This continuing series gathers and presents original research results on the leading edge of medicine and biology. Each article has been carefully selected in an attempt to present substantial topical data across a broad spectrum. Topics discussed in this compilation include bone marrow stromal cell transplantation in spinal cord injury; DNA tumor viruses; contraception methods and implications; paediatric palliative care; health care costs from diabetes in Latin America and vitamin K as a ligand of steroid and xenobiotic receptors. Citește tot Restrânge
Preface; Breast Cancer & Autophagy; Pulmonary & Nasal Adenocarcinoma Induced by Ovine B-Retroviruses; Midlife & Older Adults' Lay Appraisal of Illness Symptoms; Menopause: Vasomotor Symptoms, Systemic Treatments & Self-Care Measures; Patient-Completed Questionnaires as Regional Outcome Measures; The Statistical Analyses of Questionnaires: Validity, Reliability, Responsiveness, Range & Bias; The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder & Hand Questionnaire & Its Manchester-Modified Version; Patient Evaluation Measure & Michigan Hand Outcome Measure: Statistical Analyses & Practical Feasability; The Genetic Ethnography of the Native Amerindians of Ecuador (Fabricio González-Andrade) Need to Endocytose? Able to Help; Participation of Yolk Proteins in Regulation of Germ Genes Expression from Intergeneric F1 Hybrids of Bream, Roach & Blue Bream; Bacterial Flagella & Biofilms Formation: An Update; A Method of Construction: A Multiple Increment-Decrement Life Table of HIV Population; Future Direction of Cataract Surgery; High Orderliness of Phytoplankton Taxonomic Structure; Unexpectedly Slow Clinical, Bacteriological & Radiological Response of Pulmonary Tuberculosis to Standard Pharmacological Therapy: Which Role for Novel Antimicrobial Compounds With Anti-Mycobacterial Activity?; The Modern Medical Science: A Journey Through History; Fundamentals of Theoretical & Applied Mathematics: Role of Ancient Arabian & Egyptian Scientists; The Evolution of Physics & Technology: A Saga With Ancient Middle-East Scientists; Effectiveness & Safety of Different Yypes of Hearing Protective Devices on the Attenuation, Hear Communication & Satisfaction Among Workers Exposed to Noise in the Workplace; Index.