Global Perspectives on Gender and Work
16 apr 2010
Preț: 662.61 lei 860.54 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Value of Time and Leisure in a World of Work
16 mar 2010
Preț: 444.70 lei
6-8 săpt.

Wisdom and Management in the Knowledge Economy
Autor David Rooney et al.
25 feb 2014
Preț: 433.26 lei
6-8 săpt.

Class, Individualization and Late Modernity: In Search of the Reflexive Worker
Autor W. Atkinson
Preț: 383.12 lei
6-8 săpt.

Childhood and Consumer Culture
Editat de D. Buckingham et al.
Preț: 385.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

Local Lives and Global Transformations: Towards World Society
Autor Paul Kennedy
3 dec 2009
Preț: 272.51 lei
6-8 săpt.

Industrial Work and Life: An Anthropological Reader
Editat de Massimiliano Mollona et al.
dec 2009
Preț: 1000.27 lei 1219.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Language of Female Leadership
Autor J. Baxter
19 noi 2009
Preț: 380.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

Household Divisions of Labour: Teamwork, Gender and Time
Autor E. Birch et al.
18 noi 2009
Preț: 386.61 lei
6-8 săpt.

Volunteering and Society in the 21st Century
Autor C. Rochester et al.
18 noi 2009
Preț: 384.86 lei
6-8 săpt.

Nationalism in a Global World
Autor Sam Pryke
13 aug 2009
Preț: 270.57 lei 348.09 lei
3-5 săpt.

Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home
Autor Steve Early
30 iun 2009
Preț: 146.86 lei
6-8 săpt.

Accountants' Truth: Knowledge and Ethics in the Financial World
Autor Matthew Gill
24 mar 2011
Preț: 321.54 lei 351.66 lei
32-37 zile

Community Unionism: A Comparative Analysis of Concepts and Contexts
Editat de J. McBride et al.
14 mai 2009
Preț: 383.50 lei
6-8 săpt.

Nice Work If You Can Get It – Life and Labor in Precarious Times
Autor Andrew Ross
2 oct 2010
Preț: 225.71 lei
6-8 săpt.

Transitions from Education to Work: New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond
Editat de R. Brooks
26 mar 2009
Preț: 389.70 lei
6-8 săpt.

Restructuring Welfare Organizations in Europe: From Democracy to Good Management?
Autor P. Mattei
25 feb 2009
Preț: 387.75 lei
6-8 săpt.

Women on the Line
11 feb 2009
Preț: 1005.04 lei 1225.65 lei
6-8 săpt.

New Capitalism? – The Transformation of Work
Autor K Doogan
22 ian 2009
Preț: 433.95 lei 510.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

Gender, Ethnicity and Employment: Non-English Speaking Background Migrant Women in Australia
Autor Rowshan Ara Haque et al.
19 oct 2010
Preț: 637.59 lei 750.11 lei
6-8 săpt.

Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems V: Post-Proceedings of The AESCS International Workshop 2007
Editat de Takao Terano et al.
28 oct 2010
Preț: 944.82 lei 1152.22 lei
6-8 săpt.

Work and Society: Sociological Approaches, Themes and Methods
Autor Tim Strangleman et al.
9 apr 2008
Preț: 425.43 lei
6-8 săpt.

Marketing Discourse: A Critical Perspective
Autor Per Skålén et al.
15 mai 2012
Preț: 111.78 lei
6-8 săpt.

Global Networks
Autor Robert J. Holton
24 oct 2007
Preț: 773.39 lei 899.28 lei
6-8 săpt.

Globalisation, Modernity and Social Change: Hotspots of Transition
Autor Jörg Dürrschmidt et al.
10 oct 2007
Preț: 830.94 lei 966.21 lei
6-8 săpt.

EU Intervention in Domestic Labour Law
Autor Phil Syrpis
31 mai 2007
Preț: 860.45 lei 1239.51 lei
32-37 zile

What Women Want From Work: Gender and Occupational Choice in the 21st Century
Autor R. Woodfield
Preț: 383.50 lei
6-8 săpt.

Information and Communications Technologies in Society: E-Living in a Digital Europe
Editat de Ben Anderson et al.
19 sep 2012
Preț: 395.37 lei
6-8 săpt.

Organisations, Identities And The Self
Autor Janette Webb
21 sep 2006
Preț: 356.38 lei 434.87 lei
6-8 săpt.

England's Ideal And Other Papers On Social Subjects
Autor Edward Carpenter
26 mai 2006
Preț: 142.26 lei
39-44 zile

Just Business Practices in a Diverse and Developing World: Essays on International Business and Global Responsibilities
Editat de F. Bird et al.
12 apr 2006
Preț: 643.99 lei 757.63 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Laborer's Two Bodies: Literary and Legal Productions in Britain, 1350-1500
Autor K. Robertson
23 feb 2006
Preț: 388.90 lei
6-8 săpt.

Negotiating Gendered Identities at Work: Place, Space and Time
Autor S. Halford
Preț: 381.81 lei
6-8 săpt.

Issues in Career Development (Hc)
Editat de Grafton Eliason et al.
31 oct 2005
Preț: 582.19 lei 684.94 lei
6-8 săpt.

Sociological Perspectives on Labor Markets
Autor B. Furåker
11 oct 2005
Preț: 887.73 lei 1082.60 lei
6-8 săpt.

Human Rights and Development: Towards Mutual Reinforcement
Editat de Philip Alston et al.
29 sep 2005
Preț: 767.84 lei 1156.91 lei
32-37 zile

Creating Successful Telementoring Programs (Hc)
Editat de Frances K. Kochan et al.
28 sep 2005
Preț: 591.36 lei 695.72 lei
6-8 săpt.

Making Globalisation
Autor Robert J. Holton
7 iul 2005
Preț: 772.17 lei 897.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

Changing Places of Work
Autor Alan Felstead et al.
6 apr 2005
Preț: 889.63 lei 1034.46 lei
6-8 săpt.

Diversity in the Work Force
29 oct 2004
Preț: 440.76 lei 724.12 lei
5-7 săpt.

Autor A Aldridge
19 iun 2003
Preț: 167.74 lei
6-8 săpt.

Marco Biagi Selected Writings
Autor Tiraboschi et al.
28 feb 2003
Preț: 1250.92 lei 1713.58 lei
6-8 săpt.

Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy: European and American Experiments
Editat de Jonathan Zeitlin et al.
26 feb 2003
Preț: 859.70 lei 1048.41 lei
42-48 zile

Ethnicity, Exclusion and the Workplace
Autor J. Carter
2 iun 2003
Preț: 639.25 lei 752.06 lei
6-8 săpt.

Women in Non-traditional Occupations: Challenging Men
Autor B. Bagilhole
19 noi 2002
Preț: 640.55 lei 753.60 lei
6-8 săpt.

Russian Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Transition
Autor S. Ashwin et al.
15 noi 2002
Preț: 643.00 lei 756.47 lei
6-8 săpt.

Women and Work in Northern Nigeria: Transcending Boundaries
Autor R. Pittin
15 noi 2002
Preț: 650.69 lei 765.51 lei
6-8 săpt.

Autor Marina Carter et al.
iul 2002
Preț: 675.60 lei 834.08 lei
6-8 săpt.

Casting the Other: The Production and Maintenance of Inequalities in Work Organizations
Editat de Barbara Czarniawska et al.
2 mai 2002
Preț: 270.66 lei 382.05 lei
6-8 săpt.

Managing Employment Change: The New Realities of Work
Autor Huw Beynon et al.
21 mar 2002
Preț: 348.38 lei 425.73 lei
32-37 zile

The Organizational and Human Dimensions of Successful Mentoring Programs and Relationships (Hc)
Editat de Frances K. Kochan
31 dec 2001
Preț: 589.22 lei 693.20 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Work Connection: The Role of Social Security in British Economic Regulation
Autor J. Stewart et al.
Preț: 636.80 lei 749.19 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society
Autor Manuel Castells
17 oct 2001
Preț: 322.57 lei 386.85 lei
32-37 zile

Family and Social Network: Roles, Norms and External Relationships in Ordinary Urban Families
Editat de Elizabeth Bott et al.
10 oct 2008
Preț: 494.54 lei
6-8 săpt.

Dignity at Work
Autor Randy Hodson
9 sep 2001
Preț: 695.93 lei 781.95 lei
6-8 săpt.

Women, Work, and Families: Balancing and Weaving
Autor Angela J. Hattery
15 feb 2001
Preț: 842.52 lei 1027.47 lei
6-8 săpt.

Migrant Women
Autor M. Zulauf
Preț: 637.28 lei 749.73 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Role of Corporate Reputation for Multinational Firms: Accounting, Organizational, and Market Considerations
Autor Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui
29 dec 2000
Preț: 437.31 lei 603.95 lei
6-8 săpt.

Welfare and Work in the Open Economy: Volume I: From Vulnerability to Competitivesness in Comparative Perspective
Editat de Fritz W. Scharpf et al.
30 noi 2000
Preț: 357.62 lei 514.46 lei
32-37 zile

Welfare and Work in the Open Economy: Volume II: Diverse Responses to Common Challenges in Twelve Countries
Editat de Fritz W. Scharpf et al.
6 sep 2000
Preț: 501.83 lei 955.85 lei
32-37 zile

Global Perspectives on Mentoring (Hc)
Editat de Frances K. Kochan et al.
4 sep 2000
Preț: 656.85 lei 772.77 lei
6-8 săpt.

Cottons and Casuals: The Gendered Organisation of Labour in Time and Space
Autor Miriam Glucksmann
14 dec 2016
Preț: 764.20 lei 1239.39 lei
6-8 săpt.

Workplace Studies: Recovering Work Practice and Informing System Design
Editat de Paul Luff et al.
14 aug 2000
Preț: 325.50 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Future of Career
Editat de Audrey Collin et al.
9 aug 2000
Preț: 287.66 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Exploited Child
Autor Bernard Schlemmer
30 iun 2000
Preț: 241.33 lei 275.48 lei
6-8 săpt.

Technology in Action
Autor Christian Heath et al.
11 iun 2000
Preț: 350.97 lei
6-8 săpt.

Why Deregulate Labour Markets?
Editat de Gøsta Esping-Andersen et al.
20 apr 2000
Preț: 938.06 lei 1422.38 lei
32-37 zile

Work and Family: Research Informing Policy
Editat de Toby L. Parcel et al.
6 feb 2000
Preț: 553.81 lei 651.55 lei
6-8 săpt.

Regulation: The Social Control of Business between Law and Politics
Autor M. Clarke
6 dec 1999
Preț: 642.36 lei 755.72 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Changing Nature of Work: Implications for Occupational Analysis
Autor National Research Council et al.
30 sep 1999
Preț: 372.42 lei 404.81 lei
6-8 săpt.

Behavioral Dimensions of Retirement Economics
Editat de Henry Aaron
sep 1999
Preț: 232.27 lei
6-8 săpt.

Positioning Women in Malaysia: Class and Gender in an Industrializing State
Autor Cecilia Ng
Preț: 636.63 lei 748.97 lei
6-8 săpt.

Mavericks in the Workplace: Harnessing the Genius of American Workers
Autor William G. Lee
10 dec 1998
Preț: 341.40 lei 552.89 lei
32-37 zile

In Search of the Unequivocal: The Political Economy of Measurement in U.S. Labor Market Policy
Autor Daniel Breslau
23 noi 1998
Preț: 363.81 lei 478.94 lei
6-8 săpt.

The American Work Ethic and the Changing Work Force: An Historical Perspective
Autor Herbert Applebaum
24 iun 1998
Preț: 438.33 lei 604.53 lei
6-8 săpt.

Social Change and Innovation in the Labour Market: Evidence from the Census SARs on Occupational Segregation and Labour Mobility, Part-Time Work and Students' Jobs, Homework and Self-Employment
Autor Catherine Hakim
26 mar 1998
Preț: 398.92 lei 576.51 lei
32-37 zile

From School to Work: A Comparative Study of Educational Qualifications and Occupational Destinations
Editat de Yossi Shavit et al.
18 dec 1997
Preț: 1323.54 lei 2007.34 lei
32-37 zile

Capital Culture – Gender at Work in the City
Autor L McDowell
6 noi 1997
Preț: 576.52 lei 626.66 lei
6-8 săpt.

Between Equalization and Marginalization: Women Working Part-Time in Europe and the United States of America
Editat de Hans-Peter Blossfeld et al.
7 aug 1997
Preț: 1011.27 lei 1534.28 lei
32-37 zile

The Important Things of Life: Women, Work, and Family in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1880-1929
Autor Dee Garceau
14 ian 2013
Preț: 147.84 lei
6-8 săpt.

Integrating Work and Family: Challenges and Choices for a Changing World
Autor Jeffrey H. Greenhaus et al.
29 sep 1999
Preț: 232.25 lei 339.32 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Changing Shape of Work
Editat de Richard K. Brown
29 mai 1997
Preț: 940.72 lei 1147.21 lei
6-8 săpt.

Change at Work
Autor Peter Cappelli et al.
3 apr 1997
Preț: 316.63 lei 343.04 lei
32-37 zile

Regulation and Deregulation in European Financial Services
Editat de David Knights et al.
6 feb 1997
Preț: 642.51 lei 755.88 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era
Autor Michael B. Arthur et al.
9 aug 2001
Preț: 306.38 lei
32-37 zile

Between Bargaining and Politics: An Introduction to European Labor Relations
Autor Hans Slomp
29 sep 1996
Preț: 346.07 lei 476.48 lei
6-8 săpt.

Care, Gender, and Justice
Autor Diemut Elisabet Bubeck
26 oct 1995
Preț: 1153.02 lei 1755.44 lei
32-37 zile

Young and Homeless In Hollywood: Mapping the Social Imaginary
Autor Susan M. Ruddick
2 feb 2017
Preț: 764.20 lei 1239.39 lei
6-8 săpt.

Health Care's Forgotten Majority: Nurses and Their Frayed White Collars
29 iul 1995
Preț: 436.32 lei 602.44 lei
6-8 săpt.

American Labor in the Era of World War II
Autor Daniel Cornford
24 apr 1995
Preț: 437.67 lei 707.69 lei
6-8 săpt.

Home-Based Employment and Family Life
Editat de Ramona Z. Heck et al.
24 apr 1995
Preț: 439.09 lei 604.96 lei
6-8 săpt.

Anthropological Perspectives on Organizational Culture
Autor Tomoko Hamada et al.
12 iul 1994
Preț: 636.72 lei 826.91 lei
6-8 săpt.

America's Future Work Force: A Health and Education Policy Issues Handbook
Autor Carl W. Stenberg
29 apr 1994
Preț: 309.88 lei 619.34 lei
6-8 săpt.

The Global Economic Mismatch: High Technology and Low Pay
Autor Henry B. Schechter
29 aug 1993
Preț: 437.91 lei 604.30 lei
6-8 săpt.

Inequality at Work: Hispanics in the U.S. Labor Force
Autor Gregory DeFreitas
16 iul 1992
Preț: 600.37 lei 1135.29 lei
32-37 zile

Time for Retirement: Comparative Studies of Early Exit from the Labor Force
Editat de Martin Kohli et al.
28 noi 1991
Preț: 322.89 lei
6-8 săpt.