This series covers leading-edge research in a cross-section of fields focusing on the environment, including current research data on corporate environmental reporting and disclosure; effects of the fungicide and biocide dichlofluanid on living organisms; levels and trends of organochlorine pesticides; rhetoric construction of environmental values in business; diversity of fungi on submerged leaf and woody litter; water quality and sustainable development; identifying sources of fecal pollution in water with antibiotic resistance patterns and antimicrobial treatments of mold and bacteria. Citește tot Restrânge
Preface; Corporate Environmental Reporting & Disclosure: Where to Look & What You Get; Effects of the Fungicide & Biocide Dichlofluanid on Living Organisms: A Review; Levels & Trends of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in Antarctica; Wheat in Bangladesh: Yield Growth, Production Performance & Determinants; Rhetoric Construction of Environmental Values in Business; Underground Cavity 3D Detection Using Laser System; Diversity of Fungi on Submerged Leaf & Woody Litter in River Kali, Southwest India; Water Quality & Sustainable Development in Yucatán Peninsula; Dealing With Hydro-Geological Events: Mitigation & History Cases; Identifying Sources of Fecal Pollution in Water with Antibiotic Resistance Patterns; Antimicrobial Treatments of Mold & Bacteria; Carbon & Nitrogen Compounds Applied to Uranium Mine Dump Soil Determine (Heavy) Metal Uptake by Chinese Cabbage; The Use of Dissipated Energy at Modeling of Cyclic Loaded Saturated Soils; Photoregulation of Nutritional Responses in Fremyella Diplosiphon: Effects of Light Quality on Organismal Responses to Iron Availability; Enhancing Environmental Planning with Exergy; Index.