![The Balance of Truth](https://i1.books-express.ro/bt/9781611433913/the-balance-of-truth.jpg)
The Balance of Truth
19 noi 2010
Preț: 1072.54 lei 1247.15 lei
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The Historiography of Music in Global Perspective
15 noi 2010
Preț: 766.03 lei 890.73 lei
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Autor Peter Gubser
3 noi 2010
Preț: 802.11 lei 932.68 lei
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![Midrash and the Exegetical Mind](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781611436839/midrash-and-the-exegetical-mind.jpg)
Midrash and the Exegetical Mind
15 noi 2010
Preț: 958.86 lei 1114.95 lei
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![How the Codex Was Found: A Narrative of Two Visits to Sinai from Mrs. Lewis's Journals 1892-1893](https://i4.books-express.ro/bt/9780971309791/how-the-codex-was-found.jpg)
How the Codex Was Found: A Narrative of Two Visits to Sinai from Mrs. Lewis's Journals 1892-1893
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31 oct 2001
Preț: 391.59 lei 439.98 lei
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![By the Light of a Candle](https://i4.books-express.ro/bt/9781617198649/by-the-light-of-a-candle.jpg)
By the Light of a Candle
Autor Ragip Nurettin Ege et al.
19 noi 2010
Preț: 968.06 lei 1125.65 lei
6-8 săpt.
![L'empire Ottoman et l'Europe](https://i1.books-express.ro/bt/9781617198663/l-empire-ottoman-et-l-europe.jpg)
L'empire Ottoman et l'Europe
19 noi 2010
Preț: 1217.32 lei 1415.48 lei
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Sports and Physical Education in Turkey in the 1930's
19 noi 2010
Preț: 675.31 lei 785.24 lei
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![Harris, G: Ataturk's Diplomats & Their Brief Biographies](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781617198700/harris-g-ataturk-s-diplomats-their-brief-biographies.jpg)
Harris, G: Ataturk's Diplomats & Their Brief Biographies
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19 noi 2010
Preț: 1044.72 lei 1214.79 lei
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![The Queen's Ambassador to the Sultan](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781617198731/the-queen-s-ambassador-to-the-sultan.jpg)
The Queen's Ambassador to the Sultan
29 noi 2010
Preț: 1503.79 lei 1748.60 lei
6-8 săpt.
![Studies in Ottoman History](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781617199035/studies-in-ottoman-history.jpg)
Studies in Ottoman History
29 noi 2010
Preț: 1037.73 lei 1206.66 lei
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![A Legacy of Change](https://i4.books-express.ro/bt/9781617199042/a-legacy-of-change.jpg)
A Legacy of Change
Autor Eris F. Perese et al.
29 noi 2010
Preț: 835.68 lei 971.72 lei
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Folklor de Los Judios de Turkiya
Autor Eli Shaul
29 noi 2010
Preț: 696.31 lei 809.66 lei
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![Religion, Economy, and State in Ottoman-Arab History](https://i1.books-express.ro/bt/9781617199066/religion-economy-and-state-in-ottoman-arab-history.jpg)
Religion, Economy, and State in Ottoman-Arab History
Autor William Ochsenwald
29 noi 2010
Preț: 793.92 lei 923.16 lei
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![Suleyman the Second and His Time](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781617199080/suleyman-the-second-and-his-time.jpg)
Suleyman the Second and His Time
29 noi 2010
Preț: 1051.68 lei 1222.88 lei
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![Brecht in Turkey 1955-1977](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781617199103/brecht-in-turkey-1955-1977.jpg)
Brecht in Turkey 1955-1977
Autor Albert Nekimken
29 noi 2010
Preț: 870.51 lei 1012.22 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Studies in Defterology
Autor Jr. Lowry et al.
29 noi 2010
Preț: 856.60 lei 996.05 lei
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![The Ain I Akbari of Abul Fazl 'Allami (Vol 2)](https://i4.books-express.ro/bt/9781607242543/the-ain-i-akbari-of-abul-fazl-allami-vol-2.jpg)
The Ain I Akbari of Abul Fazl 'Allami (Vol 2)
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22 oct 2010
Preț: 1348.61 lei 1568.15 lei
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Bcheiry, I: Collection of Historical Documents in Relation w
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24 oct 2010
Preț: 854.13 lei 993.17 lei
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Shmuelevitz, A: Republican Turkey
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27 oct 2010
Preț: 898.44 lei 1044.70 lei
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![Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire, 1730-1914](https://i2.books-express.ro/bt/9781611431278/workers-peasants-and-economic-change-in-the-ottoman-empire-1730-1914.jpg)
Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire, 1730-1914
Autor Donald Quataert
27 oct 2010
Preț: 773.00 lei 898.83 lei
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Perilous Modernity
27 oct 2010
Preț: 786.90 lei 915.00 lei
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Quataert, D: Manufacturing and Technology Transfer in the Ot
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27 oct 2010
Preț: 619.20 lei 720.00 lei
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The Ottomans, the Turks and World Power Politics
Autor Selim Deringil
27 oct 2010
Preț: 814.81 lei 947.46 lei
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Fisher, A: A Precarious Balance
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27 oct 2010
Preț: 731.24 lei 850.28 lei
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Making a Living in the Ottoman Lands, 1480 to 1820
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27 oct 2010
Preț: 905.39 lei 1052.78 lei
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Faroqhi, S: Coping with the State
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27 oct 2010
Preț: 779.92 lei 906.89 lei
6-8 săpt.
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A Dictionary of the Bible (vol 1)
Autor John A. Selbie
20 oct 2010
Preț: 1750.04 lei 2034.92 lei
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![Praetorius, F: Beitrage zur athiopischen Grammatik und Etymo](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781607240556/praetorius-f-beitrage-zur-athiopischen-grammatik-und-etymo.jpg)
Praetorius, F: Beitrage zur athiopischen Grammatik und Etymo
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12 sep 2010
Preț: 262.24 lei
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Venerable, B: Homilies on the Gospels
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Jeremias, A: Die Babylonisch-Assyrischen Vorstellungen vom L
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12 sep 2010
Preț: 399.61 lei
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30 sep 2010
Preț: 380.02 lei
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The Best of Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality
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Jastrow, M: The Tearing of Garments as a Symbol of Mourning
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6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.67 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Toro, G: Essays from the Visit of Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
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8 sep 2010
Preț: 633.11 lei 736.18 lei
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A Redaction History of the Pentateuch Targums
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13 sep 2010
Preț: 891.49 lei 1036.62 lei
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History of Rome (vol 1)
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14 sep 2010
Preț: 1024.44 lei 1191.21 lei
6-8 săpt.
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History of Rome (vol 3)
Autor William P. Dickson et al.
14 sep 2010
Preț: 934.14 lei 1086.21 lei
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Kural of Tiruvalluver
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12 sep 2010
Preț: 656.26 lei 763.10 lei
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Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect
12 aug 2010
Preț: 1327.12 lei 1543.15 lei
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Bedrossian's Armenian-English Dictionary
Autor Matthias Bedrossian et al.
7 sep 2010
Preț: 1604.06 lei 1865.19 lei
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An Outline of Christian Theology
Autor William Newton Clarke
12 aug 2010
Preț: 843.82 lei 981.18 lei
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Folk-lore in the Old Testament
Autor James George Frazer
12 aug 2010
Preț: 857.70 lei 997.33 lei
6-8 săpt.
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The Book of Lamentations and the Social World of Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Era
Autor Lauress Wilkins
31 aug 2010
Preț: 453.50 lei 588.96 lei
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Syriac Churches Encountering Islam
Editat de Dietmar Winkler
31 aug 2010
Preț: 657.60 lei 854.04 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Patrologia Pacifica
Autor Vladimir Baranov et al.
31 iul 2010
Preț: 1086.33 lei 1263.17 lei
6-8 săpt.
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The Religious Condition of Holland
Autor Anonymous
6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.64 lei
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Prince, J: A Hymn to Nergal
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6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.64 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Gray, L: Certain Parallel Developments in Pali and New Persi
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6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.64 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Kohut, G: Blood Test as Proof of Kinship in Jewish Folklore
Autor George Kohut
6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.67 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Toy, C: Recent Discussions of Totemism
Autor Crawford Toy
6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.67 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Schoff, W: The Eastern Iron Trade of the Roman Empire
Autor Wilfred Schoff
6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.67 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Bloomfield, M: The Hittite Language
Autor Maurice Bloomfield
6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.64 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Bishop, C: The Elephant and Its Ivory in Ancient China
Autor Carl Bishop
6 aug 2010
Preț: 224.67 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Koo, T: The Constitutional Development of the Western Han Dy
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6 aug 2010
Preț: 232.79 lei
6-8 săpt.
![Jacobi, H: The Dates of the Philosophical Sutras of the Brah](/images/tna.png)
Jacobi, H: The Dates of the Philosophical Sutras of the Brah
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6 aug 2010
Preț: 240.85 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Hirth, F: The Mystery of Fu-lin
Autor Friedrich Hirth
6 aug 2010
Preț: 248.89 lei
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Lepsius, R: On Lepsius's Standard Alphabet
Autor William Whitney
6 aug 2010
Preț: 262.25 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Whitney, W: On the Avesta
Autor William Whitney
31 iul 2010
Preț: 270.44 lei
6-8 săpt.
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The Fountain of Youth
Autor E. Washburn Hopkins
31 iul 2010
Preț: 302.77 lei
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The Life of the Rev. Rowland Hill, A. M.
Autor Anonymous
6 aug 2010
Preț: 232.79 lei
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![Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode Island](https://i1.books-express.ro/bt/9781611431667/memoir-of-roger-williams-the-founder-of-the-state-of-rhode-island.jpg)
Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode Island
Autor Anonymous
6 aug 2010
Preț: 232.76 lei
6-8 săpt.
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An Apology for Conforming to the Protestant Episcopal Church
Autor Anonymous
4 aug 2010
Preț: 232.81 lei
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![Bar Salibi, D: A Commentary on the 100 Theses of Evagrius Po](https://i4.books-express.ro/bt/9781611432046/bar-salibi-d-a-commentary-on-the-100-theses-of-evagrius-po.jpg)
Bar Salibi, D: A Commentary on the 100 Theses of Evagrius Po
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12 aug 2010
Preț: 682.26 lei 793.33 lei
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Muzzarelli, P: Daily Meditations
Autor Francis David
12 aug 2010
Preț: 849.68 lei 988.00 lei
6-8 săpt.
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A Comparison of the Egyptian Execration Ritual to Exodus 32
Autor Michael S. Donahou
31 aug 2010
Preț: 807.92 lei 939.45 lei
6-8 săpt.
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Anwar al-Tanzil wa-Asrar al-Tawil (Vol 1)
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Preț: 1358.67 lei 1579.85 lei
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Bibliotheca Universalis (Vol 2)
Autor Conrad Gesner
6 aug 2010
Preț: 1784.93 lei 2075.49 lei
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![Lagarde, P: UEbersicht uber die im Aramaischen, Arabischen u](https://i0.books-express.ro/bt/9781617190308/lagarde-p-uebersicht-uber-die-im-aramaischen-arabischen-u.jpg)
Lagarde, P: UEbersicht uber die im Aramaischen, Arabischen u
Autor Paul De Lagarde
11 aug 2010
Preț: 905.42 lei 1052.80 lei
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Ottoman Studies and Archives in Greece
Autor Evangelia Balta
31 iul 2010
Preț: 661.92 lei 769.67 lei
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![Historical Image of the Turk in Europe, 15th Century to the Present](https://i3.books-express.ro/bt/9781617190933/historical-image-of-the-turk-in-europe-15th-century-to-the-present.jpg)
Historical Image of the Turk in Europe, 15th Century to the Present
Autor Mustafa Soykut
31 iul 2010
Preț: 919.41 lei 1069.09 lei
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Art, Politics and Society
Autor Asli Daldal
31 iul 2010
Preț: 772.24 lei 1002.91 lei
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To Be Governor of Jerusalem
Autor David Kushner
31 iul 2010
Preț: 784.48 lei 1018.80 lei
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The Turkish Cinema in the Early Republican Years
Autor Rifat N. Bali
10 aug 2010
Preț: 745.09 lei 866.39 lei
6-8 săpt.
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New Documents on Ataturk
Autor Rifat N. Bali
10 aug 2010
Preț: 738.14 lei 858.30 lei
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Structure and Function in Turkish Society
Autor David Shankland
10 aug 2010
Preț: 814.85 lei 947.50 lei
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The Quest for Sultan Abdulhamid's Oil Assets
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10 aug 2010
Preț: 710.28 lei 825.91 lei
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The Limits of Eurocentricity
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Preț: 773.01 lei 898.85 lei
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A Bridge between Cultures
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Autor Erol Haker
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Preț: 766.00 lei 890.69 lei
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Village Life in Cyprus at the Time of the Ottoman Conquest
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Preț: 710.28 lei 825.91 lei
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The Functioning of Ottoman Avariz Taxation
Autor Suleyman Demirci
10 aug 2010
Preț: 800.85 lei 931.21 lei
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War and Peace in Rumeli
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10 aug 2010
Preț: 933.22 lei 1085.14 lei
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Defterology Revisited
Autor Jr. Lowry
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