Great Expectations Classic Starts Autor Charles Dickens 31 mar 2010 Hardback Preț: 38.70 lei 3-5 săpt.
Edward Thomas: Selected Letters Autor Edward Thomas et al. 21 mar 1996 Hardback Preț: 330.03 lei 564.53 lei 31-38 zile -42%
Georgics Hackett Classics Autor Virgil et al. 15 mar 2002 Hardback Preț: 263.30 lei 303.02 lei 3-5 săpt. -13%
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays: Lady Windermere's Fan; Salome; A Woman of No Importance; An Ideal Husband; The Importance of Being Earnest Autor Oscar Wilde et al. 23 feb 1995 Hardback Preț: 688.47 lei 1041.33 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume I The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Autor Percy Bysshe Shelley et al. 17 iun 1993 Hardback Preț: 1468.77 lei 2230.55 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Flame Tree Collectable Classics Autor Anne Brontë 16 mai 2022 Hardback Preț: 59.82 lei 64.45 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile -7%
AN ENQUIRY CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALS Autor David Hume 3 apr 2018 Hardback Preț: 132.64 lei 6-8 săpt.
Peter Pan and Other Plays: The Admirable Crichton; Peter Pan; When Wendy Grew Up; What Every Woman Knows; Mary Rose Autor J. M. Barrie et al. 18 mai 1995 Hardback Preț: 833.12 lei 1174.68 lei 31-38 zile -29%
The Life of Christina of Markyate: A Twelfth-Century Recluse Oxford Medieval Texts Ch Talbot 7 mai 1987 Hardback Preț: 815.83 lei 1240.27 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Poems Oxford World's Classics Autor Propertius et al. 16 iun 1994 Hardback Preț: 424.06 lei 573.62 lei 31-38 zile -26%
David Copperfield Baker Street Readers Autor Charles Dickens et al. 5 iun 2019 Hardback Preț: 56.39 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
Kafka: Making of an Icon Editat de Ritchie Robertson 5 iul 2024 Hardback Preț: 280.70 lei 3-5 săpt. | 6-12 zile
The Satires Oxford World's Classics Autor Juvenal et al. 7 mar 1991 Hardback Preț: 831.44 lei 1173.69 lei 31-38 zile -29%
On the Nature of the Universe Oxford World's Classics Autor Lucretius et al. 27 noi 1997 Hardback Preț: 1431.80 lei 2047.00 lei 31-38 zile -30%
Four Revenge Tragedies: (The Spanish Tragedy, The Revenger's Tragedy, The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois, and The Atheist's Tragedy) Editat de Katharine Eisaman Maus 23 feb 1995 Hardback Preț: 326.78 lei 469.37 lei 31-38 zile -30%
Doctor Faustus and Other Plays: Tamburlaine, Parts I and II; Doctor Faustus, A- and B-Texts; The Jew of Malta; Edward II Autor Christopher Marlowe et al. 23 feb 1995 Hardback Preț: 896.32 lei 1356.45 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Alchemist and Other Plays: Volpone, or The Fox; Epicene, or The Silent Woman; The Alchemist; Bartholemew Fair Autor Ben Jonson et al. 22 iun 1995 Hardback Preț: 999.67 lei 1513.72 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Martin Chuzzlewit Everyman's Library CLASSICS Autor Charles Dickens 20 oct 1994 Hardback Preț: 85.75 lei 95.37 lei 21-33 zile | 6-12 zile -10%
Aristophanes: Frogs Autor Aristophanes et al. 2 ian 1997 Hardback Preț: 875.36 lei 1240.89 lei 31-38 zile -29%
The Nature of the Gods Autor Cicero et al. 13 feb 1997 Hardback Preț: 611.92 lei 1240.66 lei 31-38 zile -51%
Metaphysics: Books gamma, delta, and epsilon Clarendon Aristotle Series Autor Aristotle et al. 9 sep 1993 Hardback Preț: 757.09 lei 913.89 lei 31-38 zile -17%
Aristotle: Physics, Book VIII Clarendon Aristotle Series Autor Aristotle et al. 11 feb 1999 Hardback Preț: 340.05 lei 407.75 lei 31-38 zile -17%
Felix Holt, The Radical Mint Editions Autor George Eliot 26 ian 2021 Hardback Preț: 170.68 lei 3-5 săpt.
Really Existing Nationalisms: A Post-Communist View from Marx and Engels Autor Erica Benner 28 dec 1995 Hardback Preț: 1226.02 lei 2471.35 lei 31-38 zile -50%
Amelia The Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding Autor Henry Fielding et al. 18 ian 1984 Hardback Preț: 946.68 lei 1427.42 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Poems of Emily Brontë Oxford English Texts Autor Emily Bronte et al. 25 ian 1996 Hardback Preț: 1402.91 lei 2136.68 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Life and Death of Mr Badman: Presented to the World in a Familiar Dialogue between Mr Wiseman and Mr Attentive Oxford English Texts Autor John Bunyan et al. 25 aug 1988 Hardback Preț: 1049.01 lei 1597.87 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Individualism in Social Science: Forms and Limits of a Methodology Oxford Philosophical Monographs Autor Rajeev Bhargava 18 iun 1992 Hardback Preț: 318.23 lei 408.72 lei 31-38 zile -22%
The Seasons Oxford English Texts Autor James Thomson et al. 6 aug 1981 Hardback Preț: 453.66 lei 657.21 lei 31-38 zile -31%
Shakespeare: A Life Autor Park Honan 29 oct 1998 Hardback Preț: 880.28 lei 1243.79 lei 31-38 zile -29%
The Grasmere Journals Autor Dorothy Wordsworth et al. 2 mai 1991 Hardback Preț: 117.53 lei 157.05 lei 31-38 zile -25%
De Cive: The English Version Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes, nr. III Autor Thomas Hobbes et al. 15 mar 1984 Hardback Preț: 995.20 lei 1511.09 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Ages of Man: A Study in Medieval Writing and Thought Autor J. A. Burrow 30 noi 1899 Hardback Preț: 328.49 lei 6-8 săpt.
Virgil: Aeneid Book XII Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics Autor Virgil et al. 25 iul 2012 Hardback Preț: 674.47 lei 757.83 lei 6-8 săpt. -11%
Linguistic Structure and Change: An Explanation from Language Processing Autor Thomas Berg 9 apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 1024.83 lei 1556.09 lei 31-38 zile -34%
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume V. Men and Women Oxford English Texts: Browning Autor Robert Browning et al. 28 dec 1995 Hardback Preț: 603.98 lei 908.94 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Raw Feeling: A Philosophical Account of the Essence of Consciousness Autor Robert Kirk 13 ian 1994 Hardback Preț: 743.57 lei 1128.82 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Intensional Logics for Programming Studies in Logic and Computation, nr. 1 Editat de Luis Fariñas del Cerro et al. 27 aug 1992 Hardback Preț: 144.42 lei 245.41 lei 31-38 zile -41%
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion Autor Philip L. Quinn et al. 12 oct 2006 Hardback Preț: 146.10 lei 194.51 lei 31-38 zile -25%
Mistaken Identities: Poetry and Northern Ireland Autor Peter McDonald 24 apr 1997 Hardback Preț: 802.37 lei 1218.51 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Derivation and Validation of Software Metrics International Series of Monographs on Computer Science, nr. 9 Autor Martin Shepperd et al. 16 sep 1993 Hardback Preț: 156.60 lei 254.51 lei 31-38 zile -38%
Lexical Semantics without Thematic Roles Autor Yael Ravin 6 sep 1990 Hardback Preț: 164.79 lei 212.32 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Inside the Cult: Religious Innovation and Transmission in Papua New Guinea Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology Autor Harvey Whitehouse 6 iul 1995 Hardback Preț: 1108.98 lei 1688.25 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Planning for Change: Industrial Policy and Japanese Economic Development 1945-1990 Autor James E. Vestal 11 noi 1993 Hardback Preț: 745.13 lei 1129.75 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Oxford and Empire: The Last Lost Cause? Autor Richard Symonds 11 iun 1986 Hardback Preț: 632.27 lei 694.80 lei Indisponibil temporar -9%
Space Science, Technology, and Society Series, nr. 7 Autor Roy Gibson 30 iul 1992 Hardback Preț: 173.15 lei 224.43 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing: Using Software Libraries for Problem Solving Autor Norbert Köckler 5 mai 1994 Hardback Preț: 173.47 lei 231.30 lei 31-38 zile -25%
The Nature of Chaos Editat de Tom Mullin 5 aug 1993 Hardback Preț: 174.54 lei 295.69 lei 31-38 zile -41%
De Anima Oxford Classical Texts Autor Aristotle et al. 26 mar 1963 Hardback Preț: 182.10 lei 252.51 lei 10-17 zile -28%
Alterities: Criticism, History, Representation Autor Thomas Docherty 27 mar 1996 Hardback Preț: 350.77 lei 452.75 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume X: 1532-1534 Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami Autor Erasmus et al. 22 apr 1992 Hardback Preț: 189.46 lei 250.97 lei 31-38 zile -25%
Playing with Truth: Language and the Human Condition in Pascal's Pensées Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs Autor Nicholas Hammond 23 iun 1994 Hardback Preț: 190.60 lei 259.82 lei 31-38 zile -27%
Interpreting Crime Statistics Royal Statistical Society Series, nr. 1 Autor Monica A. Walker 27 apr 1995 Hardback Preț: 191.97 lei 260.56 lei 31-38 zile -26%
The Oxford Shakespeare: Cymbeline The Oxford Shakespeare Autor William Shakespeare et al. 23 apr 1998 Hardback Preț: 200.87 lei 368.39 lei 31-38 zile -45%
Landowners, Capitalists, and Entrepreneurs: Essays for Sir John Habakkuk Editat de F. M. L. Thompson 8 sep 1994 Hardback Preț: 201.50 lei 274.00 lei 31-38 zile -26%
Language, Identity, and Social Division: The Case of Israel Oxford Studies in Language Contact Autor Eliezer Ben-Rafael 24 feb 1994 Hardback Preț: 202.52 lei 274.55 lei 31-38 zile -26%
Social Security in Developing Countries WIDER Studies in Development Economics Editat de Ehtisham Ahmad et al. 14 feb 1991 Hardback Preț: 720.72 lei 1222.88 lei 31-38 zile -41%
Oxford Guides to Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde Oxford Guides to Chaucer Autor Barry Windeatt 31 oct 2023 Hardback Preț: 505.09 lei 617.48 lei 31-38 zile -18%
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Romance Writings Autor Mary Wortley Montagu et al. 29 feb 1996 Hardback Preț: 1007.36 lei 2046.63 lei 31-38 zile -51%
India in Transition: Freeing the Economy Autor Jagdish Bhagwati 10 iun 1993 Hardback Preț: 220.06 lei 284.84 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Canons of Style in the Antonine Age: Idea-Theory and its Literary Context Oxford Classical Monographs Autor Ian Rutherford 19 noi 1998 Hardback Preț: 221.24 lei 285.44 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume XII: Indices Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami Autor Erasmus et al. 22 apr 1992 Hardback Preț: 223.59 lei 286.62 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Visions of the Future: Almanacs, Time, and Cultural Change 1775-1870 Autor Maureen Perkins 16 oct 1996 Hardback Preț: 224.00 lei 286.83 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Semiconductor Devices, Circuits, and Systems Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, nr. 24 Autor Albrecht Möschwitzer 15 aug 1991 Hardback Preț: 225.86 lei 285.04 lei 31-38 zile -21%
Cheshire 1630-1660: County Government and Society during the `English Revolution' Oxford Historical Monographs Autor J. S. Morrill 4 apr 1974 Hardback Preț: 226.08 lei 387.11 lei 31-38 zile -42%
The Waters of the Nile: Hydropolitics and the Jonglei Canal, 1900-1988 Oxford Studies in African Affairs Autor Robert O. Collins mar 1990 Hardback Preț: 616.11 lei 929.90 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Wordsworth and the Victorians Autor Stephen Gill 18 mar 1998 Hardback Preț: 226.53 lei 288.11 lei 31-38 zile -21%
Sexed Work: Gender, Race and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug Market Clarendon Studies in Criminology Autor Lisa Maher 24 iul 1997 Hardback Preț: 443.89 lei 646.17 lei 31-38 zile -31%
The Glory of Christ in the New Testament: Studies in Christology in Memory of George Bradford Caird Editat de L. D. Hurst et al. 26 noi 1987 Hardback Preț: 1155.68 lei 1757.02 lei 31-38 zile -34%
Adjustment with a Human Face: Volume 2, Ten Country Case Studies Editat de Giovanni Andrea Cornia et al. 10 mar 1988 Hardback Preț: 834.50 lei 1690.10 lei 31-38 zile -51%
The Enemy's Country: Words, Contexture, and other Circumstances of Language Autor Geoffrey Hill aug 1991 Hardback Preț: 234.74 lei 308.52 lei 31-38 zile -24%
Advances in Numerical Analysis: Volume II: Wavelets, Subdivision Algorithms, and Radial Basis Functions Advances in Numerical Analysis Editat de Will Light 23 apr 1992 Hardback Preț: 235.23 lei 306.06 lei 31-38 zile -23%
A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada Oxford History of the Christian Church Autor Robert T. Handy 27 ian 1976 Hardback Preț: 235.75 lei 295.55 lei 31-38 zile -20%
Nobody's Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1670-1820 Autor Catherine Gallagher 4 ian 1995 Hardback Preț: 235.96 lei 303.63 lei 31-38 zile -22%
Relative Category Theory and Geometric Morphisms: A Logical Approach Oxford Logic Guides, nr. 16 Autor Jonathan Chapman et al. 6 feb 1992 Hardback Preț: 236.07 lei 306.48 lei 31-38 zile -23%
Hegel's Aesthetics: Volume 1 Hegel's Aesthetics Autor Gwf Hegel et al. 9 iun 1988 Hardback Preț: 236.33 lei 273.44 lei 31-38 zile -14%
A Social History of the Nonconformist Ministry in England and Wales 1800-1930 Autor Kenneth D. Brown 24 mar 1988 Hardback Preț: 237.10 lei 408.17 lei 31-38 zile -42%
Fundamental Properties of the Neutron Oxford Series on Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter, nr. 6 Autor Yu.A. Alexandrov et al. 26 mar 1992 Hardback Preț: 240.60 lei 298.27 lei 31-38 zile -19%
Surface Electronic Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors Series on Semiconductor Science and Technology, nr. 2 Autor V. N. Dobrovolsky et al. 26 sep 1991 Hardback Preț: 241.47 lei 298.71 lei 31-38 zile -19%
The Economics of Business Culture: Game Theory, Transaction Costs, and Economic Performance Autor Mark Casson 26 iun 1991 Hardback Preț: 244.68 lei 417.52 lei 31-38 zile -41%
Villon's Last Will: Language and Authority in the Testament Autor Tony Hunt 31 iul 1996 Hardback Preț: 244.82 lei 321.93 lei 31-38 zile -24%
Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume XI: 1534-1536 Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami Autor Erasmus et al. 22 apr 1992 Hardback Preț: 244.82 lei 313.61 lei 31-38 zile -22%