Digital Darwinism: Branding and Business Models in Jeopardy Autor Ralf T. Kreutzer et al. 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 159.81 lei 3-5 săpt.
Model Theory in Algebra, Analysis and Arithmetic: Cetraro, Italy 2012, Editors: H. Dugald Macpherson, Carlo Toffalori Lecture Notes in Mathematics, nr. 2111 Autor Lou van den Dries et al. 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 573.71 lei 6-8 săpt.
Understanding Verbal Art: A Functional Linguistic Approach The M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series Autor Jonathan Webster 2 oct 2014 Hardback Preț: 386.39 lei 6-8 săpt.
Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges: 10th International Workshop, GREC 2013, Bethlehem, PA, USA, August 20-21, 2013, Revised Selected Papers Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8746 Editat de Bart Lamiroy et al. 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 331.58 lei 414.48 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Process Design for Natural Scientists: An Agile Model-Driven Approach Communications in Computer and Information Science, nr. 500 Editat de Anna-Lena Lamprecht et al. 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 330.75 lei 413.44 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Life System Modeling and Simulation: International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2014, and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, ICSEE 2014, Shanghai, China, September 2014, Proceedings, Part I Communications in Computer and Information Science, nr. 461 Editat de Shiwei Ma et al. 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 339.66 lei 424.58 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles: International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2014 and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, ICSEE 2014, Shanghai, China, September 2014, Proceedings, Part Ⅲ Communications in Computer and Information Science, nr. 463 Editat de Kang Li et al. 2 oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 345.91 lei 432.39 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Mass Spectrometry: A Textbook Autor Jürgen H. Gross et al. oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 663.93 lei 781.08 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Implementing Adaptation Strategies by Legal, Economic and Planning Instruments on Climate Change Environmental Protection in the European Union, nr. 4 Editat de Eike Albrecht et al. oct 2014 Hardback Preț: 649.71 lei 764.37 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Volcanic Tourist Destinations Geoheritage, Geoparks and Geotourism Editat de Patricia Erfurt-Cooper oct 2014 Hardback Preț: 731.34 lei 962.28 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Statistics in Clinical Vaccine Trials Autor Jozef Nauta oct 2014 Paperback Preț: 577.87 lei 679.84 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Dynamic Pulsed-Field-Gradient NMR Springer Series in Chemical Physics, nr. 110 Autor Geir Humborstad Sørland oct 2014 Hardback Preț: 954.14 lei 1163.58 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Digital Holography and Wavefront Sensing: Principles, Techniques and Applications Autor Ulf Schnars et al. 10 sep 2016 Paperback Preț: 637.59 lei 750.11 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
C-C Bond Activation Topics in Current Chemistry, nr. 346 Editat de Guangbin Dong 30 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 949.42 lei 1157.82 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Stochastic Evolutions of Dynamic Traffic Flow: Modeling and Applications Autor Xiqun (Michael) Chen et al. 30 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 390.84 lei 6-8 săpt.
Alternative Dispute Resolution in European Administrative Law Editat de Dacian C. Dragos et al. 29 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 961.70 lei 1172.80 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Radiology Illustrated: Gastrointestinal Tract Radiology Illustrated Editat de Byung Ihn Choi 29 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1847.64 lei 1944.88 lei 3-5 săpt. -5%
Automatic Generation of Combinatorial Test Data SpringerBriefs in Computer Science Autor Jian Zhang et al. 29 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 323.14 lei 403.92 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Type-2 Fuzzy Graphical Models for Pattern Recognition Studies in Computational Intelligence, nr. 590 Autor Jia Zeng et al. 29 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 334.86 lei 418.57 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Distributed Computing: 28th International Symposium DISC 2014, Austin, TX, USA, October 12-15, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8784 Editat de Fabian Kuhn 29 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 347.40 lei 434.26 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Friedrich List (1789-1846): A Visionary Economist with Social Responsibility The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences, nr. 16 Autor Eugen Wendler 26 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 646.75 lei 760.88 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Beyond Market and Government: Influence of Ethical Factors on Economy China Academic Library Autor Yining Li 26 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 389.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Power Converters for Medium Voltage Networks Green Energy and Technology Autor Md. Rabiul Islam et al. 26 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 647.92 lei 762.26 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Research on Selected China's Legal Issues of E-Business Editat de Yimeei Guo 26 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 393.52 lei 6-8 săpt.
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 10th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference, AIAI 2014, Rhodes, Greece, September 19-21, 2014, Proceedings IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, nr. 436 Editat de Lazaros Iliadis et al. 26 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 639.87 lei 799.84 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Metronomic Chemotherapy: Pharmacology and Clinical Applications Editat de Guido Bocci et al. 22 sep 2016 Paperback Preț: 712.58 lei 750.09 lei 39-44 zile -5%
Map Projections: Cartographic Information Systems Autor Erik W. Grafarend et al. 4 mai 2017 Paperback Preț: 1134.77 lei 1493.11 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Chemical Skin Injury: Mechanisms, Prevention, Decontamination, Treatment Editat de Howard I. Maibach et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1105.61 lei 1163.80 lei 3-5 săpt. -5%
Innovation and Product Management: A Holistic and Practical Approach to Uncertainty Reduction Springer Texts in Business and Economics Autor Kurt Gaubinger et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 465.61 lei 574.83 lei 18-23 zile | 6-12 zile -19%
Bioluminescence: Fundamentals and Applications in Biotechnology - Volume 2 Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, nr. 145 Editat de Gérald Thouand et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1219.77 lei 1487.54 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Enterprise Modeling: Tackling Business Challenges with the 4EM Method The Enterprise Engineering Series Autor Kurt Sandkuhl et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 440.25 lei 550.32 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Active Control of Magneto-hydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, nr. 83 Editat de Valentin Igochine 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 649.87 lei 764.55 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Comparators in Nanometer CMOS Technology Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, nr. 50 Autor Bernhard Goll et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 645.14 lei 758.99 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: AIAI 2014 Workshops: CoPA, MHDW, IIVC, and MT4BD, Rhodes, Greece, September 19-21, 2014, Proceedings IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, nr. 437 Editat de Lazaros Iliadis et al. 25 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 331.72 lei 414.65 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine Medical Radiology Editat de Richard P. Baum 24 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1935.27 lei 2037.13 lei 39-44 zile -5%
Judges Against Justice: On Judges When the Rule of Law is Under Attack Autor Hans Petter Graver 24 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 647.40 lei 761.65 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Microbicides for Prevention of HIV Infection Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, nr. 383 Editat de Jeremy Nuttall 24 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 641.53 lei 754.74 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Graphene Quantum Dots NanoScience and Technology Autor Alev Devrim Güçlü et al. 24 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 641.03 lei 754.15 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Advances in Digital Forensics X: 10th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference, Vienna, Austria, January 8-10, 2014, Revised Selected Papers IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, nr. 433 Editat de Gilbert Peterson et al. 24 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 330.20 lei 412.76 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks Autor Kurt Bucher et al. 23 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 496.01 lei 6-8 săpt.
Language, Discourse, and Praxis in Ancient China Autor Zhenbin Sun 23 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 388.90 lei 6-8 săpt.
Optimal Control of Switched Systems Arising in Fermentation Processes Springer Optimization and Its Applications, nr. 97 Autor Chongyang Liu et al. 23 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 389.88 lei 6-8 săpt.
Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems Studies in Computational Intelligence, nr. 565 Editat de Elias Kyriakides et al. 23 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 655.53 lei 819.41 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Ubiquitous Learning Environments and Technologies Lecture Notes in Educational Technology Editat de Kinshuk et al. 23 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 393.90 lei 6-8 săpt.
Algorithmic Game Theory: 7th International Symposium, SAGT 2014, Haifa, Israel, September 30 -- October 2, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8768 Editat de Ron Lavi 23 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 333.22 lei 416.52 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Testing Software and Systems: 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 23-25, 2014. Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8763 Editat de Mercedes G. Merayo et al. 23 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 329.11 lei 411.39 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Multidisciplinary Social Networks Research: International Conference, MISNC 2014, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, September 13-14, 2014. Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science, nr. 473 Editat de Leon Shyue-Liang Wang et al. 23 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 341.15 lei 426.44 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Gesammelte Abhandlungen IV Springer Collected Works in Mathematics Autor Hermann Weyl et al. 22 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 511.26 lei 6-8 săpt.
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems -- CHES 2014: 16th International Workshop, Busan, South Korea, September 23-26, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8731 Editat de Lejla Batina et al. 22 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 407.56 lei 6-8 săpt.
Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2014, Ajaccio, France, September 20-24, 2014, Proceedings, Part III IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, nr. 440 Editat de Bernard Grabot et al. 22 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 636.32 lei 795.40 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2014, Ajaccio, France, September 20-24, 2014, Proceedings, Part I IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, nr. 438 Editat de Bernard Grabot et al. 22 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 637.77 lei 797.21 lei 39-44 zile -20%
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: Third European Conference, ESOCC 2014, Manchester, UK, September 2-4, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8745 Editat de Massimo Villari et al. 22 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 327.62 lei 409.52 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Network and Parallel Computing: 11th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, NPC 2014, Ilan, Taiwan, September 18-20, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8707 Editat de Ching-Hsien Hsu et al. 22 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 349.55 lei 436.94 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and Applications: 9th International Conference, BIC-TA 2014, Wuhan, China, October 16-19, 2014, Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science, nr. 472 Editat de Linqiang Pan et al. 22 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 352.02 lei 440.02 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Economics for Environmental Studies: A Strategic Guide to Micro- and Macroeconomics Springer Texts in Business and Economics Autor Alfred Endres et al. 20 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 466.07 lei 548.32 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Emerging Issues in Smart Learning Lecture Notes in Educational Technology Editat de Guang Chen et al. 19 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 804.33 lei 1058.34 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Smart Learning Environments Lecture Notes in Educational Technology Editat de Maiga Chang et al. 19 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 643.48 lei 757.04 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Advances in Metal Forming: Expert System for Metal Forming Springer Series in Materials Science, nr. 206 Autor Rahulkumar Shivajirao Hingole 19 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 638.76 lei 751.47 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Exchange of Information and Data Protection in Cross-border Criminal Proceedings in Europe Editat de Ángeles Gutiérrez Zarza 18 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 657.73 lei 773.80 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
New Data and Updates for several IIa-VI Compounds (Structural Properties, Thermal and Thermodynamic Properties, and Lattice Properties): Condensed Matter, Semiconductors Update, Subvolume G Landolt-Börnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series, nr. 44G Editat de Ulrich Rössler et al. 18 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 2407.27 lei 18226.88 lei Indisponibil temporar -87%
Concurrent Objects and Beyond: Papers dedicated to Akinori Yonezawa on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8665 Editat de Gul Agha et al. 18 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 341.63 lei 427.04 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
High-Dimensional and Low-Quality Visual Information Processing: From Structured Sensing and Understanding Springer Theses Autor Yue Deng 18 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 384.86 lei 6-8 săpt.
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XV Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8670 Editat de Ngoc Thanh Nguyen et al. 18 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 327.44 lei 409.30 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Software Project Management in a Changing World Editat de Günther Ruhe et al. 17 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 348.89 lei 436.12 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Spacecraft TT&C and Information Transmission Theory and Technologies Springer Aerospace Technology Autor Jiaxing Liu 17 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1011.56 lei 1233.61 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB Problem Books in Mathematics Autor Tom Lyche et al. 16 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 965.98 lei 39-44 zile
Pose-varied Multi-axis Optical Finishing Systems: Theory and Process Validation Autor Haobo Cheng 16 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 387.96 lei 6-8 săpt.
Geobiotechnology II: Energy Resources, Subsurface Technologies, Organic Pollutants and Mining Legal Principles Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, nr. 142 Editat de Axel Schippers et al. 16 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1218.69 lei 1486.21 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Alternative Solvents for Natural Products Extraction Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology Editat de Farid Chemat et al. 15 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 397.38 lei 6-8 săpt.
Transactions on Rough Sets XVIII Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8449 Editat de James F. Peters et al. 15 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 268.04 lei 335.06 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Commercial Plant-Produced Recombinant Protein Products: Case Studies Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, nr. 68 Editat de John A. Howard et al. 12 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 646.62 lei 760.73 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference 2013 Editat de Michael Schabacker et al. 12 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 946.55 lei 1154.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems: Analysis, Observation, Filtering & Control Advances in Delays and Dynamics, nr. 3 Autor Corentin Briat 12 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 653.00 lei 768.23 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014, Nancy, France, September 15-19, 2014. Proceedings, Part III Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8726 Editat de Toon Calders et al. 23 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 345.91 lei 432.39 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Security in Computing and Communications: Second International Symposium, SSCC 2014, Delhi, India, September 24-27, 2014. Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science, nr. 467 Editat de Jaime Lloret Mauri et al. 12 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 340.49 lei 425.62 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Systematics and Evolution: Part B The Mycota, nr. 7B Editat de David J. McLaughlin et al. 9 oct 2016 Paperback Preț: 950.33 lei 1158.95 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Advances in Solar Sailing Springer Praxis Books Editat de Malcolm MacDonald 11 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1788.82 lei 2353.71 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Solutions Manual for Econometrics Springer Texts in Business and Economics Autor Badi H. Baltagi 10 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 440.58 lei 543.93 lei 39-44 zile -19%
The Geochemistry of Stable Chlorine and Bromine Isotopes Advances in Isotope Geochemistry Autor Hans Eggenkamp 9 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 644.95 lei 758.77 lei 3-5 săpt. -15%
Geochemistry at the Earth’s Surface: Movement of Chemical Elements Autor Andreas Bauer et al. 9 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 648.42 lei 762.85 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Bond Valences Structure and Bonding, nr. 158 Editat de I. David Brown et al. 9 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1221.69 lei 1489.87 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Advanced Models of Neural Networks: Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochasticity in Biological Neurons Autor Gerasimos G. Rigatos 9 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 651.89 lei 814.86 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Neuroscience of Aggression Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, nr. 17 Editat de Klaus A. Miczek et al. 9 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1123.19 lei 1369.74 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Theoretical Modelling of Aeroheating on Sharpened Noses Under Rarefied Gas Effects and Nonequilibrium Real Gas Effects Springer Theses Autor Zhi-Hui Wang 9 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 384.70 lei 6-8 săpt.
Comprehensive Evaluation of Effective Biomass Resource Utilization and Optimal Environmental Policies SpringerBriefs in Economics Autor Jingjing Yan 9 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 378.54 lei 6-8 săpt.
Electronic Participation: 6th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2014, Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8654 Editat de Efthimios Tambouris et al. 9 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 268.37 lei 335.46 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Speciality Polymers Advances in Polymer Science, nr. 41 Autor E. A. Bekturov et al. 6 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 636.94 lei 749.34 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Fluvial Hydrodynamics: Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Phenomena GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences Autor Subhasish Dey 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 970.87 lei 1183.99 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Geobiotechnology I: Metal-related Issues Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, nr. 141 Editat de Axel Schippers et al. 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 1220.75 lei 1488.72 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
The Risks of Nuclear Energy Technology: Safety Concepts of Light Water Reactors Science Policy Reports Autor Günter Kessler et al. 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 571.89 lei 706.04 lei 39-44 zile -19%
Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi: Monocot Pathogens Editat de Ralph A. Dean et al. 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 794.44 lei 1045.32 lei 39-44 zile -24%
Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi and Oomycetes: Dicot Pathogens Editat de Ralph A. Dean et al. 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 648.89 lei 763.40 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: ICDEA, Muscat, Oman, May 26 - 30, 2013 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, nr. 102 Editat de Ziyad AlSharawi et al. 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 643.84 lei 757.46 lei 6-8 săpt. -15%
Geo-disaster Modeling and Analysis: An SPH-based Approach Springer Natural Hazards Autor Yu Huang et al. 5 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 726.52 lei 886.00 lei 6-8 săpt. -18%
Communications and Multimedia Security: 15th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2014, Aveiro, Portugal, September 25-26, 2014, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nr. 8735 Editat de Bart De Decker et al. 5 sep 2014 Paperback Preț: 269.36 lei 336.69 lei 6-8 săpt. -20%
Core Knowledge in Critical Care Medicine Autor Wolfgang Krüger et al. 4 sep 2014 Hardback Preț: 730.34 lei 768.78 lei 6-8 săpt. -5%