The Electrified Mind
2 mai 2013
Preț: 400.69 lei
6-8 săpt.

The People of the Eye: Deaf Ethnicity and Ancestry
Autor Harlan Lane et al.
20 ian 2011
Preț: 456.39 lei 628.49 lei
32-37 zile

Special Needs Families in the Military
Autor Janelle B. Moore et al.
15 ian 2011
Preț: 450.28 lei
6-8 săpt.

Storying Later Life: Issues, Investigations, and Interventions in Narrative Gerontology
Editat de Gary Kenyon et al.
13 ian 2011
Preț: 436.00 lei 630.65 lei
32-37 zile

Handling Children's Aggression Constructively
Autor Henri Parens
5 ian 2011
Preț: 765.94 lei 1049.24 lei
6-8 săpt.

Nature and Nurture in Early Child Development
Editat de Daniel P. Keating
26 aug 2012
Preț: 324.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Educated Brain: Essays in Neuroeducation
Editat de Antonio M. Battro et al.
15 dec 2010
Preț: 324.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Cultural Psychology of Music Education
Editat de Margaret S. Barrett
2 dec 2010
Preț: 431.35 lei 628.01 lei
32-37 zile

Silence is Not Golden: Strategies for Helping the Shy Child
Autor Christopher A. Kearney
25 noi 2010
Preț: 167.40 lei 230.78 lei
32-37 zile

Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development
Editat de Sam Goldstein et al.
22 noi 2010
Preț: 2767.26 lei 3641.14 lei
39-44 zile

Editat de Trevor A. Harley
11 noi 2010
Preț: 7452.33 lei 8665.50 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Wounds That Heal
Autor Judith A. Schwartz et al.
23 sep 2010
Preț: 394.99 lei
6-8 săpt.

Generationenbeziehungen in Stieffamilien: Der Einfluss leiblicher und sozialer Elternschaft auf die Ausgestaltung von Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen im Erwachsenenalter
Autor Anja Steinbach
27 aug 2010
Preț: 452.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

Childhood Programs and Practices in the First Decade of Life: A Human Capital Integration
Editat de Arthur J. Reynolds et al.
22 aug 2010
Preț: 337.04 lei
6-8 săpt.

Wiley–Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development 2e
Autor U Goswami
31 oct 2013
Preț: 411.13 lei
6-8 săpt.

Lifespan Development and the Brain: The Perspective of Biocultural Co-Constructivism
Editat de Paul B. Baltes et al.
15 aug 2010
Preț: 380.49 lei
6-8 săpt.

Development of Geocentric Spatial Language and Cognition: An Eco-cultural Perspective
Autor Pierre R. Dasen et al.
2 ian 2013
Preț: 323.05 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Long Shadow of Sexual Abuse
Autor Calvin A. Colarusso
5 aug 2010
Preț: 666.57 lei 865.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications
Autor William Crain
25 apr 2024
Preț: 1343.56 lei 1638.48 lei
6-8 săpt.

101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques, Volume 3
Autor Heidi Kaduson et al.
8 iul 2010
Preț: 480.07 lei 623.47 lei
6-8 săpt.

Interpersonal Trust during Childhood and Adolescence
Editat de Ken J. Rotenberg
28 noi 2012
Preț: 313.34 lei
6-8 săpt.

WAIS-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives
Editat de Lawrence G. Weiss et al.
21 iun 2010
Preț: 311.82 lei 397.48 lei
5-7 săpt. | 6-12 zile

Personality, Human Development, and Culture: International Perspectives On Psychological Science (Volume 2)
Editat de Ralf Schwarzer et al.
28 aug 2012
Preț: 338.81 lei 402.11 lei
6-8 săpt.

Attachment Parenting
16 iun 2010
Preț: 760.07 lei 1041.19 lei
6-8 săpt.

Towards a Unified Theory of Mind
Autor Ph. D. Lawrence Dugan
7 iun 2010
Preț: 63.44 lei
39-44 zile

Primary Love
Autor Randall S. Klein
4 iun 2010
Preț: 375.40 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Hidden History of Head Start
Autor Edward Zigler et al.
3 iun 2010
Preț: 368.61 lei 504.88 lei
32-37 zile

Attachment: Expanding the Cultural Connections
Editat de Phyllis Erdman et al.
23 apr 2015
Preț: 364.63 lei
3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile

Social Change and Human Development: Concept and Results
Editat de Rainer K. Silbereisen et al.
27 apr 2010
Preț: 682.58 lei 922.41 lei
6-8 săpt.

Magic and the Mind: Mechanisms, Functions, and Development of Magical Thinking and Behavior
Autor Eugene Subbotsky
15 apr 2010
Preț: 348.20 lei 448.72 lei
32-37 zile

Formative Experiences: The Interaction of Caregiving, Culture, and Developmental Psychobiology
Editat de Carol M. Worthman PhD et al.
11 dec 2013
Preț: 419.61 lei
6-8 săpt.

Learning to Talk
Autor John McShane
17 mar 2010
Preț: 278.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

Increasing Awareness of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
16 mar 2010
Preț: 470.14 lei
6-8 săpt.

Marvelous Minds: The discovery of what children know
Autor Michael Siegal
3 feb 2010
Preț: 171.41 lei
42-48 zile

Knowing and Remembering in Young Children
Editat de Robyn Fivush et al.
13 ian 2010
Preț: 322.89 lei
6-8 săpt.

Handbook of Stressful Transitions Across the Lifespan
Editat de Thomas W. Miller
16 dec 2009
Preț: 2118.51 lei 2583.56 lei
6-8 săpt.

New Interventions for Children and Youth: Action-Research Approaches
Autor Robert Norman Rapoport
9 dec 2009
Preț: 286.30 lei
6-8 săpt.

Culture and Psychological Development
Editat de Dabie Nabuzoka et al.
8 dec 2009
Preț: 297.06 lei
39-44 zile

Narrative Development in Adolescence: Creating the Storied Self
Editat de Kate C. McLean et al.
dec 2009
Preț: 645.47 lei 759.37 lei
6-8 săpt.

Bullying Prevention in Schools: The Adventures of Big Ollie
Autor Jim Jelinske
30 noi 2009
Preț: 307.21 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Forgotten Kin: Aunts and Uncles
Autor Robert M. Milardo PhD
iul 2015
Preț: 284.17 lei
6-8 săpt.

Nutritional and Herbal Therapies for Children and Adolescents: A Handbook for Mental Health Clinicians
Autor George M. Kapalka
19 noi 2009
Preț: 534.12 lei 693.66 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Clinician's Guide to Normal Cognitive Development in Childhood
Editat de Elisabeth Hollister Sandberg et al.
23 apr 2015
Preț: 438.65 lei
6-8 săpt.

Advances in Child Development and Behavior
Editat de Patricia J. Bauer
10 sep 2009
Preț: 699.83 lei 958.66 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Origin of Concepts
Autor Susan Carey
25 aug 2011
Preț: 356.16 lei 391.48 lei
32-37 zile

Transitions from School to Work: Globalization, Individualization, and Patterns of Diversity
Editat de Ingrid Schoon et al.
4 mar 2015
Preț: 354.41 lei
6-8 săpt.

Psychology of Ageing
Editat de Patrick Rabbitt
30 iul 2009
Preț: 4526.79 lei 7040.17 lei
6-8 săpt.

Guide to Psychoanalytic Developmental Theories
Autor Joseph Palombo et al.
9 iun 2009
Preț: 1122.10 lei 1368.41 lei
6-8 săpt.

Learning to be a Person in Society
Autor Peter Jarvis
4 iun 2009
Preț: 896.47 lei 1093.26 lei
6-8 săpt.

Transactions at Play
15 mai 2009
Preț: 394.99 lei
6-8 săpt.

Understanding Adolescent Health Behaviour: A Decision Making Perspective
Autor Kanayo Umeh
6 mai 2009
Preț: 333.19 lei
6-8 săpt.

Private Speech, Executive Functioning, and the Development of Verbal Self-Regulation
Editat de Adam Winsler et al.
26 apr 2009
Preț: 742.13 lei 862.94 lei
6-8 săpt.

Early Category and Concept Development: Making Sense of the Blooming, Buzzing Confusion
David Rakison et al.
16 apr 2009
Preț: 285.51 lei 370.05 lei
32-37 zile

Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals: Behavioural, Social and Communicative Dimensions
Editat de Chrystopher L. Nehaniv et al.
8 apr 2009
Preț: 456.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Against Theory of Mind
Editat de I. Leudar et al.
19 mar 2009
Preț: 390.63 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Origins of Object Knowledge
Editat de Bruce M. Hood et al.
18 mar 2009
Preț: 463.49 lei 673.84 lei
32-37 zile

Perspectives on Human Development, Family, and Culture
Editat de Sevda Bekman et al.
15 aug 2012
Preț: 355.60 lei
6-8 săpt.

Applications of Family and Group Theraplay
apr 2015
Preț: 452.49 lei
6-8 săpt.

Biopsychosocial Regulatory Processes in the Development of Childhood Behavioral Problems
Editat de Sheryl L. Olson et al.
18 iul 2012
Preț: 384.63 lei
6-8 săpt.

Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness
Autor Philippe Rochat PhD
8 feb 2009
Preț: 323.56 lei
6-8 săpt.

Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes
Editat de Birgitt Röttger-Rössler et al.
29 oct 2010
Preț: 647.08 lei 761.27 lei
6-8 săpt.

Journal of Early Childhood & Infant Psychology V4
Editat de Barbara Mowder et al.
31 oct 2008
Preț: 249.47 lei
6-8 săpt.

Communicative Musicality: Exploring the basis of human companionship
Editat de Stephen Malloch et al.
11 mar 2010
Preț: 431.01 lei 491.96 lei
32-37 zile

Il Successo Emozionale
Autor Jacek Santorski
25 oct 2008
Preț: 130.08 lei
39-44 zile

The Obvious Child
Autor Roger M. Neustadter
19 oct 2008
Preț: 406.82 lei
6-8 săpt.

Psychologie des Kinderspiels: Von den frühesten Spielen bis zum Computerspiel
Autor Hans Mogel
11 sep 2008
Preț: 424.97 lei
39-44 zile

Raising Kids in the 21st Century: The Science of Psychological Health for Children
Autor Sharon K. Hall
4 sep 2008
Preț: 543.64 lei 590.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

Shift Your Life
Autor David L Cunningham et al.
31 aug 2008
Preț: 63.02 lei
6-8 săpt.

An Intimate Understanding of America's Teenagers: Shaking Hands with Aliens
Autor Bruce J. Gevirtzman
29 aug 2008
Preț: 136.34 lei 156.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

Depression in Latinos: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention
Editat de Sergio A. Aguilar-Gaxiola et al.
24 aug 2008
Preț: 952.09 lei 1161.08 lei
6-8 săpt.

Academic Motivation and the Culture of School in Childhood and Adolescence
Editat de Cynthia Hudley et al.
14 aug 2008
Preț: 351.29 lei 427.20 lei
32-37 zile

Drawing and the Non-Verbal Mind: A Life-Span Perspective
Editat de Chris Lange-Küttner et al.
dec 2010
Preț: 353.65 lei
6-8 săpt.

Play Therapy for Very Young Children
13 aug 2008
Preț: 498.59 lei 647.52 lei
6-8 săpt.

Supervision Can Be Playful
17 aug 2011
Preț: 448.00 lei
6-8 săpt.

Deaf Cognition: Foundations and Outcomes
Editat de Marc Marschark et al.
10 iul 2008
Preț: 492.56 lei 641.74 lei
32-37 zile

Handbook of Cognitive Aging: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Editat de Scott M. Hofer et al.
3 iun 2008
Preț: 796.85 lei 1091.57 lei
6-8 săpt.

Play in Childhood
Autor Margaret Lowenfeld
21 mai 2008
Preț: 320.13 lei
6-8 săpt.

Collaborative Intervention in Early Childhood: Consulting with Parents and Teachers of 3- to 7-Year-Olds
Autor Deborah Hirschland
15 mai 2008
Preț: 333.90 lei 375.17 lei
32-37 zile

Riding the Wave: Workbook
Autor Donna B. Pincus et al.
mai 2008
Preț: 277.50 lei
32-37 zile

Handbook of Evidence-based Treatment Manuals for Children and Adolescents
Autor Craig Winston LeCroy
24 apr 2008
Preț: 588.51 lei 797.24 lei
32-37 zile

Stress, Trauma, and Children's Memory Development: Neurobiological, cognitive, clinical and legal perspectives
Editat de Mark L. Howe et al.
17 apr 2008
Preț: 430.00 lei 589.70 lei
32-37 zile

Mastery of Anxiety and Panic for Adolescents: Therapist Guide: Riding the Wave
Autor Donna B. Pincus et al.
10 apr 2008
Preț: 331.20 lei 370.28 lei
32-37 zile

Handbook of Work-Family Integration: Research, Theory, and Best Practices
Editat de Karen Korabik et al.
30 mar 2008
Preț: 480.48 lei 616.83 lei
5-7 săpt.

Adolescents and Risk: Making Sense of Adolescent Psychology
Autor Patrick B. Johnson et al.
29 mar 2008
Preț: 319.75 lei 391.13 lei
6-8 săpt.

Developmental Psychology: A Course Companion
Autor Carol Brown
26 mar 2008
Preț: 233.36 lei
6-8 săpt.

Coping Power: Workbook: Child Group Program 8-Copy Set
Autor John E. Lochman et al.
mai 2008
Preț: 691.89 lei 870.81 lei
32-37 zile

Handbook of Giftedness in Children: Psychoeducational Theory, Research, and Best Practices
Editat de Steven I. Pfeiffer
5 mar 2008
Preț: 963.15 lei 1174.58 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Everyday Lives of Young Children: Culture, Class, and Child Rearing in Diverse Societies
Autor Jonathan Tudge
22 aug 2010
Preț: 308.60 lei
6-8 săpt.

Understanding Human Development: Biological, Social and Psychological Processes from Conception to Adult Life
Autor Stephanie Thornton
30 ian 2008
Preț: 416.99 lei
39-44 zile

Exploring Developmental Psychology: Understanding Theory and Methods
Autor Margaret Harris
17 ian 2008
Preț: 443.92 lei 522.26 lei
6-8 săpt.

How Children Learn to Learn Language
Autor Lorraine McCune
10 ian 2008
Preț: 396.18 lei 545.27 lei
32-37 zile

Human Development in the Twenty-First Century: Visionary Ideas from Systems Scientists
Editat de Alan Fogel et al.
19 dec 2007
Preț: 444.70 lei 499.65 lei
6-8 săpt.

Cognitive Evolution
Autor Alice D. Travis
18 noi 2007
Preț: 194.97 lei
6-8 săpt.

Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics
Autor Patricia Duff
oct 2007
Preț: 1005.73 lei 1226.51 lei
6-8 săpt.

Developmental Psychophysiology: Theory, Systems, and Methods
Editat de Louis A. Schmidt et al.
16 sep 2007
Preț: 602.29 lei 676.74 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Child's Conception of the World
Autor Jean Piaget
19 mar 2024
Preț: 151.21 lei
3-5 săpt.