Job Hebrew Bible Monographs Autor Alexander W Breitkopf 25 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 425.20 lei 462.17 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile -8%
United in Exile, Reunited in Restoration Hbm Autor Jordan Guy 9 mai 2019 Hardback Preț: 387.94 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile
Persuading God Hebrew Bible Monographs Autor Davida H. Charney 18 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 142.29 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 10 (2014) Editat de Wendy J. Porter et al. 21 iul 2015 Hardback Preț: 564.38 lei 613.45 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile -8%
Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies Bible in the Modern World 49 49 Editat de Joshua Searle et al. 30 oct 2012 Hardback Preț: 425.94 lei 462.98 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile -8%
Isaiah: The Prophet and His Book CLASSIC REPRINT S. Autor Ulrich F. Berges 30 iun 2012 Paperback Preț: 164.69 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile
Textual Memory: Ancient Archives, Libraries and the Hebrew Bible Social World of Biblical Antiquity. Second Autor Jaqueline S. Du Toit 31 iul 2011 Hardback Preț: 425.32 lei 462.30 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile -8%
The Matter of the Text: Material Engagements Between Luke and the Five Senses Bible in the Modern World Autor Anne F. Elvey 30 apr 2011 Hardback Preț: 425.81 lei 462.83 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile -8%
Paul and Human Rights: A Dialogue with the Father of the Corinthian Community Bible in the Modern World Autor Adrian Long 30 sep 2009 Hardback Preț: 389.24 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile
The Exposure of Infants Among Jews and Christians in Antiquity Social World of Biblical Antiquity Autor Erkki Koskenniemi 31 mar 2009 Hardback Preț: 349.31 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile
Josiah's Reform and Jeremiah's Scroll: Historical Calamity and Prophetic Response Hebrew Bible Monographs,, nr. 6 Autor Mark Leuchter 31 dec 2005 Hardback Preț: 387.18 lei 3-5 săpt. | 4-10 zile
Jeremiah Paperback Preț: 146.59 lei Indisponibil temporar The Letter to the Romans Readings: A New Biblical Commentary (Sep.TTL. Per Vol.) Autor Stanley E Porter 4 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 197.06 lei 6-8 săpt. The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics Autor Hector Avalos 8 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 553.51 lei 601.64 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt Autor Richard Carrier 2 iun 2014 Paperback Preț: 248.20 lei 6-8 săpt. 1 Samuel: A Narrative Commentary Hebrew Bible Monographs Autor Keith Bodner 30 sep 2009 Paperback Preț: 197.76 lei 6-8 săpt. The Older Testament: The Survival of Themes from the Ancient Royal Cult in Sectarian Judaism and Early Christianity Autor Margaret Barker 30 iun 2005 Paperback Preț: 261.78 lei 6-8 săpt. The Son of Man in the Gospel of John New Testament Monographs Autor J. Harold Ellens 30 apr 2010 Hardback Preț: 485.38 lei 527.59 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Text and Community, Vol 2: Essays in Memory of Bruce M. Metzger New Testament Monographs, nr. 19 Editat de J. Harold Ellens 30 sep 2007 Hardback Preț: 543.44 lei 590.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Text and Community, Vol. 1: Essays in Memory of Bruce M. Metzger New Testament Monographs, nr. 19 Editat de J. Harold Ellens 31 dec 2006 Hardback Preț: 546.60 lei 594.13 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% 1 & 2 Kings Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 103 Autor Martin O'Kane 11 mar 2024 Hardback Preț: 558.81 lei 607.40 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised. III. Zayin-Teth. Autor David Ja Clines et al. 13 noi 2023 Hardback Preț: 1405.14 lei 1544.11 lei 6-8 săpt. -9% The Spirit of Prophecy and Reconciliation Bible in the Modern World Autor Chris E. W. Green et al. 21 noi 2023 Hardback Preț: 460.88 lei 500.96 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Joel Critical Commentaries Autor Jack R. Lundbom 21 sep 2023 Hardback Preț: 433.87 lei 6-8 săpt. Effective Stories Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 106 Autor Megan Warner 14 iul 2023 Hardback Preț: 511.68 lei 556.16 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Global Perspectives on Bible and Violence Bible in the Modern World, nr. 82 Autor Michael Spalione et al. 4 mai 2023 Hardback Preț: 557.56 lei 606.04 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Play the Man! Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 3 Autor David J A Clines 20 apr 2023 Hardback Preț: 515.74 lei 560.58 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Great Lady Autor Margaret Barker 14 apr 2023 Hardback Preț: 607.31 lei 660.11 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% When Seeing is Reading Autor Yaffa Englard 18 oct 2022 Hardback Preț: 544.28 lei 591.61 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Spirit and Story New Testament Monographs, nr. 41 Editat de Blaine Charette et al. 4 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 514.83 lei 559.60 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Bible and Money Bible in the Modern World, nr. 76 Editat de Hallvard Hagelia et al. 25 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 566.74 lei 616.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Reading the Magnificat in Australia Autor Anne F Elvey 3 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 518.19 lei 563.24 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Edict of Cyrus and Notions of Restoration in Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles Autor Andrew M Gilhooley 7 oct 2020 Hardback Preț: 407.53 lei 6-8 săpt. Performing Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible Autor Milena Kirova 28 oct 2020 Hardback Preț: 486.28 lei 528.56 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Like the Stars Forever Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 90 Autor Tim Meadowcroft 23 oct 2020 Hardback Preț: 483.63 lei 525.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% A Star from Jacob, a Sceptre from Israel 25 sep 2020 Hardback Preț: 557.87 lei 606.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Bible on Violence Editat de Helen Paynter et al. 3 iul 2020 Hardback Preț: 562.47 lei 611.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Samson and Delilah Autor J. Cheryl Exum 24 iul 2020 Hardback Preț: 556.31 lei 604.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Writing and Reading to Survive Autor L. Juliana M. Claassens 29 iul 2020 Hardback Preț: 408.00 lei 6-8 săpt. An Encomium for Jesus NTM, nr. 40 Autor Jerome H. Neyrey 21 mai 2020 Hardback Preț: 410.29 lei 6-8 săpt. Echoes of Lament in the Christology of Luke's Gospel NTM, nr. 39 Autor Channing L Crisler 2 apr 2020 Hardback Preț: 557.81 lei 606.32 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Toward a Canon-Conscious Reading of the Bible NTM, nr. 34 Autor Ched Spellman et al. 17 mar 2020 Paperback Preț: 191.67 lei 6-8 săpt. The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised. II. Beth-Waw Autor David J. A. Clines noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 1424.94 lei 1565.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -9% The Subversive Chronicler HBM, nr. 83 Autor Buyoung Son 3 noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 433.02 lei 470.67 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Divine Election in the Hebrew Bible HBM, nr. 84 Autor Hallvard Hagelia 3 noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 461.98 lei 502.15 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Multifaceted Saviour of Psalms 110 and 118 HBM, nr. 86 Autor Ian J Vaillancourt 3 noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 440.78 lei 6-8 săpt. The Song of Songs Afresh HBM Editat de Gavin Fernandes et al. 15 oct 2019 Hardback Preț: 437.12 lei 475.13 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Reality of Religious Violence BMW, nr. 72 Autor Hector Avalos 29 sep 2019 Hardback Preț: 569.23 lei 618.72 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% God and Humans in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond Editat de David Willgren 10 sep 2019 Hardback Preț: 520.14 lei 565.37 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Hebrew Masculinities Anew HBM, nr. 79 Editat de Ovidiu Creanga 14 iun 2019 Hardback Preț: 545.73 lei 593.19 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Ancestral Queerness Autor Gil Rosenberg 21 mai 2019 Hardback Preț: 409.62 lei 6-8 săpt. The First Christian Believer NTM, nr. 38 Autor Rivka Nir 14 mai 2019 Hardback Preț: 519.09 lei 564.23 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. I. Aleph. Revised Edition Autor David J. A. Clines 9 iul 2018 Hardback Preț: 1415.13 lei 1555.08 lei 6-8 săpt. -9% Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect Editat de Susanne Scholz 26 oct 2017 Paperback Preț: 194.34 lei 6-8 săpt. Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. III Editat de Susanne Scholz 26 oct 2017 Paperback Preț: 200.32 lei 6-8 săpt. The Decalogue and its Cultural Influence Editat de Dominik Markl 26 oct 2017 Paperback Preț: 247.42 lei 6-8 săpt. The Letter to the Romans Earth Bible Commentary, nr. 7 Autor Sigve K. Tonstad 17 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 200.71 lei 6-8 săpt. Habitat, Human, and Holy The Earth Bible Commentary, nr. 6 Autor Elaine M. Wainwright 20 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 160.80 lei 6-8 săpt. The Female Ruse Autor Rachel Adelman 20 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 186.23 lei 6-8 săpt. Ezra Autor Lisbeth S. Fried 20 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 234.81 lei 6-8 săpt. Abject Bodies in the Gospel of Mark Autor Manuel Villalobos Mendoza 18 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 182.88 lei 6-8 săpt. Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 11 (2015) Editat de Stanley E. Porter et al. 10 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 775.62 lei 852.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -9% Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, I (Student Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 295.24 lei 6-8 săpt. Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, 2 (Student Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 292.99 lei 6-8 săpt. Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, I (Instructor Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 295.24 lei 6-8 săpt. Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, 2 (Instructor Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 292.99 lei 6-8 săpt. Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. III. Methods Editat de Susanne Scholz 30 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 551.01 lei 598.92 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, Volume 9 Editat de David J. A. Clines 4 mai 2016 Hardback Preț: 1785.24 lei 1961.81 lei 6-8 săpt. -9% Megilloth Studies Editat de Brad Embry 16 feb 2016 Hardback Preț: 537.39 lei 584.12 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% 2 Timothy Autor Craig A. Smith 20 ian 2016 Paperback Preț: 160.85 lei 6-8 săpt. Biblical Reception 3 (2014) Editat de David J. A. Clines et al. 19 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 728.51 lei 800.56 lei 6-8 săpt. -9% Visions of Life in Biblical Times Editat de Chaim Cohen et al. 21 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 544.28 lei 591.61 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Bible Retold by Jewish Artists, Writers, Composers and Filmmakers Editat de Helen Leneman et al. 19 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 544.85 lei 592.22 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% The Female Ruse Autor Rachel E. Adelman 12 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 542.69 lei 589.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Simulatingaichele: Essays in Bible, Film, Culture and Theory Editat de Melissa C. Stewart 20 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 488.24 lei 530.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Teaching the Bible in the Liberal Arts Classroom, Volume 2 Editat de Glenn S. Holland et al. 20 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 192.60 lei 6-8 săpt. Biblical Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism Autor Jack R. Lundbom 7 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 196.30 lei 6-8 săpt. The World of the Child in the Hebrew Bible Autor Naomi Steinberg 6 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 158.35 lei 6-8 săpt. The Integrity of 2 Corinthians and Paul's Aggravating Absence Autor Christopher D. Land 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 544.99 lei 592.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Authority and Violence in the Gideon and Abimelech Narratives Autor Linda A. Dietch 20 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 488.24 lei 530.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Sexuality, Ideology and the Bible Editat de Caroline Blyth et al. 22 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 538.83 lei 585.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Guide to Biblical Chronology Autor Antti Laato 16 sep 2015 Paperback Preț: 182.81 lei 6-8 săpt. Voices of the Wilderness: An Ecological Reading of the Book of Numbers Autor Anthony Rees 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 426.67 lei 463.76 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Solomon the Lover and the Shape of the Song of Songs Autor Martin Ravndal Hauge 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 429.86 lei 467.24 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% 'For She Has Heard': The Standing Stone in Joshua 24 and the Development of a Covenant Symbol Autor Elizabeth Berne Degear 19 aug 2015 Hardback Preț: 432.67 lei 470.30 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Imagination, Ideology and Inspiration: Echoes of Brueggemann in a New Generation Editat de Jonathan Kaplan et al. 4 aug 2015 Hardback Preț: 546.79 lei 594.33 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Adam, Eve, and the Devil: A New Beginning, Second Enlarged Edition Autor Marjo C. a. Korpel et al. 19 aug 2015 Paperback Preț: 199.25 lei 6-8 săpt. The Book of Job Autor John Gray iun 2015 Paperback Preț: 223.03 lei 6-8 săpt. Religion and Violence: The Biblical Heritage Editat de David A. Bernat et al. iun 2015 Paperback Preț: 143.39 lei 6-8 săpt. The Ancient Near East in the Nineteenth Century: Appreciations and Appropriations. II. Collecting, Constructing, and Curating Autor Kevin M. McGeough 17 mai 2015 Hardback Preț: 552.11 lei 600.12 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Borges and the Bible Editat de Richard Walsh et al. 17 mai 2015 Hardback Preț: 434.97 lei 472.79 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Sin, Impurity, Sacrifice, Atonement: The Priestly Conceptions Autor Jay Sklar 27 mai 2015 Paperback Preț: 146.48 lei 6-8 săpt. Trauma Begets Genealogy: Gender and Memory in Chronicles Autor Ingeborg Lowisch 27 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 542.89 lei 590.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Interpreting the Text: Essays on the Old Testament, Its Reception and Its Study, Edited by Walter J. Houston and Adrian H.W. Curtis Autor Roger Tomes 22 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 549.09 lei 596.83 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% Text, Time, and Temple: Literary, Historical and Ritual Studies in Leviticus Editat de Francis Landy et al. 23 mar 2015 Hardback Preț: 514.33 lei 559.05 lei 6-8 săpt. -8% 1234
The Letter to the Romans Readings: A New Biblical Commentary (Sep.TTL. Per Vol.) Autor Stanley E Porter 4 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 197.06 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics Autor Hector Avalos 8 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 553.51 lei 601.64 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt Autor Richard Carrier 2 iun 2014 Paperback Preț: 248.20 lei 6-8 săpt.
1 Samuel: A Narrative Commentary Hebrew Bible Monographs Autor Keith Bodner 30 sep 2009 Paperback Preț: 197.76 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Older Testament: The Survival of Themes from the Ancient Royal Cult in Sectarian Judaism and Early Christianity Autor Margaret Barker 30 iun 2005 Paperback Preț: 261.78 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Son of Man in the Gospel of John New Testament Monographs Autor J. Harold Ellens 30 apr 2010 Hardback Preț: 485.38 lei 527.59 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Text and Community, Vol 2: Essays in Memory of Bruce M. Metzger New Testament Monographs, nr. 19 Editat de J. Harold Ellens 30 sep 2007 Hardback Preț: 543.44 lei 590.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Text and Community, Vol. 1: Essays in Memory of Bruce M. Metzger New Testament Monographs, nr. 19 Editat de J. Harold Ellens 31 dec 2006 Hardback Preț: 546.60 lei 594.13 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
1 & 2 Kings Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 103 Autor Martin O'Kane 11 mar 2024 Hardback Preț: 558.81 lei 607.40 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised. III. Zayin-Teth. Autor David Ja Clines et al. 13 noi 2023 Hardback Preț: 1405.14 lei 1544.11 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
The Spirit of Prophecy and Reconciliation Bible in the Modern World Autor Chris E. W. Green et al. 21 noi 2023 Hardback Preț: 460.88 lei 500.96 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Effective Stories Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 106 Autor Megan Warner 14 iul 2023 Hardback Preț: 511.68 lei 556.16 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Global Perspectives on Bible and Violence Bible in the Modern World, nr. 82 Autor Michael Spalione et al. 4 mai 2023 Hardback Preț: 557.56 lei 606.04 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Play the Man! Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 3 Autor David J A Clines 20 apr 2023 Hardback Preț: 515.74 lei 560.58 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
When Seeing is Reading Autor Yaffa Englard 18 oct 2022 Hardback Preț: 544.28 lei 591.61 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Spirit and Story New Testament Monographs, nr. 41 Editat de Blaine Charette et al. 4 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 514.83 lei 559.60 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Bible and Money Bible in the Modern World, nr. 76 Editat de Hallvard Hagelia et al. 25 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 566.74 lei 616.01 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Reading the Magnificat in Australia Autor Anne F Elvey 3 noi 2020 Hardback Preț: 518.19 lei 563.24 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Edict of Cyrus and Notions of Restoration in Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles Autor Andrew M Gilhooley 7 oct 2020 Hardback Preț: 407.53 lei 6-8 săpt.
Performing Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible Autor Milena Kirova 28 oct 2020 Hardback Preț: 486.28 lei 528.56 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Like the Stars Forever Hebrew Bible Monographs, nr. 90 Autor Tim Meadowcroft 23 oct 2020 Hardback Preț: 483.63 lei 525.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
A Star from Jacob, a Sceptre from Israel 25 sep 2020 Hardback Preț: 557.87 lei 606.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Bible on Violence Editat de Helen Paynter et al. 3 iul 2020 Hardback Preț: 562.47 lei 611.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Samson and Delilah Autor J. Cheryl Exum 24 iul 2020 Hardback Preț: 556.31 lei 604.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Writing and Reading to Survive Autor L. Juliana M. Claassens 29 iul 2020 Hardback Preț: 408.00 lei 6-8 săpt.
An Encomium for Jesus NTM, nr. 40 Autor Jerome H. Neyrey 21 mai 2020 Hardback Preț: 410.29 lei 6-8 săpt.
Echoes of Lament in the Christology of Luke's Gospel NTM, nr. 39 Autor Channing L Crisler 2 apr 2020 Hardback Preț: 557.81 lei 606.32 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Toward a Canon-Conscious Reading of the Bible NTM, nr. 34 Autor Ched Spellman et al. 17 mar 2020 Paperback Preț: 191.67 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised. II. Beth-Waw Autor David J. A. Clines noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 1424.94 lei 1565.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
The Subversive Chronicler HBM, nr. 83 Autor Buyoung Son 3 noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 433.02 lei 470.67 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Divine Election in the Hebrew Bible HBM, nr. 84 Autor Hallvard Hagelia 3 noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 461.98 lei 502.15 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Multifaceted Saviour of Psalms 110 and 118 HBM, nr. 86 Autor Ian J Vaillancourt 3 noi 2019 Hardback Preț: 440.78 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Song of Songs Afresh HBM Editat de Gavin Fernandes et al. 15 oct 2019 Hardback Preț: 437.12 lei 475.13 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Reality of Religious Violence BMW, nr. 72 Autor Hector Avalos 29 sep 2019 Hardback Preț: 569.23 lei 618.72 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
God and Humans in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond Editat de David Willgren 10 sep 2019 Hardback Preț: 520.14 lei 565.37 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Hebrew Masculinities Anew HBM, nr. 79 Editat de Ovidiu Creanga 14 iun 2019 Hardback Preț: 545.73 lei 593.19 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The First Christian Believer NTM, nr. 38 Autor Rivka Nir 14 mai 2019 Hardback Preț: 519.09 lei 564.23 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. I. Aleph. Revised Edition Autor David J. A. Clines 9 iul 2018 Hardback Preț: 1415.13 lei 1555.08 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect Editat de Susanne Scholz 26 oct 2017 Paperback Preț: 194.34 lei 6-8 săpt.
Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. III Editat de Susanne Scholz 26 oct 2017 Paperback Preț: 200.32 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Decalogue and its Cultural Influence Editat de Dominik Markl 26 oct 2017 Paperback Preț: 247.42 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Letter to the Romans Earth Bible Commentary, nr. 7 Autor Sigve K. Tonstad 17 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 200.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Habitat, Human, and Holy The Earth Bible Commentary, nr. 6 Autor Elaine M. Wainwright 20 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 160.80 lei 6-8 săpt.
Abject Bodies in the Gospel of Mark Autor Manuel Villalobos Mendoza 18 sep 2017 Paperback Preț: 182.88 lei 6-8 săpt.
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 11 (2015) Editat de Stanley E. Porter et al. 10 aug 2016 Hardback Preț: 775.62 lei 852.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, I (Student Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 295.24 lei 6-8 săpt.
Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, 2 (Student Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 292.99 lei 6-8 săpt.
Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, I (Instructor Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 295.24 lei 6-8 săpt.
Learning Biblical Hebrew Interactively, 2 (Instructor Edition, Revised) Autor Paul Overland 5 iul 2016 Paperback Preț: 292.99 lei 6-8 săpt.
Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. III. Methods Editat de Susanne Scholz 30 iun 2016 Hardback Preț: 551.01 lei 598.92 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, Volume 9 Editat de David J. A. Clines 4 mai 2016 Hardback Preț: 1785.24 lei 1961.81 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
Megilloth Studies Editat de Brad Embry 16 feb 2016 Hardback Preț: 537.39 lei 584.12 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Biblical Reception 3 (2014) Editat de David J. A. Clines et al. 19 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 728.51 lei 800.56 lei 6-8 săpt. -9%
Visions of Life in Biblical Times Editat de Chaim Cohen et al. 21 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 544.28 lei 591.61 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Bible Retold by Jewish Artists, Writers, Composers and Filmmakers Editat de Helen Leneman et al. 19 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 544.85 lei 592.22 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
The Female Ruse Autor Rachel E. Adelman 12 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 542.69 lei 589.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Simulatingaichele: Essays in Bible, Film, Culture and Theory Editat de Melissa C. Stewart 20 oct 2015 Hardback Preț: 488.24 lei 530.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Teaching the Bible in the Liberal Arts Classroom, Volume 2 Editat de Glenn S. Holland et al. 20 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 192.60 lei 6-8 săpt.
Biblical Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism Autor Jack R. Lundbom 7 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 196.30 lei 6-8 săpt.
The World of the Child in the Hebrew Bible Autor Naomi Steinberg 6 oct 2015 Paperback Preț: 158.35 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Integrity of 2 Corinthians and Paul's Aggravating Absence Autor Christopher D. Land 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 544.99 lei 592.38 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Authority and Violence in the Gideon and Abimelech Narratives Autor Linda A. Dietch 20 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 488.24 lei 530.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Sexuality, Ideology and the Bible Editat de Caroline Blyth et al. 22 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 538.83 lei 585.68 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Voices of the Wilderness: An Ecological Reading of the Book of Numbers Autor Anthony Rees 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 426.67 lei 463.76 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Solomon the Lover and the Shape of the Song of Songs Autor Martin Ravndal Hauge 9 sep 2015 Hardback Preț: 429.86 lei 467.24 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
'For She Has Heard': The Standing Stone in Joshua 24 and the Development of a Covenant Symbol Autor Elizabeth Berne Degear 19 aug 2015 Hardback Preț: 432.67 lei 470.30 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Imagination, Ideology and Inspiration: Echoes of Brueggemann in a New Generation Editat de Jonathan Kaplan et al. 4 aug 2015 Hardback Preț: 546.79 lei 594.33 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Adam, Eve, and the Devil: A New Beginning, Second Enlarged Edition Autor Marjo C. a. Korpel et al. 19 aug 2015 Paperback Preț: 199.25 lei 6-8 săpt.
Religion and Violence: The Biblical Heritage Editat de David A. Bernat et al. iun 2015 Paperback Preț: 143.39 lei 6-8 săpt.
The Ancient Near East in the Nineteenth Century: Appreciations and Appropriations. II. Collecting, Constructing, and Curating Autor Kevin M. McGeough 17 mai 2015 Hardback Preț: 552.11 lei 600.12 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Borges and the Bible Editat de Richard Walsh et al. 17 mai 2015 Hardback Preț: 434.97 lei 472.79 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Sin, Impurity, Sacrifice, Atonement: The Priestly Conceptions Autor Jay Sklar 27 mai 2015 Paperback Preț: 146.48 lei 6-8 săpt.
Trauma Begets Genealogy: Gender and Memory in Chronicles Autor Ingeborg Lowisch 27 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 542.89 lei 590.10 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Interpreting the Text: Essays on the Old Testament, Its Reception and Its Study, Edited by Walter J. Houston and Adrian H.W. Curtis Autor Roger Tomes 22 apr 2015 Hardback Preț: 549.09 lei 596.83 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%
Text, Time, and Temple: Literary, Historical and Ritual Studies in Leviticus Editat de Francis Landy et al. 23 mar 2015 Hardback Preț: 514.33 lei 559.05 lei 6-8 săpt. -8%