Staging Philanthropy: Patriotic Women and the National Imagination in Dynastic Germany, 1813-1916 Social History, Popular Culture, And Politics In Germany Autor Jean Helen Quataert 2 apr 2001 Hardback Preț: 567.81 lei 701.00 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Services in the International Economy Studies In International Economics Editat de Robert Mitchell Stern 12 apr 2001 Hardback Preț: 568.84 lei 738.75 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
The Construction of Minorities: Cases for Comparison Across Time and Around the World The Comparative Studies In Society And History Book Series Editat de Andre Burguiere et al. 5 mar 2001 Paperback Preț: 252.91 lei Indisponibil temporar
On the Search for Well-Being Autor Henry J. Bruton 4 mar 2001 Paperback Preț: 228.08 lei Indisponibil temporar
Constructing Nationhood in Modern East Asia Editat de Kai-wing Chow et al. 4 mar 2001 Hardback Preț: 573.55 lei 699.46 lei Indisponibil temporar -18%
More Mastery: Vocabulary for Academic Reading Vocabulary Mastery Series Autor Linda Diane Wells et al. 19 feb 2001 Paperback Preț: 153.10 lei Indisponibil temporar
Pushing the Envelope: The American Aircraft Industry Autor Donald M. Pattillo 9 feb 2001 Paperback Preț: 309.51 lei Indisponibil temporar
In the Land of Mirrors: Cuban Exile Politics in the United States Autor Maria de Los Angeles Torres 20 feb 2001 Paperback Preț: 203.66 lei Indisponibil temporar
Class, Critics, and Shakespeare: Bottom Lines on the Culture Wars Autor Sharon Kay O'Dair 26 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 170.82 lei Indisponibil temporar
Lessons from East Asia Studies In International Economics Editat de Danny M Leipziger 9 ian 2001 Paperback Preț: 341.83 lei Indisponibil temporar
Analogical Thinking: Post-Enlightenment Understanding in Language, Collaboration, and Interpretation Autor Ronald Schleifer 30 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 410.22 lei 471.52 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%
Every Breath You Take: Stalking Narratives and the Law Autor Orit Kamir 31 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 527.54 lei 664.30 lei Indisponibil temporar -21%
The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause Economics, Cognition, And Society Autor Julian Lincoln Simon et al. 8 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 475.65 lei 617.73 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Capital Flows, Capital Controls, and Currency Crises: Latin America in the 1990s Development And Inequality In The Market Economy Editat de Felipe Larrain B. 8 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 567.19 lei 736.61 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Bishops, Councils, and Consensus in the Visigothic Kingdom, 589-633 History, Languages, And Cultures Of The Spanish And Portuguese Worlds Autor Rachel L. Stocking 8 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 493.69 lei 627.92 lei Indisponibil temporar -21%
Reading Relationally: Postmodern Perspectives on Literature and Art Autor Laurie Dale Edson 28 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 479.17 lei 591.56 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
How to Enter China: Choices and Lessons Autor Yadong Luo 31 ian 2001 Hardback Preț: 566.90 lei 736.23 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Pan Chao: Foremost Woman Scholar of China Michigan Classics In Chinese Studies, nr. 5 Autor Dennis Swann et al. 2001 Paperback Preț: 139.05 lei Indisponibil temporar
A Novel Approach: Field of Dreams: A Teacher Resource Book Autor Elisabeth Gareis et al. 19 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 204.30 lei Indisponibil temporar
Ring of Seasons: Iceland--Its Culture and History Autor Terry G. Lacy 26 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 197.30 lei Indisponibil temporar
The Color of Representation: Congressional Behavior and Black Interests Autor Kenny J. Whitby 20 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 203.47 lei Indisponibil temporar
Demanding Choices: Opinion, Voting, and Direct Democracy Autor Shaun Bowler et al. 21 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 203.10 lei Indisponibil temporar
Positive Political Theory I: Collective Preference Michigan Studies In Political Analysis Autor David Austen-Smith et al. 27 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 203.66 lei Indisponibil temporar
Creative Politics: Taxes and Public Goods in a Federal System Autor Glenn Douglas Beamer 21 dec 2000 Paperback Preț: 178.79 lei Indisponibil temporar
Globalizations and Social Movements: Culture, Power, and the Transnational Public Sphere Editat de John Guidry et al. 22 dec 2000 Hardback Preț: 623.01 lei 809.10 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
How to be Human*: *Though an Economist Autor Deirdre Nansen McCloskey 4 dec 2000 Hardback Preț: 463.61 lei 532.88 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%
The Middle East Remembered: Forged Identities, Competing Narratives, Contested Spaces Autor Jacob Lassner 11 dec 2000 Hardback Preț: 566.22 lei 735.36 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Beyond Complementary Medicine: Legal and Ethical Perspectives on Health Care and Human Evolution Autor Michael Howard Cohen 21 dec 2000 Hardback Preț: 557.89 lei 595.62 lei Indisponibil temporar -6%
Economics of Forestry and Rural Development: An Empirical Introduction from Asia Editat de William F. Hyde et al. 6 dec 2000 Hardback Preț: 567.07 lei 736.46 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Truth to Tell: German Women's Autobiographies and Turn-of-the-Century Culture Social History, Popular Culture, And Politics In Germany Autor Katharina Gerstenberger 25 dec 2000 Hardback Preț: 409.56 lei 470.77 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%
Is It Time to Reform Social Security? Autor Edward Martin Gramlich 2 noi 2000 Paperback Preț: 153.56 lei Indisponibil temporar
Polycentric Games and Institutions: Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis Institutional Analysis Editat de Michael Dean McGinnis 3 noi 2000 Paperback Preț: 264.22 lei Indisponibil temporar
Economic Organizations and Social Systems Autor Robert A. Solo 13 noi 2000 Paperback Preț: 340.41 lei 391.27 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%
Is Social Security Broke?: A Cartoon Guide to the Issues Autor Barbara R. Bergmann et al. 9 oct 2000 Paperback Preț: 130.41 lei Indisponibil temporar
Law in the Domains of Culture The Amherst Series In Law, Jurisprudence, And Social Thought Editat de Austin Sarat et al. 7 noi 2000 Paperback Preț: 204.29 lei Indisponibil temporar
Canon, Period, and the Poetry of Charles of Orleans: Found in Translation Autor Anne E. B. Coldiron 2 noi 2000 Hardback Preț: 526.60 lei 663.73 lei Indisponibil temporar -21%
Institutions and Investments: Foreign Direct Investment in China during an Era of Reforms Studies In International Economics Autor Jun Fu 6 noi 2000 Hardback Preț: 560.98 lei 667.83 lei Indisponibil temporar -16%
The Huron River: Voices from the Watershed Editat de John R. Knott et al. 18 oct 2000 Hardback Preț: 413.23 lei 451.83 lei Indisponibil temporar -9%
Merrill, Cavafy, Poems, and Dreams Poets On Poetry Autor Rachel Hadas 5 sep 2000 Hardback Preț: 442.69 lei 553.74 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Campaign Reform: Insights and Evidence Editat de Larry M. Bartels et al. 5 sep 2000 Hardback Preț: 589.27 lei 771.56 lei Indisponibil temporar -24%
Public Health in the Market: Facing Managed Care, Lean Government, and Health Disparities Autor Nancy Milio 4 sep 2000 Hardback Preț: 631.23 lei 664.45 lei Indisponibil temporar -5%
Continuity and Change on the United States Courts of Appeals Autor Donald Songer et al. 5 sep 2000 Hardback Preț: 492.49 lei 627.21 lei Indisponibil temporar -21%
Unfettered Expression: Freedom in American Intellectual Life Editat de Peggie J. Hollingsworth 24 sep 2000 Hardback Preț: 378.21 lei 448.12 lei Indisponibil temporar -16%
Handbook of War Studies II Editat de Manus I. Midlarsky 7 aug 2000 Paperback Preț: 301.55 lei Indisponibil temporar
Being Useful: Policy Relevance and International Relations Theory Editat de Miroslav Nincic et al. 22 aug 2000 Paperback Preț: 261.58 lei Indisponibil temporar
Kuria Cattle Raiders: Violence and Vigilantism on the Tanzania/Kenya Frontier Autor Michael L. Fleisher 3 aug 2000 Paperback Preț: 202.81 lei Indisponibil temporar
Television Violence and Public Policy Editat de James T. Hamilton 15 aug 2000 Paperback Preț: 261.72 lei Indisponibil temporar
Presidential-Congressional Relations: Policy and Time Approaches Autor Steven A. Shull 15 aug 2000 Paperback Preț: 194.65 lei Indisponibil temporar
Congress on Display, Congress at Work Editat de William Bianco 2 aug 2000 Paperback Preț: 244.62 lei Indisponibil temporar
Thomas Heywood's Art of Love: The First Complete English Translation of Ovid's Ars Amatoria Autor Michael L. Stapleton 7 aug 2000 Hardback Preț: 508.27 lei 627.50 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Politics, Markets, and Grand Strategy: Foreign Economic Policies as Strategic Instruments Autor Lars S. Skalnes 31 iul 2000 Hardback Preț: 463.10 lei 532.30 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%
The Federal Future of Europe: From the European Community to the European Union Autor Dusan Sidjanski 20 aug 2000 Hardback Preț: 568.69 lei 738.56 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Foreign Policy and Congress: An International Relations Perspective Autor Marie T. Henehan 23 aug 2000 Hardback Preț: 526.51 lei 663.68 lei Indisponibil temporar -21%
From Revolution to War: State Relations in a World of Change Autor Patrick J. Conge 11 iul 2000 Paperback Preț: 203.14 lei Indisponibil temporar
Food Rules: Hunting, Sharing, and Tabooing Game in Papua New Guinea Autor Harriet Whitehead 12 iul 2000 Hardback Preț: 560.42 lei 700.43 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Public Spheres, Public Mores, and Democracy: Hamburg and Stockholm, 1870-1914 Social History, Popular Culture, And Politics In Germany Autor Madeleine Montague Hurd 12 iul 2000 Hardback Preț: 533.91 lei 693.40 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
The Limits of Coexistence: Identity Politics in Israel Autor Rebecca L. Torstrick 17 iul 2000 Hardback Preț: 538.36 lei 664.64 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
An Utterly Dark Spot: Gaze and Body in Early Modern Philosophy The Body, In Theory: Histories Of Cultural Materialism Autor Miran Bozovic et al. 11 iul 2000 Hardback Preț: 449.04 lei 554.37 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Bargaining and Learning in Recurring Crises: The Soviet-American, Egyptian-Israeli, and Indo-Pakistani Rivalries Autor Russell J. Leng 15 iun 2000 Hardback Preț: 589.91 lei 771.93 lei Indisponibil temporar -24%
Measuring Mamma's Milk: Fascism and the Medicalization of Maternity in Italy Autor Elizabeth Dixon Whitaker 8 iun 2000 Hardback Preț: 567.54 lei 700.67 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Democracy and Institutions: The Life Work of Arend Lijphart Editat de Markus M. L. Crepaz et al. 15 iun 2000 Hardback Preț: 527.63 lei 664.35 lei Indisponibil temporar -21%
Strangers to the Law: Gay People on Trial Law, Meaning, And Violence Autor Lisa Melinda Keen et al. 23 mai 2000 Paperback Preț: 204.29 lei Indisponibil temporar
Recharting the Caribbean: Land, Law, and Citizenship in the British Virgin Islands Autor Bill (William) M. Maurer 18 mai 2000 Paperback Preț: 244.86 lei Indisponibil temporar
Coping With Poverty: The Social Contexts of Neighborhood, Work, and Family in the African-American Community Editat de Sheldon Danziger et al. mai 2000 Paperback Preț: 306.54 lei Indisponibil temporar
Sex, Race, and Merit: Debating Affirmative Action in Education and Employment Editat de Faye J. Crosby et al. 2 mai 2000 Hardback Preț: 564.98 lei 664.68 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
The Social Politics of Medieval Diplomacy: Anglo-German Relations (1066-1307) Autor Joseph Patrick Huffman 16 mai 2000 Hardback Preț: 567.66 lei 700.81 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
The Pillars of Economic Understanding: Factors and Markets Autor Mark Perlman et al. 15 mai 2000 Hardback Preț: 595.13 lei 772.89 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
A Civil Economy: Transforming the Marketplace in the Twenty-First Century Evolving Values For A Capitalist World Autor Severyn T. Bruyn 20 apr 2000 Paperback Preț: 237.81 lei Indisponibil temporar
Points of Contact: Disability, Art, and Culture Corporealities: Discourses Of Disability Editat de Susan Crutchfield et al. 17 apr 2000 Paperback Preț: 212.88 lei Indisponibil temporar
Brokers and Bureaucrats: Building Market Institutions in Russia Autor Timothy M. Frye 20 apr 2000 Paperback Preț: 282.92 lei Indisponibil temporar
The Writing Life: The Hopwood Lectures, Fifth Series Autor Nicholas Delbanco 7 apr 2000 Paperback Preț: 138.42 lei Indisponibil temporar
Altering States: Ethnographies of Transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union Editat de Daphne Berdahl et al. 30 apr 2000 Paperback Preț: 244.14 lei Indisponibil temporar
Competitiveness Matters: Industry and Economic Performance in the U.S. Editat de Candace Howes et al. 5 apr 2000 Hardback Preț: 558.34 lei 699.18 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Unbroken Ties: The State, Interest Associations, and Corporatism in Post-Soviet Ukraine Autor Paul James Kubicek 11 apr 2000 Hardback Preț: 509.51 lei 629.02 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Mental Health Care Administration: A Guide for Practitioners Editat de Paul Rodenhauser MD 5 apr 2000 Hardback Preț: 665.31 lei 700.33 lei Indisponibil temporar -5%
Catching Up with the Competition: Trade Opportunities and Challenges for Arab Countries Studies In International Economics Editat de Bernard M. Hoekman et al. 13 apr 2000 Hardback Preț: 566.81 lei 736.12 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Term Limits in State Legislatures Autor John M. Carey et al. 28 mar 2000 Paperback Preț: 195.09 lei Indisponibil temporar
Journeys through American Literature Autor Myra Ann Shulman 15 mar 2000 Paperback Preț: 189.30 lei 202.11 lei Indisponibil temporar -6%
Blue Notes: Essays, Interviews, and Commentaries Poets On Poetry Autor Yusef Komunyakaa et al. 7 mar 2000 Hardback Preț: 473.89 lei 625.63 lei Indisponibil temporar -24%
A University for the 21st Century Autor James J. Duderstadt 7 mar 2000 Hardback Preț: 481.72 lei 594.72 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Regulatory Barriers and the Principle of Non-discrimination in World Trade Law: Past, Present, and Future Studies In International Economics Editat de Thomas Cottier et al. 7 mar 2000 Hardback Preț: 568.14 lei 737.85 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
The Perfect Murder: A Study in Detection Autor David Lehman 29 feb 2000 Paperback Preț: 196.29 lei Indisponibil temporar
Whispered Consolations: Law and Narrative in African American Life Law, Meaning, And Violence Autor Jon-Christian Suggs 15 feb 2000 Hardback Preț: 567.87 lei 737.50 lei Indisponibil temporar -23%
Encompassing Others Autor Edward Lipuma 27 feb 2000 Hardback Preț: 470.98 lei 554.09 lei Indisponibil temporar -15%
"Defects": Engendering the Modern Body Corporealities: Discourses Of Disability Editat de Helen Elizabeth Deutsch et al. 4 ian 2000 Paperback Preț: 236.90 lei Indisponibil temporar
Virtual Gender: Fantasies of Subjectivity and Embodiment Autor Mary Ann O'Farrell et al. 26 dec 1999 Paperback Preț: 212.39 lei Indisponibil temporar
Gender Matters: Rereading Michelle Z. Rosaldo Editat de Alejandro Lugo et al. 4 ian 2000 Paperback Preț: 228.62 lei Indisponibil temporar
Anarchy, Order and Integration: How to Manage Interdependence Autor Harvey Starr 25 ian 2000 Paperback Preț: 202.19 lei Indisponibil temporar
Poetry at One Remove: Essays Poets On Poetry Autor John Koethe 18 ian 2000 Hardback Preț: 472.32 lei 588.92 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Brian Friel in Conversation Theater: Theory/Text/Performance Editat de Paul Delaney 11 ian 2000 Hardback Preț: 509.47 lei 628.97 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Democratizing Communist Militaries: The Cases of the Czech and Russian Armed Forces Autor Marybeth Peterson Ulrich 21 ian 2000 Hardback Preț: 561.05 lei 700.81 lei Indisponibil temporar -20%
Dear Munificent Friends: Henry James's Letters to Four Women Editat de Susan E. Gunter 12 ian 2000 Hardback Preț: 451.71 lei 557.67 lei Indisponibil temporar -19%
Chen Jiongming and the Federalist Movement: Regional Leadership and Nation Building in Early Republican China Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies, nr. 86 Autor Leslie Chen 2000 Hardback Preț: 417.36 lei 479.73 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%
Radicalism and Its Demise: The Chinese Nationalist Party, Factionalism, and Local Elites in Jiangsu Province, 1924–1931 Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies, nr. 90 Autor Bradley Geisert 31 dec 1999 Hardback Preț: 351.61 lei 404.16 lei Indisponibil temporar -13%