Electric: And Other Stories

A Medicine for Melancholy and Other Stories

Golden Apples of the Sun, The

The Dark Descent

The October Country


The Toynbee Convector

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

We'll Always Have Paris

Home to Stay!: The Complete Ray Bradbury EC Stories

Ray Bradbury: Novels & Story Cycles (Loa #347): The Martian Chronicles / Fahrenheit 451 / Dandelion Wine / Something Wicked This Way Comes

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Farewell Summer

Now and Forever

Ray Bradbury Dinosaur Tales

A Pleasure to Burn: Fahrenheit 451 Stories

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 (Neubearbeitung)

Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far from the Stars

The Cat's Pajamas: Stories

Let's All Kill Constance

Green Shadows, White Whale: A Novel of Ray Bradbury's Adventures Making Moby Dick with John Huston in Ireland

A Graveyard for Lunatics: Another Tale of Two Cities

Chroniques Martiennes

The Halloween Tree

Back There Where the Past Was: A Small-Town Boyhood

Death Is a Lonely Business

Crónicas Marcianas / The Martian Chronicles

The Shape of Things

Fantasmas de Lo Nuevo

Adventures, Book 7

Fahrenheit 451. Englischer Text mit deutschen Worterklärungen. B2 (GER)

Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man, the October Country & Other Stories (Loa #360)

The Ray Bradbury Collection

Three for the Money and Other Stories

Killer, Come Back To Me

Fahrenheit 451

The Ray Bradbury Chronicles Volume 2

The Ray Bradbury Chronicles Volume 5

The Ray Bradbury Chronicles Volume 6

Zen en el arte de escribir

El país de octubre

Green Town 1 : el vino del estío

Green Town 2 : el verano del adiós

El árbol de las brujas

La feria de las tinieblas

Crónicas marcianas

La bruja de abril y otros cuentos

The Thing From the Grave and Other Stories


Schneller als das Auge

The Million Year Picnic and Other Stories

Zen in der Kunst des Schreibens - Kreativtechniken eines Schriftstellers von Weltrang

Fahrenheit 451: Grades 5-6

Fahrenheit 451

Futuria Fantasia Spring 1940 Vol. 1. No. 4

Futuria Fantasia Fall 1939 Vol. 1 No. 2

Futuria Fantasia Summer 1939 Vol. 1 No. 1

Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940

A Little Journey

Best of Ray Bradbury

Nolan on Bradbury: Sixty Years of Writing about the Master of Science Fiction

Quicker Than the Eye

The Golden Apples of the Sun

The Monster Maker

The Creatures That Time Forgot

Planet Stories Super Pack #2

One Hundred

Ray Bradbury Dinosaur Tales

Fantastic Stories Present the Galaxy Science Fiction Super Pack #1
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