Disability and the Environment in American Literature
19 oct 2016
Preț: 605.56 lei 786.44 lei
6-8 săpt.

Sprachliche Strategien der Überzeugung
18 oct 2016
Preț: 866.50 lei 1186.98 lei
6-8 săpt.

Hans Henny Jahnns musikalisches Erzählen in «Fluss ohne Ufer»
Autor Sebastian Otto
18 oct 2016
Preț: 489.59 lei 635.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

'Brave New World': Contexts and Legacies
Editat de Jonathan Greenberg et al.
4 noi 2020
Preț: 727.97 lei 887.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Adolescent Girlhood and Literary Culture at the Fin de Siècle: Daughters of Today
Autor Beth Rodgers
16 iun 2018
Preț: 384.09 lei
6-8 săpt.

Father-Daughter Incest in Twentieth-Century American Literature
Autor Christine Grogan
5 noi 2018
Preț: 395.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism: Continuities, Revisions, Speculations
Editat de Bénédicte Coste et al.
14 oct 2016
Preț: 1055.06 lei 1286.66 lei
6-8 săpt.

Homer's Allusive Art
Autor Bruno Currie
13 oct 2016
Preț: 688.53 lei 987.19 lei
32-37 zile

From Literacy to Literature: England, 1300-1400
Autor Christopher Cannon
13 oct 2016
Preț: 346.50 lei 402.32 lei
32-37 zile

Late Victorian into Modern
Editat de Laura Marcus et al.
13 ian 2020
Preț: 389.55 lei 466.08 lei
11-16 zile

Rethinking Race and Identity in Contemporary British Fiction
Autor Sara Upstone
30 sep 2020
Preț: 339.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Women of Words in Le Morte Darthur: The Autonomy of Speech in Malory’s Female Characters
Autor Siobhán M. Wyatt
16 iun 2018
Preț: 381.59 lei
6-8 săpt.

Conspicuous Silences: Implicature and Fictionality in the Victorian Novel
Autor Ruth Rosaler
12 oct 2016
Preț: 610.11 lei 878.09 lei
32-37 zile

Digital Citizenship in Twenty-First-Century Young Adult Literature: Imaginary Activism
Autor Megan L. Musgrave
15 iun 2018
Preț: 580.36 lei 682.77 lei
6-8 săpt.

Present Tense Narration in Contemporary Fiction: A Narratological Overview
Autor Irmtraud Huber
12 oct 2016
Preț: 415.57 lei
6-8 săpt.

Annie Chartres Vivanti
12 oct 2016
Preț: 684.65 lei 937.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

Homer S Iliad: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Domains
Autor Marina Coray et al.
9 oct 2016
Preț: 1422.98 lei 1848.02 lei
6-8 săpt.

Emigrant Dreams, Immigrant Borders
Autor Raquel Vega-Duran
7 oct 2016
Preț: 753.97 lei 1032.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

Saint Perpetua across the Middle Ages: Mother, Gladiator, Saint
Autor Margaret Cotter-Lynch
7 noi 2020
Preț: 479.47 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Mimiambs of Herodas: Translated into an English ‘Choliambic’ Metre with Literary-Historical Introductions and Notes
Autor Anna Rist
18 apr 2018
Preț: 234.06 lei 303.83 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Gentle, Jealous God: Reading Euripides' Bacchae in English
Autor Simon Perris
18 apr 2018
Preț: 237.75 lei 305.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Good Girl Messages: How Young Women Were Misled by Their Favorite Books
Autor Deborah O'Keefe
5 oct 2016
Preț: 656.39 lei 763.25 lei
6-8 săpt.

Homosexuality and Literature: 1890-1930
Autor Jeffrey Meyers
5 oct 2016
Preț: 656.00 lei 942.85 lei
6-8 săpt.

Passing Judgment: The Politics and Poetics of Sovereignty in French Tragedy from Hardy to Racine
Autor Helene E. Bilis
5 oct 2016
Preț: 465.83 lei 575.10 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Invention of Monolingualism
Autor Dr. David Gramling
5 oct 2016
Preț: 831.03 lei 1065.81 lei
6-8 săpt.

Ezra Pound in the Present: Essays on Pound's Contemporaneity
Editat de Paul Stasi et al.
18 apr 2018
Preț: 237.75 lei
6-8 săpt.

Thomas Hardy: Folklore and Resistance
Autor Jacqueline Dillion
5 oct 2016
Preț: 707.60 lei 832.46 lei
6-8 săpt.

Health and Sickness in the Early American Novel: Social Affection and Eighteenth-Century Medicine
Autor Maureen Tuthill
15 iun 2018
Preț: 384.09 lei
6-8 săpt.

Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper: The 'Morning Post' and the Road to 'Dejection'
Autor Heidi Thomson
22 apr 2018
Preț: 385.08 lei
6-8 săpt.

Transatlantic Literature and Author Love in the Nineteenth Century
Editat de Paul Westover et al.
27 iun 2018
Preț: 642.03 lei 755.33 lei
6-8 săpt.

Commedia all'italiana come specchio di stereotipi veicolati dal dialetto
Autor Anna Grochowska-Reiter
3 oct 2016
Preț: 510.06 lei 662.41 lei
6-8 săpt.

Estrategias de la Novela Historica Contemporanea
Autor Marta E Cichocka
3 oct 2016
Preț: 436.99 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Limits of Politics
Autor Kyle Scott
30 sep 2016
Preț: 601.13 lei 780.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

Third-Generation Holocaust Narratives: Memory in Memoir and Fiction
30 sep 2016
Preț: 681.83 lei 934.01 lei
6-8 săpt.

History of Technology Volume 12
Editat de Dr. Graham Hollister-Short et al.
29 sep 2016
Preț: 908.70 lei
6-8 săpt.

Rethinking Metonymy: Literary Theory and Poetic Practice from Pindar to Jakobson
Autor Sebastian Matzner
29 sep 2016
Preț: 700.58 lei 964.52 lei
32-37 zile

Prudentius and the Landscapes of Late Antiquity
Autor Cillian O'Hogan
29 sep 2016
Preț: 639.48 lei 920.57 lei
32-37 zile

The Amorous Restoration: Love, Sex, and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century France
Autor Andrew J. Counter
29 sep 2016
Preț: 613.66 lei 880.18 lei
32-37 zile

Citizen Steinbeck
Autor Robert P. McParland
29 sep 2016
Preț: 442.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Last Days of Humanism: A Reappraisal of Quevedo's Thought
Autor Alfonso Rey
30 iun 2020
Preț: 259.98 lei 334.03 lei
6-8 săpt.

Spenserian Allegory and Elizabethan Biblical Exegesis
Autor Margaret Christian
28 sep 2016
Preț: 721.29 lei 936.74 lei
6-8 săpt.

Politics and Public Space in Contemporary Argentine Poetry: The Lyric and the State
Autor Ben Bollig
27 iun 2018
Preț: 581.33 lei 683.92 lei
6-8 săpt.

Charlotte Brontë from the Beginnings: New Essays from the Juvenilia to the Major Works
Editat de Judith E. Pike et al.
17 ian 2019
Preț: 416.22 lei
6-8 săpt.

British Boarding Houses in Interwar Women's Literature: Alternative domestic spaces
Autor Terri Mullholland
17 ian 2019
Preț: 416.22 lei
6-8 săpt.

Tragic Failures
Autor Evina Sistakou
25 sep 2016
Preț: 1155.32 lei 1500.41 lei
6-8 săpt.

Counting Bodies: Population in Colonial American Writing
Autor Molly Farrell
31 ian 2019
Preț: 214.83 lei 245.36 lei
32-37 zile | 6-12 zile

Oscar Wilde's Historical Criticism Notebook
Editat de Philip E. Smith II
22 sep 2016
Preț: 685.37 lei 1039.50 lei
32-37 zile

Literary Impressionism: Vision and Memory in Dorothy Richardson, Ford Madox Ford, H.D. and May Sinclair
Autor Dr Rebecca Bowler
21 mar 2018
Preț: 237.75 lei
6-8 săpt.

Leslie Marmon Silko: Ceremony, Almanac of the Dead, Gardens in the Dunes
Editat de David L. Moore
21 sep 2016
Preț: 567.99 lei 726.67 lei
6-8 săpt.

Alice Munro: 'Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage', 'Runaway', 'Dear Life'
Autor Professor Robert Thacker
21 sep 2016
Preț: 568.14 lei 726.78 lei
6-8 săpt.

Nineteenth-Century Radical Traditions
Editat de Joseph Bristow et al.
10 iun 2018
Preț: 580.17 lei 682.55 lei
6-8 săpt.

Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide
3 dec 2018
Preț: 657.83 lei 854.31 lei
6-8 săpt.

Maria in Hymnus Und Sequenz: Interdisziplinare Mediavistische Perspektiven
Editat de Lydia Wegener
19 sep 2016
Preț: 692.42 lei 899.25 lei
6-8 săpt.

Intergenerational Language Use and Acculturation of Turkish Speakers in Four Immigration Contexts
Autor Kutlay Yagmur
18 sep 2016
Preț: 430.07 lei
39-44 zile

El tratamiento teórico-conceptual de las construcciones con verbos funcionales en la tradición lingüística alemana y española
Autor Maria Egido Vicente
18 sep 2016
Preț: 535.85 lei
6-8 săpt.

Die Schriftstellerin Zhang Ailing Und Ihre Studien Und Kommentare Zum Roman Der Traum Der Roten Kammer
Autor Strian, Hangkun
18 sep 2016
Preț: 536.61 lei
6-8 săpt.

Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in Late Medieval Literature and Culture
Autor Virginia Langum
16 sep 2016
Preț: 696.68 lei 819.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

Imagining the Jewish God
16 sep 2016
Preț: 1006.43 lei 1378.67 lei
6-8 săpt.

Ramiro de Maeztu and England – Imaginaries, Realities and Repercussions of a Cultural Encounter
Autor David Jiménez Torres
15 sep 2016
Preț: 644.27 lei 795.40 lei
6-8 săpt.

Verse Libel in Renaissance England and Scotland
Autor Steven W. May et al.
15 sep 2016
Preț: 617.95 lei 882.69 lei
32-37 zile

Penelope Fitzgerald and the Consolation of Fiction
Autor Christopher Knight
12 dec 2019
Preț: 382.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

Queering Agatha Christie: Revisiting the Golden Age of Detective Fiction
Autor J.C Bernthal
22 apr 2018
Preț: 779.71 lei 950.86 lei
6-8 săpt.

Piers Plowman and the Books of Nature
Autor Rebecca Davis
14 sep 2016
Preț: 562.14 lei 807.01 lei
32-37 zile

Writing the Revolution – The Construction of "1968" in Germany
Autor Ingo Cornils
14 sep 2016
Preț: 726.93 lei 944.07 lei
6-8 săpt.

Pascal Quignard
Autor Lea Vuong
27 sep 2018
Preț: 88.94 lei
6-8 săpt.

El testimonio en la pentagonía de Reinaldo Arenas
14 sep 2016
Preț: 755.85 lei 981.62 lei
6-8 săpt.

A Companion to Miguel de Unamuno
Autor Julia Biggane et al.
14 sep 2016
Preț: 675.78 lei 834.30 lei
6-8 săpt.

New Readings of Silvina Ocampo – Beyond Fantasy
Autor Patricia Patricia Klinge et al.
14 sep 2016
Preț: 675.78 lei 834.30 lei
6-8 săpt.

Bilingual Landscape of the Contemporary World
14 sep 2016
Preț: 598.77 lei
6-8 săpt.

En torno a 'haber'
13 sep 2016
Preț: 578.29 lei 751.02 lei
6-8 săpt.

Writing Illness and Identity in Seventeenth-Century Britain
Autor David Thorley
10 iun 2018
Preț: 382.95 lei
6-8 săpt.

Space, Gender, and Memory in Middle English Romance: Architectures of Wonder in Melusine
Autor Jan Shaw
23 mar 2021
Preț: 389.99 lei
39-44 zile

Verkorperungen Von Herrschaft: Zorn Und Macht in Texten Des 12. Jahrhunderts
Autor Evamaria Freienhofer
11 sep 2016
Preț: 728.43 lei 946.01 lei
6-8 săpt.

Sex, Time, and Space in Contemporary Fiction: Exceptional Intercourse
Autor Ben Davies
9 sep 2016
Preț: 386.00 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Collected Poems of Laurence Whyte
9 sep 2016
Preț: 758.17 lei 1038.60 lei
6-8 săpt.

Daniel Defoe and the Representation of Personal Identity
Autor Christopher Borsing
17 ian 2019
Preț: 409.48 lei
6-8 săpt.

Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach
Editat de Anthony Grafton et al.
15 ian 2020
Preț: 327.12 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Literary History of England: Vol 3: The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1789)
Editat de Donald F. Bond et al.
6 sep 2016
Preț: 1000.27 lei 1219.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Nation in Fin-de-siècle Spanish Literature and Culture
Editat de Jennifer Smith et al.
21 mai 2019
Preț: 416.22 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Material Cultures of Enlightenment Arts and Sciences
Autor Adriana Craciun et al.
5 sep 2016
Preț: 592.44 lei 696.99 lei
6-8 săpt.

W. B. Yeats: A Census of the Manuscripts
Autor Conrad A. Balliet et al.
20 feb 2018
Preț: 330.71 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Unappeasable Shadow: Shelley's Influence on Yeats
Autor Adele M. Dalsimer
20 feb 2018
Preț: 350.68 lei
6-8 săpt.

W. B. Yeats: The Tragic Phase: A Study of the Last Poems
Autor Vivienne Koch
20 feb 2018
Preț: 345.89 lei
6-8 săpt.

W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction
Autor Balachandra Rajan
20 feb 2018
Preț: 348.77 lei
6-8 săpt.

W. B. Yeats and T. Sturge Moore: Their Correspondence 1901-1937
Editat de Ursula Bridge
20 feb 2018
Preț: 349.71 lei
6-8 săpt.

Spenser and Virgil
Autor Syrithe Pugh
7 sep 2020
Preț: 285.08 lei
6-8 săpt.

Nabokov and the Question of Morality: Aesthetics, Metaphysics, and the Ethics of Fiction
Editat de Michael Rodgers et al.
21 apr 2018
Preț: 636.45 lei 748.76 lei
6-8 săpt.

Queenship in Medieval France, 1300-1500
Autor Murielle Gaude-Ferragu et al.
23 mar 2021
Preț: 579.52 lei 681.79 lei
6-8 săpt.

Shame and the Aging Woman: Confronting and Resisting Ageism in Contemporary Women's Writings
Autor J. Brooks Bouson
22 apr 2018
Preț: 578.70 lei 680.82 lei
6-8 săpt.

Erzählen - Identität - Erinnerung
Autor Magdolna Orosz
30 aug 2016
Preț: 552.78 lei 717.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

La brevitas dall'Illuminismo al XXI secolo / Kleine Formen in der Literatur zwischen Aufklärung und Gegenwart
30 aug 2016
Preț: 614.03 lei 797.44 lei
6-8 săpt.

Virginia Woolf's Modernist Path
Autor Barbara Lounsberry
29 dec 2018
Preț: 183.21 lei
6-8 săpt.

Wordplay and Powerplay in Latin Poetry
Editat de Phillip Mitsis et al.
29 aug 2016
Preț: 1379.39 lei 1791.41 lei
6-8 săpt.

George Oppen
Autor Richard Swigg
mai 2018
Preț: 435.71 lei
6-8 săpt.

Descendants of Waverley
Autor Martha F. Bowden
26 aug 2016
Preț: 715.54 lei 980.20 lei
6-8 săpt.

Shakespeare and Gesture in Practice: Shakespeare in Practice
Autor Darren Tunstall
sep 2016
Preț: 537.44 lei 624.94 lei
6-8 săpt.